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Posted: 27 January 2014 - 10:36 AM
Dave, LOL!
I actually do have some sturdy gates protecting the community. At first they were to keep the dogs out of the living room. But they served the purpose of containing the hoard from spilling into the foyer. Of course even the best gates don't always keep out the riff raff. The kitties consider that room and the dining room their personal jungle playgrounds.
Some of my other gated goat paths are pretty useless gates. They are simply beds that I have been trained to step over when there is a sleeping fat cat in one.
Posted: 27 January 2014 - 09:19 AM
Dianne, Where's your concern for your stuff! Some of mine lives in a community with gated goat paths.
You roll the office chair to the right to open up the left path to food. You roll the office chair to the left to open up the right path to Stuff City.
Posted: 25 January 2014 - 10:15 AM
@Dianne... I find that I can really relate to your feelings and your words. I have been away from here for the longest time because I was doing so good after almost a full year of consistent purging. I hit a bad slump and am backsliding something fierce. Are you ok to share your story with me so I can see your whole picture? I feel like I have opened up a book in the middle and need to start at the beginning to understand. I really want to understand because your words are so on point to my feelings. If not here, I can be reached at darci798@live.com. Thanks!! Darci
Posted: 11 October 2013 - 05:24 PM
Wonderful that you are using the energy from the anger to make the changes to make your life better.
Posted: 11 October 2013 - 09:29 AM
I've gone thru another round (which can take weeks or months) where I laze along, get some stuff done, hit a bump, try harder, pray, try even harder, get discouraged, get depressed, despair, get angry.
The anger stage is a good one because it's got a lot of energy with it.
Yesterday I had to rig up a system with extension cords because more outlets don't work. It's dark in here with constant rain and my face is close to the keyboard so I can see what I'm typing. No light is this room. I've been tripping over more stuff probably because in moving things around my brain hasn't adjusted to the new goat paths. And I'm thinking how stupid is that?
Today I woke up early, pissed off. I wanted a real breakfast not a diet coke and cookies. Laura and I went out and treated ourselves to coffee from Starbucks and a take home meal of eggs, sausage, hash browns. We don't even drink coffee but it's cold, dark and rainy and I wanted to feel like a normal person and drink coffee in the morning. The girl recommended something mild and perfect. :)
Then I called an electrician and couldn't answer any of the questions the girl asked me. She was nice and laughed and said don't worry about it, we'll just have a guy come out and troubleshoot and give you an estimate. It's for next Thursday, day after the beds are delivered.
So my anger is good. I am so fed up with living like this I just want things fixed and to get better. The anger gives me the strength to say fuck it, I'm trying hard, I can hold my head up when people come in here and say, yes I've had some major problems and I'm making the efforts to climb out of the hole.
Posted: 09 October 2013 - 02:06 PM
You know it's bad when you can see how much you've gotten out but the room hardly looks touched.
On my way to the dump.
Posted: 09 October 2013 - 01:28 PM
Some hangers gone, some more preschool crafts and biggest of all, some stuffed animals. They were kind of flat. But that's huge for me because I know this isn't real but........ I kind of feel like they have feelings. I have to carry that trash out myself because Laura would freak.
I feel a little hypocritical throwing stuff out without checking with her because that is what I fear helpers would do to me. But I'm doing it anyway. I just want shit out.
So many clothes with tags! Crumpled but brand new. And so many cute shoes! I LOVE shoes though I always prefer barefoot or flip flops. The shoes were from when I went thru a period of several years working, losing weight and dressing nicely. For years now I haven't cared but I still want those shoes in my closet.
When I'm not pressed for time I'll take the good stuff to a women's shelter where they help abused women back on their feet.
I've postponed the beds' delivery twice. It's now set for a week from today and that's firm. So only time to clear not too many hard decisions to get rid of.
Posted: 09 October 2013 - 12:40 PM
This might be one of those days when I am on here frequently for a sanity break....
I'm cleaning in my room and I have 3 *bags*. One for trash, one for clothes and one for extra bags I want to keep. So far there are multiple bags in all categories. These are the white kitchen trash bags size.
The clothes are just going to the basement for now. Same with the extra bags. I did throw away some paper shopping bags but I had to sit there and look them over. I'm finding a lot of clothes, shoes in boxes and Vera Bradley purses that are brand new. I am VERY thankful that there was not more damage going on under the piles. I found glass perfume bottles that were still intact. They belong to my daughter from 10 years ago, not sure why they are in my mess.
For the first time I threw away papers without looking at each one, old mail that may have had some importance and even some little crafts from when the kids were in preschool. Like a little caterpillar made from an egg carton. I used to keep precious things in a big cedar chest in the bedroom but my ex took that in the divorce. Then they were moved to containers which eventually got piled over. I don't think I ever threw out something like that. It was still in good shape. Surprisingly it wasn't too hard to do.
There are bags of hangers from all the clothes I bought and planned to keep for a yard sale one day. I think I can let a lot of those go. But stuff I can't quite decide on yet is getting tossed further back in the room. As I work my way across I'll have to make decisions then but it will be less daunting with less things.
I get much too overwhelmed with the *handle it once rule*. One of my goals besides dejunking is to keep my stress levels manageable. I'm ok with some shuffling as long as there is some good progress too. I had taped a couple toes together from my rage episode last Friday. The bruising is subsiding and it was a good reminder not to push my stress to the breaking point. Literally.
So far I am very pleased to find no cat pee or poop. There's always cat litter pieces all over the house but at least the multiple daily scooping and weekly scrubbing of their boxes seems to be keeping them happy. And right now none of the dogs are old enough to be needing diapers 24/7 so they've been good babies about going outside.
Posted: 29 September 2013 - 10:52 PM
Dianne and Diane, I don't know, but maybe the important thing is that you've felt the discomfort and managed to live through it? If your life feels empty without clutter, maybe find more ways to fill it that both feel good and are good for you? Diane, that seems to me to be the work you've recently been doing. Dianne, it seems like that time with O was one way?
Anything that lights a fire under us can't be all bad, can it? LOL
Posted: 29 September 2013 - 05:49 PM
Dianne I can relate to your reaction to empty spaces. I look around and see things laying where they should not be, and it is comfortable because I am familiar with a messy place. Guess I will take the clothes off the back of the chair and see if I can feel comfortable with a clean chair. same with dishes, I clean counters, then leave water bottles etc on them, just enough to make me criticize myself, ugh.
Posted: 29 September 2013 - 12:19 PM
Friday I was feeling very stressed about the stuff I had put in storage. Rationally of course it made no sense.
There is absolutely nothing in there that I need. A lot I don't even know exactly what it is since it was trash bags of dirty laundry. I looked at every single book. Yeah I wanted to keep some out but I knew I wouldn't be rereading anytime soon. If I thought I might even possibly want something I put it towards the front. So I can get things at any time.
So why the stress? Maybe because the day before my brother had helped and I didn't feel totally in control. Definitely seeing large empty spaces in the house bothered me. I felt like I needed to fill it up. That's not a good sign for sure.
I found my book Stuff under more books in my bed. Buried in Treasures is in my room somewhere but I don't feel like digging. Sometimes I read that stuff and my mind must gloss over it. Like, oh yeah, that's me but it doesn't resonate deeply enough, that's ME.
I was washing clothes at Buffy's house and she talked me thru some of the feelings. She's studying to be a psychologist so it's good practice for her as well as just being a good daughter. :) I ate my feelings that night with mac and cheese.
Yesterday I was very stressed about Karl. Having just gone thru a similar situation with the insurance company coming in I felt sick for him thinking it may go to the next level and lose his home. I haven't heard anything else from the insurance company coming btw but it sure as hell lit a fire under my butt after I got past the initial gut wrenching sickness!!
Last night Laura and I went to my last O's game. We had a really fun time with Boston fans in front of us (usually Sox fans are major a-holes) and we pulled ahead by 1 run in the bottom of the 8th and kept the lead. With good sportsmanship high 5's all around we all agreed with Boston going to the playoffs we all support the AL East bottom line. Great Camden Yards food, Natty Boh beer (Baltimore beer), and lots of excitement that with that win (although we are out of the playoffs) we clinched a second consecutive season series against Boston. That's a first in over 20 years. And the O's were the only divisional team with a winning record against the Sox this year.
That kind of excitement made me totally forget about hoarding fears. :)
Laura is at the last game of the season this afternoon and I'm feeling better about riding thru the stress and knowing that it does pass and now I can get back to cleaning. A bright, sunny day helps too. :)
Posted: 02 September 2013 - 12:44 PM
Thank you.
Posted: 02 September 2013 - 11:08 AM
I am so very sorry to hear about your precious Boots. Even with illness, death is never easy to deal with.
{{{more hugs}}}
Posted: 01 September 2013 - 02:15 PM
I'm sick to my stomach. I awoke to find my cat Boots dead on the kitchen floor. I haven't had the heart to look at him further, but I need to deal with his body. He was sick a long time, but still I didn't expect this.
Posted: 30 August 2013 - 09:40 AM
Thank you Roxie, for the pat on the back and turning my focus to the positive things. I needed that! {{{HUGS}}}
I live in an expensive county outside Washington, D.C. The house is paid for but taxes and maintenance on the house and property are killer. I should have moved long ago but I was angry to think I would have to give up the place where I raised my family and had planned to live the rest of my life. Also I had lost so much already and I thought the pain of losing even more would completely break me.
It was an ok decision. I'm able to really consider the option of moving now. Getting older has made this place harder to deal with physically. And mentally and emotionally I'm settled enough to let more go.
Each year is a little tougher to keep going financially so prepping for the big move in every way is an ongoing project.
Posted: 29 August 2013 - 09:07 AM
My sister Dianne, I can really relate. Okay being pissy for awhile. But in your post there were some very positive things, too. For instance, renewing the termite maintenance. That is HUGE since termite damage can be so extensive and so devastatingly expensive to repair afterwards. Also, you are dealing with the mundane like car registrations which can make anyone pissy, but you ARE dealing with them. So pat yourself on the back or, here, let me do it for you! hehe
Your property taxes are $16,000 a year? OMG do you live in Hollywood Hills? When I left Illinois in 2000 my property taxes were breaking me at $4000 a year. Here, they are about 1/10th of that. For me, I included property tax in my mortgage payments so some is taken out of my monthly payments each month. When I bought several adjoining lots, I have had to pay those myself. I've now set them up on automatic monthly payments so I don't have any big hits (well, big for me, not for you) come tax time.
Sorry about the disappointing Red Lobster. I'm actually surprised because I think of that chain as fairly reliable. (((Dianne)))
Posted: 28 August 2013 - 01:22 PM
I'm just generally pissy.
You know how you get something done and see how much more there is to do? I'm stressed and trying to budget carefully for big things coming up. Like next month is property taxes and again in December. For me that's almost $8,000.00 each time.
My next door neighbors have been doing repairs for two weeks due to termite damage. So I started up again with the pest control I had let go for years.
Vehicles were due for registration and repairs which were more expensive than planned. The water treatment system was my big yearly improvement but now I need two extra pieces for well pump pressure.
My nephrologist (also an internist) who I was settling in with as a primary doctor for high blood pressure and diabetes doesn't take my state health insurance anymore. My shrink, who I see every 2 months wants blood work. I don't want to pay for it (I pay her out of pocket) so today I went thru the huge paper piles on my desk to find lab results from the spring.
I had a gift card from last Christmas for Red Lobster and went out last night with my daughter for the all you can eat shrimp. It was crap. What a disappointment. :(
Those are my complaints. On the bright side it was really nice to see 4 of my older cats laying together on the sofa this morning. I thought what a pleasure after years of adjustments to have everybody settled in with no scrapping.
Posted: 28 August 2013 - 11:30 AM
Thanks, Diane. I don't know that I had a choice, really, to do the roof. I at least had the money available even if it was earmarked for other use. But I do know that water damage is the worst thing for a home, so it had to be a priority. Do you have any ideas with regard to your garage roof?
Kara, you clearly needed to cry, so I'm glad you allowed yourself to do so. Feeling the feelings and going on is exactly the right thing to do, at least in my opinion. And your skin must feel the relief! How are things otherwise going for you?
Dianne, yes, it is a relief to have the roof done. I put off facing it for several months, collecting rainwater in empty coffee cans strategically placed around the house for leaks, meanwhile. And now I am sure there were leaks I could not see. Yikes. So I am proud of just DOING it and not further putting it off.
Repairing/replacing my AC this year is out due to the costs, but it has been reasonable summer weather for me and I'm managing with a couple fans. I think sleeping in the living room is cooler, also.
I'm discouraged but hoping for a deeper rally. I need to be doing more work than I am managing to do at this point, beyond just bare maintenance.
Posted: 27 August 2013 - 11:29 PM
I am so impressed that you have a new roof!!!! My garage roof looks like an old horse with a 600 pound cowboy, as his owner, sway back. You made a great decision to take care of the roof.
Posted: 27 August 2013 - 08:08 PM
It all came to a head on Monday Morning. I cried for a whole hour. Not totally sure why. Maybe about loss or being alone. Not sure.
The best thing is that if I were in public I wouldn't of cared. I just needed to cry. I understand that my body needed to release.
And guess what >>>> my skin cleared up soon after. Hormones? biological? Who knows.
Take care all.
Posted: 25 August 2013 - 05:28 PM
Thanks for asking, Dianne.
I had previously done research on angie's list for roofers, so I had an idea of who I wanted to call. Then when he showed up I realized I felt okay with him and did not have the energy or inclination to have others come make estimates. His price was within reason ($6000 for 1700 sq. foot house), especially for a teardown, so... even though it was expensive for me, it was at my "max" I'd set for myself and for which I actually had the savings available.
I did not second guess anything. Partly because it all went so fast and partly because I knew it had to be done. Not only was the roof very old, but it was clearly badly damaged by raccoons, plus I had multiple leaks. Water damage is the worst thing for houses. One day I was authorizing the work and the next day at 7:00 a.m. the workers were here.
I did pop out now and then to observe. And the owner came by several times to discuss things, which reassured me. He had me decide on color of the shingles, but he had a suggestion and I okayed it. I was not up for looking at several samples and just don't care that much.
On the day of the work, he brought up the idea of installing a ridge vent, which we had not discussed and which he said he ought to have discussed with me. After discussion, I agree to pay an additional $300 for materials to have it installed with no extra charge for labor.
I know that a ridge vent is a good thing to have and would help with utility bills and eliminating odor from the attic from the pests. Waiting until another time would have been more difficult and costly since new shingles would have had to be pulled up, etc.
What is important to me is to have a water-tight and well done roof. It seems I have that now. I don't know of any way short of going up on the roof to double-check anything, and I am definitely not up for that. I feel confident that should any leaks or problems develop, he will follow up.
Posted: 24 August 2013 - 12:51 PM
Oh Roxie, it absolutely matters if you post your stuff!
What's good about this group is that in addition to focusing on our hoards and progress (or not) of clearing we talk about our lives and feelings too. That helps us get to the heart of why we have gotten here, how to get better and how to help others along the way.
So glad you have a new computer and a new ROOF!!! That is epic! To me a new roof is like having a new house. Now everything will be protected while you take care of chores.
How did that go? How did you pick out the right company, the right materials? Was it scary to make such a huge investment on your own? How did you deal with those feelings? Were you constantly second guessing your choices?
Posted: 24 August 2013 - 05:25 AM
I am unsure where to even post all that has gone on this past week that I've been offline due to big computer problems. Or whether it even matters if I post my stuff. Geez, that sounds depressed. Maybe it is. Being unable to get online since the 17th, I have been wigging out. But I've also accomplished some things I might not have otherwise, simply because I needed to fill my time. Strange.
Anyway, I now have a NEW computer that actually works. I also have a new ROOF! What a week.
Posted: 20 August 2013 - 06:47 PM
Kara said... I am working through some had stuff. Questions that will never get answered, the What ifs, and thinking about peoples behaviours and personalities.
I opened a boxfile last night of letters. I needed to find out if I still felt angry when reading the letters. I did and I cried.
Gosh Kara I hate to see you so upset... something from the past? You sound like you have been to other support groups and know a lot about therapy and change. I hope you get past this, and I know how hard it is. Look for me in chat and we can talk. I am sure you know that dwelling on people, personalities and behaviours is not something you can control, you can only control you. Hard I know but there it is...
diane said... Mare that is a big deal for you to be alone for the first time in many years. When I was married, I lost my identity and thought I would die without him. Years later I delight in living alone, still trying to figure out who I am without a man, since I continually had one, or several men, in my life for years, never considered what it would be like when I aged out of dating. I could spend lots of time wondering what ifs, but stop myself and realize today life is good, and I am now ready to get rid of the hoard that has buried me from me. If you can just do a little every day to make your life better, one day, it will be comfortable. You are in a difficult part of your life for sure, and if you hang in here with us, it will get better. 4 months ago when I started this, I was really miserable, and in just 4 months, I feel joy and hope. Granted, I am spending many hours daily on the hoard, and I created this mess in 20-30 years, so is really bad, and never thought I could change, and for the first time in many years I am starting to feel comfortable at home. Please don't give up.
Yes it really is a big deal and I am getting more used to it, but have the same problem of not wanting to leave. I am working on that, weent to the doctor myself that time... a friend did have to come and take me to the grocery store, baby steps haha.
I am doing a little each day here - boxes, bags - its something and helps to keep me focused I am excited about getting it done and having so much less stuffstuffstuff!
I struggle with the depression and find it hard to be hopeful and positive a lot of the time... and being separated from my lover is so hard (he is in Canada) so its always one day at a time.
I have moments of happiness and contentment so that is a step forward... we are able to talk every day online and that helps me a great deal. Thank you so much for understanding and for your support, it is priceless to me.
Posted: 19 August 2013 - 11:14 AM
I opened a boxfile last night of letters. I needed to find out if I still felt angry when reading the letters. I did and I cried.
Posted: 18 August 2013 - 05:06 PM
Mare that is a big deal for you to be alone for the first time in many years. When I was married, I lost my identity and thought I would die without him. Years later I delight in living alone, still trying to figure out who I am without a man, since I continually had one, or several men, in my life for years, never considered what it would be like when I aged out of dating. I could spend lots of time wondering what ifs, but stop myself and realize today life is good, and I am now ready to get rid of the hoard that has buried me from me. If you can just do a little every day to make your life better, one day, it will be comfortable. You are in a difficult part of your life for sure, and if you hang in here with us, it will get better. 4 months ago when I started this, I was really miserable, and in just 4 months, I feel joy and hope. Granted, I am spending many hours daily on the hoard, and I created this mess in 20-30 years, so is really bad, and never thought I could change, and for the first time in many years I am starting to feel comfortable at home. Please don't give up.
Posted: 18 August 2013 - 03:39 PM
I am working through some had stuff. Questions that will never get answered, the What ifs, and thinking about peoples behaviours and personalities.
I'll talk to my counsellor about it.
Posted: 17 August 2013 - 12:52 PM
Roxie thank you and I am happy with the progress here, yes, and so amazed at how much it helps. Still struggling with getting out but not beating myself up for it either haha.
I think one reason things are difficult is because everything I do, every box I unpack underscores the uncomfortable reality that I am alone. This is a first for me... married at 16, 5 kids by the time I was 22, 9 grandchildren by the time I was 55... never alone until a few months ago. Its... I need to look at it as a new beginning, a new chapter.
Posted: 16 August 2013 - 04:21 PM
Group (((hugs))) :)
Posted: 16 August 2013 - 03:59 PM
thanks Roxie and Mare, feels so good to hear from you. Tillie your poem made my eyes water. You certainly live by those words, and have helped all of us so much, thank you, and thanks for all wisdom you share. I am still most comfortable staying home alone, and little by little I am letting people back into my life, just enough to stretch a tiny bit. Slowly enough that I don't have to shop for the stress!! Although this morning I really wanted to go to a garage sale in a really nice house up the hill from me, and here I sit, working to make my life better, no great bargains will make my life better, just good old fashioned work to clean and organize, and staying close to you all, will make my life better
Posted: 16 August 2013 - 06:12 AM
Tillie, I will remember you (if I'm still around) as this kind and stalwart lady who shared so much of her kindness and caring with others. I'd love to hear more stories of your life and early memories.
Dianne, that was beautiful. Isn't it amazing how much we learn about our parents after they've passed? That was similar with my parents. You father sounds like he made a huge impact on the world! And be kind to yourself, first. You can be forgiven for past mistakes and unkindness, as that was what you had to give at the time. You are now more mellow and mature, and are often kind and understanding (and interesting!) here.
Diane, you also be kind to yourself, missy! You work so very hard, and I think it is excellent how you are reaching out, going out, and widening your world after so much isolation. It is heartening for me to read about as I am still isolated.
Mare, be happy for the amazing progress you have made in the short time you've been on these boards. It is wonderful to see.
Karl, I stand in admiration of your sociability, and your willingness to reach out to others. I am sure you will be remembered for making a difference in peoples' lives.
I just want to leave to world a little better for my having been in it.
Posted: 15 August 2013 - 11:55 PM
Thank you Tillie... so simple yet it says so very much. xoxoxo
Posted: 15 August 2013 - 10:19 PM
This is how I want to be remembered.
I Shall Not Pass This Way Again
Through this toilsome world, alas, Once and only once I pass, If a good deed I may do, If a kindness I may show To a suffering fellow man, Let me do it while I can, No delay for it is plain I shall not pass this way again. Author Unknown
Posted: 15 August 2013 - 09:52 PM
Thank you too diane, such heart-felt sharing of yourselves with us. It brought up a lot for me as well but I will save it until I have processed it a little better... we all have so much in common, I find that out here more and more.
Posted: 15 August 2013 - 09:27 PM
Beautiful post, Diane.
Posted: 15 August 2013 - 06:33 PM
When I'm gone, I want to be remembered as someone who made the world a better place for a lot of people.
Posted: 15 August 2013 - 06:32 PM
Thanks so much Dianne for sharing from your heart. I still get caught up in the past regrets, and have to stop myself from torturing myself with verbal abuse. I did make a lot of mistakes and hurt too many people, including family. My dad was lots of fun, when he was around. He helped so many people, and left us to survive on our own most of the time it seemed. At his funeral the church was packed and heard all the great things he did to help others, still ached that he didn't find his family as important as others. So many feelings reading what you wrote. Today I find myself making much better choices and have been amazed at how I handled several situations recently. As the hoard decreases, my kindness increases it seems. I am still feeling an urgency to get things finished. The pressure this puts on me is cruel, feel anxious and unable to relax. It appears to be black and white thinking. I am either serious, slightly miserable and working hard or happy, silly, and lazy. False beliefs obviously, but real to me. Plan to make an effort to feel joy daily. Still feel my mom is jealous when I have fun, even though she is dead. She was very jealous of me for years, won't go into that. silly to let her feelings put a damper on my happiness, and it sneaks up on me. feeling more happiness than I let myself acknowledge, which is odd.
Posted: 15 August 2013 - 05:25 PM
Gosh Dianne... amen and cheers...
Posted: 15 August 2013 - 04:08 PM
Hey Roxie,
I think as we get older (I'm 61) we begin to think more about the end of life. I have been frequently surprised by my understanding of what relatives before me went thru at a certain age or life experience as I get there. That leads to a lot of forgiveness, gentling of my personality, patience, letting go and appreciation. I guess that's the beginning of wisdom.
I feel the same way as you about death any day. For myself I don't much care. There is a bittersweet feeling about things left behind or what we may have done differently. I'm not one of those people who say I have no regrets. It sounds all good and accepting of how we got to where we are today. But I'm not at all satisfied with the hurt and destruction I've caused along the way. And I'm not all that happy with where I am today.
As my father and brother were dying (unrelated things) I had the same feelings as Janie mentioned in another post about her brother. *Recovering emotionally....the need to get affairs in order....live peacefully*.
The months following my father's death were impressive. So many people came to honor him from around the world. Friendships that had been well maintained for decades. Even men whose lives had been shaped by my father when they were boys. Military higher-ups thanked my brothers and I for the honor we bestowed on them for allowing our father to be buried with full honors at Arlington National Cemetery; when we thought it was the other way around ~ the Caisson Platoon, the caparisoned horse (riderless horse following), escort platoon, military band, gun salutes.
My brothers and I were like WTF? It wasn't until after he died that the guy we knew as not all that great as all these other people thought, was maybe a whole lot better than we ever knew. I remember the same sense of sort of shock at my grandmother's funeral (my dad's mother). Literally hundreds of people came to pay their respects to a dirt poor women who had quietly tended to the needs of people far and wide.
Although there were things to be taken care of, basically my dad had covered the bases for us. I thought, he lived a very complicated life and he died well.
To Die Well became my goal. I thought I can't change the past but I can still try to become a person who makes things a little better each day. I'll leave behind lots of my wandering thoughts written down for my kids too.
So if I had a beer right now I'd raise a toast to all our relatives who have gone before us, to all the people who shaped us in ways we might not have appreciated, to ourselves for the guts to keep trying to live well and to our children and grandchildren in the hopes that the legacy we leave them will instill strength and compassion.
Posted: 14 August 2013 - 10:08 PM
ROXIE said -Kara, Diane, Mare, Dianne, Tillie, I very much appreciate the longer and more in-depth posts as I think they hit home more with me.
Mare said she was in a slump (sleep/doze) and I think I am, also, these past couple days. I don't know if it is the CFS or what. I'm just going with it because in my experience it does pass and I get more done. I'm sticking with the basics at least.
Wow Roxie I could have written this myself. I find that the CFS kicks on (relapses) every now and again out of the blue and it is usually combined with, or causes maybe. more of an emotional slump as well. Not being able to move as freely or think as clearly can be such an obstacle.
Part of what might be going on is my age (64) and thoughts about it. As I sporadically work on ancestry dot com, I have realized my father was just shy of his 70th birthday when he passed (heart) and my mother was, I think, about 74 (heart). Both were obese for their entire adult lives (not when younger) and I believe that was a major contributor. My mom developed Type II diabetes when I was in high school, and I am sure it was because of her weight.
Again it is the same with me about my age (59) which I can barely if at all relate to being! I swear I feel like I am 38 at the most hahaha. My dad was 80 and my mom 78 when they passed and I still miss them a lot, especially my dad who lived with me and had a lot of health issues those 16 years.
I worry sometimes about my own weight (high) and wonder if I will get diabetes because of it but no sign yet, thankfully. My grandmother had it but was not really over weight.
Be sure that I loved my parents and their size was NEVER an issue in terms of my loving them and being proud of them. I just wanted them healthier as they grew older. And I want them and all my relatives still here. Waaah.
I do not have a weight issue, but I smoke. Just as bad.
And again, me too... about the smoking. I am lucky that no one treats me with any disrespect or unkindness where my weight is concerned, I have alost some this year but have a way to go and I really appreciate what you say about how you feel in regard to your parents.
Now I look at the fact I could go any day and part of me does not care and part of me is so sad about it. I started an autobiography of sorts at my son's request, and had fairly well covered the first five years when my computer crashed and I lost the draft.
Wow... me too me too. At my daughter's request. I did a time line and was shocked at the amount and number of tragedies I have been through but it explains a lot about my own journey...
I think he's most interested in how life was different in the "old days." And it was most certainly very different, as has been each generation. I so miss all my relatives who have passed, and that is most of them except cousins. We were most of us very close all these years, thanks to the efforts of my parents to regularly get together.
So true, things are so different in terms of generations. Especially as I was raied over seas (Asia) and thinking about how I raised my family - few electronics and more outdoor stuff -to how my grandchildren are coming up but I will say my children are acutely aware of the differences and make time to instill old fashioned values and experiences.
THis is meandering, but this is what I've been thinking about lately. I wish each of my relatives had left behind memoirs of what their individual lives were like and what the times were like. My grandmother, for instance, got married at 17 and was widowed by 19, with one child and pregnant with the second. This would have been about 1918. He drowned (bodies never found) in a fishing boat that went out, at age 24. How sad.
I'm so glad you meandered and gave me (us) a chance to know you better and see the commonalities as well as the uniquenesses and I share that wish, so pointed when I think that there is no longer anyone to actually -ask-. Wow yes, so interesting but sad. My grandmother came in a covered wagon from Arizone to Florida and then lost her young husband to a telephone pole tragedy (struck while he was high up), leaving her with 2 small children to raise and she was remarkable, so were my mother and uncle.
Thank you again for sharing so much of yourself in this post.
Posted: 14 August 2013 - 04:54 PM
Kara, Diane, Mare, Dianne, Tillie, I very much appreciate the longer and more in-depth posts as I think they hit home more with me.
Mare said she was in a slump (sleep/doze) and I think I am, also, these past couple days. I don't know if it is the CFS or what. I'm just going with it because in my experience it does pass and I get more done. I'm sticking with the basics at least.
Part of what might be going on is my age (64) and thoughts about it. As I sporadically work on ancestry dot com, I have realized my father was just shy of his 70th birthday when he passed (heart) and my mother was, I think, about 74 (heart). Both were obese for their entire adult lives (not when younger) and I believe that was a major contributor. My mom developed Type II diabetes when I was in high school, and I am sure it was because of her weight.
Be sure that I loved my parents and their size was NEVER an issue in terms of my loving them and being proud of them. I just wanted them healthier as they grew older. And I want them and all my relatives still here. Waaah.
I do not have a weight issue, but I smoke. Just as bad.
Now I look at the fact I could go any day and part of me does not care and part of me is so sad about it. I started an autobiography of sorts at my son's request, and had fairly well covered the first five years when my computer crashed and I lost the draft.
I think he's most interested in how life was different in the "old days." And it was most certainly very different, as has been each generation. I so miss all my relatives who have passed, and that is most of them except cousins. We were most of us very close all these years, thanks to the efforts of my parents to regularly get together.
THis is meandering, but this is what I've been thinking about lately. I wish each of my relatives had left behind memoirs of what their individual lives were like and what the times were like. My grandmother, for instance, got married at 17 and was widowed by 19, with one child and pregnant with the second. This would have been about 1918. He drowned (bodies never found) in a fishing boat that went out, at age 24. How sad.
Posted: 09 August 2013 - 06:17 PM
diane said...The hard stuff: today I don't have as much energy, still have some paperwork nagging me, will only take minutes but I have brooded over it for much longer, just do it!!! Still very difficult for me to know what to do with stuff, so still churn, not as much but more than I like. Molly not doing as well today, peed on lounger outside. Friend and I had a few words on keeping agreements that wasn't fun. She now will keep Monday lake days for next 4 Mondays, so happy about that. She tried to blame me, so I stood my ground, very difficult for me, friendship is more important than being right, so dealt with it with kindness, I am learning. Dianne, when I read your posts, I am learning kindness skills, thanks.
We are in the same boat as far as energy is concerned mine is still low and I have done a lot of sleeping and snoozing. I know it will get better but for now we have to listen to our bodies and yes be kind to ourselves... sometimes that is really hard to do, to fight the nagging voices telling ourselves we are lazy and will never get things done. YES WE WILL, and we are NOT lazy!
So good that you stood your ground, too and you are so right about friendship. Kindnesskindnesskindness!
Roxie said to diane... Is there some way we can help or encourage you with regard to churning? What seems to be the hangup point or issue?
Also I saw her answer... Thanks Roxie. I will have to pay attention to what I am thinking when I churn. My guess, I am thinking, "later I will be able to decide easier, so just put it here for now". Haven't labeled areas yet, so not sure where certain things will go. Don't know how much area to allot to categories
I am having the same problem, mine is also in labeling and separating, it seems to be so daunting even when I try to do just one box or bag... Hopefully this will get better I need to just do it, just crack down on myself and not let myself get away with it too much or for too long.
Dianne said... Anyway, thank you Diane. Compassion is something I want to practice and extend a lot more of in life. Probably because I need it so much. Anybody remember the Moody Blues? Question of Balance....And all the love you've been giving, has all been meant for you.....
Good times, good concerts, good smokes, good life :)
I loved your post Dianne, it helped me to see some things about myself, like you did, more clearly and I tend to do the same thing, making it about mememe. I want to listen better, to respond to the message like you said... thank you so much for taking the time to post all of that, and I echo your sentiment and remember the Moody Blues and the good times...!
Posted: 09 August 2013 - 08:44 AM
Diane, I'm sorry Molly wasn't doing well yesterday. Is her mobility still pretty good?
Thanks for saying you're learning kindness skills from my posts. :) There have been periods in my life where I was very unkind, even hateful. Sometimes my unfeelingness bordered on cruelty without quite knowing it looking back on things.
As my grandmother (mostly lived with us, mostly disliked) lay on her deathbed, she gripped my hand trying to talk to me. I just sat there with a smile on my face saying, "Sorry Gammie, I don't understand you." She died a couple hours afterwards. Much soul searching later, now if I have the honor (not the burden) of sitting by someone in the last stages of life I reassure them that all is understood (even if it's not), all is forgiven, he/she is dearly loved, appreciated and will have the comfort and protection of another person as they lay there so vulnerable.
Sometimes I've been told I come across as turning everything about me. I think that's my bumbling way of trying to make a connection with someone. Like saying, I understand you, my situation is blah, blah, blah. My social skills are way off.
It's weird how I kind of see animals or even things (not rational but still...) as having more feelings than people. Or babies, old people or mentally challenged as needing more protection and kindness because if someone hurt their feelings they would be soo hurt and confused, not angry like an adult reaction (which really just masks hurt) and adults hurt each other all the time so who cares about kindness there?
Ah these are the thoughts I try to make sense of before falling asleep at night.....so much to figure out...
Anyway, thank you Diane. Compassion is something I want to practice and extend a lot more of in life. Probably because I need it so much. Anybody remember the Moody Blues? Question of Balance....And all the love you've been giving, has all been meant for you.....
Good times, good concerts, good smokes, good life :)
Posted: 09 August 2013 - 12:30 AM
Thanks Roxie. I will have to pay attention to what I am thinking when I churn. My guess, I am thinking, "later I will be able to decide easier, so just put it here for now". Haven't labeled areas yet, so not sure where certain things will go. Don't know how much area to allot to categories.
Posted: 08 August 2013 - 03:34 PM
Diane, good for you on standing your ground! Way to go!
Sorry Molly is having mishaps again. :( Baby her and love her. (I am sure you do.)
Is there some way we can help or encourage you with regard to churning? What seems to be the hangup point or issue?
Posted: 08 August 2013 - 12:26 PM
The hard stuff: today I don't have as much energy, still have some paperwork nagging me, will only take minutes but I have brooded over it for much longer, just do it!!! Still very difficult for me to know what to do with stuff, so still churn, not as much but more than I like. Molly not doing as well today, peed on lounger outside. Friend and I had a few words on keeping agreements that wasn't fun. She now will keep Monday lake days for next 4 Mondays, so happy about that. She tried to blame me, so I stood my ground, very difficult for me, friendship is more important than being right, so dealt with it with kindness, I am learning. Dianne, when I read your posts, I am learning kindness skills, thanks.
Posted: 07 August 2013 - 10:30 PM
You give me hope too Kara, thank you for being here so much and for the chats, maybe we can hook up tomorrow, I was in bed most of the day with my fatigue taking over but tomorrow is a new day, eh?
See you soon!
Posted: 07 August 2013 - 07:53 AM
You give me hope: if you can do it. SO CAN I.
Posted: 03 August 2013 - 12:19 PM
I am still very new but I certainly agree and am so very grateful. This gives me a safe haven with understanding and support that is so priceless... I look forward to reading and posting every day and to the meetings on Sunday and Tuesday.
Even little chats make my spirits soar. I know I am on the pink cloud for now, everything looking rosy and new, but I plan to stay for the long laul and I know others have been doing that for quite a while
Thank you all so very much.
Posted: 03 August 2013 - 12:16 PM
I was just sitting here thinking that without all of you and my coming here each day, I truly believe I would have already backslid into squalor as if the major cleanup had not occurred. And again, thanks to you, I am chipping away at things each day and actually learning new skills and routines.
I am so grateful to you all for being here and staying here and sharing yourself and your encouragement.
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