Hi Peoples :) I'm back from my adventure. Only saw five Mustang but did see a bald eagle. Have got all my groceries put away now. Nice to have a better selection in the pantry. Items that are too expensive to buy here. Stuff like fresh ginger root, nuts, dried fruits, steel cut oatmeal, real maple syrup, sharp cheddar cheese and lots of other fancy organic/healthy stuff :D Got some organic/healthy cat treats too. Really wanted to buy some fancy ice cream but I didn't think it would have survived the trip home. :(
Posted: 15 July 2016 - 11:31 PM
Hi Everybody :) Was just informed that I will be going to Carson City tomorrow to do some grocery shopping. Better selection and prices there but a 150 mile round trip. We do this a couple times a year and stock up on some stuff.
Hi Tatoulia :) We can help others so much better when we make our own selves our number one priority. (((hugs)))
Hi Anonymoniker :) WAY TO GO!!! Guilt free swimming! YEA!!! :D
Hi Diane :) Just last week I renewed my dental insurance. 62.00 a year and it saved me hundreds last year when I broke my tooth. Hoping you get this acher taken care of early this next week. (((HUGS))) Nice that you were able to have fun with your lapidary! :D WAY TO GO!!! for AMNESTY! ;D
Have no idea when I will get back home or what kind of condition I will be in when I return. Probably tired, but I will still have to put away my groceries. Hope I get to see some Mustang (wild horses) on my journey. :) Stinky is still here, digging worms out of my garden at night. Ya'll take care and pleasant dreams. Nite nite ;)
Posted: 15 July 2016 - 10:22 PM
Diane, i am sooo sorry to hear about that awful tooth pain! That sounds horrible! Ive also thrown out stuff i needed later! How is it doing now? I think its great youre taking time away from your hoard to play with the rocks! And how wonderful youve got such a patient & helpful worker waiting for you! I also want you each to know how much your support & connection means to me! That has become of huge importance to me lately! :D ~♡~
Posted: 15 July 2016 - 10:22 PM
Diane, i am sooo sorry to hear about that awful tooth pain! That sounds horrible! Ive also thrown out stuff i needed later! How is it doing now? I think its great youre taking time away from your hoard to play with the rocks! And how wonderful youve got such a patient & helpful worker waiting for you! I also want you each to know how much your support & connection means to me! That has become of huge importance to me lately! :D ~♡~
Posted: 15 July 2016 - 05:52 PM
.,Hello everybody, nice to hear from you all and what great things you are thinking and doing. I went for my first overnight in pickup, had to come home because of tooth pain. I got home and realized I had thrown all advil, Tylenol etc. away when I cleaned bedroom,all were expired, since I "never" have pain, finally found some aspirin. I woke up with incredible pain, kept thinking it would go away, then went to store and bought ibuprofen and Tylenol. All dentists I called are closed on Friday, today. Fortuneately helper called to see how long I was going to keep pushing her help away. She just went similar tooth problem and gave me the formula of what doctor told her. Last night when I went to bed it was un bearable, then remembered she said to ice mouth in bed, sounded terrible, but I did, and fell asleep, thank goodness. Have stayed on ibuprofen/Tylenol as she suggested,d way more than I wouold normally. Have laid low today, then decided to try cutting rocks with tile saw, makes lots of noise and vibration so distracts me from mouth. I have made quite a mess out side, but so much fun, and am getting much better figuring it out, rounding off edges for tumblers. The garage hoard is being kind to me, peaking out asking when I will be ready to clean it out. I washed dishes, started putting clothes in washer, want to work outside a little more, then put these clothes in washer, that are filthy, and first take a way overdue shower. Love reading your posts about managing hoard. I said helper could come next week, so really need to keep up on maintenance this week so she doesn't give me the disappointed look I got from her when she came last time, many weeks ago. My ittie bittie feelings got hurt so have kept her away. I still know, to finish the craft room I need her help. I am so grateful she has not given up on me, what a great personal coach. I did clarify, good enough for me is very different than what is good enough for her. This is silly but I had a clean cleaning cloth out yesterday, then decided to wipe my legs and feet off with it, was going to wash it to clean counters, and for the practice I called amnesty and tossed it. I want you each to know, how important you are to me, being able to say amnesty and know you understand the challenges that go with it.
Posted: 15 July 2016 - 04:12 PM
Yes, Tillie & Tatoulia, that thing about 'good enough' just hit home! When i look at my place, i cant imagine it being nice enough, but when i really do clear, clean & add color(my new motto!), i realize it will look cute...not fancy...kind of funky, but quaint...enough to make a HUGE difference in my life!!! :D so far today, ive completed today's list of dishes washed, jewelry & hair stuff washed, so i can go swim laps at the pool, guilt free!!! :D
Posted: 15 July 2016 - 04:12 PM
Yes, Tillie & Tatoulia, that thing about 'good enough' just hit home! When i look at my place, i cant imagine it being nice enough, but when i really do clear, clean & add color(my new motto!), i realize it will look cute...not fancy...kind of funky, but quaint...enough to make a HUGE difference in my life!!! :D so far today, ive completed today's list of dishes washed, jewelry & hair stuff washed, so i can go swim laps at the pool, guilt free!!! :D
Posted: 15 July 2016 - 02:04 PM
Glad your health is headed in the right direction, Tillie.
I am not a perfectionist so I think I'll be okay. I just finally realized that there's a reason they say, put the oxygen mask on yourself before assisting the other plane passengers. Unless I am happy and comfortable in my home, taking care of everyone else will suffocate me. So it is going better now, for everyone. (Especially me!).
Did dishes before leaving for office this AM. What a good feeling. Was too tired to do last night. So I emptied the dishwasher and refilled it.
Stay cool everyone!
Posted: 15 July 2016 - 12:31 PM
Good Morning Everyone :)
Hi Tatoulia :) "Clink!" YES! :D Maintaining the clear & clean areas and also working on making new clear & clean areas. Being able to see the tidy areas can be very motivating to keep up the GREAT progress. (((HUGS))) Many people buried in a cluttered home used to always have their homes spotlessly clear & clean. Then things like "LIFE" happen and they fall behind on housework. Since they could no longer do it perfectly they froze and did nothing at all and things just got even worse. Many hoarders are perfectionists, really. That's why I say to do it "good enough" for now because "good enough" really is good enough. Next "go through" it will get even better. :)
Hi Anonymoniker :) At the top of this page it reads "Together we CAN beat this!" Knowing we are not alone in our struggles and being accountable to each other really makes a big difference. WTG! for doing all you have to make you home a more pleasant space for you. (((hugs)))
Hi Tess :) WAY TO GO!!! You are doing GREAT! :D So glad you tossed the old body products. They tend to go "off" after time and aren't any good any more anyways. It's really not the gift that counts, it was the thought behind it. (((HUGS)))
Just putzing around here today. Getting out yesterday really helped my mood. Going to be 100 degrees today and there are clouds making it muggy. As always, will do the usual daily stuff and also clean the kitchen. Still not 100% so still taking it slow. Maybe by Monday I will be up to doing a general house cleaning, but not today. :)
Posted: 14 July 2016 - 11:04 PM
Tatoulia, wow, you have a lot going on to keep up with! It sounds like your priorities are pretty good, tho?! Family & career are certainly more important than cleaning! Tess, you got a LOT done today!!! Congratulations!!! I had an awesome day! I took my own advice & cleaned up my bedroom dresser top, that i can see from my bed & it is clean, clear & beautiful! And i also found about 5 important things id thought were stolen or lost, jewelry, a map of my land AND a family video of my ex's that i thought he had, which gives me the perfect 'reason'to return once my place is much better, so i can tell him about it, as well as other things i want to say to him! Its neat how these little areas make such a difference & make me see how it is absolutely possible to turn this place into a delightful home! Its funny cuz being honest with myself, as much as i want my true love back, i almost think having a nice home would be even better! Of course, both would be absolute Heaven!!! ~♡~
Posted: 14 July 2016 - 11:04 PM
Tatoulia, wow, you have a lot going on to keep up with! It sounds like your priorities are pretty good, tho?! Family & career are certainly more important than cleaning! Tess, you got a LOT done today!!! Congratulations!!! I had an awesome day! I took my own advice & cleaned up my bedroom dresser top, that i can see from my bed & it is clean, clear & beautiful! And i also found about 5 important things id thought were stolen or lost, jewelry, a map of my land AND a family video of my ex's that i thought he had, which gives me the perfect 'reason'to return once my place is much better, so i can tell him about it, as well as other things i want to say to him! Its neat how these little areas make such a difference & make me see how it is absolutely possible to turn this place into a delightful home! Its funny cuz being honest with myself, as much as i want my true love back, i almost think having a nice home would be even better! Of course, both would be absolute Heaven!!! ~♡~
Posted: 14 July 2016 - 10:27 PM
WTG Tess!!!
Indoor challenge part two:
Vacuumed bedroom Cleaned up cat's food area Garbage out Shredder and vacuum put away.
One tip: everytime I take my garbage out (pickup is twice a week), I do a quick scan of fridge to see what's in there that needs to go. Generally just a lot of half eaten, rejected cat food cans. This way, there's never anything old and gross in fridge.
Too tired to empty dishwasher and put away dinner dishes. Will do tomorrow.
Posted: 14 July 2016 - 09:46 PM
Posting and running again today.
-put away clean clothes and washed a new load. This is turning into a nightly routine. -sorted through a box of stuff. Added 2 purses and around 5-6 books to my donate box. -collected one bag of garbage -cleaned the kitchen after dinner, picked up random things...just general picking up after myself after skipping a day of cleaning.
Feels like I did more. Going through purses and books was hard for me. I also tossed a bunch of old body products that were gifts. That was also hard, but it feels good to look at that space and see a bit less clutter.
Keep up the good work, guys! I hope to be able to catch up tomorrow. *hugs*
Posted: 14 July 2016 - 08:15 PM
You are so sweet, Anony. Trust me, the accomplishments here are a group effort and thus a group success. I got rid of a lot of stuff two years ago. I had a hard time letting go but all of a sudden realized I have too much. I still have too much, but I'm grateful to being back in my cleaning and clearing mode. I'm not sure how I ended up with a filthy house with stuff everywhere. I can remember back when I had a weekly cleaning lady! weekly. Yup--what a treat that was. For me, taking care of elderly mother, mentally ill family member and other assorted shut-ins, while juggling a hectic career, just meant the house came last. My BF and I do not live together, despite a decade of being together, and our work schedules are crazy, so I let the house go to pot. I would get it acceptable in time for the holidays and have it decorated and good china and crystal, etc. but it would take its toll and i would have to stuff all the extra stuff into bedroom and closets. When I decided to clean out my 12 x 10 storage spot (over 350 a month), I found this site and got to work. I realized my hoarding, the forms it was taking, and my extreme need to let go of so much and the tension of wanting to keep everything--good memories, bad memories, value I assigned to the object, sentiment, guilt, melancholy, you name it.
Every success here by any of us is hard-fought and is absolutely because we have each other. You are doing a great job of balancing your health with your hoard and your heart. Keep up the good work. And thank you for all of your help and support.
Posted: 14 July 2016 - 04:17 PM
Wow, Tatoulia, i guess shredders have come a long way since the 90s?! I love the used kitty litter improvement idea! ha ha I finally made some coffee & instantly felt better! Itd been upsetting my stomach. Im trying to take care of my body through this intense grieving process....its a mix of hating myself for being so lazy with getting my place fixed up, and trying to be easy on myself about what im going through. If i even have one improved area done a day, that seems to really help! Its funny cuz in all honesty, when i read what each of you accomplishes each day, it really sounds more like this is a OCD-clean-freak forum! Im serious! :D :D :D
Posted: 14 July 2016 - 04:17 PM
Wow, Tatoulia, i guess shredders have come a long way since the 90s?! I love the used kitty litter improvement idea! ha ha I finally made some coffee & instantly felt better! Itd been upsetting my stomach. Im trying to take care of my body through this intense grieving process....its a mix of hating myself for being so lazy with getting my place fixed up, and trying to be easy on myself about what im going through. If i even have one improved area done a day, that seems to really help! Its funny cuz in all honesty, when i read what each of you accomplishes each day, it really sounds more like this is a OCD-clean-freak forum! Im serious! :D :D :D
Posted: 14 July 2016 - 03:16 PM
Hope you are feeling better, Anony. I shred everything with my name on it, every piece of mail, and I have a good shredder that cross-cuts, so I think it's fairly secure. Then I add a layer of cat litter (used of course) so at that point, I've done it all. I think if I only had a few papers your idea would make sense. But I do everything with my name or adrdress, even if just a postcard from the realtor down the street and addressed to "occupant"!
Take good care of yourself and let me know your progress! Making space is wonderful!!!
Posted: 14 July 2016 - 03:15 PM
Hope you are feeling better, Anony. I shred everything with my name on it, every piece of mail, and I have a good shredder that cross-cuts, so I think it's fairly secure. Then I add a layer of cat litter (used of course) so at that point, I've done it all. I think if I only had a few papers your idea would make sense. But I do everything with my name or adrdress, even if just a postcard from the realtor down the street and addressed to "occupant"!
Take good care of yourself and let me know your progress! Making space is wonderful!!!
Posted: 14 July 2016 - 02:56 PM
Greetings everyone! I havent felt good today & have been catching up on sleep. I may go through the house & toss stuff at some point cuz its so hot outside. There is still that part of me clinging to the past...afraid to empty my place of things, since ive lost my soulmate, im afraid of losing myself, too...i need to look at it as a symbolic way to make room for new things in life. Tatoulia, i use to sit in front of my shredder trying to not jam it with too much at a time, when i realized that it would be easy for a criminal to figure out what papers were important and piece them together. Now i get the important papers wet & ball them up. Theyre impossible to open up or read & its way easier, too! As usual, it sounds like you each are getting a lot done every day?! :D
Posted: 14 July 2016 - 01:45 PM
Indoor challenge:
Vacuumed den and living room Dishwasher ready to be run
Posted: 14 July 2016 - 10:28 AM
Good morning!
Hot weather is definitely here! I am working from home today. I am chipping away at shredding papers. I have one shopping bag of papers leftover from...last year. So much easier to go through now, as once they are of a certain vintage, they lose all importance to me. Shredding is different for me now, too, because with living room cleaned up, I no longer have the shredder in the middle of the room--it now has a hidden home. But I find its actually easier to take the shredder out of its home and then return it. It feels like an accomplishment rather than just tripping over it day in and day out.
I need to vacuum today. Actually the vacuuming would have best been done earlier this week. I see now that maintenance is pretty much daily. and it is easier on me emotionally. It is so much easier to clean up if I don't have to do it under the heavy cloud of self loathing.
So, my friends, what I'm working on is maintaining the cleaned and cleared areas while expanding my horizons to clean and clear more areas. I guess this is how it's done. Tillie I am learning!!
Glad you are going to get out a little today Tillie. Fresh air and different surroundings always make me feel better!
Ice water clinks!
Posted: 14 July 2016 - 09:53 AM
Good Morning Everyone :)
Hi Tess :) Thank you :) I am slowly getting all caught up, taking lots of rest. Sorry to hear about your vacuum breaking. Good luck getting a replacement. Some days, just getting the garbage out is a great accomplishment! :D
Hi Diane :) Hard boiled eggs are so great to have. Easy to eat and you don't get hungry soon afterward. You MUST keep things closed up or cats will get into them and sleep on everything. If I leave my dresser drawer open and come back later, there will always be a cat sleeping on my clean clothes. WAY TO GO!!! for keeping up with tidying! (((hugs)))
Hi Tatoulia :) WAY TO GO!!! tackling that linen closet! :D My cat has his own favorite tablecloth. I keep it on the table, covering up my tablecloth because the cat has always liked to sleep on the table. ;P Keep up with puttering around, I get so much accomplished when just puttering a few minutes here & there. (((hugs)))
Hi Anonymoniker :) YEA!!! WAY TO GO!!! :D Cleaning under the porch! Sounds like you are destroying any spider hiding spots doing that! YEA!!! Hope your tummy feels better. (((hugs)))
Got all caught up with watering and laundry yesterday. Will see what, if anything, I will do today. Thinking maybe I'll drive into town at 9:00am. Maybe I really need to get out of this house for a little while. Maybe I will. ;)
Posted: 13 July 2016 - 04:42 PM
Great to read your post, Anony. Good work on your porch shopping--you are shopping for space! Go slowly in the heat and keep meditating during the breaks!
Posted: 13 July 2016 - 04:18 PM
Hi all! Today im clearing & tossing out stuff from under the porch. Its a bit like shopping, in some ways...things catch my eye & i put them in my cart! ha ha It is amazing how much better it looks! With every piece i pick up its like a weight lifted! Im taking frequent breaks cuza the heat. Ive been meditating during breaks, too! That makes the breaks healing! I didnt drink my usual cup of coffee today cuz my stomach really hurt yesterday, so im really dragging... Im glad to read yall are getting lots done & feeling better?! :D
Posted: 13 July 2016 - 04:15 PM
How much fun to see so many of us here today!
Great work!
Tess, I am hardly in a fully clean and clear house --def a work in progress and feeling so much better. I know you all feel good about it, as do I! I am working from home today so able to find little moments of puttering.
Indoor challenge
Recycling out (boy that bag fills up quickly!) Worked on linen closet Got bag of donations together Washed some sheets from linen closet for cat to sleep on
The linen closet started when I was looking for an old but pretty tablecloth that the cat found to be cool to sleep on last summer. I can't find it so I must've taken it to goodwill last year. As I hunted, I found a lot of things that i could donate and/or wash and use. I don't really have any extra towels, having culled the herd either last summer or the summer before. But that half bag of yellowed (!) cotton balls was shown the door. A few other things too. Knee brace? When and why?
Right now I'm washing the sheets for my fold out couch--have been in the linen closet since last year's visit from friend. I'll fold up one of the sheets and place on chair for kittycat, as the only table cloths I have left 1) fit my table and 2) will be used again.
I can see everyone is doing great! Keep up the good work--sorry not to respond to each of you individually but please know that each post was like a wonderful visit with a very dear friend. Thank you all.
Posted: 13 July 2016 - 03:36 PM
Tillie thanks for your description of shopping. As you know I have not been shopping at all except Costco once a month or less. When I went to garage sales, it was fun and I did only buy a few things, so need to realize that is where I shop, just no extra stuff. I shopped in the garage this morning and that was just as fun, except I saw a bunch of stuff I have to get rid of. The food analogy is a good one. I used to have an eating disorder, starve, binge, so I could relate to both. Moderation is becoming more comfortable for me, still a bit foreign. Roller coaster ride is not as attractive to me now. Men, money, food, starving, shopping, never enough----the drama is all too much now, just want my golden years to be peaceful and clutter free, except maybe a yard full of rocks!!
Posted: 13 July 2016 - 03:28 PM
Hello everyone. So great that there is always a post to read when I sign on. I put the clean pants in closet, now bedroom is pleasant again, amazing how leaving something in wrong place can seem ok, until I sign on here. Speaking of allergies, a neighbor cat loves my deck, garage etc, and I am allergic to it. Today I finally put foam in the back of pickup for bed, my throat got dry and scratchy, then I saw cat hairs all over it. Cleaned it, then put mattress cover and sheets in pickup, very cozy. Got cooler down from top of the heap in the garage, for my overnight outing, which was going to be today, until it took all morning to get ready. Will be hotter tomorrow, so may go Friday when a little cooler. I watered outside some this morning. Put aluminum shiny tape on handles of rock tools so when I look for them, maybe I will find them, still need to be more consistent putting them in one place when out pounding rocks. Did dishes. Thanks for joining me in indoor challenge and amnesty tossing. Just realized some of the junk in garage can have amnesty invoked upon them, need to fill garbage cart again this week. Today I will vacuum two rooms and clean toilet in rock room for indoor challenge. Yesterday I boiled a bunch of eggs, sure nice to have when hunger hits.
Posted: 13 July 2016 - 03:24 PM
Hi Everybody -
Hope everybody is doing well. I didn't do anything at home yesterday except take out the garbage. I have plans after work, but later I would like to stop and buy a few things I need for cleaning. My vacuum broke and I need a new litter pan and garbage bags.
Diane - I'm so happy to hear from you!!! Showering is really important for your mental health. How often are you able to shower and what kind of issues do you have when you can't find yourself able to shower? For me, when I don't shower, I start to slack off in other areas. I get a little morose (which is a struggle for me anyway). Is there something you can do to help motivate you to shower? Like, maybe you can't touch your rock collection until after you've showered? I'm sorry, I'm not sure is it a collection? Also, don't beat yourself up over the slip. As long as you aren't backtracking into old habits, I think you will be just fine! I'm glad you're back :)
Tatoulia - Sometimes relaxing after work is a MUST. Isn't it nice to be at the point where you can walk in the house and know you can do it guilt free? Ahhhh, the dream. lol!
Tillie - I'm glad to hear you're feeling a better. but take things slow, you don't want to relapse. Maybe spread it over the week? or throughout the day?
Posted: 13 July 2016 - 12:03 PM
Good Morning Everyone. :)
Hi Diane :) Thank you. :D So you went to some yard sales. Did you find anything that you absolutely adore or need and are using right now? Yard sales and thrift shops are the best places to buy needed items when on a very limited budget, like I am. The trick is in knowing what I already have at home and what I need to buy, never buying something just to not leave empty handed. No impulse buys just because something catches my eye. Never shopping is like being on a super strict diet where you never get to eat anything you enjoy eating so one day you end up eating an entire cake. Moderation in everything so everything is ok. (((HUGS))) Happy you went rock hounding! :D WAY TO GO!!! with keeping up with maintenance.
Hi Tatoulia :) WAY TO GO!!! for walking into your fairly tidy home after a long hard day! (((HUGS))) Sorry you lost your post. :( I hate when that happens so now I always copy before I try to post.
Almost 10:00am here. Cats & I went out early and watered the trees & bushes. Now I am doing a load of laundry. So much catching up to do since being sick. I am already tired. Need to wash my hair and do some food prepping. Also need to scoop litter boxes, sweep and take out the trash. Guess I better get off the computer and get busy. :P
Posted: 13 July 2016 - 08:54 AM
Hello everyone! Glad to see your posts!
I did not get anything done yesterday re the house, worked at office late, made dinner, did dishes and then relaxed. I was so pleased to walk into my house and see it fairly clean and clear. There are definitely areas that need both clearing and cleaning, but the trend is in the right direction, thanks to everyone here.
Joan and Tillie, I have some allergies but not a lot. I do find that one allergic reaction seems to trigger more allergies. I also know that with age my allergies have changed somewhat. I am only mildly allergic to cats (very allergic to dogs) and with enough dedication, I've been breaking them one cat at a time!
Anony you are doing great work. You need to take care of yourself and keep your chin up. When I am most disgusted with myself, I find I sit here and wallow instead of taking action. The action really helps.
Tess--you are doing great! I find that I actually do better with less time--I try to get something quick done when I have little time. For ex, if BF says he'll be here in 10 minutes, I try to do something quick and easy. It's when I have unlimited time that I do nothing!
Diane!!!!!! Missing you!!! So you had a blip--that's all--I'm so pleased for you and your clean bedroom!!!! You have no idea how happy this makes me! And your indoor challenge is helping me so much!!!
You are each an inspiration to me. Thank you for your friendship.
Posted: 12 July 2016 - 11:41 PM
Hello everyone. Took a long time to read all of your posts, did not realize how long it has been since I have been on here. I had a slip on Thursday and went to some garage sales in neighborhood, then Friday was afraid to leave home, thinking I would go to more garage sales, and very self critical. Then Saturday and Sunday, I may be a day off, anyway, I went rock hounding and had fun. Today I stayed home, did dishes, washed new rocks, cleaned up a few things. After reading your posts, hopeful that I will get back to cleaning. Fun reading about clean bedrooms, now that I actually have a clean bedroom, for the first time in years. I put some clean pants on top of dresser last night, and just realized I forgot to fold and put away. Tillie happy you recovered from being under the weather, even though good weather. I am still not taking enough showers, and not getting any aerobic exercise, both would lift my spirits.
Posted: 12 July 2016 - 08:25 PM
First time in a long time--post didn't show up!
Suffice it to say it's great to hear from you all. Keep up the good work, take care of yourselves. At office all day. So nice to come home to a house that is clean and clear-- at least some of it is.
Going to do dishes and go to bed. Thank you for helping me to build new habits.
I'll write tomorrow--cannot recreate my post right now.
Posted: 12 July 2016 - 10:59 AM
Good Morning Everybody :)
Hi Anonymoniker :) Thank you :) WAY TO GO!!! for all you have been doing! :D Takes a bit of time to adjust to all the newness of the changes you've made. Bet Kitty was stung by a wasp or something. Happens to my kitties to when they bat at them. Definitely get some face masks, they really help.
Hi Tatoulia :) Thank you :) That is a very impressive list, WTG! :D Try to stay cool when the heat gets there. (((HUGS)))
Hi Tess :) WAY TO GO!!! for all you did even when you had very little time and no plans to do stuff! :D Amazing what you can accomplish when you just sneak up and attack it like that. D
Hi Joan :) It would be simpler to list the things I am not allergic to than to list what I am. And the allergy list gets longer with every passing year because I keep changing physically.
Yesterday I washed the dishes! YEA! me! :) Weren't many to wash but it took a while cause I had to keep stopping to sit for a few minutes. Have no real plans for today, will just see if or what I feel up to. This past week the weather has been pleasantly cool. Lower nineties but mostly eighties and over night down to the fifties or sixties. Still no rain. :(
Take care :)
Posted: 12 July 2016 - 07:51 AM
Just checking in. I have been making a lot of progress with my health issues the last few months.
Before I even start on hoarding issues, I have to have food that is good for me to eat. I have been experimenting with my diet for about 30 or 40 years, and still have not found a strictly nontoxic food source for myself. I tolerate a very few foods well, but have bad allergic reactions to most (e.g., grain starch gives me coughing and anaphylaxis at night). I'm also having a bad reaction to some foods I always considered OK, such as nuts. Additionally, I'm allergic to unspecified pollens, etc., etc.
Anyone else having this kind of severe problem with allergies?
Posted: 11 July 2016 - 10:08 PM
Hey everybody! Today I didn't have lot of cleaning time, so I did things I knew I could do quickly. I wasn't planning to do any cleaning today until I logged in and saw all that you guys did today. Way to go!!!
-I added a few books to my donate box (and found a few I've been looking for) -Put away a load of laundry and tossed another in the wash -Gathered another bag of trash -Tossed my dead plant :( -Replaced the dead flowers on my kitchen table -Started (just barely) washing walls. Actually, it was one door frame, but that totally counts!
That's enough for today. Tomorrow is bathroom day. I'm so not looking forward to it!
Sorry to post and run, but I have to get to bed. Talk to you all tomorrow :)
Posted: 11 July 2016 - 09:00 PM
Indoor challenge part 2:
Emptied dishwasher Cleaned bathroom sink and vanity Cleaned toilet
This challenge is helping me a lot, Diane.
Posted: 11 July 2016 - 05:33 PM
Hello everyone! Good to hear from you, Tillie, and no forgiveness is needed--along time ago I think you told us all to just post if we can--no need to first read the other posts or to apologize for being gone. So that goes for you, too. I do hope you continue to be on the road to recovery.
Indoor challenge:
Multiple loads of laundry, including cat blankets. All folded and put away.
Cleaned litter box
Garbage up and out
New placemat and cleaned around the areas where kitty eats
Swept the living room and the hallway.
Ran dishwasher (have not yet emptied)
Heat is heading my way and I know having my house cleaner will help me get through it better.
Missing you all! Keep up the good work, Anony.
Posted: 11 July 2016 - 12:11 PM
Welcome back, Tillie! Im so glad youre feeling better! :D Tatoulia & Tess, yes, i cleared several more areas & let it sort of soak in & i much prefer the areas being clear, even tho it exposes the yuckiness of the walls, etc.!!! I have gotten over a certain hump on that subject & im excited to continue! Im taking a break from clearing weeds today to go into the city & get some natural remedies for my lungs from the cough ive gotten from it. I think ill get some dust masks, too. Thank you all for your encouragement! Im really needing it right now! I am impressed & inspired by how much you all are getting done! Kitty is much better today, which indicates it was a bite of some kind, rather than an injury. I am so glad shes ok! ~May you each fulfill your hopes & challenges for today!~ ~☆~ :D
Posted: 11 July 2016 - 12:11 PM
Welcome back, Tillie! Im so glad youre feeling better! :D Tatoulia & Tess, yes, i cleared several more areas & let it sort of soak in & i much prefer the areas being clear, even tho it exposes the yuckiness of the walls, etc.!!! I have gotten over a certain hump on that subject & im excited to continue! Im taking a break from clearing weeds today to go into the city & get some natural remedies for my lungs from the cough ive gotten from it. I think ill get some dust masks, too. Thank you all for your encouragement! Im really needing it right now! I am impressed & inspired by how much you all are getting done! Kitty is much better today, which indicates it was a bite of some kind, rather than an injury. I am so glad shes ok! ~May you each fulfill your hopes & challenges for today!~ ~☆~ :D
Posted: 11 July 2016 - 11:52 AM
Good Morning Everybody :)
I am finally feeling much better now although still weak and tired. I have read all the posts, so much has happened while I've been away. WAY TO GO!!! Everyone! :D Please forgive me and grant me amnesty for not replying to them all. (((hugs)))
Posted: 10 July 2016 - 07:37 PM
Congratulations Tess on getting the rug down! Good work! You've been doing a great job and I am impressed with how much you are doing! Please don't overdo--your health is important.
Anony, good to hear that your cat is better. I agree with Tess's excellent observation--yes your cleaning and clearing is revealing damage to your home but the damage is there no matter what. So keep moving forward!
We celebrated my brother's birthday one last time tonight-- family dinner--delightful evening. I'm already in my pjs and I think I'll go relax
I'm stopped by mom's before our dinner and I brought her groceries, did a little clearing out of her fridge and changed her sheets. During dinner she mentioned looking forward to getting into her nice clean bed. I also cleaned her cat's dishes. Mom's cleaning lady comes tomorrow and she will take care of the litter box.
Keep up the good work!
Posted: 10 July 2016 - 04:39 PM
I agree about the bedroom being important! I think, at least for me, its the first thing i see upon awakening, which is when im most prone to depression & anxiety. For many people, that is at night. Either way, its an important image to have be tranquil in and out of our sleep & resting state. The thing about trying to 'improve' my current home inside, is that its an old dilapidated trailer. I plan to get a tiny house to live in. Its seeming to me a more pressing priority as i try make this mess better. If i can just move my essential items in there, i then plan to simply decorate the outside of the old trailer & other outbuildings with some colorful painted trim & then lattice with vines & flowers! It doesnt sound logical in some ways, like the saying, 'putting lipstick on a pig', but given the situations involved with it, it might be best?! They cant be hauled off, so maybe make into pretty garden centers? ha ha Im aiming to toss a garbage bag a day, as well!
Posted: 10 July 2016 - 04:39 PM
I agree about the bedroom being important! I think, at least for me, its the first thing i see upon awakening, which is when im most prone to depression & anxiety. For many people, that is at night. Either way, its an important image to have be tranquil in and out of our sleep & resting state. The thing about trying to 'improve' my current home inside, is that its an old dilapidated trailer. I plan to get a tiny house to live in. Its seeming to me a more pressing priority as i try make this mess better. If i can just move my essential items in there, i then plan to simply decorate the outside of the old trailer & other outbuildings with some colorful painted trim & then lattice with vines & flowers! It doesnt sound logical in some ways, like the saying, 'putting lipstick on a pig', but given the situations involved with it, it might be best?! They cant be hauled off, so maybe make into pretty garden centers? ha ha Im aiming to toss a garbage bag a day, as well!
Posted: 10 July 2016 - 04:24 PM
Tatoulia, its so nice to hear a happy cat story AND a happy-soon-to-be-ex-hoarder story!!! You seem to be really staying on top of things! Im trying to resist a melt down. When i look at my list of obvious things to do, i do get more grounded. I just need to do the things ive decided on already & not look any further. My kitty is feeling better today, too. She is still limping, tho. I really wish i could hire someone. There is no one.....hopefully that will change. Im not use to needing help with things. Im looking forward to being a 'good' housekeeper...'keeper' being the operative word! ;D
Posted: 10 July 2016 - 04:24 PM
Tatoulia, its so nice to hear a happy cat story AND a happy-soon-to-be-ex-hoarder story!!! You seem to be really staying on top of things! Im trying to resist a melt down. When i look at my list of obvious things to do, i do get more grounded. I just need to do the things ive decided on already & not look any further. My kitty is feeling better today, too. She is still limping, tho. I really wish i could hire someone. There is no one.....hopefully that will change. Im not use to needing help with things. Im looking forward to being a 'good' housekeeper...'keeper' being the operative word! ;D
Posted: 10 July 2016 - 04:10 PM
Hi everybody!
Welcome, Avery! You've come to the right place for support and motivation. I honestly don't know if I would have come as far as I have without the people here. I'm so thankful! Good luck with your bedroom. That seems to be the hardest room for me. I keep all of my favorite things in there. I agree with Anony's advice....start tossing the obvious stuff. Especially if you get stuck. It seems to make the harder decisions a little easier. I guess because you're on a roll.
Anonymoniker, I'm sorry you're running into problems. Especially inside the house. I don't know if this is going to make you feel better or not, but keep this in mind...the problem is there rather you can see it or not. Keep clearing. Once you discover the problems, hopefully you can figure out a way to repair them or prevent them from getting worse. Please don't let this stop you or get you too down.
Tatoulia, I think I'm all better. Thanks! I have a follow up appointment tomorrow, but I feel great so far. I'm so glad the cat is feeling better, too. Both of you have to be relieved!
Tillie, Diane - hope both of you are doing well.
I didn't achieve my goals yesterday, but today was a productive day for me. I did everything I wanted to do yesterday, plus: -added an additional load of laundry -prepared 5 more bags of garbage to go out -added 3 more things to my donation box -started a recycling system (again) -cleaned more of my bedroom I'm really excited because I finally laid an area rug I've had for 2 years! The floor was never clear enough. So that's my big win today.
Posted: 10 July 2016 - 02:47 PM
Indoor challenge: Recycling out Dishes done and the one clean kitchen counter is wiped clean Returned a suit at Lord & Taylor
Area in living room that is generally an unexplained magnetic field for piles of junk remains clear and open. Ditto coffee table.
Hoping everyone is well. Sending special thoughts to Tillie and Tess--hope you ladies are on the mend. And hoping to hear from everyone when you can. I'm looking at you, my dear Diane!!!!
Ps cat update--she lost her tooth yesterday afternoon. Has been jumping around, meowing with joy and otherwise looking well ever since!!!
Posted: 10 July 2016 - 11:21 AM
Good morning all! Im having a really hard time. My efforts keep bringing new problems. The dried weeds ive been clearing are causing a scary cough. I finally tossed an enire surface & wall of junk & all it did was expose the dilapidated wall & counter. There doesnt seem to be obvious answers as to how to improve this mess. Avery, one thing that has helped me in the past, is to first throw away.the most obvious stuff, with the least amount of decisions involved. Sometimes, when graduating to bigger decisions of things, it helps me to be in a strong mind frame. If im feeling weak or sentimental, it doesnt work as well. Im also looking back at my Dad & his Mom that i take after, genetically & they were the same way with this stuff....they just had spouses that kept it up...
Posted: 09 July 2016 - 08:29 PM
Hey Avery, I'm home on a Saturday night and I'm doing some laundry and cleaning up a little. All of my garbage is where it belongs, and I'm working on sweeping the floors, a little dabbling in the kitchen and some other puttering. I know you mentioned having trouble with your bedroom. What types of things seem to mess it up? Clothes? Food wrappers? Papers? Junk? I know with clothes I've finally conquered that problem. I try to hang up my clothes as soon as I take them off, and anything that will need to be washed I put in a pile/laundry basket.
I find getting garbage and recyclables together also makes for a sense of accomplishment. It is much easier than trying to get rid of treasures like books and gifts and pictures and cards, etc. let us know what you are doing and what you are trying to accomplish!
Right now I am working on getting maintenance activities to seem like second nature, like keeping my bathroom clean, not leaving dishes in sink, folding and putting away my laundry. But before I got to this point, I had to learn to let a lot of things go. Treasures and presents and things and books and dishes, etc. can be tough but can be done!
Posted: 09 July 2016 - 05:42 PM
Hi everyone, I'm fairly new here so I need all the support I can get, I've started on my bedroom today, just throwing out a few things, it surprisingly feels pretty nice to get rid of somethings! Would love to hear from you guys!