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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : What Are You Doing Today?
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What Are You Doing Today?

Posted: 14 January 2016 - 09:13 PM
.....that 'future-frisbee' of mine wont let me even see the pics i took of my Mom when she came out for her 80th birthday unless i keep buying 'money cards' for it!!! ....grrrr!!!
I think im gonna just first go through all my clothes and throw out what is fairly obvious...that might be enough....i hope.....ha ha :D
Posted: 14 January 2016 - 02:08 PM
Stuck in second gear sometimes here lately. Dumb stuff happening that puts me behind, plus I'm not sure what to do first. Also I'm semi-sick with sinus congestion and allergies. My sympathies to those of you also under the weather.

Thinking about dealing with my mess right now feels like attempting to drain an ocean with a teaspoon. I do think I'll have a better outlook when I have more energy. Seriously considering a nap. Really the only reason I'm debating is that I worry about being that much further behind later. Yet, I'm not on a strict deadline. But I also know how I procrastinate, so . . .

See how my mind works?

But I'm still checking in with you all and I am going to have faith that that is a sign I'm committed to this. ;)
Posted: 14 January 2016 - 02:08 PM
Stuck in second gear sometimes here lately. Dumb stuff happening that puts me behind, plus I'm not sure what to do first. Also I'm semi-sick with sinus congestion and allergies. My sympathies to those of you also under the weather.

Thinking about dealing with my mess right now feels like attempting to drain an ocean with a teaspoon. I do think I'll have a better outlook when I have more energy. Seriously considering a nap. Really the only reason I'm debating is that I worry about being that much further behind later. Yet, I'm not on a strict deadline. But I also know how I procrastinate, so . . .

See how my mind works?

But I'm still checking in with you all and I am going to have faith that that is a sign I'm committed to this. ;)
Posted: 14 January 2016 - 12:15 PM
Good Morning Everybody :)

Went to town yesterday to get cat snacks and a few other food items.
Spent 48.00
But I did not want to go straight back home.
Wanted to be out and around people.
Went to several locations and got all caught up with folks.
Had a real good time socializing :D
Have a little bit of tidying up around here to do today.
Other than that I can relax and watch this next storm blow in.

Posted: 13 January 2016 - 11:23 AM
Good Morning :)

Hi Karl :)

Hi Tatoulia :)
Feel better real soon (((hugs)))

Hi STS :)

Since Saturday I defrosted & cleaned the big freezer, Sunday I cooked & froze a bunch of food & cleaned the kitchen, Monday I cleaned the house up real good...
I decided to take Tuesday off from life. :D
Really have to go to the store today, we are quickly running out of cat snacks and I am afraid of what the cats will do to me without their snacks.
I will look at the produce while I'm there.
The sun is shining and the sky is clear and blue. :D
This is the calm before the next snow storm.

BBL :)
Posted: 12 January 2016 - 06:53 PM
Hope you feel better soon, Tatoulia. Thanks so much for watching the video... I'll be making more. (A new habit I'm working on putting into consistent practice!)
Posted: 12 January 2016 - 04:09 PM
Have been battling a bad stomach bug so haven't caught up on any posts and my garbage is overflowing. Missed last garbage pickup and stuck with it til Thursday night. BUT, I watched ShedtheShame's video and way to go, STS! Fantastic! And thank you!

Will catch up with everyone soon. Hope everyone is staying well.
Posted: 11 January 2016 - 05:32 PM
I like the idea of a phone that's attached to a person rather than a location, but I don't want to pay each month just to make that happen. (I estimate that it's roughly once every three months that I find myself thinking, "Gee, it would be nice if I had a phone on me right now.") I've been looking into a way to get a cheap phone and free service, but the last two attempts have failed for reasons not well understood.

I have nearly zero interest in using it as a handheld computer with such a tiny screen. Even with the medium-sized screens on the free iPads at the airport, I couldn't figure out how to get them to display what I wanted.
Posted: 11 January 2016 - 05:24 PM

Yes, I have often wondered just how far that tablet of mine would fly.

Posted: 11 January 2016 - 01:39 PM
Hi all,

I loved my Samsung Galaxy Android tablet when I got it in December 2014. Though I still have my trusty old laptop, on which I'm typing this, I was hoping the Galaxy would be like a "mini computer" I could carry around and that on it I'd make immense leaps in progress on my writing and digital art. Plus I started keeping my checking register on it using a spreadsheet app instead of having messy paper registers. And at first it seemed to be working well, I was staying more organized without a million little pieces of paper with chicken scratchings on them.

I also downloaded a ton of games and fun apps. Those provided entertainment when I was done being Miss Efficient for the day, LOL.

Well, little did I know that the tablet's operating system, as well as the apps themselves, would constantly download updates and nearly fill the tablet's available storage space in less than a year! I've deleted stuff, tried to transfer stuff onto an SD card, etc., etc., etc. but I'm fast approaching (wait for it) CRITICAL MASS there too! :O

There is a procedure called "rooting" for these tablets and for smartphones to free up memory that I'm looking into, but it's risky. There are days I wonder if my tablet will be a Frisbee too. It really bugs me that something I had such high hopes for has turned into this complicated thing.
Posted: 11 January 2016 - 12:20 PM
Yes Tillie, i also got one of those stupid tablet things...mine came close to becoming a frisbee over the river! ha ha I like my phone! still trying to develop a plan for my clothes...i need to go into it with an approach...
Posted: 11 January 2016 - 10:54 AM
Good Morning Everybody :)

Hi Anonymoniker :)
And I was given a tiny Android iPad thingy that frustrates the heck out of me and I find absolutely useless.
It now has a thick layer of dust on it because I hate it too much to even bother dusting it.

Soon as I finish drinking my tea I plan to start cleaning the house.
Bathroom, floors, vacuum, dust...
Hoping that having these things cleaned will improve my mood.
Been trapped inside for far too long due to it being Winter.

Later... :)
Posted: 10 January 2016 - 12:58 PM
Tillie, it's true most of us older folks like lap tops but not cell phones. Im one of the few that is the other way around! I end up angry, frustrated or in tears, if not all 3 every time i try to use a computer at the library! One time a friend & i decided to do a lesson trade at the library. When i tried to show him how to use his cell phone, he got uptight, complaining how it doesnt make sense, etc. When it was my turn, i reacted the same way about the ridiculous computer! Then i looked around and everyone was laughing at us! ha ha I never keep the ring volume up on my phone, so i never am bothered by it. I will check texts, tho. I do love texting! Occasionally, if im expecting an important call, ill turn up the ringer and half the time i cant figure out where that music is coming from and i miss their call! ha ha :D
Posted: 10 January 2016 - 12:05 PM
Good Morning :)

Fantastic! Karl :D
You will have your new room all set up in no time.

Hi Anonymoniker :)
I thought you were on a laptop or something.
I have absolutely no idea how a cell phone works.
I refuse to have one with their tiny fussy buttons and teeny little screens.
Plus people can call you anytime or any place.
Sounds so horrible to me.
Good luck with your clean laundry project! :D

Got the freezer all defrosted and cleaned yesterday.
Today I plan to make a big batch of "spaghetti" sauce.
Some will be used today on this curly type pasta and the rest will be frozen for use later.
While that is simmering I will clean up the kitchen.
Tomorrow I really MUST clean the house. It is really getting squalorous with all of us locked inside day after day due to the snow that keeps falling.
At least the snow stopped long enough yesterday that my laundry was able to dry on the clothes line. :D


Posted: 10 January 2016 - 11:31 AM
WAT TO GO, KARL!!! HOW EXCITING!!! hoping to get some clean laundry put away today....
Posted: 10 January 2016 - 01:23 AM
Box shelves are good now. Game bins are properly arranged, too. The new place has a hanging closet organizer with five compartments; I've found things to put in three of them so far. More empty space keeps becoming available as I clear stuff off of the floor.
Posted: 09 January 2016 - 09:50 PM
Tillie, i think those directions must be for a computer. Even if the were for a cell phone, id be too scared of it programming something weird and me having to go back down to the cell phone store and beg them to fix it for me or ill end up having yet another meltdown in their store...ha ha Thank you anyway, tho! ha ha :D ;D :D
Posted: 09 January 2016 - 07:34 PM
To copy...
Put the cursor to the left of the very first word.
While holding down the "left click" button, drag the cursor down highlighting all the text in blue.
Then click on control "ctrl" and c at the same time.
Your text should all be saved.
To paste...
Place the cursor in the text box, that's the space here where we write.
Then click on control "ctrl" and v at the same time.
Your text should appear all in tack right here.

Go ahead and try practicing here, it's ok, honest. :D

I'm no computer whiz and I learned because it drove me crazy when I kept losing my posts.
Posted: 09 January 2016 - 01:37 PM
Hey Karl? Are the boxes unstable cuz of carpet on the floor? I had that happen once & just put down a board under them.and it stabilized the stacks!
Tillie, i am so low-tech, i havent a clue how to copy or paste?!! I end up at my cell phone store almost every month cuz i cant put the card on my phone! ha ha
Posted: 09 January 2016 - 11:37 AM
Good Morning Everybody :)

Hi Karl :)
Good luck finding the center of gravity with your stacked box shelving. :D

Hi Anonymoniker :)
After I write a post I always "copy" it before I try to post my reply.
Many times the first try does not work for me but having "copied" it first I then only need to "paste" my post in the writing space before reposting it again.
Many of us have learned to do this due to there being this glitch with this system.

Light snowfall around sunup this morning.
Now the sky is clear and blue.
Hung out some laundry on the clothesline to freeze dry.
Had some company while I was out there hanging laundry, the resident skunk came by then slowly ambled off.
Thinking about defrosting the freezer today.
It is a small upright deep freezer located in my pantry.
This is the best time of year to do this because all the frozen food stays frozen in a box on the porch.

Posted: 09 January 2016 - 12:51 AM
Having some trouble restarting "Project Vertical" at the new place -- the box shelves seem to not be very stable. I'll try reordering them by weight.
Posted: 08 January 2016 - 11:21 PM
.....i just spent almost an hour typing a post that wouldnt take...then i shortened it, in case it was too long...that didnt work either....dangit...lets see if this one takes...hi to all! I like the sound of everyone's new projects and ideas! :D
Posted: 08 January 2016 - 05:05 PM
Thanks for the welcome ^_^

Go, Marty ☺ One of my two cats is going in next week for a big dental cleaning. He'll be feeling the pain in his mouth; I'll be feeling it in my wallet.

Yesterday I made a little video about what I do at the beginning of the year to try to keep track of payment due dates, if anyone's interested.

Preparing for the New Year

Tatoulia, the video I made previous to the one above is about the kitchen sink ☺ It is amazing how a clean sink can improve your mindset so much. Keep it up!

I find that if I go for stretches of time without tossing things in the trash, it's really challenging for me to do again.

So now I have a goal to toss at least one item a day that is difficult for me to discard. Put an app on my phone called "Don't Break the Chain." It's used to visually track your daily goal. Each day you meet your goal, an "X" goes over the calendar date. The idea is that once you see the chain of red Xs growing, you're less likely to break it.

Naturally, I look for something on the easier end to discard ;) But if I keep this up, over time I'll be forced to choose from more difficult items.

Hope it works!
Posted: 08 January 2016 - 04:13 PM
Good to have some new folks aboard - welcome Arggg and ShedThe Shame.

Tillie, glad to hear Marty is doing better. I love cats and hate dentistry, so I feel for him! Give him a pat for me.

Arggg, I get the winter depression too, especially when too many days in a row are cloudy and dreary, as they have been lately. This is the time, where I live, when that weather pattern can settle in - though sometimes we are blessed with sunny days to break it up. Next week's forecast looks better here; I'm glad about that. Hope you also get a weather break and a lifting of depression soon. :)

Some people think I'm an empath, but I think I'm just empathetic and too sentimental for my own good. I definitely attach too much emotional weight to cards and gifts and mementoes, to the point where now I try to discourage folks from giving me any. Dealing with the ones I already have is going to be the hardest part of this journey, methinks.

ShedTheShame, I have a friend who goes to decluttering group with me who is big into recycling and struggles with that environmental worry. I have done some recycling in the past, but right now it's not my first priority, though hopefully I don't generate a whole lot of recyclables. I do try to pass along things such as magazines to the library bookstore or the thrift store, and clothing and miscellaneous to the thrift store. Having a home of my own again, which is my huge and far-off dream at this point, might be an opportunity to do more diligent recycling in the future.

My "thing for today" is laundry - two loads, in process as I type this, and while they are going, I plan to work on my financial records which have been frustratingly behind, leading me to not know what checks are pending and get nasty surprises when I check my bank account online. :P

I may not get a chance to post till early next week as I'm going on a road trip over the weekend, but I'll be back. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Posted: 08 January 2016 - 12:09 PM
Good Morning Everybody :)
Wrote a post yesterday but before I finished my internet went down and I lost the post.
Then I got busy taking care of Marty (the cat) and doing other stuff.
Sorry :(

Hi Tatoulia :)
Wishing your Mom well and how wonderful that the Aides are helping keep down the clutter. (((hugs)))
For all your hard work! And keeping the sink clean does make things easier as well as looking good too. :)

Hi CriticalMass :)
Keep calm and carry on. ;)
It does get frustrating when too many things demand our attention in all different directions.
All we can do is try to handle the most critical/urgent things first and hope to get to the lesser ones eventually.

Hi Arggg :)
Way to go! tackling that drawer.
Good luck with all your plans.

Hi ShedTheShame .:)

Snowed most all day yesterday.
Probably why the internet here went down.
Marty (the cat) has been eating well and is recuperating nicely. :)
Few minutes ago a huge Hawk hit the house while capturing his breakfast. He caught it and doesn't seem to have injured himself in the process.
But all the cats are fascinated watching him from the windows! :D


Posted: 07 January 2016 - 11:08 PM
Sorry the depression and anxiety are hitting you hard, Arggg. Winter weather doesn't help my depression at all.

Good that you took on the drawer of emotionally-charged items. Earlier this week I just spoke to a researcher in area of hoarding, and he described what you did: concern with the feelings of objects. I fall in the other camp, ethical concerns such as "What am doing to the world/environment?"

If you don't mind my asking... when you put an item into the shredder, do you feel bad for it? Like you're hurting the item?

Often I think we're the victims of our own sensitivity and thoughtfulness. Too much of what are generally considered admirable qualities, I suppose.
Posted: 07 January 2016 - 02:20 PM
Doing what I do every day - making a Herculean effort to fight depression and anxiety. It's not going so well today. Cabin fever from the snow, partly.

I've been concentrating on one drawer and it's full of emotionally charged stuff - letters, cards, etc. I want to throw most of them away. Still, I feel terrible. Though I'm technicallly a hoarder, I don't feel emotional attachment to things the way some people do, but I feel emotions coming from the objects themselves. I believe I'm an "empath" - someone who absorbs feelings from people, objects, and places. I don't know how to control it. Hopefully I'll learn.

I have a shredder and today, all of that junk in my drawer is going into the shredder, into the garbage, or into a thrift store donation box. Once it's gone, it will be out of my mind. A very few items will be saved and stored.

Boy, it feels good to talk about it, anyway!
Posted: 07 January 2016 - 11:24 AM
Making an effort to be calmer yet more productive. In the last couple of weeks, I was very wired. A combination of post-holiday overload, a surge in creative ideas which was fun but dizzying, and the usual day-to-day. Yesterday and today were at a less frenzied pace and I'm trying to just take one thing at a time now and get it done, then move on to the next thing in the queue.

So, today, I shall get the trash out, do a small errand run, maybe make some phone calls, and after that decide what of the rest to tackle. There's a lot of "the rest" and it's a jumble. But I really want to work on not being thrown into a tizzy by the number of things to attend to.

I don't mind some multitasking if I initiate it - doing something while the laundry washes, for example. What gets me rattled is when I need to do stuff away from home and at home at the same time. Or stuff at the computer and housework at the same time. Then it's harder to decide where to start.
Posted: 06 January 2016 - 04:34 PM
Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!

Congratulations, Karl on your new home!

Sending love to all of you including dear Marty the Cat.

Working away on getting rid of stuff. Feeling better all around. Mother has been sick and in the hospital. She is home now and her aides are doing a good job of getting rid of her papers and trash and other stuff that piles up, so that's been an unexpected bonus of having mom's house less cluttered.

Have been keeping the kitchen sink clean and clear of dishes. Absolutely amazing how having a clear sink has improved my mood. My life seems easier with a clean sink. Who knew?!?
Posted: 06 January 2016 - 12:24 PM
Hi :)

Marty (the cat) was at the vet all day yesterday having some oral surgery done.
Today I am trying to keep him comfortable and warm and trying to get him to drink a little water.
Other than worrying about Marty, I haven't done much of anything else.

Posted: 04 January 2016 - 11:52 AM
Good Morning Everybody :)

Hi Karl :)
Wishing you all the best in your new residence. (((hugs)))

Hi CriticalMass :)
Every January I get myself a calendar with daily squares that are big enough to write in.
I write down important things on it and keep it hanging on the side of my fridge.
I also use sticky "Post-It" notes bought at the Dollar Store almost daily as reminders of stuff I want/need to get done.
I keep the notes stuck on the table where I will see them all the time to remind me.
It feels very good when I can finally rip a post it note in half and throw it away because whatever it's for has been accomplished.
I used to write big and little "To-Do" lists and they would get scattered all over and sometimes get lost but most of all they would just depress me to look at them because there was too much demanding my attention.
Three or four sticky notes is a do-able amount of "Must-Dos" and I am more motivated to do them. :)

Hi Roxie :)
Wishing you all the best in this new year. (((HUGS)))

Finally, he's gone back to work after all this time off for the holidays! :D
I need to get back into my usual daily/weekly schedule.
Still can't do laundry until the daily highs get warmer than the 20s.
My new Blu-Ray player has a lot of fancy features factory installed.
There is a button to play YouTube videos on the tv rather than watching them on my laptop.
Also, there are other apps with hundreds of other videos and movies to watch and music and radio to listen to and games to play.
I spent almost a whole day looking through the apps and still haven't found everything this 50.00 Blu-Ray player can do.
Dangerous time waster!

Wishing everybody all the best this fresh new week in this fresh new year all the best the world has to offer!

Posted: 04 January 2016 - 11:00 AM
Hi, everybody, such a delight to see all of you posting again! I'm not up for individually addressing you today, but consider yourself hugged and coffee clinked :::clink:::

I've fallen behind on things and mean to do better soon. I see the doc this Friday and will go from there. I feel lucky to get my meds into their proper daily bins for the week, and to get a pair of pants down the laundry chute. Also bagged up two more grocery bags of books. I don't even want to try to list what I still need t do. grrr

Bright, sonny day today...first sun in quite a while. I miss the blue skies and sun of the south.
Posted: 04 January 2016 - 10:34 AM
Thanks, Tillie - since I do have OCD (ask any of my friends, they'll tell ya, LOL) I'm not always sure if I'm carrying the details too far! I can overthink just about anything. I guess the fact that I felt good and righteous over the plan suggests that I am indeed on the right track with that.

Today, though, I'm struggling a bit - there is a lot of "incoming" - things to remember, events, things to catch up on. I'm feeling extremely mentally overwhelmed. At the risk of labeling things too much, this time I will say it's my ADD that's being a pain in the butt. I'm going frantic trying to jot down ideas and things to do before I forget them. Last year I bought my android tablet and was going to get away from little notes on scraps of paper. But the thoughts and chores and events and inspirations and what-all are coming in so fast, I feel bombarded, and I'm back to little scraps of paper.

I do enter the scraps of paper, and throw them away, though, at least most of the time. So that's something anyway. But I'm feeling stressed. Wanting to keep on top of things in the new year is my driving force but I have to figure out how to do it without feeling my blood pressure rising with the frantic overwhelm. So any prayers, encouragement, etc. are most welcome. And I hope you all are feeling a good flow and not feeling overwhelmed. So glad to have you here and know that we're all in this battle and we're gonna win, gotta keep believing!
Posted: 04 January 2016 - 12:36 AM
Moved into new home today!
Posted: 02 January 2016 - 07:15 PM
WAY TO GO!!! Dave :D
So very, very happy the deceased rabbit no longer resides with you!

Somebody somewhere has a copy of everything ever written.
Scary! :0
Posted: 02 January 2016 - 04:04 PM
Re: dead flat cats!
I've ruined my budding image as hoarder.
I threw away my dead rabbit.
Posted: 02 January 2016 - 03:57 PM
Just a copy?
Someone we know has copies!
Posted: 02 January 2016 - 01:59 PM
Good Morning Everybody :)

Hi CriticalMass :)
No, that's not really OCD.
Writing lists and mentally preparing for what you plan to do is a very good way to manage your future plans.
WAY TO GO! on doing all that other small stuff too! :D
The small stuff really adds up to make a big improvement.

Hi Dave :)
For getting rid of the things you no longer want or need.

That is how is goes for everybody.
We declutter and organize an area and later go back and find even more things that we are now ready to let go of.
I am still holding on to my copy of Merriam Webster's dictionary because sometimes I am not online and might want to look up a word. ;)

The temperature here this morning was down in the 40s today, and that was inside the house. :/
Outside, it was 5 degrees.
Not a good week to hang wash out on the clothesline.
I can hang clothes in the house but don't have room for bigger stuff like bed sheets.
This is why I have extra Wintertime bedding.
No place to go and only some usual daily stuff to get done today.


Posted: 01 January 2016 - 06:39 PM
Magazines and newspapers are nice first or early step items. In my experience, (although this violates the OHIO rule you spoke of, after I made a first pass and cleared out a bunch of those, the next time I had to look at things because I really wanted to make some space, I found that some books I couldn't part with before could now be parted with. Just recently I cleared out some more old magazines that "had" to be kept 3 years ago.
Posted: 01 January 2016 - 06:21 PM
I hope this isn't too OCD, but I think it'll be a good thing if I can keep from getting perfectionistic about it. I just like to think and plan, especially with big confusing things, so . . .

Made a file in Word to make a list of the stuff I have and hope to keep. Since the majority of it is in the storage unit at this time, I am relying on my memory at this point. But it's pretty good.

Then I'm making a list of the items I would like to obtain if and when I am able to move to a place of my own. That will be quite awhile, but I'll need things like a bed and a few pieces of furniture. The reason I'm listing these is so that I can think about how much can reasonably fit in a given space. A few years ago I was renting a small apartment and in trouble with the landlady because of having too much stuff. So it's kind of a reality check - X amount of stuff will fit in Y number of square or cubic feet, and don't forget you'll need to allow for Z, and that any excess violates certain laws of physics. ;)

When I get out to the storage when the weather is decent I'll be able to pull out things to get rid of and list more things that will be kept. There will also be a process ongoing of storing these "keepers" neatly instead of in a jumble as they currently are.

So anyway, this feels really promising, like some kind of breakthrough. Lest anyone think I'm only dealing in abstracts, I'm also currently going through magazines and stuff to get rid of here at the house. And other small things as Tillie suggested. :)
Posted: 01 January 2016 - 01:12 PM
Hi CriticalMass :)

We all know that the decision making of decluttering and organizing causes a lot of anxiety and stress.
This is why we say to start with small easy and quick little projects.
They will still cause anxiety but it will not last long, honest.
As we work through projects we will start to notice that the anxiety and stress levels will become lower and last for shorter amounts of time.
We say to start with the easiest decision making tasks like bagging up anything that you know is obviously garbage like empty food wrappers and used tissues.
As we progress to more difficult areas our tolerance levels for the stress and anxiety are much higher.
It is a lot like planning to run a marathon.
First we start with short walks and gradually work up to longer walks, even going up hills at times.
Then we start jogging a bit and work our way up to actually sprinting.
We need to build up our decluttering, decision making and organizing muscles the same way.
Slowly working through the anxiety and stress and being able to see all our successes along the way.
Just like training for the marathon, there will be bruises, sprains and strains along the way but try to always keep the finish line in sight.
Posted: 01 January 2016 - 02:00 AM
(hope this isn't duplicate post - had tech difficulties again...)


Good luck with those kitties! At least they are mousers. Some just want to bring the mouse in and let it go.

I found out some information that might help me with some anxiety issues that aren't directly related to hoarding but that would be a relief to be able to know what I'm dealing with and brainstorm better ways of coping. My overall stress level would certainly diminish if I could attack my panic triggers at the roots.

So that's a hopeful thing going into the new year. As regards the clutter, wanting to see if I can learn to do the "OHIO" (Only Handle It Once) rule more.
Posted: 31 December 2015 - 11:26 PM
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Everybody :D

Way down at the bottom of the main page in
"Hoarding Safety"
Sue has an announcement that you may be interested in.
Posted: 31 December 2015 - 06:26 PM
Wanted to wish you all a happy new year!

Good to see you, Dave! (WTG, Marty!)
Posted: 31 December 2015 - 11:48 AM
Good Morning Everybody :)

Hi CriticalMass :)
YEA! that the government form has been turned in! :D
Good Luck with all your plans this week.

Hi Dave :)
Wonderful to "see" you.
Great advice you have to give.
Wishing you all the best this New Year has to offer. (((hugs)))

Sorry I was away for so long.
Somebody gifted me with a nasty virus, head cold type misery.
Feeling a little more human today. :)
Yesterday Marty (the cat) caught a small mouse in my garden and after tossing it around for a while, killed it.
Then he waited for me to tell him what a wonderful big brave kitty he is and get some belly scratches.
The other day Twinkles (another cat) was playing with a mouse in the grass.
At night when I turn on an outside light you can see dozens of mice scurrying around.
We are over run with these plague infected rodents because the snakes are hibernating until Spring.
Every day I check to make sure none have made it past my barriers and gotten inside the house.
Unfortunately, Scooter (another cat) keeps trying to remove the steel wool I have packed into the holes where the plumbing enters the house.
He wants the mice to come in so he can play with them.

It's snowing again/still.
I need to get some food, so I will have to brave the snow and go to the grocery store.

Everybody stay safe and stay warm this last day of 2015. :)
Posted: 31 December 2015 - 09:01 AM
I was thinking something along those lines too, Dave, thanks. :) Moving in a hurry this year and ending up shoving important papers into bags along with unimportant has been beyond annoying. I need to find the things I need to find in the Ginormous Mountain 'O Papers and yes, file those neatly and where they're easy to find.
Posted: 30 December 2015 - 01:27 PM
Hi all, stopped by briefly, hope you are all well and having a pleasant holiday season.

Critical Mass,
read down a few posts and noticed your comments about papers. You can also sneak up on the "ginormous stack" from behind by preparing a few critical 2016 file folders to catch the new year's papers. Critical depends on individual situations. For me that's files for Health Ins bills, Income tax receipts and a few banking and property insurance records. If there are pre arranged accessible buckets; the papers don't disappear into a pile when they leave my hand. (and I'm down to about a day and a half to get to the file folder box!)
Posted: 30 December 2015 - 12:15 PM
This is a repost, more or less...I think the first version didn't go through.

Well, I missed posting yesterday; I was helping my roommate with a project and had errands to run. This morning I had to go turn in that govt form and they're only open till noon but I made it. Later though I think I'll do laundry, which has been neglected too long, and that'll help me feel better and also clear a bit of space.

Good luck everyone with whatever you are tackling today too.
Posted: 28 December 2015 - 01:33 PM
Good Morning Everybody! :D

Hi Roxie :)
A relaxing rain check dinner sounds very nice.
Make sure to do that! (((HUGS)))

Hi LR2014 :)

Hi Anonymoniker :)
Staying in with the boyfriend is a wonderful way to pass those really cold days. :D

Hi Tatoulia :)
Thank you (((hugs)))
"CLINK!" a Martinelli's toast! :D
Your desk sounds absolutely beautiful!

Hi CriticalMass :)
Mentally facing the challenge is and has always been the very first step of decluttering and organizing.
The second step is to then break it down into smaller, more do-able tasks.
We get so overwhelmed when we look at EVERYTHING that needs doing.
Smaller bits are very do-able though.
This is when a timer set for 5, 10 or 15 minutes really helps to get things started.
Another good way to start is to tackle one small area, even a foot square to begin with.
Since you have so many papers to sort out and organize perhaps just doing 5, 10 or 15 pieces in a session would help.
We are all here to cheer you on and celebrate with you all your successes large or small.

Hi to everybody :)
Posted: 28 December 2015 - 09:45 AM
I'm back, and this time one way or another I'm going to do more than just breeze through. In fact, I'm going to try to post something each day. As some may know, this has been a rollercoaster year for me and whether up or down, super busy.

I had a form to fill out and that made me have to try and find other papers - know the feeling? That caused me to have to confront the Ginormous Mountain of Papers and Stuff. I fear that if I don't get more serious again about decluttering I'm going to backslide. The first step is just facing it mentally. Right now even that is like, ugh.

But. Not facing the problem is not going to make it magically disappear. So here I am! It's good to be among those who understand, and all of us helping one another out.
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