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Posted: 01 July 2013 - 12:33 PM
WOOHOO!!!! We all did FANTASTIC!!!!! GREAT job everyone! :D
Look at what we can accomplish when we work together! :D
Posted: 01 July 2013 - 01:46 AM
There were some additional items that were added on today so our grand total has gotten even higher. :)
The grand total for the June challenge is now 7697. :)
Posted: 01 July 2013 - 01:43 AM
GREAT JOB Billie and AnneW. :D
You guys did a FANTASTIC job de-cluttering this month. :D
I hope you guys are also planning to participate in the July challenge that starts tomorrow. ;)
Posted: 30 June 2013 - 07:00 PM
WAY TO GO! Billie :D
Posted: 30 June 2013 - 06:40 PM
June 28 and 29 Tossed 6 plastic container, bottles and bowls 1 bunch of sale paper and junk mail 2 stretched out sport bras 1 small bag of trash 1 small bag of used kitty litter 3 crate and barrel catalogs
June 27 Tossed 1 broken a/c blower motor 6 broken under water pond lights 7 old license plates
June 30 Donated 42 Books
Posted: 30 June 2013 - 06:20 PM
6272 grand total for all of us, that is so great, not sure we can top that in July, but as long as it motivates us and we are enjoying reading each others hoard relievers, I think it is great. Thanks again all, and MayMay for all the tallying
Posted: 30 June 2013 - 05:28 PM
06.28.2013 (Friday) 1 "Beary Tired" Night Shirt 3 Accent Pillows (2 green+tan crackle & 1 brown faux fur) 8 Books (2 children's, 3 quote collections, 3 ref.) 3 DVDs 1 music CD 1 "Rook" card game 1 small bag full of old paper trash (from 2005) 1 handful of old receipts (from 2006) 1 old candle 9 magazines/catalogs 1 bottle of perfume (from 2005-smells off to me now) 1 Bottle of Hair Conditioner (half-used) ================================ 31 Items
06.29.2013 (Saturday) 2 Body Lotions 1 Brita Pitcher (cracked & from the 1990's) 12 Recycled Plastics 1 last old trophy 1 handmade bar of new soap (gifted to friend) 2 Barbie Dolls 1 Package Barbie Clothes 1 Pet Shop Turtle Gift Set 1 Soccer Ball 1 piece of soccer practice equipment 1 Detox Health Kit & book 2 Cat Books 1 Friendship Gift Book 3 Ref. Books (2 on writing & 1 on make-up ingredients) 9 VHS Tapes 4 blank audio tapes 6 wine glass charms 2 Oil Dip Bowls 3 Potholders 1 Dishtowel 1 Mug 3 Plates 2 Home Décor boards 1 CD-Player Clock Radio 5 Re-Usable Bags 1 Make-Up Application Brush 1 Jar of exp. Face Cream ==================== 69
06.30.2013 (Sunday) 1 Tin of Cat Oat Grass Seeds 1 Soap my mom made 1 Shopping Bag Carry Handle 1 Make-Up Brush (med) 1 Bottle Body Splash Spray (nearly empty) 4 Recycled Plastics 1 Tube Self-Tanner (exp) 1 Bottle Saline Spray 14 Boxes (small or med) 12 Catalogs 1 Bracelet 1 Pillow Cover 1 Linen Dress Short-Sleeved 2 Children's finger toys 1 College Yearbook of my father's (unearthed & returned to him) 3 Books 2 decades-old exp. license plates 1 Soapstone Sculpture 1 Candlestick Holder 1 Cell Phone Cover/Holder 1 Handheld Heat Massager 1 Budvase I made in high school ========================= 54
Prev. Total = 851
851+ 31 + 69 + 54 = 1,005
Final June Total: 1,005
Posted: 30 June 2013 - 12:46 PM
Thanks MayMay for keeping track of all that and for your infectious enthusiasm!! :)
Posted: 30 June 2013 - 12:56 AM
Here is a list of everyone who participated in the June challenge with their final grand totals; including mine. :)
Diane-2303 Tillie-400 SusanL-23 Billie-350 AnneW-851 Dianne-845 Karl-1000 MayMay-500
I took all of our grand totals and added them together. :)
Together we got rid of 6272 items. :)
I hope everyone who participated in this challenge will also participate in the July challenge as well. :)
Posted: 30 June 2013 - 12:48 AM
Thanks diane. :)
Of course I'll add up all of the grand totals for the July challenge! I'd love to do it! :)
Posted: 30 June 2013 - 12:44 AM
Your final grand total for the June challenge is 400. :)
Posted: 29 June 2013 - 11:54 PM
Maymay, you have been so good at the totals and encouragement, sure hope it isn't too much for you to do July too. If you say no, I understand, you really have helped me. Thanks so much.
Posted: 29 June 2013 - 11:51 PM
June is almost over 3 towels 4 pieces upholstery fabric 1 overnight bag 2 shirts 1 cookie cutter 1 mountain scene on tile 27 Christmas decorations 1 pants 1 multi clip hanger to hang wet sox on 2 stuffed animals 1 large bag of feathers for fly tying 1 wicker basket 3 magazines 5 books 1 rug 1 tennis shoe 1 lint roller 1 bag sea shells 1 poster 27 greeting cards 14 refrigerator magnets 8 yarns 3 packages iron on stencil 3 bags trash total 114 grand total 2303
Posted: 29 June 2013 - 08:00 AM
4 bags of kitchen trash. :)
Posted: 29 June 2013 - 07:59 AM
MayMay, Be ready to total all our totals together to get the Grand Total of all that has gone out of our homes this month.
It will be impressive to see just how much we have all been able to do together. :D
Since Karl decluttered his livingroom I think we should give him at least 1000 points. ;)
Posted: 28 June 2013 - 01:30 AM
AnneW, (((HUGS)))
Posted: 28 June 2013 - 01:28 AM
Thanks AnneW,
Yes my massage was great. :)
You are doing AWESOME! :D
You are almost at 900. :D
Posted: 28 June 2013 - 01:25 AM
Your grand total is now 396. :)
You are almost at 400. :D
Posted: 28 June 2013 - 01:22 AM
GREAT JOB diane! :D
Your grand total is now 2189. :)
You are doing AMAZING! :D
Posted: 27 June 2013 - 09:58 PM
Posted: 27 June 2013 - 08:23 PM
Thanks for letting us know how you are feeling Anne, I went through that on and off the last 2 weeks, you will get through the feelings. Critical thoughts are persistent and seem to want to make me stay miserable, with the help of this group, I just keep going each day, and look for the positive, live in the rotten feelings, then move on, keep busy and look for progress. It is sad that we got ourselves into this situation and together we can dig our way out. Today with help of friend, 138 Christmas decorations, glad she counted!!! 1 mime doll and dress 29 frames 23 stuffed animals 2 dolls 11 shirts 2 dresses 9 pants 1 shorts 5 jackets 3 measuring cups 1 large metal cookie sheet 1 ribbon 1 light fixture 3 wooden racks 1 needlepoint kit 5 books 1 gift card 1 animal tent 4 skirts 1 table cloth 13 pieces fabric 1 new whit lace pillow 1 angel 1 tool belt 1 Dansk wood chopping board, new 1 antique monkey 1 Bone china plate 1 bone china cup 1 electric shaver in case 1 Karma book 1 set of Karma cards 1 vase 3 coffee cups 1 tupperwear crisper 1 really cute lamb hot water bottle 2 jigsaw puzzles Total today
Posted: 27 June 2013 - 05:37 PM
Need to work on better pacing -- I'm feeling really spent & no "reward" seems appealing... I don't want to eat b/c I'm not really hungry & I feel "fat" ...Honestly -- I kind of just want to cry -- feel emotionally overwhelmed... I guess it's the grieving piece, letting go of past poor choices, & just plain old mental/emotional fatigue.
Glad to be able to share my journey here. Hope you all are taking good care of yourselves =)
So GREAT to hear about your EXCELLENT WORK TODAY, Roxie!!!
I'll take a look at how to better pace myself over the weekend.
This afternoon's added items out for donation: 6 Pillowcases (Various Designs) 7 Sheets (Flat & Fitted - Various Designs) 3 Hand Towels 2 Washcloths 1 Bath Towel 1 small pink pillow 2 Tank Tops 2 T-shirts 2 Button-Down Women's Shirts 1 Pair of Shorts 1 Pair of Socks 2 Sets of Men's PJ's 2 Men's PJ Tops ================= 32 + 819 (prev.tot) == 851
New Rolling Total == 851
Posted: 27 June 2013 - 05:35 PM
3 worn out reusable grocery bags 2 pillow cases 1 blanket bag 1 expired cat eye ointment 1 half used expired neosporin tube 1 lampshade 1 plastic table cloth 9 emptied today assorted bottles of stuff
Posted: 27 June 2013 - 12:20 PM
Hope everybody is staying cool & having a decent day =) I hope you enjoyed your monthly massage, MayMay -- sounds wonderful right about now! I'm listing items out between yesterday & this morning's pick-up.
June Challenge for Tues. 6/26 (Prev. Total: 634) 41 Bottles/Jars/Cans Recycled 2 plastic toiletry bags 1 Lilac Top Sheet (Full) 1 Black Top Sheet (Twin) 2 Burgundy Sheets (Full Set) 1 Threadbare NBC (TV in Full Color) Promotional Towel 1 Ring Box 1 Necklace Box 1 Barrett 1 Clip-On Zipper Pull 5 Books (Reference - Outdated) 1 travel size Ivory Soap 4 Baskets (1 Lg Laundry, 1 Sm. Tray, 2 Med Hand - mother's) 1 Lg. Bottle of exp. liquid medication(father's)* 1 dried out shoe polish (father's) 1 Boot broken (mother's)* 1 Sandal (mother's) 1 blue purse (leather scratched & worn - mother's) 1 smashed dresser top valet (mother's) 3 Stuffed Toys ("fur" destroyed by bugs, improperly stored in bmnt - mother's) 1 Halloween Witch Hat 1 Fake Holly Sprig 1 Tupperware container (mother's) 20 old matchbooks (mother's) 3 old lighters (she smoked) 1 pair child-size cable tights 1 pair child-size black spandex pants 2 cardboard boxes 1 lightbulb 1 set dried out highlighters 1 large green bottle (from grandparents' house) 1 Box Carpet Cleaning Powder 1 Circle of Wax 5 Popsicle Sticks 1 Baby Sling 1 Doll/Puppet (mine as child) 1 Baby Doll (mine as child) 1 doll pillow 1 doll bottle 1 doll spoon 3 doll clothing hangers 2 doll dresses 1 "Happy New Year's" Flapper-Style headpiece 1 Volleyball Kneepad (mine from high school) 1 Self-Tanner 1 Freezer-Burned (beyond salvage) 1/4LB. ground coffee 20 pieces of Bark I'd collected for Art Project ================================= 146 + 634(prev.total) == 780
& Wed. 6/27 5 sports trophies (mine from high school) 15 Containers Recycled 12 Magazines Recycled 2 small bags unpacked/emptied (contents trashed or put away) 1 Bag of Dryer Lint 1 Bin Yard Trim 1 Large Bag Cardboard/Paper Recycle 2 Large Garbage Bags out ======================= 39 + 780 == 819 New Rolling Total == 819
* Not to get bogged down in the details --I want folks who read here to understand that I do ask both my father & my siblings (my mother's deceased) before I throw away items (even filthy, falling apart things) that do not belong directly to me. Thankfully, the advent of technology (digital pictures & email) makes the task of "checking" before "tossing" much easier!
Posted: 27 June 2013 - 11:56 AM
Diane -- LoL, I loved your "headspinning" reply ;) I am thinking about you & can't wait to hear about your Lake visit -- I can imagine beautiful you deeply breathing in 360 degrees of glorious vista! You deserve that enjoyment -- the dancing shimmer of sunlight across water's surface & the soothing peacefulness that comes with each passing breeze. I'm really impressed with how you coordinated the donation drop-off by enlisting the help of your friend & your friend's SUV. I also understand the anxiety that comes up, too. Just remember, that even though we can never "control" another person's thoughts about us &/or our "stuff" -- there is no doubt in my mind that your friend who is helping wants you to be HAPPY! And just think how much happier you will feel with all that stuff out of your space, off your property, & donated =) Our friends have their own issues & lives to lead -- they don't have time or the mental space to spend judging us or our stuff! I'm sure your friend will just be thrilled that s/he can play a role in helping you live in the present =) Just concentrate on how much you have accomplished over the past month and how good it feels to look at all of your reclaimed & beautifully painted spaces!!! I am thrilled for you!!!
Posted: 27 June 2013 - 01:04 AM
Thanks Maymay, yes will hit 2000, but have to leave some of the hoard for July 1st!! Believe me, there is still junk everywhere. Tillie, did you enjoy your spinning head? My head is spinning, looking at how much more there is to do. Fortunately the load will go tomorrow in my friends SUV. I have been really anxious today and especially this evening thinking of her seeing all that I have left to do. Hope I can sleep.
Posted: 27 June 2013 - 12:06 AM
WOW!!! WAY TO GO diane! :D
I have a funny feeling that by June 30th your grand total will be over 2000. ;)
Posted: 26 June 2013 - 09:35 PM
WOW! Diane!
Your list makes my head spin!
Posted: 26 June 2013 - 08:09 PM
June challenge for the past several days: 14 pairs of earrings 4 necklaces 1 makeup 5 lapel pins 1 lipstick case with mirrors 6 dental cleaners, don't have dentures 1 antique ornate candy dish 1 glass flower arranger 1 sponge mop head 44 picture frames 4 framed nature photos 4 framed paintings 2 eye glass cases 10 small painted pictures 1 wood turn table 1 new contact paper 1 bag wood beads 4 shirts 1 vest 2 t shirts 2 large wood multi thread holders 4 large posters 2 framed mirrors 1 new roll wallpaper 3 water paintings 1 "congratulations" banner 2 leather purses 1 frog planter 1 table cloth 3 wood bowls 2 wicker baskets 2 dividers for holding files 1 heavy wood shelving unit 7 cassettes, Spanish for health care providers 1 candle holder 1 bowl 1 vase 1 needlepoint 5 picture frames 1 flower painting on myrtle wood 2 oil paintings of flowers 1 painting moose by lake 1 wicker trellis 8 framed posters 3 vases 6 balls wool yarn 7 balls rayon/cotton yarn 7 rubber stamps 1 ink pad 3 how to books 8 books 4 bags trash Total 201 201 + 1721 = 1922 Grand Total
Posted: 26 June 2013 - 12:39 AM
Thanks AnneW! :D
Posted: 25 June 2013 - 07:20 PM
WOW! AnneW Very impressive list! :D WTG!
Posted: 25 June 2013 - 05:44 PM
Oops ! I meant to write MayMay ;) Also -- MayMay, I was so glad to read your last update =D You have selected & surrounded yourself with such a Great Crew!!! Good to know they are keepin' a close eye on ya ;) Keep takin' good care of you & big hugs!!!
Posted: 25 June 2013 - 04:59 PM
Hi Tillie & May: I love gargoyles & dragons, too! I used to have 1 that "kept guard" outside on my old apt. balcony -- but it fell during a storm & one of his wings broke into small pieces -- so I had to send him on his way. Now, I just have a tiny cast of the curled up sleeping gryphon (based on the John Tenniel illustration in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland) who sits/naps upon the fireplace mantel ;) Anyway -- I think that was a great idea smashing the ones you were getting rid of, Tillie! :) Not only practical, but therapuetic as well ;)
It's quite muggy & hot here -- hope everyone is managing to stay cool! =)
June Challenge: Sunday June 23rd & Monday, June 24th 22 Recycle Items out 4 Books 1 Computer Game Kit returned to its owner 3 Face Lotions ========= 30 items + 541 (prev. total) = 571
Tuesday, June 25th 16 recycle items out 2 Magazines/Catalogs 6 Boxes 1 old Wall-Mount Plastic Dixie Cup Dispenser 2 Small Bags of Garbage 2 Lipsticks 2 Mascaras 1 Lip Liner 1 Bottle of Nail Polish 1 large Bottle of Body Mist 1 Old Perfume (no longer smells good to me) 2 old bars of soap 5 Skin Serums (Exp) 2 Facial Scrubs 1 Large (nearly empty) Bottle of Body Wash 1 pair of pants I've never worn! 2 old Drawer Sachets 1 Bag of old Throat Lozenges 2 old nearly empty canker sore gel tubes 3 Tubes of old Body Lotions 1 Bottle of outdated Butcher Block Oil' 1 Small Ring Box 3 old bottles of Facial Cleanser 1 Old Soap Dish 1 Old Hairband 2 Broken Telephone Connection(phone to wall jack)Wires =========================================== 63 Items + 571 (prev. total) = 634
New Rolling Total = 634
Posted: 25 June 2013 - 10:17 AM
MayMay, my house is all decorated with dragons and some gargoyles. The ones I got rid of were the least nice, sort of tacky looking compared to my others. I smashed them with my hammer to keep my hoarder from dragging them back out of the trash and adding them to his hoard. ;D
Posted: 25 June 2013 - 01:29 AM
Your grand total is now 377. :)
P.S. What did you do with the 3 gargoyles and the dragon that you decided to get rid of?... Because I love stuff like that; and if you haven't totally gotten rid of them yet, and they are still in your house, then I would love to take them for you. :D
Posted: 24 June 2013 - 05:36 PM
:D 5 bags of trash 1 package of seam binding 3 lengths of fabric 1 vase 5 spooks of beading thread, I didn't like it 4 rugs 1 door mat 1 bag of small wood scraps 1 handful of fabric remnants 1 dragon 3 gargoyles 1 crystal box 1 crystal dish 1 plant stand 1 totally full paper vacuum cleaned bag
TaaaDaaa! ;)
After reading a list here I always want to sing "and a partridge in a pear tree" LOL
Posted: 24 June 2013 - 01:28 AM
You are a little over half way to 1000. :D
Posted: 23 June 2013 - 06:59 PM
Hi Everyone -- I've been having computer problems & got busy with work... Nevertheless I've continued to meet my daily/weekly de-hoard goals -- Hope to see what you all have been up to & catch up on the message boards this week!
I've got more to add to this, but here's a chunk: Thursday, June 20th 40 Glass/Plastic Recycle items 1 Bag of Paper Recycle 1 Bag of Garbage 12 Cardboard Boxes Recycled 1 Pair Running Shoes (Returned to Friend who thought I might like them) 1 Glass Liquid Soap Dispenser 1 Large Empty Hand Sanitizer Pump Bottle 1 Broken Cat Water Fountain 1 Canister Exp. Cocoa 2 Large used Zip Baggies 1 Small Plastic Food Storage Container+Lid 1 Old Bath Towel 1 Dust-Encrusted Boxspring Cloth 2 "Scrubbed Out" Sponges (falling apart) 4 empty/clean old baby food jars 2 Exp. Foods (Mozzarella Stick & jar of Fig Butter) 1 Toothpaste Tube 1 Body Lotion 1 Almost Empty Shampoo Bottle 1 Large Tube Exp. Arnica Gel 3 Make-Up Pencils 2 old bottles of Perfume 1 old canister of baby powder 1 old bottle of hair gel spray 10 old Magazines/Catalogs 1 pair of gloves 4 stovetop burner covers 1 ball cap 2 pairs of shoes 2 Books (Pema Chodron) 1 knife sharpener 3 Serving Utensils 1 cooking spoon pot clip 1 potholder
====== 109 Items
Friday, June 14, 2013 June Challenge: 1 Purex Bottle 1 clamshell containter 1 Book (AFAA cert manual) 1 Book (Negotiate) 2 Books Return to MY (Pledged & M. French) 1 Book (Rosenthal SAD) 1 Catalog (AMAA Directory) ===================== 8 Items
Humane Society Donation 2 Scratching Posts 1 White Batting Bed 1 Brown Fuzzy Pillows 2 Pet Tunnels 2 Laser Light Toys 2 Feather Wand Toys 6 Small Toys 1 Door Handle Mounting Toy 1 Light-Up Play Pad 1 Cat Snack Canister 1 Pet Floor Grooming Pod 5 Cat Grooming Tools 3 Fleece Blankets ============= 28 Items
28 + 8 = 36
109 + 36 = 145*
*When added to my prev. total I think it makes my New Rolling Total = 541
Posted: 22 June 2013 - 12:06 AM
Posted: 21 June 2013 - 06:42 PM
1721 grand total
Posted: 21 June 2013 - 06:40 PM
slow day on numbers, big day on size 2 huge old gas lawn mowers 1 heavy awkward futon 1 futon cover 1 box of many tiles 8 tile display boards 3 books on civil war and presidents bought years ago for friend that helped today he liked them 3 plant stands new, just not used so he took them I was happy I had things he will enjoy thanks for encouragement Maymay, forgot my number for grand total
19 total today
Posted: 21 June 2013 - 04:36 PM
Kara, Here, we can do anything we want.
Posted: 21 June 2013 - 10:41 AM
Can we try and beat June Challenge in July and do better?
Posted: 20 June 2013 - 11:58 PM
WOW diane! :D
You flew right by 1600. :D
Your grand total is now 1702. :)
Posted: 20 June 2013 - 11:54 PM
GREAT JOB Billie! :D
Your grand total is now 350. :)
Posted: 20 June 2013 - 09:34 PM
Billie, good job, you really gave some good stuff. Today: 27 nursing tops 29 nursing pants 3 bags trash 2 picture frames 2 wicker baskets 27 books 2 angels 3 plates 5 bowls 3 salad plates 4 cups 1 rubber duck 2 frogs 1 decorative bowl 1 new magnetic note pad with pen' 3 comic books 1 big foam smiling star 3 laser cut wood plaques 1 ceramic cat 1 cat soap dish 3 knives 1 wood bird house 1 very cute pink night light 1 measuring cup 1 bow 1 chia pet 2 cassettes 1 calendar 7 cotton placemats 1 fake fern 1 pkg. pink paper, card stock 1 baby pillow 1 candle holder 1 cosmetic bag 1 set of shower hooks 1 wire basket 1 small abacus 3 bin lids 1 spoon rest for cooking 1 string gold beads 1 pkg. sequins 2 wooden walnut cats 2 combs 1 grocery list pad on wood 1 wine glass 3 shirts 1 3&1/2 yards of rayon 1 2 yards tie dyed fabric
Total today: 164
Posted: 20 June 2013 - 02:06 PM
WAY TO GO! Billie :D
Posted: 20 June 2013 - 01:53 PM
Donated to Big Brothers Big Sisters today and they have already picked it up.
1 work apron 1 fancy leopard print apron 1 placemat 5 neck scarves 1 hat 3 dickies 12 slip over sweaters 2 pants 1 suede leather with fringes vest 1 leather-like vest 3 stuffed toys 2 jackets 1 pair sparkely socks 1 plushy pillow 1 knit pull over sweater with Odie on it 1 pair jeans 11 belts 2 pairs suspenders
Posted: 19 June 2013 - 03:30 PM
Posted: 19 June 2013 - 12:22 PM
wish you could of heard what Betty Boop had to say on the way to the car in a crowded bin!!!
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