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Hoarding Help Message Boards : How to Help a Hoarder : Is this hoarding?
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Is this hoarding?

Posted: 29 August 2013 - 08:33 AM
Melissa, welcome. Tillie has given you some good ideas of where to start. The sooner the problems are addressed, the more likely a successful resolution can be achieved.

No matter how you address it, always approach from a nonjudgmental, kind and listening way. You can read these boards, read some books, watch some shows.

Most people with addictions/hoarding are in denial so be prepared for any negative or hostile reaction. On the other hand, she may be somewhat aware she's out of control and be able to ask for help.

If she refuses individual counseling, perhaps you could get her into family counseling with you and your brother to start. Sometimes folks are so afraid of counseling that they refuse to go on their own but will go with another person and then grow brave enough to do individual counseling. Or perhaps you could locate a shoppers anonymous group in your area and ask her to go with you?

Posted: 29 August 2013 - 12:08 AM
Thank you for your help, Tillie! I will definitely let you know what happens. My brother and I are trying to figure out a way to help her.
Posted: 27 August 2013 - 02:46 PM
Hi Melissa :)

What your Mom is doing is self medicating behavour.
Hoarders and people becoming hoarders use retail therapy to make themselves feel good.
They get a "high from the buy" and it very quickly wears off and so they buy buy buy even more.
The items they end up with give them no emotional/brain chemical high so the items are just dropped by the door.
This behavour is very addictive. Your Mom is a shopping addict.
When the bills all pile up from excessive shopping the shopping addict will make themselves feel better by going shopping.
Very illogical.
This is how a hoarder becomes a hoarder.
Would your Mom agree to seeing a therapist?
That would be the best way to help her.
She is probably suffering from unresolved grief and fear of life as a widow and being lonely.

Good luck and best wishes and please let me know how you are doing. :)

Sincerely, Tillie
Posted: 27 August 2013 - 02:10 PM

My mom lost my dad in 2007. One of the first things she did after he died was remodel the home. As a result, she bought all kinds of new things. She pretty much made the whole house new again. In the process, she bought three dining room tables until she finally found one she ultimately liked. Same with living room furniture.

Her excuse for buying so much was, "Your dad never let me buy anything new the whole time we were married." Which is a lie. He did. He just didn't like excessive spending. They were married for 33 years when he died.

Now, my brother and I have noticed a new trend. For the past few years, her spending has picked up again. This time, she uses QVC and HSN for her purchases. It's all makeup - mascara, eyeshadow and facial treatment creams. Some clothes here and there, but mostly makeup. She justifies it by saying, "I like makeup." However, when the packages are finally delivered to her home, they sit around unopened for months or years at a time. She bought a computer in March of 2010 - it's still in the box. She bought an iPad earlier this summer - still in the box. These are just the bigger purchases. She also has a TON of boxes lying around that are filled with the makeup and facial creams. TONS. They've been sitting around for months or years, like I said. At one point, my brother and I counted 49 unopened packages in her home. Many were just stacked by the front door.

Her house is habitable and is not overly cluttered with these packages. But, our concern is that the spending has increased and we don't see it stopping anytime soon. In 2012, she might have spent $2000 on QVC and HSN total. This year so far, it's about $8600.

So, my question is if this is a type of hoarding disorder or is it a compulsive shopping disorder - or is it both? Or is compulsive shopping a type of hoarding disorder - I imagine it might be?

Thank you for your help!

Melissa & Mark
Hoarding Help Message Boards : How to Help a Hoarder : Is this hoarding?

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