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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Weekly Task : Delivered Early This Time :)
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Delivered Early This Time :)

Posted: 21 November 2012 - 06:58 PM
Exactly what I needed to discover today :-) I just dealt with a large box of shoes that had been sitting in the living room for 4 years! Luckily none were ruined so some were put in my closet to wear and the rest were put in the donate pile I will take this week. Not like the ones I discovered earlier this week in the very scary moldy basement. So sad to see things that could have been used in paper bags marked in my mother's handwriting "to sell" years and years ago when she put them there with good "someday" intentions - all had to go straight in the trash - not even recycled or donated. I have many more boxes and bags to deal with down there but it is so toxic - even my heavy mold mask doesn't seem to be totally effective. All I have to do now when deciding what to do with something that is still in good condition when I see it is picture those moldy and eaten shoes and clothes and it gives me the easy decision to take care of it NOW - either use it, sell it or donate it. No more "storing for someday" allowed.
Posted: 23 October 2012 - 01:30 PM
Ok. Done did it. :)

Had no shoes to donate but I cleaned all my summer shoes and put them away for the winter.
Tossed one pair of worn out slippers and one pair of worn out sandals.
Posted: 22 October 2012 - 11:43 AM
Good morning Sally II :)

So happy you have found this site!
Cory makes these challenges fun and I enjoy doing them along with everybody else.
Hoping to see you again in chat.
Have a great week, Tillie
Cory Chalmers
Posted: 22 October 2012 - 08:35 AM
Welcome Sally III! Glad you found the weekly tasks. Hope they will help you de-clutter and learn it is mind over matter many times. You can do it :)
Sally (II)
Posted: 21 October 2012 - 10:19 PM
Oh I was looking back at past weeks and noticed there was another Sally, so I will be Sally (II)
Posted: 21 October 2012 - 09:35 PM
Thank you, I had looked before for the assignments but did not find them. I am glad that I have found them now and hope they continue weekly.

I will work on this this week, along with my bedroom floor.
Posted: 20 October 2012 - 10:42 AM
Have a great day Cory. :)
Posted: 20 October 2012 - 06:09 AM
While filming for "Hoarders" this week, it was an interesting collection we were sorting through. An entire home filled with building materials, tools, ladders, motors, etc. This was a working mans hoard so to find THOUSANDS of pairs of shoes in the mix, that was a little odd.
Come to find out it was a closed shoe repair business. What was sad is that after 9 years of being stored in Hefty trash bags the shoes were destroyed, mostly from mold. These are shoes that could have been donated to so many needy people throughout the world, yet only about 50 pairs were usable.

When our clutter exceeds our needs, it is wasteful. If we are not going to use it, why is taking up our valuable space? These shoes filled almost an entire room in the house and when removed for disposal filled up half a dump truck! We can't let "stuff" build to the point it will never be seen or used, and when it gets unburied, it is to the point of disrepair.

So with that being said, todays task is an easy! Go to your closets, look through the piles and collect your shoes. Pick out the ones you will honestly wear and donate the rest. If you can't find a shoes mate, toss it. No excuses on this one for why you should keep just one shoe, or why you should keep shoes you never wear. Donate the shoes to those less fortunate.

Visit Soles4Soules, an incredible shoe charity, and find a drop off location near you. If there isn't one, donate to your local charity. Good luck everyone and have a great weekend! I am off to clean the hoard now :)

Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Weekly Task : Delivered Early This Time :)

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