Ok, so I moved this board out of the daily chat so more people can join in our weekly tasks. For those of you that are just finding us, we have already cleaned out the medicine cabinet and filled one bag up with clothing for the donation centers. This weeks task is to tackle the junk drawer. We all have one that stores everything including batteries, coupons, pens, tools, kitchen gadgets, rubber bands and everything else that could possibly fit while allowing us to barely close the drawer as we use our freee hand to push everything down to clear the counter or drawer above it. Am I right? So this week lets empty out that drawer and get rid of expired coupons, batteries that are encrusted with corrosion, rubber bands that break when stretched, and the pencils with erasers as hard a rock. Lets really only keep the items we are truly going to need. This small drawer is a representation of the rest of the house and a glimpse into our decision making skills (or lack there of). This is a good test to see how you can challenge your normal thinking and tackle one are of your home that won't take a lot of time, but will really prove to yourself that you can do this! Post your pre-cleaning thoughts if you want to try this, then post again about how it goes!