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Hoarding Help Message Boards : How to Help a Hoarder : Help Cleaning Veteran Mother's Hoard
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Help Cleaning Veteran Mother's Hoard

Posted: 17 May 2023 - 03:59 AM
I am in serious need of some assistance. My veteran mother moved into our home after she retired from the military. Before COVID, she would watch my girls for me after school while I was at work and her hoard was contained to her room.

Within the last year, my two daughters and I are limited to our bedrooms and the kitchen of our home. As she can no longer even walk into her bedroom aside from a path to her bathroom. Her hoard has taken over our home as she now sleeps on the couch in the living room. There are boxes and just random stuff all over the place. Boxes full of clothes, fabric, sewing machines, etc, now also fill the dining room and what was once my work-from-home office.

I am absolutely terrified that if someone sees our home I'll lose my children (ages 11 &14). At first, we were very persistent in cleaning up after her. Now we're all incredibly defeated and know that as soon as she sees it's been cleaned, she'll just start pulling stuff out again. It's unfair and we desereve to live in a clean and safe environment. When we mention to her about possibly helping us clean, she either just lays there or explodes and becomes verbally abusive.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how we can tackle this mess and get our home back?! Please help! I can't just ask her to move out as she has severe PTSD and seizures. Our other family members are of no help as they see it as my children and I's responsibility to clean up behind her and not let it get to this point.

Any and all suggestions would be most appreciated.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : How to Help a Hoarder : Help Cleaning Veteran Mother's Hoard

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