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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : What are you doing today?
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What are you doing today?

Posted: 25 July 2017 - 08:44 PM
Yes, the formatting!

I hope I didn't hurt your feelings Tillie. The message was on point and kind of funny, but the delvery was too jangly.

I bought another pottery tool. I used it in class today. I borrow too much.
Posted: 25 July 2017 - 08:43 PM
Hi CriticalMass :)
Doing GREAT with your sewing! :D
So happy you tackled that annoying table top.
Sometimes clutter magnets need several sessions before they are totally conquered.
Fingers are crossed for the "Great Storage Move" in September.
Just keep in mind power steering fluid can be corrosive and damage paint & clothes, etc.
Good luck with the stop leak type.

Hi Subclinical :)

Hi Tatoulia :)
So happy you like her message! :D
I have really enjoyed her videos and wanted to share. (((HUGS)))
Fingers are crossed that everything works out and it's smooth sailing fixing the washer.

Been a busy day today.
Since it was a little cooler I went into town.
Went to the bank then went to the county offices and paid the property taxes for the whole year.
My taxes are only 411.81 a year so that should give you an idea of how crappy my house is.
Filled two three gallon bottles of drinking water.
Dropped off a bag and a box of stuff at the charity thrift shop.
Resisted buying ice cream or getting a whopper and chocolate milk shake.
Bought some yarn. Been wanting some to crochet next Winter and the thrift shop just got in a bunch. Somebody died. :(
Large new skeins of "Red Heart" and I got 6.
Yarn is so expensive I thought I would never be able to have any. 4.50 total is all it cost.
Got home and did a bunch of cat chores after I had some lunch.
Scrambled eggs is probably healthier than burger king.

Posted: 25 July 2017 - 08:26 PM
Hello everyone! CM I am so pleased with your quilting project and your focus on it! SubC--you are doing just fine. It's not a straight path.

Tillie, I love this woman Rachel! I'm watching a bunch of her videos! I find the style of the video annoying (the stop/start/MTV video aspect of it/but I like her and her message!

Plumber coming tomorrow. Fingers crossed that he can fix it. I hope I've diagnosed it correctly. The part I ordered is in.

Take care!
Posted: 25 July 2017 - 08:26 PM
Hello everyone! CM I am so pleased with your quilting project and your focus on it! SubC--you are doing just fine. It's not a straight path.

Tillie, I love this woman Rachel! I'm watching a bunch of her videos! I find the style of the video annoying (the stop/start/MTV video aspect of it/but I like her and her message!

Plumber coming tomorrow. Fingers crossed that he can fix it. I hope I've diagnosed it correctly. The part I ordered is in.

Take care!
Posted: 25 July 2017 - 10:49 AM
CM, I am really excited about your quilt! I don't suppose you can post apicture here? The rest of your plan sounds good too.

Tillie, I have to confess that I could not watch that video. It was too long, very repetitive, and I found the narrator annoying.

I also buy something almost every time I go in a store - but because I almost never go into a store unless I believe it has a specific thing I need to buy. Usually food.

My "in" list for the last ten days has two items that I bought that did not come with food (my fair cup was bought to contain the frozen lemonade, I would not have bought a cup) only one - a $5 item to jury rig an alternative to an $80 piece of pottery equipment - was bought in a store. I had a gift card for the store.
Posted: 25 July 2017 - 09:31 AM
Posted: 25 July 2017 - 07:31 AM
A drive by so no one worries that I died.

Been hyperfocused on my embroidery squares so I can finish that quilt. It feels amazing to be this goal oriented. I want to finish it to prove to the doubters who've heard me talk about it for way too long - including myself.

Letting other stuff wait, but I remember the order of what I want to do next, and next, and next. Yesterday I did have to deal with a tabletop that was piled too high and stuff started to fall off. It was annoying but I was kind of glad too because I'd been hating how it was. It still needs more work but I did some good there.

Heat wave weather has made for perfect times to sit in the comfy chair with my embroidery needle and Netflix!

I probably have half the month of July to go back through past posts here. I want to, because you are my friends and I want to know how your lives are going. So it will happen, it just may take a bit longer.

Hoping to get van driver's side window motor replaced after Aug. 3rd payday so window will roll down again. Then Sept. I'm really hoping to make the Great Storage Unit Move (keep your fingers crossed and have your furbabies cross their paws!). October, or whenever possible, I will attempt to have the power steering leak dealt with. More about that later. In the meantime, as my Dad pointed out years ago, power steering fluid isn't that expensive, and I can put in the stop leak kind to get me by.

Hugs and encouragement to all!
Posted: 25 July 2017 - 05:39 AM
Yesterday I collapsed. I did not "keep it together" I spent the day crying and watching videos.

Well, not entirely. I did my chores. I did two loads of wash. I ran the dishwasher. I sent an e-mail. I ate food, took my vitamins, and showered.

The project I was supposed to have finished for class today blew up in my kiln (I rushed it, but I had no more time) so I don't know what I will do in class today, I don't have what I need to continue.

We were not out of raccoons.

But my dd forgot to return my cc and accidentally took it to work with her yesterday, so I made her do the shopping on the way home and buy bread and cookies because I couldn't bake. Dh brought home dinner because he knew I was having a really bad day.

Today I will do better.

Tatoulia, I hope you found a way that worked for you to get done wash done. I know that is important to you.

Joan, it's great to hear that you are making progress. I'm glad you have friends who care for you and bring enjoyment into your life. Good for you for making the effort to go too - I know how overwhelming that can be sometime.

Anony, don't be afraid to have your friend over. If she is really a friend, she will care about you, not your house (except she will want to help you with your house for YOU.) I hope you have a fantastic experience today!
Posted: 24 July 2017 - 07:07 PM
Hi Everyone :)

Hi Tatoulia :)
Thank you (((HUGS))) ;D
So inconvenient not having the washer.
Hope it can be fixed very soon.

Hi Anonymoniker :)
Calm down. I am sure she will understand (((HUGS)))

Hi Subclinical :)
All those little things you are letting go of really do add up to a whole lot over time,
Good luck securing a chicken coop.

Hi Joan :)
So happy you got out & away and had a nice visit :D

Hi Porter :)

Yesterday it got up to 106 degrees.
Today mid 90s but lots of storm clouds brewing brought up the humidity.
Rained a little but not much about 3:00pm.
Haven't been doing much LOL
Hoping for more rain...

Posted: 24 July 2017 - 06:32 PM
Hey all?
Joan, im so glad you had a nice time visiting! And its great that youre trying new things that are helping! You sound like youre on a good path!
Im a bit panicked about my friend coming maybe tomorrow to help me get my trailer tarped up?! I feel like she is a great candidate for so much help i need, that i cant let my shame mess up this opportunity. I look around & there is no way to fix it real quick before she gets here...ha ha....tho im trying to make that area in the kitchen decent enough to sit in there if it starts raining. She is so together & stable that i cant imagine her understanding.....(sigh)
Posted: 24 July 2017 - 12:33 PM
Great to hear from you, Joan! How absolutely wonderful that you were able to get some time away with good friends. Having home-cooked meals is good for the mind, body and soul. I have one friend who, whenever I visit her, asks me what I'd like for dinner, and I always respond with "food groups," and then she makes me nice, balanced meals.

Sending you much love--standing right by your side as you continue the fight--
Posted: 24 July 2017 - 10:26 AM
Wow, this has become a very active exchange! I was only gone for a week and there is a lot to catch up on!

I appreciated the support July 16 when I was having a hard time. Thanks Tat, Tillie, Anony, CM, and SubC. Being so isolated with the biting, being able to do so little, can be a lot to handle.

I went on a visit to a friend's house. He is a good cook, so he cooks real meals for me for a couple of days when I go. He and his wife and I got out to see small mountains and farms. He lives in a more rural area than I do, and it is a nice change for me.

Getting there and back took determination, so I am getting back on schedule now. I am trying different med routines to improve the biting. We made progress in June and July so far, but biting has not stopped.

Anony, you are very courageous to deal with a collapsing abode! I defer house projects as long as I can. It is just too hard for me to deal with people, especially if they have to come to my house. It is inspiring that you are tackling this. My beloved little house has needed outside painting for years, and it is at the top of my list when I have enough strength to see the project through.

Take care, everyone. Porter, glad you are doing well.
Posted: 23 July 2017 - 07:39 PM
Good to hear from you SubC! You are keeping it all together! Congrats on the fair money! Poor chickens!!!

Just keep breathing/swimming. We are all routing for you!

I am still changing my bed. Disappointed I can't do my laundry but who knows--I can go to laundromat tomorrow or check downstairs and see if anyone is using our common washer (I never use it). I'll talk to repairman on Wednesday and have him come over Thursday.

Meanwhile, I'm puttering and playing music and feeling like I can cope.
Posted: 23 July 2017 - 07:15 PM
Still swimming against the current, but not feeling swept away.

Everything is put away from fair but a few cooler/dish things and my Ceramics. My doll children are back in their places, and my grown human children are all safely returned to their homes.

Progress is being made on the new kitchen.

I think we are out of raccoons and I have 11 chickens left. Dh was very sweet and gave me permission to order new chickens. They will need safer housing. I suggested a shark cage.

I made $73 from fair. :) but I don't think that will buy a shark cage.

Tatoulia, I am sorry about your washer.

And I am sorry Tillie's hoarder is still bringing home do many things.

But I am really worried about anony's house! Anony, you have very positive attitude, but you do need shelter! Is there anyone who could help you? Are there services available? I know habitat often has a long waiting list, but you might check on them! Is there any way you could afford a new to you replacement trailer?

Tomorrow is Monday. Usually Monday is my "day off" because dh and dd go to work and I don't work or have classes, but I am so behind on everything! I will still try to find my Monday rabbit time, and work on my pottery (I need to because I am not caught up for class!) but I also have to bake and launder and tidy and go to the store.

I kept a rosette and 11 tiny ribbons from the fair on purpose and one large one by accident. I returned all the other large ones for reuse. I guess I should just throw this one away, but maybe I can stick it in a file and remember to return it next year?

My son took a cd and a puzzle away with him, and I have broken two canning jars.

I also found a couple of other things to get rid of, but they are not actually gone yet.
Posted: 23 July 2017 - 06:51 PM
*it is hardly a tragedy not sharply a tragedy. It is nothing. A minor inconvenience.
Posted: 23 July 2017 - 06:49 PM
Tillie if he dies before you I will come out and help you. That would be my pleasure to hire some dumpsters and help you get it out.

My washer just died. Just like that. Won't fill with water. Only one cycle is working, spin. I can get a guy out here on Thursday. In the meantime will either use he laundry in the building or go to the laundromat

So I jinxed myself by saying I could get my place clean in a day. Guess that is what I'll be doing. Fingers crossed I don't need to replace the washer/dryer combo. Very expensive. But it's not the worst thing that could happen to me or to anyone I know, for that matter. It I sharply a tragedy so I'm going to work on not worrying.
Posted: 23 July 2017 - 05:08 PM
Where is "Habitat For Humanity"?
You are a human who is in desperate need of a habitat.
So happy the movie was good and you had FUN! ;D

Hi Tatoulia :)
Wonderful that you had a fun outing with your Mom :D
At least some shops have those motorized chairs/carts for people who can't stand long.
If your Mom bought one she would also need a specialized van to get it to where ever she needs to go, so that's not practical.

Just taking it easy inside.
Need to wash dishes sometime today but I'm in no big hurry.
Enjoying my "CLUTTER FREE ZONES" and ignoring the hoarded areas.
What troubles me is if he dies before me and I am left to declutter all this heavy stuff all by myself.
Think I will just post flyers all over town that advertise "FREE" stuff and let other hoarders come here and take it all away. ;D
The snakes have been doing a GREAT job reducing the rodent population.
In fact, I have not seen any new mouse/rat droppings in the pump house all Summer. ;D

You all are so very important to me and will never know how much you help me ((((((HUGS))))))
Posted: 23 July 2017 - 04:30 PM
Tillie I simply cannot imagine how you must feel when he brings home junk like that. I cannot even begin to guess. Holy cow.

Anony! Your cheerfulness is wonderful! Glad you enjoyed the movie and you have another for today! I wish you weren't having problems with your home.

Tillie, I agree that we can't not let people see our homes. If I had to, I could clean it in a day got company. Why I don't is another conversation. That is something I need to ponder.

Fun time with mom today. Poor thing gets so tired. her walker has a seat so that helps.

Now I'm home, going to make dinner then strip the bed.

Tillie I hope you are feeling better. Maybe a cool washcloth over your eyes would help?
Posted: 23 July 2017 - 01:45 PM
~♡~Hello, Happy Homers!~♡~
Tillie, im so glad you established your clutter-free-zones, too! Im so sorry you have to deal with all the other areas?! Im currently warning my friend about how bad my place is so by the time she sees it, she might even think its not as bad as shed expected? ;D
The Beatles movie was great! It was a documentary with fascinating stuff! Today were going to see WonderWoman!!! :D YEA!!! The timing of this is truly amazing cuz of my Wonderwoman dolls inspiring me so much recently PLUS, i read that the actress who plays Wonderwoman IS A REAL WARRIOR IN REAL LIFE!!! SHE FOUGHT ISIS!!! SHE IS AN ACTUAL REAL WONDERWOMAN!!! Were gonna go tarp shopping before the movie! And it rained so heavy yesterday, that new fallen chunks & holes & leaks & lumps have is no longer a question of if i should create a new home, but if ill have time to get it built before this trailer collapses...?!?
~♡~I hope you all have a wonderful day!~♡~
Posted: 23 July 2017 - 11:33 AM
Good Morning Everybody :)
Ice tea "CLINK!"

Hi Subclinical :)
Sounds like a LOT going on in your world all at once.
So glad that there are good things happening too.

Hi Anonymoniker :)
So, how was the movie? :D
Please don't let embarrassment of your place keep you from having your friend over.
I have always been a neat & tidy person and that is why people with housekeeping/hoarding/organizing issues have always asked me to come help them.
I already knew their homes were a mess and I never judged.
Fresh eyes can very often see easy solutions to problems you thought were practically impossible.

Hi Tatoulia :)
Fresh wallpaper and paint in your bedroom!
How lovely :D
Wishing you & Mom a wonderful outing at the fabric store. (((HUGS)))

Allergies are making me miserable.
The smoke is much thinner but the residual effects are still making me tired and coughing.
Thursday he had been dumpster diving, again.
Drug home 3 big steel sinks that are all battered and nasty.
He already has several old sinks in the hoard.
We do NOT need them.
Yesterday he drove several towns over and bought a Fender electric guitar with case and amp.
He plays acoustic guitar and banjo.
He does not need an electric guitar.
Every week he brings home so much stuff that he has no use or need for.
Really wish he would talk to a hoarding expert/therapist about his need to constantly acquire more and more and more...
Anyways, I am so happy that I made my "NO CLUTTER ZONES" and defend them vigorously! :D

WAY TO GO!!!! Everybody!
For everything you have done and are doing to make and keep your homes lovely sanctuaries where you can rest and play. (((((HUGS)))))

Posted: 23 July 2017 - 09:53 AM
If you can, SubC, carve out a few moments today just to sit with yourself. You could meditate, pray, or just day dream. Take a few deep breaths. We are here for you!

Anony thank you for the kind words. I am so much happier now that I keep my bedroom clean and clear. I like how it is decorated and it reminds me of years ago, before I let my possessions take over. It's a process. Friend overseas sent me a wallpaper sample which I really couldn't see living with, so I sent back a few different ideas and so we are working somewhat collaboratively. I told her I like my bedroom as it is and she understands--will only be working on adding wallpaper to one wall and choosing the color scheme for the other walls. Then she will choose and hang the art. The living room/dining room/den is all her domain.

I will be taking mom to fabric store with me today. She'll enjoy seeing the fabrics and I'll be able to get the lining for my drapes.

Doing a few loads of laundry and thinking of you all. Iced tea clinks.
Posted: 22 July 2017 - 07:16 PM
((((Cyber hug to SubC!))) ~♡~
Posted: 22 July 2017 - 06:20 PM
Hi, I am here. Listening, caring, cheering, but not able to articulate well right now.

Struggling with some stuff not related to the hoarding.

Overwhelming good things too.

Fair friends, lost a goat, raccoon problems, maybe a fox, bridal shower for ds fiancé, kitchen progress, visit from ds, time with my girls, my class, the eternal housework, food....

Just wanted to check in.
Posted: 22 July 2017 - 03:38 PM
~Thank you, Tatoulia!~
If youre working on the art for your home, it must be getting really nice?! Aesthetics is soooo important! Ive realized even more lately, how much the visuals of an area effect us! That is fantastic that youve given that the attention that it deserves! I also am in awe of how you trust your decorator friend's taste in doing your home?! Im hoping to be able to do that to a certain extent, with my friend,, you are really becoming a role model for relationships for me?! Im still planning on staying single unless i find a guy who is like your boyfriend about having lots of personal space! :D
Posted: 22 July 2017 - 03:00 PM
Fantastic ideas, Anony! I know you'll keep at it til you have a plan! Good to hear you happy!
Posted: 22 July 2017 - 01:34 PM
~☆~Good morning to all!~☆~
Taking a break from freaking out over my place & what to do about it, was really nice! It was just suggested that i could paint a tarp to cover this trailer. That would really help. I know even that sounds super hideous, but it might be a good, cheaper & quicker option, so i can focus on building a new place.
I talked to my friend about working for me, too. Id been thinking about this & she could be a huge help in many ways! She is very grounded, hard working, smart & kinda helps me be more that way, too! ....i am mainly just horrified at her seeing how gross my place is...ive told her, but...
She suggested i take a carpentry class at the community college...that is a good idea! I want to hire help, but understand it all better...hopefully, ill get more interested in the technical side as i get more knowledgeable....?
Im hoping i can continue the cleaning spree id been on before the outside walls started falling off, with the added motivation of my friend seeing it?!! That has helped me before! She could also be a very much needed pet care person, too?! If i work this right, it could be a major shift!!!
~☆♡☆~Coffee & tea clinks with cyber hugs!!!~☆♡☆~ :D
Posted: 22 July 2017 - 09:07 AM
Your art sounds perfect, Tillie! I started collecting a piece a year 22 years ago. I've gotten rid of some prints and other things over the years--goodwill--but now some of the remainders really need to go to s consignor. My friend overseas is busily working on designs for my house do I don't know what will ultimately be used. Good work on the gold chain!!!

Anony I'm sorry you didn't get your home wrapped yesterday. I hope the storm didn't do more damage.

I'm enjoying iced tea, then off to see brother.

Have a great day everyone!
Posted: 21 July 2017 - 04:26 PM
~Hey all?!~
The Saran Wrapping of my trailer got postponed due to stormy weather, so im going to the new Beatles movie with my friend! HA! Were gonna swoon over ♡George♡ ha ha...and Tillie, im gonna wear my long fringe vest, which makes me think of you!
Tatoulia, your Mom sounds like a really neat lady! And yes, even an hour or so a week can be plenty for most private folks...i know im that way, too! The reason i dont want to try to push my cats to come to the new home site is cuz of the predators. Ill have to do a lot to make it a safe path there, etc., like clearing brush around it, lights, spraying synthetic wolf pee, etc.
Theres a new leo moon this weekend, which is perfect for starting new creative endeavors!~
~♡~Lots of Love To All!~♡~
Posted: 21 July 2017 - 04:07 PM

Hi Anonymoniker :)
So complicated!
Keep thinking and I'm sure you will come up with something (((HUGS)))

Hi Tatoulia :)
Shopping for artwork at home sounds like it will be fun. :D
My favorite piece here is an oil on porcelain tile of a barnyard scene with lots of chickens, LOL
Have that on the dining room wall.
In the living room I have a framed vintage poster of Led Zeppelin's stairway to heaven.
It glows under black light.
That's about it. ;)

Went into town this morning to pay a bill.
Stopped by the thrift shop and found a lovely Swarovski crystal heart shaped pendant.
Wanted it to put in the window sunshine to make rainbow sparkles.
Cost 1.25 and had a 24 inch chain attached.
Got home and looked at the chain a little closer.
Think I will sell the chain to the pawn shop because it is 14K yellow gold.
I thought it was just a cheap chain. ;/
Stopped by the dollar store, stuck to my shopping list of stuff I need.
I did very good resisting buying the candy, chips and other assorted junque foods.
Posted: 21 July 2017 - 03:39 PM
Hey Anony! I hope it goes ok with stepson. Do you think the cats would follow you? Move their dishes maybe?

Thanks for the kind words. The caretaker friend was going to gone by this week but she did not. Maybe tonight? Mom is already in sssisted living but does not enjoy socializing with everyone there. It's tough. She's private and intellectual and she seems better suited toward college aged and people in their 20/30s. She used to tutor some of the aides in science and math/but those aides have either changed jobs or graduated from college. I will continue to seek out people to stop've got me thinking! Just an hour or two here or there or the occasional dinner would be great.

Still at work but counting the minutes.
Posted: 21 July 2017 - 11:55 AM
~♡~Good Morning & coffee clinks to all!~♡~
Tatoulia, you are such an awesome daughter! Maybe you could arrange for your Mom to visit with the caretaking lady again? Or even maybe go to an event at a senior center for something new? Like a card game or a dance?
My stepson is going to come over today to try to either cover my trailer with plastic(Ugh?!), or decide it needs new paneling(also UGH?!!)
....everytime i go through thinking about having a new building, i go through feeling like im abandoning my be moving further away from where they hang out...even if the 3 who hang out in & around this trailer come over there a lot, id have to make it safe from predators, by doing all kinds of stuff, and i still feel im endangering them & abandoning them.......♡
Posted: 20 July 2017 - 07:09 PM
Hello everyone! I had a good day at work today and thank goodness tomorrow is payday. I've really been struggling.

Congratulations SubC! The fair sounds like so much fun. Anony keep exploring your options/I know you'll come up with something. Tillie, what can I say? You amaze me every day.

Thank you all for your support. I will deal with dining room table papers. I hate the way it looks. I did seem to pull it all together last night. Not as sure about tonight. I stopped by mom's on way home to give her some dinner and beverages. She seems very lonely. I couldn't stay because BF was waiting for me downstairs and I had my own food to get home and into fridge.

Thank you everybody for supporting me. No final decisions on my artwork but I'm getting there. I've branched out from my usual etchings and black & white photographs, and have to now coordinate more with the oil paintings and other works. The oil paintings are in elaborate frames. It takes more planning now. Some of my oil paintings are very large but I have high ceilings so it works very well. I'm not going to worry too much because my overseas friend will have her own ideas when she starts to redo my place. But in the meantime I need the art hung or sent to the comsignor's for sale.
Posted: 20 July 2017 - 04:17 PM
~☆~Greetings & coffee clinks!~☆~
Subclinical, i had no idea about the creosote thing till i just now read your post?!? Thank you! I can have the poles be on the outside...i guess...but the thing is, i do not know what im doing, or rather, what i want to do...or think i want to do?!!!? I want to take this on as something to create independence & growth, ect. I do not want to foster more dependence on is too much to do on my own. I need to get this trailer Saran Wrapped...ha ha...while i figure out how i can get help in a way that will trying to keep calm & be practical...
~♡~All of y'all's posts sound exciting & hopeful & good, like things are quite positive for everybody?!~♡~
Posted: 20 July 2017 - 04:17 PM
~☆~Greetings & coffee clinks!~☆~
Subclinical, i had no idea about the creosote thing till i just now read your post?!? Thank you! I can have the poles be on the outside...i guess...but the thing is, i do not know what im doing, or rather, what i want to do...or think i want to do?!!!? I want to take this on as something to create independence & growth, ect. I do not want to foster more dependence on is too much to do on my own. I need to get this trailer Saran Wrapped...ha ha...while i figure out how i can get help in a way that will trying to keep calm & be practical...
~♡~All of y'all's posts sound exciting & hopeful & good, like things are quite positive for everybody?!~♡~
Posted: 20 July 2017 - 02:02 PM
Good Morning Everybody :)
Still morning here where I live.

Hi Tatoulia :)
WOW! you sure are getting to a lot of things even with the nasty humidity.
WTG!!! :D
Moving stuff from where it's been sitting to a new location is the best way to see it with new eyes.

Hi Subclinical :)
WTG! for all the ribbons!
Happy this fair was a wonderful success. ;D

Hi Porter :)
Recyclables are a big problem for a lot of people.
They want to do it correctly but end up living with them all stacked up around them.
The rule is...
recycle what you can without getting bogged down and the recyclables staying around the home.
But it is allowable to just toss EVERYTHING in the trash if that's the only way to get your home under control.
Many garbage collecting companies sort through all the garbage anyways and recycle/sell the stuff.
So it is not all languishing in a landfill somewhere. ;)

Hi CriticalMass :)
Hi Anonymoniker :)

Still smoky.
Had to get out and water earlier.
Back inside until evening when I will water the grass.
Vacuumed and swept already.
Cat needs have been tended to.
Another small gopher snake is in the well house near the faucet that I need to access to water outside.
It came from under the house where I know they like to live.
This means that the mouse population under the house is greatly reduced and the snakes are moving out to find more food.
The snakes in the garage live there all summer because they find more than enough food in there.
The garage is floor to rafters stuffed/hoarded, with only a tiny "goat path" down the center.

Posted: 20 July 2017 - 06:18 AM
Hi everybody!

Porter, good to hear from you! I'm glad you have company and that your inventory keeps you in order.

Tatoulia, sometimes you have to just move things around to get unstuck. I think it's great that you are working on the art, and your system makes sense.

Tillie, I can't imagine fire as weather either. I'm glad you didn't have to go out in it.

Anony, I will be very interested to hear how your tiny home journey goes. Do the telephone poles have creosote on them? I would think that might be a problem.

Cm, I really understand the urge to buy the new dolls. How realistic are you being about their importance as an income resource? Could you set aside a percentage of what you actually make selling doll clothes and only buy one when you have enough money from that? Resisting is good though.

the progress on your quilt is great! A quilt us a really big project. There were some beautiful ones at the fair this year.

I entered two that my great grandmother made in the antique division, and an afghan my grandmother crocheted. All three won ribbons!

I had a really good time at the fair catching up with my friends. I did buy a t-shirt. The farm bureau puts one out every year to support the 4h kids. This one was a leftover of one of my favorites that was selling at a reduced price.

I also acquired a plastic spoon, a souvenier cup (in order to avoid a styrofoam cup) a booklet for the class I'm teaching, a note with someone's contact info, and a post card with info on it I want to pass on to one of my students.

I accidentally ordered a snack that came on a styrofoam tray, which I threw out, but I rescued a couple of empty water bottles that had been left on the stands to recycle so maybe those are "offsets"?

I placed well in a lot of the areas I entered. I should have a little money left after I replenish my "ticket and spending money" fund for next year's fair.

I took best of show in Ceramics too, which is nice.
Posted: 19 July 2017 - 11:07 PM
Trash Day is still what keeps my routine in check.
my friend bryan practically lives here now.
I don't mind because he helps keep everthing in place.
and if I start a project he stays with me till its complete.
I don't like the empty cave . My house is too big for just one person.

I keep thinking I'll get it all messed up again for one reason or another. But the system where I i can swipe photos of what's inside labeled tubs keeps me from rummaging through junk I keep hoarded in the basement.
Posted: 19 July 2017 - 08:10 PM
I swept under couch, vacuumed rug under desk, did a giant no-no where in one fell swoop I took every thing off the coffee table and put on dining room table. I just need to see my coffee table. I dusted it.

Dining room table is a task for tomorrow night. I am happy to see my coffee table.

Dying of humidity. Going to shower and call it a night. Sorry to post so much. I needed you.
Posted: 19 July 2017 - 07:08 PM
Ok I've vacuumed kitty's couch. Now I'll put some clean kitty sheets on it. I put the ceiling fan on for her in the bedroom and I just checked in her and she is feeling much cooler.

I'm working on the art. A lot of decisions. Moving stuff around. I'm trying to place things on existing hooks til I decide what is going where--so while I try it out it may not be hung at the correct height but I do not want to make too many holes in the wall until I know that which pieces have found a semi-permanent home.

Very warm. Drinking lots of water. Will put on AC while I shower so my bedroom will be nice and cool when I get ready for bed.
Posted: 19 July 2017 - 06:05 PM
Hi Tillie!!! Worried about Yosemite, you and the cats. It must be very odd to have smoke & fire be part of your weather pattern.

I've run the dishwasher and made iced tea. I have cleaned inside toilet and scrubbed the sink and vanity. I have moved some art, SubC, you know how long I've been puttIng that off.

It's terribly hot and humid but for some reason, I'm doing okay. Tiny cat is on my white bedspread (black cat/white bedspread:I think we know how that's going to end). She feels very ea to me but she's drinking plenty of water do I won't worry too much. I may try to take this opportunity to vacuum the couch. I have no idea where the energy is coming from but let's not look too hard--no need to talk myself out of some productivity.

Much love to all.
Posted: 19 July 2017 - 04:25 PM
HI Everybody :)
PORTER!!! how are you?

Hi CriticalMass :)
WAY TO GO!!! for working on your quilt! :D
Soon as the quilt and papers are done you can start on other more interesting subjects.
Keep resisting the urge to add the new dolls (((HUGS)))

Hi Tatoulia :)
GREAT!! that you got some good sound sleep.
This morning I managed to sleep in till 9am.
Take care and try not to stress about not getting stuff at home done while the weather is so miserable there. (((HUGS)))

Hi Anonymoniker :)
Keep brainstorming on manageable home solutions, I an positive you will find something that will be good for you (((HUGS)))
And I believe you are right. That you will be able to let go of the old stuff when you have a new place to live. :D

Hi Subclinical :)
Looking forward to your post as to how the fair went. :D

Funky looking day here today.
Yosemite is burning and the smoke is coming my way. :(
But the cooler weather is still holding in the 90s.
Been putzing around inside doing a little of this and that.
Happy that I don't have any reason to go outside today. ;D
Posted: 19 July 2017 - 02:08 PM
Anony you are brave & resourceful! I am glad you have a big piece of property. 200 sq feet is not a lot but I bet you can do it!

I have not done any household stuff today. Took some things up to mom's and It's like I'm wearing the weather. Just so humid.

I'm staying hydrated and will need to brew some iced tea later.
Posted: 19 July 2017 - 12:56 PM
~Good morning, to all!~
So far, im liking the idea of using the old solar tower as a frame for one or 2 rooms that would each be under the legal size limit. One as a bedroom & the other as a kitchen? It is strong, made of telephone poles, and is situated in a perfect spot! Im just not sure if itd be easier to have a sturdy frame already there, or if itd be easier to just start from scratch, with a conventional plan? ...i usually struggle with anything conventional...ha ha Part of me really wishes i had a guy partner that knows how to do construction to help, and part of me wants to do this on my long as i can get this trailer from further falling apart, ill have some time to figure it out? One thing that i feel will happen if i create a new space, is that itll be easier to let go of old stuff...? Ive been watching YouTube videos on easy buildings, and ive been following alternative & tiny homes for a while. It could be a great experience to really build my own home....?!?
Posted: 19 July 2017 - 08:41 AM
Iced tea clinks!!

Another hot and humid day. I remember when I lived in the Midwest they'd say, hazy hot & humid. I don't hearcthst onnthe news any more.

Today I am going to work on bathroom. I'm home and working & will spend time on bathroom.

So good to read everyone's posts! Keep up the good work! Your progress is truly helping me. I too struggle with bringing more stuff into house. But I've cut back by 80% so that's good.

Tillie I slept after work last night. I woke up at 10 but I would've sworn it was 3 AM. I had to keep looking st clock--it's really only 10PM. Very restful sleep.

I'll write more later!!!!
Posted: 19 July 2017 - 08:24 AM
Scrambling to catch back up to where I was about a month ago when I was focused and had several tasks laid out and they seemed oh so doable. Well, I still know what they were, basically. It's just that there's been an "influx" of more stuff, and some days when I was called away so it broke the steady flow.

On the good side, I'm getting those quilt pieces embroidered - that may not sound like much but this unfinished quilt has been hanging over my head way too long. And when I get it put together and taken to the church, I can neatly put away the equipment and fabric and that'll reduce some clutteredness.

Then it's back to those paperwork tasks - not exciting but the hot summertime indoors in the AC is as good a time as any to tackle them. Add a little iced tea and some tunes and I'll be good to go. And when the papers are data-entered and shredded that will also free up space. There aren't that many but I will be glad to get them done and see them not be a physical presence any longer.

I can reward myself for doing the boring tasks with time to do artwork or sewing.

Haven't been as disciplined as I should with the shopping, though not out of control. There have been about three categories of "shiny things" calling to me - alcohol inks for artwork, beads and findings for jewelry making, and the new sized Barbie & Ken dolls for making patterns for sewing and selling the clothes.

I'm resisting the urge to actually collect additional dolls in the new Fashionista series just because I like them, though. Debating whether to get Monster High dolls and make and sell clothes for them as well. I have a $10 Toys R Us gift coupon, so I could get either one more Barbie or Ken, or two of the cheapest Monster High dolls. I won't go to TRU until I'm going to that side of town - way far from where I live so a trip just for that is not justifiable in terms of gasoline cost.

I actually meant this to be a short post! Oh well.

I have Clutter Cleaners club this afternoon. Looking forward to telling about meeting Cory.
Posted: 18 July 2017 - 09:00 PM
Thanks Tillie.

Tomorrow I get to spend the whole day. Everything will be judged by evening so I will know how I did. My dd was there today and some categories had been judged. I asked her not to tell me because I like to go in and see for myself and take my time walking through the exhibits, so she said, "ok, but I have to tell you - you're going to be happy." So that is something nice to look forward to.

Also, it is the day that most of my farm friends will be there. Some of them I see only on fair week each year.

I will remember to focus on people and experiences.

(Dd handed the button on to a friend. :) )

Today I used some of those free flat promotional fridge magnets to turn a bumper sticker into a car magnet because dh doesn't like me to put stickers on my car. I already had all the items. I also cut some of the drywall scraps and ran tape around them. Some are for me to keep, but I also plan to take some to the pottery studio where I have class on Thursday as a gift.
Posted: 18 July 2017 - 04:39 PM
Hello :)

Hi Tatoulia :)
Sounds like I got my wish for your weekend.
Fun times :D
Yes, I wore rubber gloves while dealing with that laundry :/
Scooter says "HI"

Hi Subclinical :)
Hoping the fair is a good one for you ;)
Once upon a time I made a ledger listing every single penny I spent for a whole year.
Every time I spent any money it was listed in my ledger.
After a year I was able to evaluate my spending and knew the exact dollar amount I spent on every category.
Food, cleaning/household, pets, insurance, utilities, car maintenance, etc...
It was a very valuable experiment for me.
I also listed whatever I was able to put into a savings account and how much I saved by using coupons for products I was going to buy anyway, coupon or not.

Hi Anonymoniker :)
The only person I have to will my house & stuff to really doesn't want it.
He is happy to have me. I told him to just sell whatever & get the money because I want him to have the 80K or more he would get.
About your house...
Alternative housing of some sort.
Maybe a shipping crate. Solid construction but you need to have windows cut into the metal sides.
Look at Youtube videos to see if that would work for you. (((HUGS)))

WAY TO GO!!! Everybody for all you are doing and for all your thinking and planning and living in the moment, :D

No new excitement around here. Pretty boring actually.
Last evening it cooled off. A beautiful little cool breeze blew all night long.
I needed my blanket & not just the sheet.
Scooter had the blanket and fought hard to keep it, but I eventually got some covers back.
Only got up into the mid 90s yesterday and today.
I know that is still hot but not so deadly hot as those 104s and higher were.
Posted: 18 July 2017 - 03:02 PM
Anony, 200 sq ft is pretty small. How big is your trailer? Would you be able to move into the little building temporarily and eventually replace the trailer?

Have you checked out all the stuff on tiny houses?
Posted: 18 July 2017 - 02:11 PM
~Hello, to all!~
Ive been really soul-searching over what to do & im trying to look at keeping it simple & within the realms of what i have. I have a tight budget & I can legally only do a 200 square foot building. For now, im gonna watch YouTube videos & figure on doing a lot of it myself & get help for certain parts of it, but not put anyone else in charge of it. Thats where im at for now. I can have plastic sheeting put across my trailer to keep it more or less in tact in the mean time. One of the more difficult parts of 'improving' my home, has been that underneath all my junk & dirt, is a junk trailer, so it has made the illusion of improving it kinda futile. Its not like a beautiful home was there, if i just cleaned it out better. I am still loving being the nice areas i made in the kitchen & porch, tho! I regularly hang out there in bliss! Im scared, but also excited. It could be an awesome adventure.....☆
Posted: 18 July 2017 - 02:11 PM
~Hello, to all!~
Ive been really soul-searching over what to do & im trying to look at keeping it simple & within the realms of what i have. I have a tight budget & I can legally only do a 200 square foot building. For now, im gonna watch YouTube videos & figure on doing a lot of it myself & get help for certain parts of it, but not put anyone else in charge of it. Thats where im at for now. I can have plastic sheeting put across my trailer to keep it more or less in tact in the mean time. One of the more difficult parts of 'improving' my home, has been that underneath all my junk & dirt, is a junk trailer, so it has made the illusion of improving it kinda futile. Its not like a beautiful home was there, if i just cleaned it out better. I am still loving being the nice areas i made in the kitchen & porch, tho! I regularly hang out there in bliss! Im scared, but also excited. It could be an awesome adventure.....☆
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