My house isn't extremely cluttered like some other hoarders, but the rooms & house in general is absolutely filthy from 5 years of neglect. Today a family member hired a cleaning lady for us. My father and I were hit by a car on the 31st, and we've got injuries that require a nurse to come in, pack wounds, etc. except that our house is really dirty and unsanitary. We were forced to move in here after a bankruptcy caused by my mother's excessive spending, and had we a much bigger house than this little apartment, so naturally there was clutter and little room. My Dad is a single father, and therefore is constantly working. It was my job to clean up the house but I failed miserably like I always do. I never was taught proper cleaning or organizing skills as a kid, and so the clutter kept piling up. Then I developed POTS, and I had to drop out of high school. I couldn't even get up out of bed some times and I never had the energy to work. I'd try but about 2 hours in I'd start to faint and have dizzy spells that took me off my feet. This was when I was 12, and now I'm almost 19 and it's still a problem since I have no health insurance and no money hardly. I haven't had anybody enter my house in almost 7 years so I've been socially isolated. I never go outside because I'm scared if people will smell the house's odors on me or if I don't look a certain way. Dad hoards tupperware and gets nervous if I try to throw it away, even though we have over 40 pieces of tupperware. There's a whole bunch of empty egg cartons on top of the refrigerator and my room is probably the worst. I've created this wall around my space so I feel safe from my anxiety. I get extremely anxious when even my dad tries to move anything in my room. I don't know what's wrong with me, I absolutely hate my life because it seems like nothing but bad things happen to me. I have no money and no energy, no willpower at all left to do anything. I'm at my wits end. I don't know what to do.