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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Talk About Your Fears : In public I look like I have it together. In private, Im a wreck
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In public I look like I have it together. In private, Im a wreck

Posted: 02 January 2022 - 09:06 PM
I know just how you feel I a hha my job is to clean other people homes. for many years I work for a bedbound man his family and their pets cleaning up after them it was my first job and I didn't want to lost it. My father by pass away I didn't know what to do at that the time needed the money even though it was very little. This job took two hours get to from home working was very hard my heath was not good and I didn't have the time to look into it work seven days a week including holidays once I get home all I want to do is relax I don't have anybody living with me. I got out of that family and into a nicer family near my home but my bad health got worse and no health insurance so I don't have time or the money to take care of me both physically and mentally people tell me all the time I GREAT at my job but my home is a mess and it all because of me I wish I can fix this
Posted: 25 October 2015 - 12:11 PM
Secondary back up post

Hi Michele :)

Lots of people have the same struggles and a lot of them are nurses.
The busy work schedule leaves little time to clean when all you can do when you get home is eat, shower and sleep.
In 'The Daily Chat" thread we can help give you ideas, suggestions and lots of encouragement.
More people read there than here in this thread.
Please join us there and tell us a little more about what areas you are struggling with.

Welcome :)
Posted: 25 October 2015 - 12:10 PM
Hi Michele :)

Lots of people have the same struggles and a lot of them are nurses.
The busy work schedule leaves little time to clean when all you can do when you get home is eat, shower and sleep.
In 'The Daily Chat" thread we can help give you ideas, suggestions and lots of encouragement.
More people read there than here in this thread.
Please join us there and tell us a little more about what areas you are struggling with.

Welcome :)
Posted: 24 October 2015 - 10:53 PM
I am ashamed. I am creative, I could have a beautiful house, Im a nurse, people look to me as a leader. But walk into my house and its another story. Why do I get so overwhelmed when attempting to clean? Why is everything so chaotic and disgusting. I want to change. But I don't know where to start. My house keeps people away from me. So it isolates. Ill never be in a relationship if Im a meds. I feel stupid.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Talk About Your Fears : In public I look like I have it together. In private, Im a wreck

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