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Hoarding Help Message Boards : How to Help a Hoarder : Mom refuses to allow cleaning
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Mom refuses to allow cleaning

Posted: 12 May 2015 - 09:18 AM
Hi Txmomma :)

In my honest opinion, I believe this is more a matter of the Alzheimer's diagnosis rather than a reluctant hoarder/messy situation.
My suggestion is to contact an Alzheimer's support group message board for better advice than we can offer here.
Yes, they should have a safe and sanitary home and hopefully you can learn the best way to help them achieve this without your mother getting too upset.

Best wishes to all of you through this challenging time.
Posted: 11 May 2015 - 10:22 PM
My mother has always been somewhat of a hoarder but since she's been diagnosed with Alzheimers it is much worse. She lives with my dad in a city far from me and has refused to let me come visit the house. My sister managed to go over there and was shocked how bad it is. But it isn't just the stuff it's refusal to clean at all or allow anyone to clean. My sister said the toilet was so disgusting she wanted to vomit. But even though my dad is there he won't take control of the unsanitary conditions. She gets angry and throws a fit if he attempts to clean. How to deal with this? Do I try to just go there and at least try to make things sanitary? Get at least one or both of them in counseling? How can I get my dad to take any action? I know she's aware of how bad it is since she doesn't want anyone there but I don't want them to live in filth! Advice?
Hoarding Help Message Boards : How to Help a Hoarder : Mom refuses to allow cleaning

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