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Posted: 24 February 2015 - 09:35 PM
I worked in the kitchen this morning, washed dishes, put away, then made soup, washed everything after soup started cooking. Just now had a bowl, so happy I made it. Spent over 2 hours in kitchen. Then outside, heavy winds, saw several wobbly fence areas, so wired fence to posts, and watered all trees and shrubs. Then climbed my tree. Then I clipped branches in center of tree so easier to climb, got a little carried away, now can easily climb. I got all the way to the top, then saw a bird nest. No birds around, not sure if birds use same nest as last year. I want to put a few boards up there so I can sit up there, not on the nest side. Climbing trees was my favorite thing as a kid, second childhood.
Posted: 24 February 2015 - 08:57 PM
Congratulations, Diane! Excellent work. Your post is inspiring. Thank you. Tillie, thank you for your thoughtful post--although admittedly the only thing I focused on was daffodils!
Much love to all from the cold, snowy northeast.
Posted: 24 February 2015 - 09:49 AM
Hi Everyone I did get all dishes done yesterday, put away this am. Now have to wash yesterdays dishes, at least only a few. Had my last class yesterday. 16 week class on "good grief", really did see how much grief hoard has caused me. Saw how old childhood beliefs have stayed with me and now it is clearly a choice to stay there or change. Tired of being a "victim". Even dirty dishes victimize me!!! I have made the commitment to set the timer everyday for a 15 minute session of work inside the house to make it comfortable for me. At least 15 mins, many days will be much more. The new realization was I have used military torture to get myself to do things in the house, now plan to use loving guidance to make things better and more livable. Who thought it could be fun to clean house? I love a good challenge so my challenge is to enjoy my 15 mins of cleaning, because it is to make life more peaceful.
Posted: 24 February 2015 - 09:30 AM
Good morning :)
Hi Diane :) Yes! take a picture of the clean kitchen. This really does help to remind you that it can be done and how nice it is when it is clean. Pictures also help you to see things better, like what is out of place or needs more attention. I really like to see before and after photos because I find them to be inspiring. :D
Hi Roxie :) You are a great inspiration to your brother to stay focused. We here all still have a need and a use for you right here with us. Hoping your doctor, test and OT visits go quick and easy for you today. (((hugs)))
Hi Tatoulia :) WAY TO GO!!! on starting some shredding! :D Doing some maintenance daily keeps things from becoming major chores. Even just five, ten or fifteen minutes here & there every day makes such a big difference. Finding a system and schedule that works for you and developing the habits may take time but it is well worth the effort. :D
Hoping today is not as bitterly cold as it was yesterday. Really want to get in a few hours of yard work today. My daffodils have flower buds already from that warm spell we had. Off now to do a few daily tasks, mostly cat related. :D
Posted: 23 February 2015 - 03:14 PM
Roxie! I'm glad to hear from you and it is amazing how sometimes having a "witness" helps us to not indulge in hoarding activities. Please, dont think of yourself of not having much use. I can assure you I find your friendship very important as I try to clean out my house, support others as they clean out their homes, and try so hard to not purchase new things. You and the others here have helped me get rid of 20 bags of donations from my home, a large (I forget the dimensions--10' by 10' or 10' by 12') storage space (over $350 a month, mind you) and you have given me a place to just be myself and be okay. You are needed, loved and appreciated!
Tillie and Diane, thank you for the tips. I started to shred some papers from the massive pile on my coffee table. I also cooked dinner for my mother and I will drop it off soon. Once I'm back I have lots and lots of dishes to do. I have to work harder on making maintenance a general thing, before it becomes a big thing.
Well look I just stated the obvious. But I mean it. I want maintenance to be an "of course" so that I will see the other stuff that needs to be done. I did stare at my bookshelves today in search of a book I could get rid of. I came up empty, but I'm fine, since I really got rid of so many last year.
I will continue to plow through the coffee table. And then I can do my taxes.
Posted: 23 February 2015 - 12:29 PM
Even staying with my brother, I can see my hoarder tendencies in action, which means I have to police myself more. The biggest deal has been staying on top of the boxes of medicines every time they get changed in some way.
I have seen my actual presence in the house give a boost to bro to clean up some of his own act re things like loading the dishwasher, doing taxes, paying more attention to his own meds. I don't call his attention to it, but I'm glad to see it. He keeps the house clean. He tends to get sidetracked and I think I've helped keep him on task a few times. So I have some use still.
Off to doctor tomorrow for echocardiogram, followed by home visit of OT and nurse.
Hugs to you all.
Posted: 23 February 2015 - 11:11 AM
Good Morning Tat, hear you loud and clear about motivation!! Tillie thanks so much for the reminder, action comes first, then may feel motivation, or not, but will accomplish things. I forget this over and over and just get anxious and go outside. This morning will clean kitchen and take a picture and post in kitchen as reminder it can be clean. Tillie I was thinking about you alot this week. Sometimes it feels like the blind leading the blind with no hoarder being able to keep a clean house, even after professional clean outs. You are not a hoarder but your insight about how your hoarders behavior affects you, helps me be more objective about how my hoarding affects others (neighbors). So happy this site was designed for hoarders and all affected by hoarders to give us the full picture. Tat, lets get rid of a couple of things this week, we do have too much stuff. Love to you both this morning. 15 mins of cleaning starts now
Posted: 23 February 2015 - 08:59 AM
Good morning :)
Hi Diane :) WAY TO GO!!! washing dishes and fixing things outside.
Hi Tatoulia :) Motivation usually follows action. Do one small thing. Even if it is just finding and tossing out one piece of trash. Congratulate yourself. Then find one more small thing you can do, and so on and so on... When you see that you have accomplished something positive this should motivate you to continue on. For the meowing I usually resort to Whiskas Temptations cat treats. They will clean the tartar off your teeth and help prevent hairballs. ;)
Monday, so today I will clean the house. :)
Posted: 23 February 2015 - 08:46 AM
Good morning everyone! I took yesterday off, did nothing and didn't end up feeling all that great. I'm keeping kitchen okay but the coffee table is worse than ever. I still own too much stuff. And I think that mentally I can get rid of it, I just physically need to stand up and start doing it. Everytime I drove by the old storage facility, I still can't "look it in the eye" and them I remember I cleaned it out. I don't feel tired or exhausted or mentally unprepared, I'm just lacking motivation. Any and all suggestions welcome.
Diane, Tillie, oh how I'd love to work outside today. I never once thought I'd be someone who'd be sick of the snow and cold.
Roxie, I'm thinking of you and sending you my best wishes.
Any suggestions welcome to get me moving again! (Side note: autocorrect just changed "me moving" to "meowing" -- so if you can help with either!!)
Posted: 22 February 2015 - 06:55 PM
Hi Tillie, did you have some fun today? I fixed some things outside, today, all day. I need to go get food, maybe tomorrow. I am still wanting to stay home to avoid shopping and avoid people. Two steps forward then one step back. I washed a bunch of dishes., cleaned sinks.
Posted: 21 February 2015 - 10:08 AM
Good morning :)
Hi Diane :) I'm jealous! :D Been wanting to paint stuff so bad for the last several weeks. LOL After I get the yard Spring ready I'll get into his big hoard of paint cans and find some good enough to use. Will also be a good chance to find & toss the dried up paints. I was thinking of using some big wood rounds as a boarder to separate sections of the property.
Wondering if he has any plans for today, like fixing the fence maybe? I seriously doubt it. My plans for this weekend are to lay low and reserve my strength for tackling the garden area this next week. Want to set that huge old tree stump on fire but it is so big that it would burn for days. HaHaHa
Everybody take care and try to enjoy the day. :)
Posted: 20 February 2015 - 09:44 PM
Roxie, so good hearing about your progress, sounds like your spirits are up, even though life is difficult. Tillie, good to hear from you daily, helps me seeing you back on here. Yesterday work was a long day, I mean llllooooonnnnngggggg day. Today gave myself permission to work in yard, paint boards. Also painted some big wood rounds that I will use as stools, around fire pit, they are pine and a little pitchy. I talked myself into going for a walk. Felt naked walking without a dog, painful, did it anyway, because would like to feel better. Sorry to hear weather is still so bad for you in the Eastern US. Take care of your self. Hugs Diane
Posted: 20 February 2015 - 09:57 AM
Good morning :)
Hi Roxie :D Hope the Dr. appointment went well. Sounds like you are doing FANTASTIC getting your strength back. Keep up the great progress and thank you for the update. (((hugs)))
I ended up napping most all yesterday afternoon then fell asleep early last night. Slept in this morning to. Must have been tired. lol Need to clean the kitchen his morning. Other than that nothing else needs immediate attention. Hoping today I can stay awake. :)
Posted: 19 February 2015 - 01:15 PM
I have to head out to dr's appointment this afternoon. Thankfully it's the last one this week. This is a new one I'm consulting to see if she can do a couple tests (like colonoscopy) and consider removing my gall bladder. But I don't think Medicare covers gall bladder surgery unless it is "urgent."
Mostly I'm getting through many dr. visits (cold outside!). I have had to, over a couple days, sort through my list of medicines, match it to current prescriptions, etc. Hard to do with so many and with so many changes in prescriptions.
Working at home with home nurse, occupational and physical therapists. I can walk for awhile without a walker, but will still borrow a wheelchair when I don't know how far I have to walk. Just glad I can walk now whereas I could not for weeks.
Love you all.
Posted: 19 February 2015 - 10:12 AM
Good morning :)
Hi Tatoulia & Thank you :D WAY TO GO!!! for keeping up with the kitchen and laundry!!! Those kinds of maintenance tasks really make a nice/big difference around the home. The meatloaf really hit the spot! :D
Hi Diane :) WAY TO GO!!!! for having such a fun and busy day outside! :D Hoping you are eating and sleeping properly so you don't get too stressed with the clinic work schedule. (((hugs)))
Stiff & sore today, gee! I wonder why? lol ;) Been assessing all the yard work I need to do. Rake out flower bed areas. Thatch the lawn. Rake out and reshape wells around trees & bushes. Spread fertilizer (composted steer manure) around to everything. Tired just thinking about it. Maybe I will start doing all that next week. Mr. hoarder is really pizzed about the stump removal. Because now he has to re-do a small section of fence. This "fence" he put up was ticky-tacky falling over, not straight or any good to begin with because he tried to get it over/around that old tree stump rather than taking out the stump. And he used old dried out rotted 4by4s as posts and they won't stay upright. And he is pizzed because he now has to deal with the stump if he ever wants to move one of his derelict vehicles that haven't moved at all this century. He is lucky I didn't leave the stump blocking the driveway so he would have to move it just to get his car off the road. Yes, I am that evil. ;)
Anyways, today I plan to do nothing except fun stuff. Maybe sew or beads and watch movies and eat meatloaf and potatoes. Wishing you all a GREAT day! :D
Posted: 18 February 2015 - 07:57 PM
Tillie, what a day you had, get ready for a lazy day tomorrow!! Tat so happy you got to work from home today, sorry the weather continues to be a beast in your area. Today was our last warm sunny day so you can guess what I did, yep, outside all day, cleaning, burning, painting. made a nice fire in the pit, so much fun. I work at clinic tomorrow so now am going to shower and wash hair, and a good meal. So happy I have you and this site, so affirming!! And I like you dog gonnit.
Posted: 18 February 2015 - 07:30 PM
Wow, Tillie! What a day! Congratulations on getting so much done and great to have the neighbir's help. Enjoy the meatloaf--I bet it is delicious!
Not much to report here other than I'm keeping up with kitchen and did a lot of laundry today!
Posted: 18 February 2015 - 06:00 PM
Hi everybody :D
Great to read all your posts! :D This is the first time I have had a chance to sit down all day. Got up at 5:00am. Fed cats, gave them fresh water, scooped litter boxes. Sautéed mushrooms, got dressed. Went outside, got the shovel and dug out a HUGE old dead elm tree stump. Had it all loose, jumping on one side made it juggle but it was too big and heavy for me to move. Neighbor saw what I was up to, came over with his truck & chains, pulled the stump right out for me. Then he helped me shovel the dirt back into the massive hole. So very very nice of him to volunteer to do this. I then gathered up three buckets full of stones, carried them around to the back and used them to fill a large rodent hole undermining the house foundation. Came back inside, showered & washed my hair. Did laundry, hung that out. Washed & diced a bunch of potatoes and mixed up a meatloaf. Have that all in the oven right now. I am really hungry and tired and sore but feel satisfied with all I accomplished today. Moving the stump and filling the rodent hole were things Mr. hoarder was supposed to do but I got sick & tired of waiting for him to do it or any other maintenance around here. I left that tree stump in the drive way, behind three of his derelict vehicles for him to deal with. Wonder how many years it will sit there. ;) But anyways, now my little Ash tree has all the room it wants to grow without that stump in it's way. :D
Posted: 18 February 2015 - 08:44 AM
Thanks for the great suggestions, everyone! I do love the snow it's just getting to me this year--still on the search for some spring flowers to bring home, will write more later. Working from home today and debating whether to keep my dr appointment, will have to see how I feel in the afternoon.
I too am sore from walking and shoveling and need to stretch today, Diane.
Everyone, keep up the good work! I am so happy I cleaned my kitchen the other day. What a pleasure to have it clean and clear,
Posted: 17 February 2015 - 09:44 PM
Ok! We now have it all worked out for Tat!
She skis and carries the snowshoes. When she gets tired from skiing, she sets the snowshoes down on top of the 9' snow bank, precisely over the bus stop bench, to rest. The snow shoes prevent her from falling into a snow well.
(I've never skiied either. My snow experience is mostly limited to inches or being blown around on ice on the insterstate (In my car). I would freeze and/or starve in the great white north.)
Posted: 17 February 2015 - 08:31 PM
Hello all. Tillie sounds like you had a long busy day and rest is needed. Tat, sorry to hear how tired you are, it is so difficult in that weather you are having. Dave, I found snow shoes so much work, easier to cross country ski, probably not great in the city!!! Brutal winter for you. Today was sunny all day and I goofed around in my yard most of the day. So much happier when I do not have to go anywhere. Returned 3 phone calls today, only one person was home, so got off easy! Tomorrow will be another sunny day, strangest winter. About an hour organizing stuff today washed dishes, ate healthy food, tired of feeling bad, and I know eating right helps me, also plan to do some stretching tonight, have been lifting and moving heavy things, and body needs stretching. Hope you are all getting some time to keep warm and sleep well.
Posted: 17 February 2015 - 07:42 PM
Tat, Maybe you need a pair of snowshoes. Although I think I've read that when you are learning those they are just as hard or harder than walking.
You are way beyond my experience and what I can imagine. If you are having that much trouble, I am very sure the older folks you are bringing medicine to are most appreciative.
I hope you are able to get rested and gather your strength for tomorrow.
Posted: 17 February 2015 - 07:21 PM
Hello everyone. Very tired here--too much snow to slog through. Tillie we have plenty to cure your drought! I can understand needing to relax after being in a city. I've lived the city life for more years than I can remember and it is wearing on me. Diane please don't be so hard on yourself. I know what it feels like to lay in bed at night and regret something that I said or to feel badly about something someone said about me. Please know that you are wonderful. The way you take care of the dogs and yourself and others and us here.
Dave, if I had the strength I'd pour a little cocoa now. But walking to and from work in the snow has really knocked it out of me.
Hello to everyone.
Posted: 17 February 2015 - 09:09 AM
Hi :D Three cheers for chai masala!!!
Posted: 17 February 2015 - 08:58 AM
Glad to hear the "new" car continues to motor on! Hope you enjoy your beverage of choice this AM.
Posted: 17 February 2015 - 08:52 AM
Good morning :) Wonderful to read about all you've been up to. Left home early yesterday and went to the city. Came home late. Need to clean the house today but mostly need to decompress from the hectic atmosphere of the city. Too many people, too much traffic, too much loud noise. Frazzles my nerves and scrambles my brain.
Posted: 16 February 2015 - 07:29 PM
Hello all. Loved gluing the sox together!!! Still smiling. Good way to prevent loners, tough to walk though. I washed dishes this morning ate junk food, went to class. I interpreted something said to me, as a judgement, and came home feeling like crap. After 2 bags of microwave popcorn, realized that reading posts might be a better idea. Reminded of why I started over shopping and hoarding. I find it extremely difficult to be with people. I have had lots of good experiences with people, but have anxiety when around people and read things into what people are saying, looking for proof I am disliked. Knowing this, it is just easier to minimally interact with others. I keep thinking I am aware enough to not be paranoid then I goof up again. Shopping and stuff every where worked for years to keep people away, now I prefer to have space to live. More good days than bad, although today sucked and I forgot I can change how I feel, and start enjoying myself right now!!!
Posted: 16 February 2015 - 07:01 PM
I just found an open 2lb bag of Stouffer's low fat animal crackers and 3 packets of Arby's sauce to go with the marshmellows. I will have to send them by messenger though because I am going through waves of feeling good and feeling bad for 3 days now. I have to keep the cleaning going regardless-i haven't decided whether to try the gym tonight.
I can't find any dates and I already discarded the newspaper artifacts, but I think the ones in the box with the crackers and sauce were 2001. :D :D
I put 3 belts, 2 dinosaurs and a pair of St Patrick green little kids knit gloves in outbound. I still have the cash register drawer and money and the batman breakapart crash car.
The rolling McDonald's double hamburger from 2002 is really great. The meat patties spin while the burger rolls.
(I have a seasonal verification code too! It ends in W2S.)
Posted: 16 February 2015 - 06:25 PM
Well, for all the joking, I now have my just desserts. (The author of a book about koans quoted a person appearing in one of the chapters as saying something like "We get what we deserve, whether we deserve it or not".)
I have to open up two telephone jack areas for a repairman by Wednesday AM. I have spent a couple of hours working on some boxes from the basement, to try to make a shelf space for some of the things around the main jack.
Not entirely successful with that, but made some progress in at least consolidating two rubbermaid containers into one and two copier paper boxes into one. I sent a quantity of 1996 and 1997 hometown newspapers to the recycle cart.
Posted: 16 February 2015 - 01:01 PM
Update: 40 minutes. Included scrubbing stove, shredding all papers which had gathered there, sweeping floor and gathering recyclables. Very pleased!
Heading to pharmacy now to get people what they need. Don't feel like it but it's sunny and that is a blessing.
Posted: 16 February 2015 - 11:25 AM
Good morning, everyone! It's actually just last noon here in the East Coast. I went out this AM and worked on the ice out front. Our gutters are making huge icicles --everyone is having giant problems and I've decided not to get upset, it will work itself out soon enough and money can fix the problem, so I'll just not focus too much on that.
Channelling our Tilllie, I am issuing a challenge to myself today and if anyone would like to join in, please say the word!
I will go put all dishes away, wipe off kitchen counters and clear away any papers, etc out of the kitchen. Now, I have a small galley kitchen with no table in it. And I bet I can do all of this in 20 minutes, it's not a race, mind you, I'm trying to prove to myself that it takes no time at all.
Mind you, I ran the dis heather yesterday or the day before, and I didn't empty it, and all of my other dishes are now hanging around. Where they do not belong.
Roxie, do not try anything stressful like vacuuming. This isn't a challenge to tax ourselves, it's a voluntary challenge to learn that it's really not time consuming to pick up our socks or put away he cleaning supplies in the bathroom or change the roll of toilet paper and throw out the old tube.
Anyone care to join me?
Socks on the brain
Posted: 16 February 2015 - 11:00 AM
Diane I had to pause and reread, I thought I read: "I glued some socks together ...."
Tillie Now that's a caution. More trees than socks. What's a body to think about that?
Posted: 16 February 2015 - 02:42 AM
Roxie, I'm glad you are able to be with your brother so he can give you the care and support you need right now. Continue the baby steps in regaining strength and stamina. Vacuuming can wait. :)
Tillie and Dave, great work on getting all your outdoor work done! There's been some winter damage here but it will have to wait for warmer weather before I get out to move branches. We can't burn here either so I can chop and bundle for street pick-up or I can take the load myself to the yard waste area of the dump. Some heavy cement animal grave markers have fallen over. Not sure how. A wing broke off a dog. It looks sad sticking out of the snow.
Tat, it's nice that you can still get out in that deep snow to take care of people. They are very fortunate to have you!
Diane, WTG for all the hard physical work you got done outside! I would love to see your rock stacks, they must look beautiful! Such a serene setting you are building as you sit by the campfire. Continue to feed your soul. :)
Posted: 16 February 2015 - 02:20 AM
My Tat!
Yes, the corner of a dirty bed was no fun. It's messy again but not as bad and it is smelly as am I. It's far too easy during these dreary months to let things backslide. Tomorrow I must shower and put on a clean t-shirt. The blankets smell like cat and damp dogs so they should be washed too. Ugh.
The kitchen needs work again. Laura loves hot chocolate in the cold weather which is easy enough in the microwave. But too many dirty dishes have piled up and the sink is full of stuff soaking (for a long time). That's ok. I'll get to it.
Winter is always very hard for me as it is for so many people. At one time I loved the grey and cold when I was a moody, artistic, young rebel. I loved being alone on a deserted street listening to the quiet hiss of snow with a little sleet. And I loved it when I was a young mom and celebrated all the holidays and loved the snow days when the kids and I could go sledding or stay in and bake up a storm. Now it holds too many painful memories, my bones are way too old and I am frightened at being snowed in with no electricity, heat or water. Years ago someone had to push thru with a large truck, cut away part of a fallen tree that was pushing into the garage and get me to the hospital where I stayed for over a week with kidney problems. Laura and the animals were alone and she refused help from her father or sister because of the state of the house. So yeah, winter is no longer a fun time in these parts.
Snowing again for you with no place to put the snow. Yes, that is a nightmare. Stay safe, stay warm, take good care of yourself as you take care of others.
These are the times when I reach for every bit of help I can get from every place whether it is more contact with family, more reading, more web posting, more prayers alone in church. I also joined Project Beyond Blue, a depression support group. Therese Borchard wrote Beyond Blue, Surviving Depression and Anxiety which I had read years ago. Lots of great subgroups there ~ the highly sensitive person, pet lovers, nutrition and mood, cognitive behavioral therapy, etc.
Of course the danger in all this casting about for support is that it takes time away from just getting the housework done. Maybe it's all a backfire reaction to trying to do too much at once last summer. Mindfulness, baby steps, gentle firmness, balance, recognizing when I hurt and trying to address it rather than soothe it with hoarding.
Bitsy said, "I don't know how to live." She could have been reading my mind. I'll probably never know how to live like all the people I admire who seem to have been born with that skill. So I have to never give up and continue along in my own bumbling way, forgiving myself and not lose my sparks of hope and faith.
So good to hear from you again Tat!!
Posted: 15 February 2015 - 11:09 PM
I'll join you by the campfire, Diane! Tillie, are you in? You too Dave. I'll bring marshmallows.
Posted: 15 February 2015 - 10:15 PM
I am celebrating, my post showed up, can't stop me now!! This morning I did my homework for class tomorrow. Took 1 hour 15 mins, then spent 1 hour 15 mins organizing stuff in here and washing dishes. Washed work clothes and hung out on line. The rest of the day was outside. I chopped some BIG pieces of firewood with ax. I felt so proud of myself for whacking those monsters. Took a ripped up tarp off a pile of 2x4's that I chop up for kindling, and organized pile neater and more solid. Then found stuff to get rid of in yard. A guy stopped over yesterday and I was so embarrassed about some yard tools in odd places, messy. So today was motivated to finish some cleaning up and putting away things. the word squalor came into my mind several times today, it is an ongoing process to get my life in order. Baby steps is better than no steps in the right direction. The last hour of daylight, I glued some rocks together in stacks, art sort of, did it by fire, was such a luxury. Ok enough about fun. Warm thoughts going to each of you.
Posted: 15 February 2015 - 10:04 PM
Hello everyone, so great catching up on your lifes. I tried to post a few days ago, 3 times, kept disappearing, so tonight really want to say hello. Tat I want to apologize, my weatherman said our warm weather is causing your cold weather!!! We already had such miserable weather so I can relate to all of you easterners. I am so grateful we are having over a week of sunshine, it is record setting as was the cold, strange weather. Past two days I made fires in fire pit and pretended I was at a campfire!! My yard is looking good. I did not go to the squalor web site, although I am happy it is helping so many, know I can get support here. Thanks to all of you for sharing your ups and downs. I am so fond of you, reading your posts warmed my heart tonight. I have avoided drama recently. So was a little upsetting reading some of the other threads, so will stick to this thread.
Posted: 15 February 2015 - 09:58 PM
Dave, it's crazy here with the snow. I love the snow and I love big storms. This year I worry less than previous years because my trash hoarder no longer lives in squalor and he has a nice clean place to live. So although he complains re boredom, I no longer worry and cry.
Oh for a sled to take me to work! The walk in has taken me over an hour each morning. Completely insane but at least I can work from home several days a week.
It is fun and scary and boring and other things all at once. It is not, however, motivating, I need to work on that!
Before this last storm, the snow was taller than me. Now it's just out of control.
Posted: 15 February 2015 - 09:22 PM
Roxie, Let your brother know your forum friends are grateful he is providing you shelter from the storm and respite from racoons and exploding pipes.
Roxie, I hear your concerns about the "grimness" of your financial situation. I don't have any spiffy words to allay your fears. Maybe for the moment it is enough that you have a bed, a blanket, can breathe and have a chance at some hot soup or chocolate.
I have a little Buffalo china restaurant mug. I wake up in the middle of the night having to go to the bathroom with my sinuses welded shut and my hands hurting like hell. I heat up some water and put a little bit of instant hot choc. powder in it and sometimes it helps me to feel better. (In fact I set it out on the stove tonight with a little Chocolate Rasberry powder (from 2008 :) ) for the wee hours in the morning.)
Walking and strength are good too. You'll get there. Dave
Posted: 15 February 2015 - 09:01 PM
so we just picture you dashing off to work in a white cloud, riding your snowblower through 9" of snow. :) :) :)
(It sounds like some folks really appreciate you. you are very generous.)
Posted: 15 February 2015 - 08:03 PM
Hello everyone! I cannot believe that you are doing outdoor work! We are buried in snow and have had FIVE work snow days in huge last three weeks. Luckily I could work from home so now real backlog at work. I love the snow but find as I get older that I'm not as willing to walk in a blizzard as I used to be, although I will tell you I walked downtown in the midst of a big snowstorm to have dinner with a colleague who was stuck here (works in a different office, out of state).
I am puttering these days, which is ultimately helping. General puttering and the coffee table is still buried. But the puttering around is doing me good-- polishing dining room table! Keeping up with dishes, keeping counters clean and clear. Have taken some things to goodwill but the sidewalks to my parking garage are just little goat paths at this point so I can't really take anything to the car. I've been picking up meds for elderly neighbors, and that makes me happy. Worried about some of my "people" but have kept them in food. Cannot really take anyone out since it is difficult to drive. But I try.
Hope you are all well--oh, and let me just say Roxie!!!
Keep up the good work everyone and I'll send you a few feet of snow if you'll send the sunshine my way. I need some bright flowers to perk me up. Did not get usual Valentine's Day flowers from BF due to the fact that deliveries are iffy at best right now. But he did have some beautiful soaps for me and my skin feels nice.
Posted: 15 February 2015 - 07:12 PM
Thanks Dave :) WAY TO GO!!! :D for getting your clippings processed!
No tree shortage here where I am located. Looking out my front window I can see over 50 trees on my property. Never counted them before. LOL And there are a lot more trees out back and in the side yards. All the squirrels in my area are the ground type, gophers & such. Yes, there is a big problem with the logging of all the old growth trees and the taking of dead trees that have established nests for owls and other forest creatures. Good luck with that mulberry, sounds like a real booger.
Posted: 15 February 2015 - 05:44 PM
WTG with the clippings! We're not allowed burning so I have to ship mine out.
Re gravel: you are doing a gentle service for the world about you in providing some trees to help the air. (I think there might have been an article in the Nevada Nugget about the winter crisis in squirrel condominiums in your area due to logging operations :) )
Colder weather is beginning to be really hard on me-maybe more about that another time. There was a warmer day the end of the week-didn't get out until chillier evening, but got another batch of stuff cut for my trash cart this coming week.
I think Mulberry trees might be a symbolic tree for hoarders. I have a 5' high "stump" buried within a fence that I have tried to top off again (with a hand saw). I have to string 100' of extension cord to get a drill motor out there to get fence pickets off and to run the electric chainsaw (which is also still broken) so I am not getting the problem fixed at its root. At any rate, there is a large proliferation of little branches and they go off any which way, whereever the tree chose to put one down.
Posted: 15 February 2015 - 03:55 PM
HEY DAVE! I got the rest of my pruning clippings all gathered up and moved to the side yard. Still a whole lot of work to be done out there. Would be so much easier if I just had gravel and no plants or trees. :D
Posted: 15 February 2015 - 09:59 AM
Hi Tatoulia :) Take care with all that snow! Thanks for letting us know and happy Valentine's day to you too. :D
Posted: 15 February 2015 - 09:56 AM
Hi Roxie :) Great to hear from you! Sorry to hear you went to hospital again. :( Wonderful that you are feeling better. :D All message boards, forums and comment sections I regularly read have been very slow with new postings the last few weeks. Seems to go in cycles. People get busy in real life and the interwebs slow down. Sounds interesting reading about Truman. :) Take care and please keep in touch.
Posted: 15 February 2015 - 08:37 AM
I went to the hospital about 3am on Tuesday with breathing problems. Got home again Friday afternoon. I really have to stay out of the hospital for about Medicare coverage to "fill up" again or I have t pay out of pocket. Gee, thanks. What if I have another heart attack or stop breathing? :( Meanwhile, I'm feeling better, thanks.
Seems like folks are not posting as much, which is sad. I am working on recovering strength and stamina and very slowly relearning skills like vacuuming (not that I have done it yet). Baby steps. My brother has been very good to me both prodding me along and taking care of me.
I'm reading a biography of Harry S. Truman which is interesting as he is one of my heroes from history. I didn't realize he was such a bigot, but there were many splendid things about him. I think he was the last President with any integrity.
Posted: 14 February 2015 - 08:08 PM
Happy Valentine's Day!
been dealing with a lot of snow--missing you all and will catch up soon!
Posted: 14 February 2015 - 07:21 PM
Hi Dave! :D
Busy day for me today. Went shopping. Bought 3 new summer weight night gowns at the thrift shop. They still had the tags on them. It was a bag sale day so cost 4.00 total. Then went grocery shopping. Mr. Hoarder did extremely good at the thrift shop not buying much at all but still wanted to fill the grocery cart full at the grocery store. He still has way too much food from previous shopping trips. I always buy almond milk but today there was cashew milk so I decided to try that, tastes good. Came home, washed the new night gowns, made egg salad for sandwiches. Played with the cats out in the garden. The bees are all awake, looking for food. I was busy removing over two dozen bees who had gotten inside because I had the door propped open. These bees are docile and are used to pollinate the alfalfa fields and other crops. Looking forward to spending the day outside again tomorrow playing with the cats and maybe even do some yard work. :D
Posted: 14 February 2015 - 11:44 AM
My yard must not have been bee habitat. I never had any trouble with the bees while hunting 4 leaf clovers.
It seems like I found a 5 leaf clover once.
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