Some other posts I've been making have put me into quite a bit of thought about hoarding and cleaning and I've developed a curiosity about something.
Mrs Dave and I have been playing a word game called Upwords. For purposes of this discussion we'll just say it is a word game in which you take turns putting tiles on a board to make words. After you play, you draw new tiles to replace the ones played.
So I want a particular vowel and I look at all the upside down tiles in the box lid, close my eyes and try to visualize where the one I want might be. So I get a vowel that is not useful on the current board, or don't get one at all. And then deal with the frustration (rage) over opponent playing over the word I wanted to use. And then have to study out an "opportunity" to use what I have. and if there are two choices, figure out which one I prefer to do.
Do you suppose engaging in that kind of mental activity, in the form of play, over a period of time reduces mental strain of deciding whether "valuable" gathered items should be kept or sent away?