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Hoarding Help Message Boards : How to Help a Hoarder : Help/Vent!
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Posted: 10 September 2012 - 04:07 PM
My MIL is now living with us because her house has become a deathtrap for her. Not only because of the hoarding, but also from the dust, mold,mildew and mice. Her health had gotten so bad she was hospitalized while on vacation. We were not there to discuss with the doctors about her hoarding conditions. She has been with us 2 months now and is feeling so much better and I know it's because she is out of that house. Problem's up to me, her 2 sons and a girlfriend of her sons to clean out her house. Masks and gloves must be worn. It is atrocious to say the least. The more I see the more I think that it would be better to just tear it down once we clean it out. It's a small modular, about 22 years old but I think that a good part of it will need gutted and we do not have the money to do any of that. I'm afraid that my houseguest is going to become a permanent member of our household. We have 2 kids (9 and 2), that are now sharing a bedroom because gram is in the other room now, filling it with her bags. We also live in a little modular. Things have been getting tense around here to say the least. I just dont know what to do.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : How to Help a Hoarder : Help/Vent!

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