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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : What are you doing today
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What are you doing today

Posted: 08 September 2014 - 11:28 AM
To Tat ~

What a burden being the go-to person. I wanted to be her, and I was her, and now I'll leave that to someone else. I don't want to have a bunch of #{%^¥ junking up my house because some day, some one, be they friend or stranger, might possibly need one of the six million things I bought in the last 19 years. It's a relief. These things exist in the world, I tell myself, at places called stores. I don't need to warehouse this stuff any longer. Other parts of my hoard have a different story, but my 'just in case stuff" has all been cleared out. I'm fortunate that I don't have a moment of regret. And today was a good test of that.

I hope repeating what you wrote came out in pink! I wanted it to stand out! That is some of the best stuff I have read in a long time! YES!!!
Posted: 08 September 2014 - 08:00 AM
Diane, Grace and Sheryl , I wasn't on chat last night but hope to see you all here posting on the boards. I take great strength from my fellow hoarders and I very much enjoy my friendships here. I

To Diane, my dear friend, I have signed on to chat a handful of times. I am comfortable hearing other people tell their stories and trying to offer some support. I am less comfortable when it's my turn. It can be a busy place and I haven't found it to be a comfortable venue for me.

I respect your wishes and do not want to pressure you, but please don't leave the message boards!! Pretty please!! You are important to me, and I bet I'm speaking for a lot of people right now.

That said, please know from the bottom of my heart I do want you to do what's best for you. And if taking a break is best, I support you and I understand.
Posted: 08 September 2014 - 07:38 AM
Thank you all in the Sun meeting. Remember that no one is perfect but we are growing.
Posted: 07 September 2014 - 11:19 PM
I was in the chat room tonight and can understand how you feel! This was my 2nd time and it gets a little hectic; especially for the person who only has 15 min to type!! Think about your decision, maybe you have now helped the group to set some ground rules; when it's someone's turn. Think about it??!!
Posted: 07 September 2014 - 10:05 PM
Just wanted to say I am sorry I lost it in chat tonight. I find it difficult to focus when interrupted. Looking back I should have just signed off. I often focus on others and solving their problems, and it is difficult for me to ask for help. The 15 min. chat time is usually a good exercise for me to focus on myself and look at my accomplishments and goals for the week. When continually interrupted I became more and more anxious until I could not concentrate at all, all I could think of was "SHUT THE X UP". Being on this site has saved my life this past 1&1/2 years. Maybe it is time to let go of the group and problem solve on my own. Having ADHD is no fun and distractions are difficult to deal with for me. I will try to talk myself into posting on message boards, not sure if I will be able to return to chat. Wish you all well on your journey.
Posted: 07 September 2014 - 08:28 PM
Diane, I loved being the person who had everything. Need this? Take mine! Then I began buying stuff in anticipation of someone, anyone(!) needing it. Then I bought multiples of things, in case someone needed it. Then it turned out my beautiful place was junked everywhere. And the second I realized that I'm trying to be everyone's hero, I was able to let it all go. This happened a few months ago, when I was forming my friendships here. Something snapped.

What a burden being the go-to person. I wanted to be her, and I was her, and now I'll leave that to someone else. I don't want to have a bunch of #{%^¥ junking up my house because some day, some one, be they friend or stranger, might possibly need one of the six million things I bought in the last 19 years. It's a relief. These things exist in the world, I tell myself, at places called stores. I don't need to warehouse this stuff any longer. Other parts of my hoard have a different story, but my 'just in case stuff" has all been cleared out. I'm fortunate that I don't have a moment of regret. And today was a good test of that.
Posted: 07 September 2014 - 06:44 PM
Hello gals, great to sign on and read your posts, was feeling a little isolated. fun day today painting things, you name it I painted it, just because. cleaned up most of it, creeping clutter seems to sneak up from every direction, thanks for discussing it. did dishes again today.
congrats tat for having no more extras in case people need it, I still have stuff for others, so helps to here it is ok, to just get rid of it, but makes me so happy to give it when others need it, even if I waste 2 hours looking for it to give it to them. then I get grumpy because I do this for them and do not take care of myself, how silly is that, so much easier to get rid of extras and say, nope, all gone.
I watered this morning before painting. finally washed car mats, hung them and now they are dry and ready to go to car, they were so dirty, had been vacuumed in past a few times but never washed, really need to be replaced, huge old coffee stains. Good enough for now. did not get much done of any substance, just using up more paint before it freezes. the chinese red shelf is outside freezer room in walkway and looks so cool, gloss red, so fun to do creative things. also painted a wood mirror frame/shelf same red yesterday and hung that today on other side of door, looks like it was planned. Plan to put shelves up in garage with some of the boards I painted today, already have brackets.
Posted: 07 September 2014 - 05:46 PM
Great to read everyone's posts. Thank you Tillie for discussing creeping clutter. I cleaned off my dresser this AM and will take care of living room tonight. Congratulations to LR for having an extra large shredding bag! Diane, thank you for your kind words. Greatly needed. And of course hello and thank you to everyone!

I was cranky today because I spent the entire weekend taking care of everyone but me. No time left to get to storage and I was getting grumpy. Then, I had a moment that only a struggling hoarder could appreciate: My mother asked me if I had a planter so she could re- pot a plant. And I said, no, I hot rid of everything. I no longer have things just on case someone should need them. I felt fantastic. Completely fantastic and proud of myself. Not an inch of guilt. I felt proud.

Thank you all. You got me here. Now I have to continue to work. Including finding time to go to storage, which would actually be fun for me. Fun to get rid of stuff and to be able to get to a smaller storage space, with an eye toward complete elimination.
Posted: 07 September 2014 - 11:17 AM
Creeping Clutter

Yes, clutter is very sneaky and can grow so fast.
Kind of like toadstools happening in the lawn over night.
Clutter happens to me too. It happens to everybody.
We all must keep on the lookout for things starting to clutter up spaces where they should not be.
My kitchen counter is in the center of the room. It divides the kitchen area from the living room area.
I use it all day every day to do just about everything I ever do in here.
If I am not careful and clear the clutter regularly during the day it could very easily become overwhelming.
The dresser in my room sometimes has stuff placed on it to be put away later when I am in a rush and don't have the time right then to put stuff away properly.
This has to be done just as soon as I see it later and have the minute or two to put stuff away correctly.
Some things I pull out to use like the vacuum, broom, bucket, etc. become floor clutter if I haven't yet put them away after I finish doing the cleaning job.
My sewing/crafting projects will become clutter if when I have finished for the day and the stuff still sits where I left it.

This is why it is so very important for us all to defend our cleared areas.
Periodically throughout the day look around, see if you can spot the small stuff that if left there will grow over night into a major clutter monster.
Posted: 07 September 2014 - 10:58 AM
Good Morning Everybody :)

Hi LR2014 :)
What a big weight off your shoulders now that all that stuff is shredded and gone. :D
Keep up all this GREAT progress.

Hi Diane :)
I have my fingers crossed and am optimistic about the leak proofing you have been doing.
GREAT job, doing projects around the home to distract yourself from shopping. (((hugs)))

Very quiet around here this morning.
Cats have had their breakfast and have gone off to nap.
He's gone off to town to hang around with his man friends and tell them all just how wonderful and perfect he is as they all gossip and put down everybody who isn't them.

Need to clean the kitchen today. Took yesterday off from housework and the kitchen has suffered.
Neighbor is scheduled for some major back surgery on Monday. I will be looking after their pets, mail and home.
She should be home by Friday and her husband should be home sooner unless she needs him close by.
The hospital is in Reno which is a far commute from here.
We do have a small hospital out here but you are just taking chances with your life if you ever go there.

Hope to "see" you tonight in the "Online Support Group"

Posted: 06 September 2014 - 05:45 PM
LR, Tat and Tillie, reading your posts, made me smile, so happy things are going well and tat that you are so honest, creeping clutter is not our friend, but sure tries to be.
Fianlly dishes are all caught up. Think I finally found the magic combination to stop drips in walkway. Poured water and it looks good, now just have to finish attaching my inventions!! It makes me smile when I look at the way I use my crap to patch things, including coated stove pipe, not up to builders standards, but they said there was no answer to leaks, we will see if it holds when winter visits. Painted white around my red door to freezer room. I had painted it tan last year, but wanted white around chinese red. Beautiful day enjoying my little projects, just have to talk myself into finishing it and not just jump to next thing. During this break I came up with lots of things to do rather than finish fastening pieces around pipes of walkway. I think part of me likes the drama of leaving things undone, and see if it falls apart. Whats that about? Oh, typical addict behavior. Several thoughts of acquiring today, to avoid doing the hard part. Tat your post helped me. I would like an aversion to acquiring, but just knowing you are stopping helps me. LR sounds like you got through those boxes. Tillie you continue to make the best of a bad situation, inspiring.
Posted: 06 September 2014 - 01:59 PM
Happy Saturday. Good to read everyone's posts.

I took my shredding to my "shred place" this morning. I had gathered so much that it was too heavy for me to carry all at once. (That's a happy thing . . . got lots more stuff than usual shredded!) Yea!

Might post more later, but I wanted to share that little tidbit. Hugs to everybody.
Posted: 06 September 2014 - 10:38 AM
Good Morning :)

Hi Diane :)
YEA!!! that you got to sleep in! :D
How wonderful that you painted things RED!
Love RED, my favorite color. I painted my front door RED.
WAY TO GO!!! for finding fun things to do at home and staying away from the yard sale. (((hugs)))
I always feel that if the neighbors have a problem with my color choices it's their problem, not mine. snicker snicker ;)

Hi Tatoulia :)
FANTASIC! that you are donating stuff and not stopping in to see what's in there.
Make it a conscious effort to see, feel and appreciate all the new clear spaces in your home.
This will help you when the temptation is there to buy things.
The more we buy, the less clear, clean, serene space we have in our homes.
Good Luck with your storage space. :)

Well, finally got some sleep last night.
Yesterday I got some gardening done, wanted to do more but was just too exhausted to continue.
Want to get some groceries today.
Have no plans to do any chores except the usual daily stuff.
Next week I start on my "Fall Cleaning".
Soon it will be too cold here to do some things and I need to get them done while the weather is still warm enough.
Hose off the outside walls, wash windows & screens, wash the back porch, wash/wash/wash lots of outside stuff, etc....
But today and tomorrow I will rest up & take it easy. :)

Remember to smile, laugh, dance and sing a little. :)
Posted: 06 September 2014 - 08:18 AM
Sounds like you had a great day, Diane! Good color choice for the freezer room door! You got so much done AND you avoided a garage sale! You did a great job. I have passed up all street sales since I met everyone here. Have only gone to Goodwill to donate, haven't wandered back to see what China or glass treasure is waiting for me. For now, I feel an aversion to acquiring stuff. I hope it lasts, for I still have a long way to go. Tomorrow is supposed to be better weather (we are having a blast of hear and humidity here) so I vow to go to storage space.

I see the clutter creeping back into living room and into bedroom dresser. I need to address this.

Have a wonderful day, everyone!
Posted: 05 September 2014 - 09:23 PM
Thanks for the support Tillie. Waking up at 5am is not a lot of fun for you, hope your day went ok.
I slept in for the first time in weeks.
Went up on roof and did about an hour of work. My friend that I got the digital camera a year ago is having her annual garage sale today. She asked me to come and visit with her, I said I might. Well I knew I would come home with stuff I do not need, so happy hoard knocked some sense into my brain!!! Had to talk myself into staying home by bribing myself to shop at home and do some painting. I painted the freezer room door Chinese Red, gloss enamel, so fun. Then painted my flower petals red that I cut out of sheet metal from roof, cute. Painted a board same red to use as a shelf. Fun to paint. Painted the white roof coat grey so doesn't stand out so much, neighbors had complained about how bad it looked, did it for myself, not them. The brat part of me enjoyed annoying neighbor that complained, the one that smokes and tosses butts.
I did not get much done, things that matter, mostly just had fun today. Friend emailed and asked where I was today. I just said I painted a door and myself. I really like staying home and doing fun stuff and avoiding garage sales.
Posted: 05 September 2014 - 09:03 AM
Good Morning Everybody :)

Hi Diane :)
WAY TO GO!!! for all you got done there! :D
Have fun, relax and enjoy the clinics.
Remember to go easy on yourself as you adjust to the new schedule.
It's perfectly alright to just do the usual daily maintenance along with self care.
But most important is to enjoy this time out and around people. (((HUGS)))

He woke me up at 5:00am because he locked his keys in the truck and needed my key so he could open the truck & get his keys.
He has another set of keys but can't ever find them, lost in the clutter.

Since I am up I got some things done in here and soon will go outside and water and start working on some more weeding in my garden.
I am looking forward to getting out there and digging around in the dirt. :D

Posted: 04 September 2014 - 09:52 PM
Hello all, great reading your posts, thanks. We are so lucky to have each other.
Today was my first clinic this year, it was great, really enjoyed it and the gals I worked with. took a shower yesterday, 4 loads of laundry, so nice to sleep in clean sheets.
tillie I assume you did get dressed yesterday if you accomplished all of that work.
I noticed I was stressed this morning and tried on so many clothes, wasted over an hour, instead of just wearing what I had out to wear. It was good to pull out all the clothes, now will have to deal with them. My plan is to do what you said tillie, try them on and keep what I really like, will need to be on chat work to be willing to let go of a bunch of clothes.
Thanks tillie for support on big bedroom, I am getting close to being sick and tired of all the clothes, belts, purses etc.----------. Tillie you said to go slow this week so thought of that as the hoard buried me. I say I will do what others suggest, knowing it is a good plan, then start working on something totally different. After work today, I said just do something fun, so I worked in the yard, needed that outside time. Took all the roofing shingles that did not fit in garbage last week and got them in garbage for tomorrow, so happy that will all be gone tomorrow. Still have some of the boards that turned in to sawdust from roof, but that can go next week or burn when burning is allowed.
Garbage cart is full to brim, threw some things away for practice, cups, no chips or cracks, would have to wash to donate, so tossed them. I put a fire wood rack on deck that I used last year but took off deck in spring. Got most of roofing supplies off roof, including the boards I used to walk on. Still a few things to fix up there, almost done.
A filling fell out of a tooth this afternoon so I have to call dentist tomorrow to make an appt. to have it filled before it rots. Sick of dental bills.
Thanks again for all of your posts, so great to feel like I have a group of friends to discuss our progress, ups and downs.
Posted: 04 September 2014 - 04:39 PM
You really are a marvel, Tillie. You embody my favorite saying, which is, the soul's highest calling is to be if good cheer. I'm not sure if that's attributable to Keats or Yeats or another poet I studied in college, but I strive to live by that phrase. And you are living proof it can be done.

Roxie, the walkers with the seats are marvelous. Some of the people I take care of have them and they are terrific. I'm glad you stood your ground and insisted on one. As to packing up and going to your brother's, I can understand. What I suggest is think about it. Take your time and think about it. If I were being pressured, my answer would be an immediate "no!" So take a little time to mull it over. Being pressured makes it so I can't even think. If your answer is still no, then so be it. It'll be your decision and not a reaction to pressure.

To everyone, I enjoy your posts. You are helpful and strong and good friends. Meeting you has made a measurable and positive impact on me.
Posted: 04 September 2014 - 01:35 PM
Thank you Dianne (((HUGS)))

I used to not be able to deal with these attacks but I got help.
Dr. Michael Tompkins, author of "Digging Out".
On the A&E message boards back when "HOARDERS" was still on the air.
The things he wrote to me helped me so much in how I now deal emotionally with this.
Bless him for his truly kind and generous spirit.
(((Dr. Tompkins))) :)
Posted: 04 September 2014 - 12:56 PM
Tillie, I swear to God you have beyond human strength!

{{{{HUGE HUGS}}}}
Posted: 04 September 2014 - 12:19 PM
Good Morning Everybody :)

Hi Tatoulia :)
YEA! For all the found money! :D
WAY TO GO!!! for having a clean functional kitchen and cooking for someone who really must have appreciated it! :D

Hi Roxie :)
Hope they bring you the walker you need right away.
If you really do not want to be away from home a whole month then stand firm in telling everyone so.
I know that for me a month away from my home would be very stressful both mentally and physically.

Hi Diane :)
WAY TO GO!!! for starting on the big bedroom! :D
I know it is discouraging to get into an area like that and seeing just how much more work you need to do even after all the fantastic hard work you have already done around your home.
Clutter, reclutter happens. But the more you work at tackling the clutter the smaller the clutter monster will become.
Hang in there and remember to pace yourself and be proud of every single accomplishment, big or small.

Hi Dianne :)
I knowhow it hurts to be disrespected that way.
Many times people have done/said some extremely nasty things to me.
They see all his cluttered, dirty hoard on the property and assume I made the mess and that I should just get off my lazy butt and clean it all up.
They never say that to him.
They never see my front garden or the clean inside of my home.
They never take any time to get to know me and I personally don't care to know them, these nasty rude inconsiderate cretins.

Today I have the day off.
Yesterday I washed, scrubbed & sanitized litter boxes.
Swept floors & porches.
Watered outside.
Cleaned the bathroom, washed the floors, vacuumed the carpet and dusted.
Pulled some weeds.
Cleaned the kitchen.
Did some laundry.
And a bunch of other little tasks then took a shower & went to bed where I was too wound up to relax and fall asleep.
Was sleeping in this morning and the phone woke me up to let me know he had not paid the phone bill and service would be cut off.
They call every month to tell me that. :(
Anyways... today I will relax and work on some sewing projects.
Posted: 04 September 2014 - 10:52 AM
Hey Roxie,

I've seen those walkers with a seat. Some also have a small carry-all area. They are a wonderful help.

Why do you not want to go to your brother's home for a while?

Posted: 04 September 2014 - 10:31 AM
My oldest brother made me an offer and a plan to shut up my house here and move up to Minnesota to his house for a month "or so." Problem is, I feel pressured from all sides to do this and I do not want to do it.

Thanks for listening to my anxious whining!!

I called the supply co. that delivered this walker and told them to come get it, that I needed a seat on a walker or a walker was useless. We'll see what they come up with.

Emptied the dishwasher and start going around picking up dirty dishes so I can run the dishwasher today. Need to shower/shampoo today as I have dr. appt. tomorrow. I rounded up some trash and have more to get bagged and out the door today.

Water clink, today.

Posted: 03 September 2014 - 06:46 PM
Hello everyone! Good to read your posts! Hooray for all of the good work. Thank you for the "happy dance" Tillie! Yes I did get into that closet. Took the two little bags of coins I found in there to bank--$29.97! That brings my total take (so far) to $33. I keep telling myself there's $100, and I'm a third of the way there!

Roasted a turkey for a person who is a shut-in today. Counter space! Clear sink! Clean fridge! Well I won't go so far as to say cooking a turkey was a joy, but it was great in my nice clean kitchen! And I cleaned it up immediately.

Dianne, the story of the friends tossing their trash into the back of your car resonated with me. Just so upsetting. Just socked me in the gut.

Diane, you are so industrious. I know how discouraging it is to be a hoarder. We all do. I swear sometimes I get tired just from reading all that you've accomplished. Keep your chin up. You're doing great work.

LR, keep up the good boxes work. Funny, I used to stuff papers in boxes and feel like I'd straightened up. And now, I realize that the boxes were just clutter dens. None left in the house, will see what evil lurks in my storage spot.

Hope to hear from all of you soon. Thinking of Roxie and Bitsy and Karl and sending all my best to everyone here.
Posted: 03 September 2014 - 10:52 AM
Good Morning :)

Started the watering outside, fed the cats their breakfast.
Been reading articles on the interwebs.
Today I need to clean the bathroom, floors and wash some dishes.
But first I really should get dressed I guess.
"Heavy sigh", I really don't want to.
But I want it done for me, myself & nobody else.
So I will force myself to do it and afterwards I will be so happy that I did. :)

Off I go.....
Posted: 02 September 2014 - 10:36 PM
I just wrote a long note and it disappeared, darn it x 2. Basically worked all day mostly in big bedroom. Has a storage area that is hoard to ceiling. Mice took Mollys food up in purses, she has been gone since November, so old food, I jumped and the hoard fell on me, only a few scratches. really sad how much crap I stuffed in there. at this moment, I never want to go in there again.
Organized some stuff on deck that re cluttered. fleeting thought, I am getting worse at clutter, just dealt with messes today, then read your posts, and feel much better and reminded me I have made lots of progress, thanks so much.
Posted: 02 September 2014 - 11:28 AM
Diane, what an AMAZING amount of work you did on your car!! That is so inspiring!!

Decades ago I had a little kelly green Datsun. Two friends from work and I went to a drive thru lunch one day. When they finished eating they literally tossed their trash in the back driver's side and laughed. I was humiliated. My car did have a lot of trashy junk in it and even the passengers felt they could treat it like a trash can.

Another day I had to go to someone and say, "Hey, you dented my car when you opened your door into it. I saw the green paint from my car on your car door." She laughed too and said, "So what? Everybody knows your car is a wreck anyway."
It wasn't just the embarrassment about the car. I felt like I was trash too, that nobody respected me and I was a joke.

Most times after that that I kept the inside cleaned out on a daily basis. It was much harder with kids. Today I have a routine of every Wednesday making sure the vehicles are cleaned out, gassed up and have whatever I need replenished. Cleaned out just means taking stuff out that shouldn't be there, not really cleaning. But I never wash them, just figure the rain does a good enough job. (Clearly it doesn't.)

The grandkids were in my car recently and immediately commented on how dirty it was and how much animal hair and how badly it smelled. I had just put febreeze car fresheners in and Jakey said, "Well you better get your money back, it's not working at all." So I still have hoarder eyes and hoarder nose. I literally don't see or smell a problem. Bummer.

Diane, reading everything you did is encouraging me to at least get those vehicles washed. And I can vacuum the inside. I'm still too lazy to do deep cleaning but baby steps there too. :)

Think how far you've come in the past year. Such huge progress!!!

Posted: 02 September 2014 - 10:32 AM
Good Morning :)

Hi LR2014 :)
WAY TO GO!!! on the box reduction sorting.
Fantastic job you did on it! :D
I know exactly the kind of inside windshield "haze" you mean.
Makes it so hard to see near sunset.

Wish my hoarder would do some cleaning on the truck.
Passenger side seat and floor is always full of assorted "stuff" that sticks to my feet or gets in the way so I can't buckle the seat belt or even sit normally in there.
Dash board has so much "stuff" piled on it that is always shifting and falling and is a hazard.
And everything is so filthy/grubby that I always bring a clean towel to sit on to try to keep my dress clean.
Some years ago his car had so much food related trash that there was an ant colony living in there, not just visiting the site but actually had their nest in the car.

I have no "have Tos" to do today except the usual cat related tasks.
So today I will hang out in my room straightening and generally playing around in there. :)
I need this "down time" after that three day weekend he just had.
He still has not done anything to improve things around here.
The Pack Rats are still all happy & safely residing here with me.

Posted: 02 September 2014 - 07:03 AM
Good morning. Following up on my goals from yesterday: I did eventually get them all done.

I ended up bringing home four boxes from storage to go through, and while I was at that storage place I rearranged some things to make the other boxes more readily accessible. I was able to reduce the four boxes I brought home down to one. I was able to make quick work of it once I got started. Some boxes took as little as five minutes to deal with! Most of the contents of the boxes were old papers that can now be shredded. I feel good about having finally started this project. It's been on my personal "to do" list for months.

Hearing diane talk about her car project reminded me that the inside windows of my vehicle needed attention, especially the windshield. While my supper was cooking in the microwave last night, I grabbed a paper towel and some vinegar and wiped part of my windshield (inside of driver's side). Dirt and dust had been building up there, and it had been getting harder to see out of it at certain times of the day (when the sun would hit it at a certain angle). I need to do more cleaning there later, but at least for now, I can drive a little more safely.

I'll probably post more later, but it's time for breakfast right now. I did make some fresh tea yesterday, Roxie, so . . . iced tea clinks to your coffee cup!
Posted: 01 September 2014 - 10:02 PM
Hi Tatoulia :)
WAY TO GO!!!!! :D
I know how much you dreaded this and am doing a "Happy Dance" that you got started and found no bugs! :D

Hi Fluffychild :)
Setting limits is a personal thing.
Depends on how much storage space a person has to
dedicate to the items.
Depends on how much daily/weekly/monthly need the person has for the items.
A lot depends on how many do YOU need and can easily store.
Keep in mind that you can always get more of something should you start to run out.

The hoarder that I live with recently bought 8 EIGHT big heavy umbrella stands.
He owns 2 TWO umbrellas and they already have stands.
He also had 3 THREE other umbrella stands laying around here.
Now, I personally believe that he has more umbrella stands than he will ever need or use or have the space to properly store them.

Just because something is a "good" price/deal, even free, we must all keep in mind that having clear living space in our homes is priceless.
Posted: 01 September 2014 - 09:13 PM
When I get my free things, I never know how much I should keep. Within the last couple of weeks, I got 36 8 oz containers with screw on lids and 36 6 oz containers with screw on lids. How many of each do I keep. I have already used a few. I have lots of spiral notebooks - I do use them at work, but when they were on sale, I was buying 18 at a time. I need someone to tell me a number. My helper had set a limit of 10 paper bags and that is what it is kept at. How do you set limits?
Posted: 01 September 2014 - 08:42 PM
Tillie, you are so dear--growing like weeds! Was happy to hear from you, Roxie. Keep up the good work but don't push too far, too fast. Rebuilding health and strength take time.

Giant thanks to Diane and LR. I joined chat today and got started on the closet. At last. Not nearly that bad. I took out three large trash bags of essentially bags. All sorts of bags-- plastic, paper, reusable grocery bags, flannel bags that came with purses, garment bags from long defunct boutiques, boxes from stores that closed long ago, watch boxes, Christmas boxes. Okay, I've gone too far here--if you're still reading, sorry for that!

Managed two recycle bags of plastic hangers and have one large bag for goodwill. Two pretty black coats are in it--one is cashmere but I have so many coats and I'm letting it go. NO BUGS OR CREATURES ENCOUNTERERD! Yay!

Still have a lot of work to do on closet but I faced my fears and got in there! Thank you everyone! I'm hoping to find a hundred dollars So far found three, only $97 to go! Did find two bags of change, will take to bank tomorrow.

Keep up the good work!
Posted: 01 September 2014 - 05:18 PM

Hi LR2014 :)
Good luck with the box sorting.
Wishing you lots of tossing & shredding. :)

Hi Roxie :)
Keep up the great progress getting back your health.
Take care and take it slow. (((HUGS)))

Hi Tatoulia :)
Fantastic progress you are making in all areas of your life. :D

Hi Diane :)
YEA!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!
You really did great detailing your car! :D

Was so tired last night and knew it would be an early day today so got a good night's sleep.
Went out early, started the watering and started reclaiming my garden.
The weeds sure loved all the really hot weather and they all grew "like weeds".
Got a lot done before it got too hot to continue.
Planning to do more later this week and then keep at it weekly till it is all done.
I showered & ate and my get up & go, got up & went.
So tired now, but in a good/happy way. :)

Everybody has started out this new month in beautiful style.
Keep up all this great progress. :)
Posted: 01 September 2014 - 05:15 PM
The online chat work sessions are so great. Helps me see things differently.
Got all dishes done and put away. Mowed lawn. This morning, then got on chat and did car.

I am pretty tired now, so may not do any more today.
I only work one day this week so have an outfit for that. Hope to find more outfits in closet tomorrow if not tonight. Going to take a smoothie out on deck and have long break. Thanks
Posted: 01 September 2014 - 04:42 PM
Happy you are getting stronger Roxie. Tat, getting rid of credit cards is a priority, and you are doing it!! LR, very balanced work load today, good for you, and thanks for the support this am. I was making up reasons not to wash car. You talking about cleaning your car and that you do not mind washing yours, really helped. I washed car, then waxed it, looks great, then decided to vacuum inside. Saw the spilled coffee and other junk with new eyes, so took everything out and I mean everything, mats, blankets,pillow, coat, tire pump, spare tire, trunk liner, vacuumed it all inside. still have to wash mats, they are gross. This was not fast, took hours. Opened hood and checked all fluids, hoses etc, all fine. Started washing inside and finally ran out of energy. I bought the car in 2006 new, and have never took everything out before. Cleaned door jams maybe twice. Never washed floor mats. Never checked spare, jack etc before today. You would not believe all the food under the seats, in trunk etc, but not one critter. I have experienced cleaning thoroughly in here, so thought I would try it out on the car. Still need to wash interior windows and some other little areas, need toothbrush to reach. It feels nice to know I will not be embarrassed when I put clinic supplies in or take workers in car. I semi cleaned last year before clinics, but hid stuff under blanket, now so much better. I wanted to do anything other than wash the car this morning, and now so happy I got on chat and talked with LR about cleaning cars. Hope all is well with you today.
Posted: 01 September 2014 - 01:45 PM
Coffee clinks to all. I just woke up so the sleeping pill I took last night must have really worked!

I have success in some self-care each day and am lousy at others. Well, I am impatient with myself and everyone tells me SLOW DOWN. I am walking better, for sure, which is exciting. I plan to just keep walking around in the house often to rebuild stamina.

I'm so glad to see each bit of progress in any area for each of you. Together we are strong.
Posted: 01 September 2014 - 11:01 AM
I haven't posted much either but have been keeping up with everyone's posts. Good to see you even for a minute last night, LR. I have been maintaining my clean and cleared spaces and have been talking myself down from buying stuff. Today is the perfect day for me to implement the excellent suggestions re dealing with that closet. It's really the last frontier before I deal with storage space. Today no work AND it's trash night. I have all the supplies I need--gloves, mask, bug spray, trash cans and it appears I am out of excuses for ignoring it.

Getting rid of the clutter is helping me deal with my financial problems, which really started piling up in the last five years. Have now paid off two credit cards and have a plan in place for the third and final card. Very excited. I also feel I can start dealing with my weight. (Also packed on in the last 3-5 years). I am so happy to find you all. You are helping me to make positive, measurable changes in my life. You have helped me find the strength to deal with the tough stuff. How lucky am I?

Hope you are all well. I appreciate your friendship and support.
Posted: 01 September 2014 - 09:38 AM
Good morning. As I mentioned at chat last night, although I haven't posted much this past week, I have been reading your posts. Great to hear from you all. Iced water clink to your coffee cup, Roxie! (I need to make some fresh tea.)

One of my goals for today is to get a couple of boxes out of storage, put them on my back patio, and at least begin to sort through them. (I'm hoping that most of what I find inside will be things I can now trash or shred.) I also plan to add to my gratitude list, get some bills paid, and spend at least fifteen minutes organizing some of my financial paperwork.

Have a good day, everyone.
Posted: 31 August 2014 - 11:55 AM
Good morning :)

Hi Dianne :)
WAY TO GO!!! for maintaining.
So nice that you are able to find everything now that it isn't getting buried in clutter. :D
One "Non Clutter" gift that I always ask for is that they make a donation to their local animal shelter. Cash or a big bag of cat or dog food.
Whenever there is a death I always donate in the person's name rather than send flowers.

Not much happening here today.
Need to wash dishes, didn't do that yesterday.
He still has not apologized for disrespecting me and right now he I at the Laundromat washing his clothes.
I wonder why he doesn't wash his clothes here in the washing machine but won't bother to ask him.
My main plan for this week is to spend some time weeding & cleaning in my garden.
Not as hot now, especially in the mornings.
Looking at how fast the weeds all got so tall has been depressing me but it was just to hot for me to keep up with it.

Hoping to "see" everybody in chat tonight :D
Posted: 30 August 2014 - 08:01 PM
WAY TO GO!!! Roxie :)

You are doing GREAT, scooped litter box and food and self care. You are doing everything that is important! :D
Posted: 30 August 2014 - 12:12 PM
Just a quick "hi" to say I'm here and reading, and enjoying the posts. I did get the litter box scooped yesterday, finally. And my friend went grocery shopping for me, so I am okay on food. Hanging in here trying to do daily personal care.

Hugs to all

Posted: 30 August 2014 - 10:40 AM
interesting observation about your kids not being young anymore. Strange enough to see/feel ourselves age. Even stranger to see our children graying and creaking.

Diane, I laughed out loud reading you comparing us to fire ants!!! haha!! Tough little critters. Great job sticking with the roof! Your hard work will really be rewarded when harsh weather blows in.

Tillie, glad your power loss didn't last long and that your project is completed. I love hearing the train whistles in the distance! We hear them at my grandkids' house and I always tell them to hush and listen. You're so blessed with the variety of creatures around you! Even the packrats seem to be part of a little ecosystem that functions well. When I was in 3rd grade I read about kangaroo rats and was so excited to tell my teacher and the class. She laughed at me and told me there was no such thing as a kangaroo rat. My Dad said don't bother to take the book in and prove her wrong; just keep reading and learning for my own enjoyment. So I have a bit of fondness for some kinds of rats. :)

So far so good here. Maintaining well. I was in Costco the other day and picked up some Christmas gifts. As in the *days of old* when I was an organized person, I started a list of gifts so I won't overbuy. The other good thing is now that the gifts won't get lost in the piles of clutter I won't need to out and buy more. As for gifts for me I've asked people to please stick to the Food For The Poor website and buy some chickens or a goat to provide a family with a sustainable source of food and income.

Have a great holiday weekend everyone!
Posted: 30 August 2014 - 10:11 AM
Hi :)

So many strange new animal sounds out there this morning. I think someone has a new mule. There is a different sounding rooster crowing.
And the usual horse, cow & sheep noises going on too.
I can hear a distant train whistle. Makes me wish I was a Hobo. :)
My flower/herb garden has a nice crop of teeny tiny Cotton Tail bunnies that I believe were born in the cluttered carport because when I go outside that is where the baby bunnies all run and hide.
Almost stepped on a new baby corn snake last night that was napping on my back porch door mat.
Still have desert packrats living here and they won't leave because they love all the clutter/hoard all around the property.
They chew & chew everything but the good thing about this type of rat is that they are vegans. Regular rats are omnivores, so my snakes are safe.
Unfortunately, the snakes are too small to eat a full grown packrat.
Need to get some groceries today. Running out of some things that I need every day.
Only fresh fruit/veggie left is one cucumber.

Posted: 29 August 2014 - 08:23 PM
WAY TO GO!!! Diane :D

I finished my project and was just getting the vacuum out to suck up all the feathers when the power went out.
A big rig hit something important knocking out power to over 7,000 homes.
Power is back on now, feathers all vacuumed up.
Neighbor dropped by for a visit when I was working on the comforter. Brought back fond memories for her of her Grandma stuffing things with down feathers. :)
Stayed cloudy here all day, never got very hot. Nice.
All in all, was a good day.

Pleasant dreams (((hugs)))
Posted: 29 August 2014 - 07:31 PM
Posted: 29 August 2014 - 06:44 PM
Today was the big day, I attached the roof ridge cap, not great, but ok. Then I patched all the areas I could until I was exhausted and the wind started really blowing. There is one little area that I do need to finish tonight, looks like rain is blowing in, at least it is finally in low 80's and will be in 70's this weekend. Have so much more energy when it is cooler. I was so sad my dog sitting days were over then today I find out Nellie is coming here in a few weeks and Max will be here end of Oct. so happy to have that to look forward to. Short visits but comforts me to have them here.
Just realized did not start washing machine, will soon. I wanted to watch the dr Phil show today on hoarding, but forgot, rerun I have missed 2 times now. There is a big fire 70 miles from here and wind has blown smoke all that way past few days. I keep reminding myself to stick with the task I am doing, get distracted so easily, and what ever pops in my mind seems impt., roof is important, need to finish that today. Dishes are impt. so did wash those. I am so happy it is cooler, this was the hottest summer here since I have lived here and winter was the coldest winter in decades, strange weather. I love having this site to sign into and feel connected, who else could understand how difficult it is for me to stay focused and finish projects. Yesterday I left the water on in the yard for hours, totally forgot I turned water on. Checked fire ants today, still alive, just less of them. I sprayed them with poison, boiling water then some nasty poison pellets for them. They are amazing how they are able to just keep going. Reminds me of us, no matter how bad the clutter is, we keep working on it.
Posted: 29 August 2014 - 11:39 AM
Good Morning Everybody :D

Only 8 more "pockets" to fill and sew up on the comforter.
Making a point of finishing this project today. Tired of all the feathers and the cats are not helping any.
They think this is fun.
Woke up with a stiff neck type headache but the aspirin are starting to work.
A bit overcast here today and the temperature has been so lovely. :)
It would be a perfect day to get out into my weed overgrown garden but I really MUST finish this comforter.

Everybody take care and find something today to laugh or smile about. :)
Posted: 29 August 2014 - 11:07 AM
Roxie, I am glad your home and doing a little better.
Meds. I only have six a day now and that seems like a lot to me. And I am hoping I don't have any new major medical for at least a couple more years. Every day my body reminds that I am old but only this last month have I realized that my children are really not young any more. Thanks for your info about professionals. The two professional companies I talked to back in June or July gave me quotes of $15,000.00+ for the NE Atlanta house. Seems a little steep. I need to check with the ones referred on this site. It won't need any deep cleaning because it will be sold as is and probably torn down (the similar brick ranch next door was torn down and a Mc Mansion was built there). or gutted and a second story added like a house across the street. It is in a very desirable location just inside the perimeter, so I hope I can get enough from the property to cover what's left on the equity loan. (It was all paid off until the bottom fell out of the economy).
Today I need to take care of some financial matters and pay some bills.
Posted: 28 August 2014 - 11:51 PM
Tillie, I smiled ear to ear seeing feathers flying and thinking the cats probably thought you had gotten some birds for them to play with. Roxie, happy to know you have friends to get groceries etc. When I had hip surgery, living alone, saw an article in paper that there is an interfaith volunteer group that puts up railings for steps, which I had done. they also offered to do other things for me, but I was ashamed of hoard so said no. Wonder if there is a similar group there. Life is difficult alone when recovering, so I hope you check out sources of assistance. good you hired people to declutter.
Today was hot again so did not get much done, tomorrow hopefully will cool down. I did go visit a couple that have relatives from New Zealand visiting, it was so much fun, nice people.
Posted: 28 August 2014 - 07:02 PM
Thanks Tillie, hugs to you too! The down comforter will be so cozy this fall and winter. I bet the kitties love it also. :)

Good for you Diane, giving yourself a couple hours to reflect then declining the invitation. WTG for taking care of yourself!

Thinking of you Bitsy. Decisions are hard when there are so many at once.

Roxie, I wish I was close enough to help you. Take good care my friend.

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