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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Weekly Task : 9/15/12
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Posted: 17 September 2012 - 11:23 AM
Thanks Tillie. :D
Posted: 17 September 2012 - 08:59 AM

Picture a parade with balloons all in your honor!
You deserve it!
Fantastic job :D
Posted: 16 September 2012 - 08:49 PM
Ok, I am officially done with the weekend task. I just finished cleaning and vacuuming my room. All of the clean clothes that were laying on my couch are now all folded and put away in my nice clean closet; and all of the dirty clothes that were laying all over my floor are now in the laundry. And tomorrow I am going to go drop all of my donation bags off at Goodwill. :)
Posted: 16 September 2012 - 07:27 PM
Ok, my closet is finally DONE! Everything in my closet is all organized and in it's place. :) now I can finally get started on cleaning my actual room. :)
Posted: 16 September 2012 - 05:15 PM
When I get back from supper I am going to start organizing my closet and putting all of the stuff that I decided to keep back into the closet. :)
Posted: 16 September 2012 - 05:05 PM
Ok, so another 2 hours have gone by and I have filled up about 10 bags full of stuff that I want to donate. I know what you're thinking. "Holy crap that is a lot of bags!" lol. I'm kind of shocked that I filled that many bags up myself. Right now I am getting ready to take a little break from cleaning and go out to eat with my family, and then go drop all of the bags of stuff and empty boxes that I want to throw away at the dump before it closes. :)
Posted: 16 September 2012 - 02:41 PM
Ok, so I've been in the process of cleaning out my closet for a little over 2 hours now. So far I have cleared out everything in the closet and I can now see my closet floor. I have filled up 7 garbage bags of stuff to throw away and take to the dump. Don't worry, the stuff that I put in the garbage bags to throw away wasn't regular trash; it was stuff like old magazines and old stuff from school. I also found the box that my guitar came in from 2 Christmases ago. I totally meant to throw that box away back then but I forgot; so I'm going to take it to the dump along with the box that my plasma tv came in from this past Christmas. Right now I'm getting ready to vacuum my closet floor and then I'm going to sort through my clothes and collection of bags and find stuff to donate. :)
Cory Chalmers
Posted: 16 September 2012 - 02:22 PM
Closets can take a long time, as they can contain hundreds of items, and many don't typically belong there. How about just remove everything that doesn't really belong in there and set them aside. Just worry about the closet, get it organized and the pile of "other" stuff, you can deal with later. If you have time to start finding a home for the rest of the stuff, great! But, this is about organizing your closet so just focus on the items that belong in there for right now. You can do it!
Posted: 16 September 2012 - 11:48 AM
I just woke up a half an hour ago. Now I'm getting ready to start cleaning out my closet and my whole room. I have a funny feeling that this is going to be a really long task. My closet is a walk-in closet and right now I'm not even able to walk into it. I'll update if I find anything weird, cool, or gross and scary in there while I'm cleaning. :)
Posted: 16 September 2012 - 10:09 AM
Hey MayMay, :)

Nope, that is how my closet has looked for two years now.
Before that my hoarder had that entire tiny room totally packed full of crap and there were some of the biggest cobwebs hanging in there that I've ever seen!
The only place in the house for my dresser was in the diningroom and I had to keep my stuff in boxes in the hallway. :(
One day I took over that tiny room, made him get his stuff all out of there. (He had and still does have the other bedroom totally hoarded so I had no place in this house).
Then I scrubbed clean my whole new space, patched the walls, painted, put up closet shelves, put down a fresh new scrap of carpet and installed a new light fixture.
Now I have a space all my own where I can put all MY stuff and I keep my room organized. :D

Once you have a clean organized closet it makes cleaning and organizing your room and clothing a whole lot easier. Honest! :D
Posted: 15 September 2012 - 11:56 PM
Hey Tillie. :D did you install all those shelves today? Great job! :D I haven't even gotten started on my closet yet. I'm going to get started on it right after I wake up tomorrow. :) I'm not going to lie. I'm a little scared. My closet is extremely messy. It looks like a tornado hit it. Well actually my whole room kind of looks like that right now. ;) But my closet is really bad! I am not a hoarder but I will admit that I am really messy. :)
Posted: 15 September 2012 - 06:14 PM
I must be a very boring person. ;)

The tiny closet in my tiny room measures
6 feet 11 inches tall
29 inches deep
30 1/2 inches wide

At the back wall I installed 4 shelves.
Top shelf = sweaters, sweatshirts, flannel shirts
all zipped up in plastic storage bags.
Next shelf = pillow cases and blankets.
Next shelf = sheets.
Bottom shelf = jeans.
Floor = wooden sewing box and a cat bed.

Hanging to the left is a canvas shoe holder with enough pockets for all my shoes & slippers and shoe brushes too.

My blouses, dresses, skirts and night gowns are folded and kept in the dresser drawers along with all my other clothing like slips & socks.

With this very limited space I have to be very careful about what I buy because whenever I bring home something new I must get rid of something that I already have.

I suppose that keeping a cat bed in my closet is weird but that's where the cats like to sleep. :D
Cory Chalmers
Posted: 15 September 2012 - 01:33 AM
So you guys have been succeeding so well on the weekly task, I thought I would make this weeks a little more challenging. Todays task is going to be the closet. I am talking about your bedroom closet, not the hall closet the linen closet or coming out of the closet! I am talking about seeing the floor in there again, hanging up your clothing again, and finding the matching mate to every pair of shoes. This is a good time to prepare for cooler weather that will be on the way soon. Our closets shouldn't be storage for projects, electronics or crafts. Our closets shouldn't be a home for dust bunnies, crickets and spiders. Our closets are for our clothing, hats, and shoes. Don't forget, if you are not going to wear it...donate it! We filled a bag or two before for the donation center, so if you find more out of style, or clothes that don't fit, let them go to someone who needs them. We reclaim our space and we help others in the process, win-win! Enjoy your weekend, but when you have some free time, tackle that closet and lets see what is under all that clutter! You may be surprised at what you find. Let's see who can come up with the most bizarre find in their closet by Sunday night :)
Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Weekly Task : 9/15/12

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