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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Weekly Task : 11/4/12, Better later than never :)
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11/4/12, Better later than never :)

Cory Chalmers
Posted: 10 November 2012 - 05:30 PM
Wow Tillie!
Sound like he is really making some great progress. Congrats to you and way to keep on it. Never give up, there is always hope that he can change. Have a great weekend and talk to you tomorrow night :)
Posted: 10 November 2012 - 04:24 PM
Today he has worked on his bedroom.

Changed all the bedding.
Dug down deep & found his desk.
Removed several grocery size bags of trash.
Worked on a lot of the stuff in the piles around the edges.
Gathered up some dirty dishes.
Put dirty clothes in his hamper.
Found and vacuumed 1/3 of the carpet.

He is still working in there. :D
Posted: 06 November 2012 - 09:11 AM
Thank you Cory :D
Cory Chalmers
Posted: 06 November 2012 - 06:50 AM
Sounds like you had a great Sunday! So happy that he found some motivation to work and make so much progress around the house and yard. Congrats, and hope it continues :)
Posted: 05 November 2012 - 12:02 AM
He worked on his bedroom this afternoon :D

He put all his clothes away!
His bed was cleared off.
He made a large clear area in the middle of the room all the way to the bed.

He still needs to change those sheets & blanket, clean and declutter more but he made a big improvement in there.

I told him that his runny nose and bad cough were from the mold from the water leak from the shower/bath tub that he fixed today (accessed through his closet) because he always gets a lot worse when he is in his room.
So he has set up an air purifier in there and has it running.

He is sleeping in his bed now and has not been coughing as usual. :D
Posted: 04 November 2012 - 01:16 PM
Very timely task! :D

To fix the leak from the bath tub/shower faucet he had to move tons of stuff from in front of his bedroom closet and then remove another few tons of stuff from inside his closet.

All this stuff went onto his bed and all around the bed.
Can't even get near the bed any more.

He has not changed the sheets in months even though I placed a fresh clean set & mattress pad in his room.

One of his cats has vomited on the blanket so I placed a clean fresh blanket there with those clean sheets.

Today he needs to shop vac the closet area and treat the mold with bleach.

Then start digging out his bed. :)
Cory Chalmers
Posted: 04 November 2012 - 09:14 AM
Sorry for being a day late on this one. I way busy filming yesterday and didn't get done in time to post.

Today is a task that might challenge some, while others may not even have to lift a finger. This task is for comfort and safety. Today we are going into the bedroom where we sleep and spend many hours of the day and night.

One of the things I notice when helping clean a hoarders home is the limited space they allow for themselves in their own bedroom, especially to sleep. I often find a king size bed with barely enough room for a small child to sleep, let alone a full size adult.

So today we are tackling the bed. We need a good night sleep to completely rest the body AND the mind. When you are cramped in your bed, you are not getting the full rest you need. Not to mention, many hoarders are insomniacs so they don't sleep well anyway. Lets work on clearing the bed this week, making it completely accessible from all sides. This means the top of the bed needs to be cleared completely off and we need at least2 to 3 feet cleared around the bed as well. I would encourage you to also change your sheets while you are at it. If you only have one set, then throw them in the wash.

By creating comfortable spaces where we can truly relax, it helps us get the rest and relaxation we need. Sleep is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. If your bed is already cleared, you can just focus on the space around it. Post your results for all of us to see. Good luck everyone!
Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Weekly Task : 11/4/12, Better later than never :)

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