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Hoarding Help Message Boards : How to Help a Hoarder : Mother needs help with daughter
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Mother needs help with daughter

Posted: 09 September 2018 - 12:25 AM
Hello :)

Is there any reason why he would not be able to live in a place of his own should your mother pass away?
Sorry to hear about this situation but unless your mother asks for help there is really not much you can do right now.
I'm sure he knows he hoards but he just doesn't think it's a problem.
I recommend you read the book
"Digging Out".

Good luck & best wishes
Jane Donahue
Posted: 08 September 2018 - 10:16 PM
My 40-year-old brother lives w/ my 80 yr- old mother. He hoards in the house. The kitchen is usually his mess. He doesn't know he has a problem. To a add to that: He and my mo are paying a monthly sstorage fee for a unit. She's a big enabler. But when she dies, NONE of us other siblings are going to take him in. What to do?
Posted: 22 September 2017 - 08:48 AM
Hi Anonymous :)

Since your sister has been living in your Mom's house she is considered by law to be a resident there.
To legally remove her your Mom needs to start eviction proceedings.
If your Mom gets rid of your sister's boxes of possessions without her permission, your sister can have a case against her and sue for the cost (real or imagined) of the items.
The only solution left for your Mom is to have her legally evicted.

Good luck and best wishes to you and your Mother.
Posted: 22 September 2017 - 12:16 AM
My sister lives with my mother and is causing my mother alot of stress! My sister has a hoarding problem along with alcoholism and substance abuse and has globs of things all over my mom's house. We've talked to her about it and have given her a time frame to get her stuff cleaned out or we're going to have someone do it for her. My mom wants to know can she legally have someone come take my sister's boxes of crap,? She mainly stays in my mom's basement and does not pay rent. There is a bedroom for her but it's full of crap so she sleeps in a chair. The other two sofas are full of stuff so no one can sit in them. My mom has recently found out there is a mice problem down there and a horrible smell in the bedroom. She wants her to move out and has asked her to for several years but she won't go. Any suggestions? My sister is 58 and mom is 76. She really can't take much more of this.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : How to Help a Hoarder : Mother needs help with daughter

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