I have a friend, ive close to over the months.He lives down the hall .. in my building.. We do stuff together every week or so, him telling me what he purchased that week, as we go out to dinner movies, etc. I've had him over several times to eat, but have notiiced he always meets me out front of our building, or comes to ring my doorbell but I never stepped foot in his condo, been asked over, or even been to his door. He has repeatedly said he would ask me in, but has a mess he doesn't want me to see. His vehicle is also loaded down, so we go in mine. So I recently, suggested he might have an problem .. trying to be helpful and sent him an article on Hosrding with questions.
I was flabbergasted at his reaction, turned from dr jevkyll to mr Hyde and ending our friendship on the spot. Could this really have offended him that much? I have an Aunt that hoards, that does the same thing, and why I wondered. I offered to help him, but he took the wrong way I guess? Do closet hoarders over react that way normally? Thx