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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Talk About Your Fears : Fear of dating.
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Fear of dating.

Posted: 17 July 2018 - 01:16 PM
Hi :)

Way to go! for all the progress you have made! ;D

So, your home is clean but you have lots of boxes you are working on...

One thing many people do at this stage of decluttering
is to stack the boxes up neatly and cover them with a sheet or table cloth.
Makes the place look neater for company.
Some people will make a "box table" and cover it too.

This is just a suggestion for making the place look more pulled together as you keep working on decluttering all those boxes from your life.
Posted: 17 July 2018 - 01:08 PM
I have hoarded since I was a child. My room was 3 feet deep in clutter as a kid. This is the most progress I've ever made to having a normal home.

I recently had a guy over for the first time in over 3 years and I had made a lot of progress but it wasn't as nice as it now. He was really judgemental. I was devastated
Posted: 17 July 2018 - 12:55 PM
My fear of dating used to be the dread of explaining why they can't come to my place. I've been single for years. I'm only 30. I recently cleaned up my place and I could have someone over now, but I still have boxes.

I also have two storage units I'm sorting through. I can't hide that forever. I'm trying to dedicate a lot of time to it and I hate lying about what I'm doing.

If I met someone who didn't judge me while I'm making progress I would be so relieved. But as soon as they find out how much I have, I fear any guy would picture the hoarders episodes with piles of feces, dead animals, and diapers. Not the actual hoard I have.

I'm at the clean house with boxes stage. But it will take a while to get through everything and I'm tired of being alone.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Talk About Your Fears : Fear of dating.

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