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Hoarding Help Message Boards : How to Help a Hoarder : Seeking advice
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Seeking advice

Posted: 25 February 2019 - 01:53 PM
Hello :)

That sure is a tough situation you have there.
Since she has health issues which probably would make moving all the things around all by herself difficult
I would suggest that you hire the help you mentioned.
With professional people helping I believe that you could be free of the storage unit fees in less than a month
and that's with her making a lot of the keep/toss/donate decisions and the help moving the things out.
You would have to be firm with her that you will no longer pay for storage for items she doesn't even need or use.
A professional crew like Steri-Clean would be considerate and understanding of her hoarding issues and help talk her through the process.

Good luck and best wishes
overwhelmed mom
Posted: 25 February 2019 - 12:49 PM
Several years ago my daughter was evicted from a house. Out of desperation she asked me to rent storage spaces for her belongings. At this point in time I did not know she was a hoarder. She has pared down 6 units to 4 but it is still costing me a great deal of funds every month. I am planning on retiring in less than 6 months. I would like to stop paying on the storage but would like to give her a reasonable time. She does realize she is a hoarder and is trying to get help but has turned down help including professionals that deal with hoarding cleanup. But here is the clincher-she is on permanent disability, went through breast cancer treatment three years ago, and suffers from many health problems. I want to give her a chance to dispose of the stuff herself but what time frame is fair? I have to get out from under the storage fees. Last time I had her give up a storage unit, the stuff ended up in the apartment which I always fear she will get evicted from.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : How to Help a Hoarder : Seeking advice

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