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What are you doing today?

Posted: 11 March 2020 - 10:53 AM
Thank you for the birthday wishes!!

Cm you got this. You are smart to cut back in quilting. You are doing a terrific job and we are standing by your side. Breathe. Normally I'd say drink a lot of water but all my water is turned off here with the installation so I cannot use the bathroom and somehow that affects my advice to you??!!??

I set out hand wipes at the sinks for the workers and me.

Yay SubC. How sweet about your students. You are making a difference in their lives and they are certainly enriching yours.

Tillie it's madness on the hoarding. I refuse. I will say that every time I go to the store, I pick up a few extra cat food cans. I have two little mouths to feed. I was going to buy water but BF got a case for mom and he ordered seltzer for me (my drug of choice).

I am not going to revive my hoarding mentality. I'm going to be smart and just add a can or two of kitty food each day. Will leave slack in the system for others to access these necessities!

I've stopped shaking hands and hugging and honestly, it's a relief. I tap feet.

Office is making some changes too. They haven't pulled the plug on us going into the office yet. But changes nonetheless. Travel, attendance at meetings, etc. we are required to bring home our laptops every night, even the people who normally do not work from home. Just in case there's an announcement.

I noticed on my way home last night how little traffic there was. Not congested. Normally it's hard to cross the street.

I hope the new water heater is delivered soon. Kitty is the more anxious of the two of us. These workers are professional and kind. I can't do any laundry with them here so I probably won't change my sheets today. The water is only off for my apartment. But navigating around my narrow hallway and the workers will just delay things unnecessarily.
Posted: 11 March 2020 - 10:44 AM
Good Morning Everyone

WOW!!! Subclinical
That sure was a LOT you did in a day.
And you also got in swimming, I am very impressed. :D
YEA! for the rat trapping and wishing you many more successes with that.
So Sweet that the boys will be trying their hand at pottery because you will be teaching them. (((hug)))

Good luck with all your plans for today.

Hi Tatoulia
Goodbye old water heater.
Fingers crossed the replacement is an easy installation. XXX

Yes, about the laundry detergent sheets...
How have they performed over time?
Are you happy with their cleaning results?
No overwhelming scent or chemical induced sneezing/itching?
What is the brand?
I hate the plastic bottle waste nowadays.
Used to be powder in a cardboard box.

Plan today is to do a bit of yardwork.
But first I have laundry to hang out on the line.
Posted: 11 March 2020 - 10:08 AM
Old water heater out! Awaiting the new one! Now I'll read posts!

I'm doing it! Taking a big weight off of my shoulders!
Posted: 11 March 2020 - 05:12 AM
Good morning!

Happy late birthday Tatoulia and good wishes for CM Tomorrow if I don?t make it back before you go.

Tatoulia, if you don't mind, and still like them, will you tell me again the name of your detergent sheets?

I did really well yesterday, but I am tired this morning.

Yesterday - yoga, fed dh breakfast and packed his lunch, milked goat (getting back into that routine is a little hard) refilled slip bottles and found some project instructions for class, took out the compost, packed my swim and school stuff, got gasoline and dropped trash, paid mortgage at bank, stopped by library to discover that somehow they had put my hold slip in a COMPLETELY wrong book, got to school on time, unloaded the kiln, found my missing story online and printed it out. taught three classes, organized my desk at the end of the day, swam with dd, picked up some essentials at the grocery store and dropped plastic bags, put most of the groceries away, unloaded the dishwasher and put most of the dirty dishes in it, emailed parents, set two rat traps (I caught one), and remembered all my meds ("just" vitamins, but treating anemia and hopefully preventing blindness, so important vitamins) WHEW!

Today is just as full, but fewer individual things and more classes.

Registration started. I had a really sweet moment yesterday. Three of my boys in my English class, whom I have really loved teaching this year, announced that they are signed up for my ceramics class next year. Two of them have never taken art before and one was in my class once when he was little. My heart is happy that I will still see them every week.
Posted: 10 March 2020 - 05:13 PM
Good Afternoon Everybody

Hi CriticalMass
So happy they get you in Thursday!!! :D
Very relieved it will all be over soon.
Even a low-grade infection in a tooth can and does affect the whole system.
Just like any low-grade infection anywhere in the body does.
Imagine us here ALL holding your hand through the whole deal. (((HUG)))

By the weekend you will be able to manage all those critters.
Remember gentle swishing warm mild salt water rinses especially after eating.
Don't suck on a straw, use a spoon or just sip it up.
It's ok to not brush teeth for a day then keep away from the area.

I'm positive your scattered thoughts and feelings will straighten out once this is over.
Bringing order out of chaos.

Went to WallyWorld with my shopping list.
It was fascinating what the locals have been hoarding.
So many empty spaces on the shelves.
Fortunately for me everything on my list was in stock.
The TP and bottled water aisles were empty.
The fresh meats were scant & picked over.
No isopropyl alcohol or hand sanitizer.
Canned stews & chili well picked over, no shelf stable milks.
Bet the dollar store is out of even more things.
It was fun to see in person what I have been seeing on news articles on Youtube. ;D

Anyways, stopped by the thrift shops and had a lovely time talking to folks.
Everybody everywhere I went was in GREAT spirits, smiling, talking, laughing.

Yesterday afternoon the Navy jet pilots were drawing huge circles in the sky. Lots & lots of circles all over the sky.
My own personal Blue Angel air show.
Posted: 10 March 2020 - 10:41 AM
Happy Belated Birthday, Tatoulia!

I'm in the Land of Jumbled Thoughts and can't seem to find the airport to leave.

It's because I was already confused from the whirlwind of last week then with the computer glitches, DST clock change (I do like the longer evenings once I adjust), jet lag from crummy sleep, backlog of undone things (and I can't even remember what comes first of the lot, either, there are just so many) nagging at my mind.

Then today I get a text from the gal with the holy hour before mine asking can I sub. So I have to reorder my day. It's not that I mind doing that for her, and she has reciprocated when I've needed someone. It's just that it's a week I would've preferred predictability in, because...

I have an appointment for this Thursday to have the tooth extraction, and there's a lot to do to prepare.

So I decided to skip quilting this morning, which makes me sad. But I can't see trying to fit in too much. I have to take the dog out in the afternoon so roommate and I can go to the bank and the grocery store tonight, and I'd rather simplify and just make one trip to the church and back.

Tomorrow will be the "down to the wire" preparations.

I'm ultimately glad this is going to get over with soon, though, for several reasons. One, there is infection, so let's get that gone before it gets worse and goes into the bone. Two, the other times they had were booked two weeks out and during the week I'm elder-sitting extra times. Three, a Thursday works better around my regular Wednesdays of sitting; I should be recuperated enough for the following Wednesday.

My roommate is going out of town this weekend but I think I can manage with the kitties and bunnies okay by Saturday.

I'm kind of nervous, so prayers and positive thoughts welcome. It's feeling more real. But I'll sure be glad to have it behind me.
Posted: 10 March 2020 - 09:31 AM
Good Morning Everyone

Hi Tatoulia
Yes, finding good buys for others with their money is always more fun!
Hope your walk into work was enjoyable.

Did everyone see that big beautiful full moon?
It's still on my western horizon.

Made up my mind last night that this morning I will go get groceries.
My allergies are acting up terribly so I hope nobody thinks I'm contagious. ;P
Posted: 10 March 2020 - 07:31 AM
On schedule! Just wanted to mention that the four pair of shoes were bought with other people's money so it was twice as fun! Plus I really love shopping bargains for other people.
Posted: 10 March 2020 - 06:54 AM
Checking in really quickly. Have a plan to leave here at 8:30 and walking to work; will put me at the office at 9:10. Wish me luck!
Posted: 09 March 2020 - 03:34 PM
Good Afternoon :)

OK, changed the clock on the stove.
My laptop automatically changes all on it's own.
For the livingroom clock I put a small pink post-it note on it that reads "ADD 1".
Might change the car clock if I remember to next time I get in it.

Nice sunny day but a bit chilly.
Still haven't done much of anything about house cleaning except to continuously wash/wipe down knobs, light switches, faucets and counter tops, etc.
Posted: 09 March 2020 - 11:32 AM
Good Morning Everyone

Sounds like you had a good day.
Vegging out being a couch potato, shopping for shoes and a nice dinner out.

Very wise of you to cancel the party at this time.
The fewer outside contacts, the better for all involved. (((HUG)))

Sounds like chocolate covered strawberries worked better than a muffin.

I am happy your home is still clean from the last cleaning and that Mom's place is still better than it was, even if it annoys her. ;)

Been watching a little bit of the virus related news on Youtube.
Picking and choosing what articles I want to see.
I find it hysterical that toilet paper is being hoarded.
A woman had a cart overflowing with TP and was fighting with another woman who just wanted one of her packs.
Many shops are now rationing how many packs a person can buy.
Fascinating how the fear of a pandemic can turn some people into hoarders when if they did not hoard there would still be plenty of resources for everyone.

Yes, I do have a back up TP stash. I always keep more on hand.
But not an unreasonable amount. Same with facial tissues. A few extra boxes on a top shelf in the pantry.

Nate and Mrs. Nate live just outside Seattle.
They are in their 30s, basically healthy.
They are intelligent and educated and know how to take care, so I'm am not worrying about them.

When Steven presented to the hospital ER for his heart attack they tested him for flu but he doesn't know what virus he was tested for. He was negative.
He is at high risk should he get this Covid19.
He never washes his hands or covers his face when coughing/sneezing.
He is a Petri dish of bad news. :p

Another slim chance of rain here today.
I have no plans. Will get back to yardwork later this week.
Really need to dust and vacuum and all that.
Posted: 09 March 2020 - 08:42 AM
Good morning and coffee clinks! I took the weekend off!

Saturday (my birthday) I spent napping and watching crime shows. I signed up for a free 7 day trial of A&E crime and was determined to get my money's worth! Bf and I had a lovely dinner out at our usual spot. Sunday I ran a few errands, including going to Lord and Taylor to buy one of his sisters some shoes. I found four pair and it is so much fun to spend someone else's money. I had mentioned to him how little I paid for my shoes I wore Saturday night and he said, if you ever see any for sister, please let me know. I hope she likes them; I tried to get ones I thought she'd like. So that was great fun.

I saw mom a few times yesterday. We were cross with each other. She is working very hard to keep her place together for me. I would like her to do it for herself but she's doing it for me and I can live with that. She's a bit more mobile now so she's starting to undo the closet. She was upset last night and called me and once again it went poorly. But I stopped by with the chocolate strawberries the waiter had sent to her on Saturday night and she calmed right down. I hadn't brought them earlier in the day but they were in my fridge and still nice.

Ok today I continue to tackle the world around me. I did nothing all weekend but it's still very clean from last week's cleaning.

I've cancelled the party at mom's on Friday (cake, sandwiches, etc) due to not wanting to expose the residents to the 10 ?outsiders' I'd invited. I'll reschedule in a month or so, once more is known about COVID19.

I need to call the caterer today. I'd ordered a second cake for a law student who was going to join us, as I found out her birthday is next weekend. I'll keep her cake and I'll reduce the size of my cake and I'll cancel the sandwiches. I'll still have cake with mom but not the party I had planned.

Im not up to date on posts.

Coffee clinks!
Posted: 08 March 2020 - 11:15 PM
At sundown a very large Hawk caught and proceeded to eat a small dove in my garden.

The kitchen is clean, even the inside of the fridge.
Need to decide what I will fix to eat the next few days.
Nothing seems appealing.
Maybe I'll just stick to oatmeal, nuts, dried fruit.
Need to get some fresh produce but don't want to grocery shop.

Been a week since I last spoke to a human.
Talk to birds, bunnies, rats, mice, bugs and many cats every day though.
Posted: 08 March 2020 - 11:16 AM
Good Morning Everybody
Wish daylight savings time would just go away forever. :p

HELLO M.I.A. Tatoulia

Hi CriticalMass
What Subclinical said...
"Just try to choose one thing and get through it."

Sorry the computer is being a booger.

I think once this tooth issue has been resolved you won't feel so scattered and will be better able to sort out all your plans and obligations. (((HUG)))

Meanwhile, enjoy those bulb flowers.

Hi Subclinical
Thank you
Never occurred to me that the fat content would diminish with the age of the kid but that makes perfect sense.

Have a wonderful time today outside! :D

So glad I took yesterday off from life.
Today really must do some kitchen clean up.
Sad that I didn't get any of that rain yesterday but there is supposed to be more chances this coming week.
Posted: 08 March 2020 - 07:06 AM

I'm sorry, I know that feeling well.

Just try to choose one thing and get through it.

Tillie, I forgot to say about the soap - yes I will make some for sale. But not right away - I want to make ice cream first because the fat content is highest early.

I make lye soap, so it has to cure for a month, but it is usually ready to come out if the mold the next day.

Supposed to be really nice outside today, so I will try to focus my efforts there.
Posted: 07 March 2020 - 11:55 PM

and behind...

and just too much to keep track of in my brain.

Things like ordering meds or banking online, then the computer saying it can't reach the servers of those websites. I suspect an issue with this Linux as my roommate was doing stuff at the same time on her Windows computer and not having the problem.

Found some startup things I hadn't paid attention to so I clicked on those and let the computer do its thing, and rebooted it. Perhaps that will help, or I will find something that does.

I did get through to some of the websites on my tablet.

Also a lot of tasks on my paper to-do chicken scratching notes of the last few days. Some are done, and I suppose I'll rewrite the notes so they are less sloppy.

Set the clocks forward. We have bulb flowers coming up. I put mini iris and crocus pix on IG.

Bunny club planning meeting tomorrow afternoon. I wish we were more established and there was more of a "flow" to everything - and more volunteers both for things like administration and events, and for bunny care.

I'm not good at bringing order out of the chaos we're in. The logo I was glad to get, I guess we are going to decide about some things like T-shirts tomorrow. I haven't had time to do any graphic design with the logo, though, or any crafts.

Friday I did get to go to that sewing group I had been invited to once then the lady who invited me wasn't able to go for awhile or something. But now it's on again, and I'm even on the group list as an official member. This should be a great help in getting more productive with sewing and quilting - having a place to spread out my stuff. So that's a good thing.

I guess some of this will get sorted, and I'll get the tooth removed and recover from that.

Just feel like I'm juggling a lot of diverse things and I get easily confused and uptight, wish it didn't bother me so. I was resolved to not sweat the small stuff. But when there are 100 small things at once, or so it feels, it becomes harder to keep the resolution.

Well, it's an hour later than it really is, LOL, so I better wind down.

Posted: 07 March 2020 - 09:22 PM
WAY TO GO!!! Subclinical :D

You did fantastic today.
YEA! for finding the good hairbrush too.

You are all caught up with laundry too.
Yesterday I hated doing it but I washed a small load of laundry but it was the clothes I was wearing digging in the dirt and then spreading steer manure.
Didn't want to wash any of the lesser filthy stuff with it.

On average how long does it take for goat milk soap to set and dry?
Guess it also depends on your humidity level too.
Even here in the desert it took my glycerin soap weeks to quit being very tacky.

Well, the wind blew all the rain clouds over to the mountains East of me where it rained very nicely. :P
Posted: 07 March 2020 - 09:03 PM
Thanks tillie.

Three baskets of clean laundry to put away. Empty washer and dryer, no full load left to run.

I cleared off the kitchen counters except for two items dh washes by hand and made a 4sqft clear space on the scullery counter. The pile level on the rest of it is much lower too. The kitchen sink and one side of the scullery sink are empty. I also emptied, folded up, and put away a couple of bags I had just brought home from school and left on the floor over the last two weeks. There are still more though.

I found my good hairbrush.
Posted: 07 March 2020 - 05:35 PM
Good Afternoon Everyone

Hi Subclinical
WAY TO GO! for all that clean laundry!!!
Looking forward to hearing about all the babies and making cheese and ice cream.
Will you also be making soap to sell?

Really being a slug today.
Watching movies with the Roku, eating lots of things, drinking plenty of raspberry tea.
So far no rain. Just winds blowing clouds around the sky.
Took a short nap with Twinkles.
May take another nap before it's bedtime.
Posted: 07 March 2020 - 01:08 PM
One kidded two weeks ago - fresh milk tomorrow.

Four more bred for sure - I can feel the kids - but none due for a couple more weeks, and two possibly bred, but I don't know.

Making some progress on the laundry.
Posted: 07 March 2020 - 12:34 PM
Keep forgetting to mention that yesterday I noticed some of the Apricot buds starting to open.
Today I have several dozen full blooms.
Last year I had a million migrating Butterflies all over the Apricot blooms.
Wonder if they will return??? ;)

Wind is picking up, clouds are rolling in.
Have a chance of rain today/tonight.
Fingers are crossed XXX
Posted: 07 March 2020 - 11:40 AM
Hi Subclinical
I'm still sitting here in my nightgown, drinking tea. :)

WOOHOO! you are getting things done there! :D

How many Nanny Goats have had kids?
How many more do you anticipate?

Keep up the great job you're doing of catching up.
Posted: 07 March 2020 - 11:22 AM
Well, the washer is going and the dishwasher is going and the egg and milk fridge is almost cleaned out for spring. (After cleaning out, I will need to actually clean, and I start milking again tomorrow.)

Tatoulia, I can't find where you told me what kind of laundry sheets you got. I am going to need more laundry soap soon, and would like to order them if you still like them. Would you mind telling me again?

Ok, back to work.
Posted: 07 March 2020 - 08:44 AM
Good Morning Everyone

Hi Subclinical
Thank you ;)

YEA! for clean dishes and so much sleep!!!
Glad you have a break from any new rain, we know how your place gets too much.
Wishing you good luck your classes all fill with bright eager students.
Enjoy your day. :)

Sun just up enough now that I can see the keyboard.
Slept well last night, not too stiff this morning.
Decided to take the weekend off from work outside or inside.
So very happy I reduced the amount of gardening/yardwork I will do.
Really has helped me physically and mentally.
Posted: 07 March 2020 - 08:00 AM
Good morning!

Tillie, you did a lot!

The sun is out, the sky is blue, and it isn't supposed to rain again until Monday night.

I ran the dishwasher last night and then slept ten hours.

Registration for next year's classes starts Tuesday. So far I've only had one placement inquiry. I always get nervous this time of year, hoping the kids I want will sign up for the classes I want them in.

Still taking it slow this morning, but hopefully I'll report back with progress later.
Posted: 06 March 2020 - 04:08 PM
Good Afternoon
2pm here...

Got the leaves all out of the lilac hedge.
Leaves all carted off to the side yard.
Reworked the lilac's water well.
Spread lots of steer manure under the hedge.
Also spread steer manure all around the plants in the flower beds and honeysuckle.
Sprayed the rose bush in case of aphids.
Put away all the tools and stuff.
Came inside and took a long hot shower & washed my hair too.
So happy that's all done.
Still have more to do but not very much. :D
Posted: 06 March 2020 - 09:21 AM
Good Morning Everybody

Hang in there CriticalMass.

Hi Subclinical
I'm sure that this weekend you will get the absolutely necessary addressed.
WTG! keeping your head above water!

Lots of dense cloud cover this morning but no rain predicted for today.
By 9am planning to get back outside and continue on with the yardwork.
Posted: 06 March 2020 - 06:10 AM

Your dentist sounds promising. I hope all goes well.

Reading, but no time for long posts.

My house is such a mess! Hopefully I will restore some order this weekend. I actually asked dh to get lunch out today because there was literally no counter space to prepare it.

Tired. Busy. (Barely) keeping my head above water.
Posted: 05 March 2020 - 06:29 PM
Thanks, Tillie - I had forhotten about good old fashioned salt water! ;)
Posted: 05 March 2020 - 06:23 PM
Good Afternoon

A very good and mild antiseptic for a mouth rinse is
a mild salt solution in a glass of warm water.
This is what I instructed my patients to rinse with after their oral surgery.

Thanks for the update. Now I have a very good idea what your situation is and how to remedy it.
Those roots should come out clean and easy. :)

Enjoy the bunnies.
I am so very proud of you for the DDS visit! :D

Hi Tatoulia
Guess it was just time to re-think and re-do your bedroom landline.

Happy you are now more like water off a duck. ;D

Such a lovely day to work outdoors.
Enjoying looking out at all I got done.
Without hardly any rain or snow this Winter everything is dry.
Can not unwrap the faucet insulation and hook up the hoses because we could still get sub zero temps.
Can not water and wake up plants because if we do get a deep freeze they will all burst and die.
It's only March 5th. still too early.

With these lovely warm days I have been seeing Yellow Jacket wasp Queens around.
I set up a wasp trap to hopefully trap them and have fewer nests this year.
HEY! I can dream ;P

Tomorrow is supposed to be nice so I have plans to clean around the bottoms of the lilac bushes and re-work the water wells around them.
That will involve a lot of crawling around on the ground in the dirt.
It's all coming along and getting done.

Have a chance of rain this weekend. That would be so nice.
Posted: 05 March 2020 - 05:09 PM
Aww, Tatoulia, that is good to hear that our support system is helping you sweat the small stuff less! :)

Tillie, I think things are moving quite well in a positive directon for me and my bedraggled tooth, so I shall attempt to set your mind at ease.

I saw the new dentist and was quite favorably impressed. We even talked a little of the possibility of fillings in the future because he does offer nitrous. And said he would start with an easy one if I decided to do it.

But one thing at a time.

The tooth fragment came really really loose about an hour before the appointment! I had my roommate and another dental phobic BFF praying about it. I tested it gently with my fingers. And it came out easily! That was a huge relief to go in to the appt without that thing shifting and hurting.

I was in and out with my X-rays and referral at 3:12 p.m. even counting the time talking to the dentist. And thd referral was sent electronically to the oral surgeon's. All I had to do was call. I have consultation appt there Monday morning.

I've no reason to believe this won't go smoothly, quickly, and efficiently and I can celebrate being done. The dentist even said it looked like the roots would be easy to get out. And there's slight infection but no need for antibiotic. I'll bombard it with peroxide, antiseptic mouthwash, etc, anc take probiotics, Vitamin C, etc.

My bunnies are playing together and getting more and more used to being with each other with no drama. I'm sitting in the pen enjoying them.

I'd better get that cheesecake ready.
Posted: 05 March 2020 - 02:32 PM
Tillie I would love to join you today! Sounds like a fun time and it would be a good workout for me!

Sunny day again! Pretty nice!

The cleaners accidentally, naturally, pulled my old phone out of the wall in my bedroom. It has always hung by a tether. I was able to move my mattress today and take a look at it, I tried attaching the four things but couldn't find the correct combination. I seem to recall in the past that only two were required but I gave up very quickly because it is so old and decrepit. I'll have an electrician look at it. Or, I'll put my snazzy trim line away, so if I ever lose power, I can plug it in the kitchen. My cordless has an extension in my bedroom so I'll still hear it but it won't match the true, loud ring of my cordless.

I have learned to adapt due to being on this thread and being friends with everyone. I cannot believe that there was a time where this would upset me. Now I just see it as evolution.
Posted: 05 March 2020 - 01:50 PM
Quick drive by............

You are driving me crazy!!!
Remember I have worked in dentistry since I was 16.
Fingers still crossed this gets taken care of ASAP with minimum stress to you. (((HUG)))

WTG! Tatoulia!!!
Getting things taken care of, fixed and working on the reducing.
Reducing items and ounces. ;D

Got the front yard grass all raked/thatched.
Raked leaves from half the north side of the house.
Half is where the window to my room is and the other half is where his window is and an awful lot of clutter along that area, so I don't even bother.
Soon as I rest a little going back out to do some more by the lilac hedge.
Already dirty, tired and sore so may as well. ;P
Posted: 05 March 2020 - 01:11 PM
Eee-yikes, the 3rd quadrant of the tooth (half of what remains) is very detached now. Not much pain, but I'm going right now to get some topical pain gel. Going to ask dentist to be SUPER gentle. If X-ray shows I could ease that part out myself like I did the previous, I will, because it's driving me nuts.
Posted: 05 March 2020 - 12:04 PM
Great garden work, Tillie! Sprouts! And 10" iris stalks? Amazing! I did see a fully bloomed crocus yesterday. Bright purple.

Cm that was then, this is now.

SubC I'm proud of all your pottery work!!! Great job!

I will take your suggestions and donate/distribute my extra bags. My home is an unexpected breeding ground. They've pushed out rubber bands natural habitat.

I need to reduce. Today. TODAY. I am craving fresh space.

I have scheduled the plumber for my hot water heater and BF is sending a back of all trades to help with my faucet and ceiling fan. So I'm doing what I need to do here and I'm feeling better already.

Hot water guy comes on Wednesday to assess the situation.
Posted: 05 March 2020 - 11:39 AM
Hi, just touching base.

SubC, yay for a little boy! Prayers for continued health for mom and baby and safe delivery when that rolls around.

Tillie, sounds like you and kitties have had relaxed productive days.

Tatoulia, thanks for the good wishes, and back at you for goid health. Slow and steady wins the race with weight. I'm not stressing over mine, it will surely go down with spring activity. Trying to dip into the candy dish less, LOL.

Welp, it's dentist day and I feel surprisingly chill about it. Big girl panties on. That, and the thought that it's only an X-ray. And that I will be articulate and pleasant but firm in advocating for my needs.

When I was a child, teen, even very young adult, I was not permitted to have a say, or didn't know how to say it in a convincing confident way. That was then, this is now. Things are different. My mantra for the day. Will let you all know how it goes.
Posted: 05 March 2020 - 08:50 AM
Good Morning Everyone

YEA! Subclinical
happy they turned out nicely. :)

Looks like it's going to be another day like yesterday.
Planning to get out and do some more.
A bit stiff and achy this morning but not too bad.
So relieved that I reduced the amount of gardening/yardwork.
I CAN do what I have but no way could I have kept up doing all the rest like I used to.
Posted: 04 March 2020 - 08:56 PM
My thrift shops take bags too. And the food bank is happy to have them.

I brought my plates home today. I like them. +9 plates.

Also +1 dish I brought home earlier, although I may not keep that one.

Still so much to do!
Posted: 04 March 2020 - 03:55 PM
Good Afternoon Everyone

Hi Subclinical
Yes, fewer boy items to bring out.
But it will still be fun and exciting to make all new memories surrounding the clothes and toys. :)

Hi Tatoulia
My thrift shops would happily take the bags.
They enjoy bagging up purchases in totes and reusable bags.
Last Summer I got my purchase bagged in a new insulated bag.
It's about little bigger than a 6 pack and high quality, a casino give away.
I keep it in the car.

Good luck with the Dr's competition.

This morning it warmed up early.
Fresh air, sunshine, no wind at all.
So me & the cats went outside.
I did a whole lot of cleaning up in my flower bed area.
Very happy with the results.
Scooter helped for a little bit then went back inside to rest up.
Twinkles sun bathed.

In the Fall I leave the leaves laying where they fall.
They cover my plants and provide insulation to protect the roots.
I got all that raked out/off the plants, out of the flower beds.
Uncovered daffodils sprouting, hyacinth, catnip and chives.
The Iris leaves are about 10 inches tall.
Posted: 04 March 2020 - 02:40 PM
Hello everyone!

I've been a bit MIA and I'm not sure why. My cleaners just left, so I'm happy.

Cm I am proud of you for finding help with your creepy tooth. Standing right by your side!

A grandson is on his way! Congratulations, SubC!

Tillie, we've been having very milk weather. Today is sunny and windy. Still very nice. My bedroom window is open and one of the ones in the back. It's cool but nice!

I had my quarterly check up at the dr on Monday. He didn't order any tests this time. He's disappointed in my weight gain so we have a competition for our next visit. He made me get my second shingles dose and I've been a bit under the weather.

I'm getting my hair cut & colored tonight.

I furiously shredded papers before the cleaning ladies got here.

I have an insane amount of tote bags and reusable bags. Any ideas of what I can do with them?
Posted: 04 March 2020 - 06:32 AM
The day wasn't any slower, just me.

Today I am dragging and regretting the things I didn't do last night.


Forgot that I will be emptying fewer bins with a boy. Oh well.

Must get moving!
Posted: 03 March 2020 - 09:29 PM

Sounds like you had a good day.
Nice it was a slower more relaxed day too.
Still you got a lot of important things taken care of.

Now you can rummage through those bins of little clothes and leave the dresses packed, for now. ;)
Posted: 03 March 2020 - 08:36 PM
Slowed down a little today.

Started with yoga
Did a load of laundry
Planted my seeds
Taught my classes
Talked up next year's classes at the open house
Skipped swimming and spent the evening relaxing.

My Dd is having a boy. :) (I would also be smiling the same if she was having a girl - I just like knowing more about him.)
Posted: 03 March 2020 - 10:12 AM
Good Morning Everybody

Hi Subclinical

You got to a lot of important tasks!

Great start on the seeds too.
Having dirt in the pots is a must.

Rather than longer days it would be nice if the hours we do have didn't rush by so quickly.

Yesterday afternoon the cats & I went outside for a little bit.
I did a little bit of leaf raking around the lilac hedge.
Quit long before I was sore and exhausted so it was just fun.
Posted: 02 March 2020 - 08:48 PM
I hope all goes well CM. Proud of you for taking those steps.

Glazed my set of plates today. Ran a load of dishes and two loads of laundry. Put away last week's laundry. Changed the sheets. Put out fresh towels. Picked up some essentials at the grocery store.

Almost started seeds fir the garden - I put dirt in pots but haven't actually planted them. Too tired.

Wish my days were longer.
Posted: 02 March 2020 - 07:01 PM
Wishing you all the best CriticalMass

We will all be holding your hand cyberly.


What a relief this will be when you are home eating your cheesecake. :D
Posted: 02 March 2020 - 05:45 PM

Made a few calls, ended up finding a dentist whose office is only a mile or less from me. From the website I got that he's a young guy, and sounds congenial and not out to push for more than a person feels ready for. He's even a sci-fi geek, it says. LOL

I remember as a child and teen having to endure a drive to the other side of town dreading the dentist, and another seemingly endless miserable drive back, all numb and yucky feeling, sad and angry. Now the city is about twice the size and where my old dentist's place was seems practically "inner city."

A place this close by will be a welcome change. I think I can even deal on my own. Just to get the x-ray and referral for extraction.

Had to fill out a form online, did that, sent it back. Appointment is 3:00 p.m. Thursday.

Tomorrow is my payday, so that timed out well. Wish I could have an extra payday or two! I have to pay this dentist $90-something and the oral surgeon a similar amount just to get the ball rolling. Then at the procedure itself will come the BIG bite, pun intended.

So be it. I'll get some yummy soft foods right before then (cheesecake comes to mind) and be ready to celebrate Good Riddance Creaky-Cracky Tooth!

Next couple of days will be pretty full, so I may or may not check in. Hoping that later on when the healing time comes, I can rest and maybe do simple tasks like small batch paper sorting, cutting out things to sew, whatever.
Posted: 02 March 2020 - 12:59 PM
Overwhelmed by a zillion details. All crunching into one another and causing further gridlock. It's a Monday all right.

Like trying to look up the oral surgeons but my computer screen freezing. That happens with the NEW computer now. Apparently Linux operating system chokes on my multiple tabs open more than Windows on a geriatric computer used to do. I am not amused. Typing this post on my tablet while waiting for laptop to unfreeze.

If I were ON MY OWN, I could get more computer work done. Then maybe I wouldn't have to leave tabs and documents open so much, and go days without getting back to them. Might even be able to finish a day's work the same day, and shut the computer down so it could clear the cache. Ha.

The only other way would be to jot down a stack of notes of where I left off everytime I have to shut down, thereby increasing the amount of my paper clutter. That's if I could even get it all written in a short time. Then have to reread it and get back up to speed next computer session. Can you say "counterproductive"?

But with all this new money I'll be owing, I may be stuck here till doomsday, it feels like sometimes. You see, my roommate was very lonely before I came to stay here. And we do have lots in common. So it's like I'm a younger sister.

At times that is okay, we do have fun. If only I weren't years behind where I want to be on so many many things. Frankly, I often don't want to be interrupted, I don't want to have to truncate the day so I can watch TV with her - though lately I have found a few hand projects I can actually do then, which does help.

I ran into similar issues with my former roommate, with her and our friend Larry watching TV but I finally just opted out and kept on my computer trying to get writing and stuff done. In some ways I regret that since Larry passed away.

That roommate was more detached in a way that made me anxious, though. Like she would forget to leave the door safety chain unlatched when I was still out of an evening. I felt kind of forgotten and scared. This roommate is way more conscientious about that sort of thing.

It's all so ironic in a way. That ex boyfriend I mentioned the other day - he was a lone wolf, to an extreme I've never seen in anyone before or since. When we were dating, I was the clingy insecure girlfriend wanting to spend tons of time together. (I've changed quite a bit from that, thankfully.)

But now I sort of get where he was coming from. I want to get together with people, but not at the expense of my creative and intellectual pursuits. And of course I also need time to get my physical space de-messified which will help immensely with being clearer headed and productive.

Sorry for the complaining. I just now did a hard shutdown of the laptop. It was too stuck for too long. I'll deal. There may be workarounds I don't know how to implement yet, being a Linux noob. Or magic cusswords I don't have in my vocabulary yet. (Kidding, sort of.)

Finally, as regards the tooth - I'll restart the laptop and resume the quest for an oral surgeon. I think soft foods and small bites chewed on the good side are the order of the day. So far there is no toothache pain, only sore mouth spots where sharp edges rub. Peroxide helps those. I just want to be getting that IV with Versed and coming to knowing the whole mess is sorted and all that's left is recuperation and moving on.
Posted: 02 March 2020 - 09:53 AM
Good Morning Everybody

WAY TO GO! Subclinical
getting out there in the rain and doing that job you most did not want to do!

I understand. I get it, I have lived it.
Women are supposed to be miracle workers, do everything to perfection at all times.
Work out of the house all day, come home and continue working.
But somebody always finds one little thing we didn't do or didn't do perfectly to bring up to us.

Hope that warm shower washed away all the stress.

Hi CriticalMass
Oh please, please, please find an emergency appointment to get that spooky tooth taken care of.
My fingers are crossed XXX
Very glad at least bingo was fun. :)

Didn't get any more snow yesterday and none predicted for the future.
Thoroughly enjoyed the snow I did get.
No plans for today or all the week. Just the usual daily things.
Last week Twinkles did not get brushed much at all so I promised him more brushings.
That cat really knows how to pout. ;p
Posted: 02 March 2020 - 07:34 AM
Okay, I completed the task I least wanted to do today. In the rain even.
And started some laundry.

Now for a nice, warm, destressing shower.
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