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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : The Gratitude List
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The Gratitude List

Posted: 02 June 2014 - 01:01 PM
Today I am grateful for . . .

*** heating and air conditioning

*** eyesight

*** no headaches recently.
Posted: 02 June 2014 - 10:06 AM
Today, I am grateful, so very, very grateful for this site and the people who show up here.

Today I am grateful that I had a very sweet helper yesterday, and my hubby and I and that helper got a lot of deep cleaning done. Though I fear the spiders weren't too grateful when we sucked up their webs.

Today I am grateful that though I didn't sleep well last night, I have an hour later in my day for a nap that I already know will be delicious.

Today I am grateful that yesterday I actually made more and more decisions on what to keep and what to get rid of....and I didn't die from the emotions.
Posted: 02 June 2014 - 06:57 AM
Grateful to have had parents who valued family closely so I could grow up feeling part of them all. Miss them.

--for new experiences like edamome salad

--for living in the amazing time I have in history.
Posted: 01 June 2014 - 10:47 AM
Today, I am grateful for Sunday newspapers and lazy days,

--for hearing the gratitudes of others, which reminds me of even more things I appreciate

--for knowing that someone is reading my words and caring, and that they know I care right back.

Posted: 01 June 2014 - 08:52 AM
Today I am grateful for . . .

*** a working vehicle

*** a brain that, although it doesn't do everything I might want it to do, still works as well as it does

*** for yummy spaghetti sauce and the ability to make it.
Posted: 31 May 2014 - 06:08 PM
Today I am grateful I was reminded to post things I am grateful for.

Grateful: Only 10 more days with this dog.

that it is sunny out

that I am becoming more aware of reasons I procrastinate

that Roxie survived heart attack

that Tillie was out and about, reminded me to do the same soon

that I have everything I need
Posted: 31 May 2014 - 09:56 AM
I am grateful...

that the bird Scooter caught was able to get over the shock and I was eventually able to take her outside where she flew out of my hands and back into the trees.

That after so many months away, Nathan was free to come spend the whole day with me and we went visiting people together.

That I am still able to do so many of the things that I want to do, even if I do do them slower than when I was younger. :D
Posted: 31 May 2014 - 08:14 AM
Today I am grateful for

*** a roof over my head

*** food in the pantry

*** all the supportive people on this website.

(So glad you have joined us, whew!)
Posted: 31 May 2014 - 07:53 AM
Today, I am grateful:

1) That such insightful people, who are both real and kind, post on these boards regularly. I am very much supported, even though I have never met anyone in person.

2. That just by reading Buried in Treasures and doing some of the exercises I've found such relief at being "home" with folks who have many of the same issues I have.

3. That today I have no big obligations, and can spend time working on both letting go of "stuff" and revising my novel.

4. That tomorrow I have a cleaning professional coming in for one day, and that we will work together.

5. That I have a hubby who is on board with this.

Thank you so very much for being here.
Posted: 31 May 2014 - 03:14 AM
I am grateful to read my last post and realize I'm still alive and have more life to live;

--to each of you for taking the time to post and share such often hard journeys;

--to have the patience to try to properly learn to care for myself, finally!
Posted: 22 May 2014 - 06:49 PM
Today I am grateful for sunshine and no wind

This site is a safe place to have social interactions with people I enjoy

I learn new things every day from your posts

When I cut all the lilacs back the dying flowers still smelled beautiful today

I am beginning to see the beauty of empty spaces.

Posted: 22 May 2014 - 10:23 AM
Mar, I LOVE your #3 gratitude ~ your nerves have not exploded ~ hahaha!!! I need to be grateful for that in myself too!

Today I'm grateful for ~

green wheat fields, red barns and silver silos

the infinite variety of life on this planet and elsewhere

the tininess of activities going on all around us that we are not aware of
Posted: 21 May 2014 - 10:02 AM
Today I am grateful:
1. To meet new people on the message boards just beginning this journey. It makes me reflect on where i was when I began facing this head on and the progress I have made over the past few months with the help of Tillie, Diane, Dianne, Karl, Dave, Cory, Sheryl, LR, Violet, and MayMay. If I have left anyone out, please know it was not intentional. You are all important to me.
2. My big pot of red geranium, white cascading petunias, dark blue lobelia, spiky plant, and sweet potato vine that greets me on the porch when I come home.
3. My new ability to take these headachy days in stride and that I am learning to accomplish what I can and not beat myself up for what doesn't get done. This is a hard lesson to learn for someone who has developed the life long habits of perfectionism and over achievement. I am learning to adapt to my own circadian rhythms; not to fight them. This will bring me balance and shalom (a sense of peace and wholeness).
Posted: 21 May 2014 - 12:58 AM
Grateful for:

1) Making progress a little in my schoolwork
2) The help of God that keeps me going
3) My nerves have not exploded! LOL :-)
Posted: 20 May 2014 - 07:28 PM
Today I am grateful that I completed my CPR renewal and she was a good teacher.

That I was able to let go of 21 pieces of clothing that I still like.

That I am learning new tools to make decisions.
Posted: 20 May 2014 - 10:30 AM
Today I'm grateful ~

for *bibliotherapy*

for professional help that is knowledgeable, friendly, considerate, efficient and gets the job done right the first time

for flexibility and always new possibilities
Posted: 19 May 2014 - 10:39 PM
Today I want to say "thanks" for:

1) Being alive
2) Have found this space to share our experiences and learn more about ourselves and our challenges
3) Knowing there are hope and opportunities of get better


4) Thank you Cory for creating this beautiful topic!
Posted: 19 May 2014 - 09:36 PM
Today I am grateful that I had a much calmer day, with only one dog.

that I have everything I need

that I feel ok although very little sleep last night

that dog is sleeping

that I am allowed to post when I complete goals and when I don't even come close to completing them
Posted: 19 May 2014 - 12:41 PM
Today I'm grateful ~

to be able to sleep in

to have a daughter who can help out

to have made a decision to get help
Posted: 18 May 2014 - 09:32 AM
I am grateful this site gives me a chance to get to know wonderful people and care about their life.
I am grateful I will have one dog after 5pm today.
I am grateful I feel better today than yesterday and I have a to do list
Grateful for all I learn on here about dehoarding and my inner self
Grateful I am willing to change
Grateful I feel grateful again today
Grateful group is tonight
Grateful Tillie keeps chat going
Grateful for all the posts daily
(had to make up for days of not feeling grateful)
Posted: 18 May 2014 - 08:46 AM
Today I'm grateful

for a new day, another fresh start

that a small electrical problem was fixed ~ by me!

that observing nature can be so healing to our spirits
Posted: 18 May 2014 - 08:41 AM
I am grateful to be able to breathe okay today,

--for my new pillow that lets me sleep better, and my sleep mask

--for a new chance today to get things right.
Posted: 17 May 2014 - 12:00 PM
I am grateful:
1) to have been able to spend a week in New Mexico
2) but also grateful to be back home

I'm having trouble getting the "What Are You Doing Today" page to open. If it is still glitchy later, I will report it. Anyone else having problems?

See you Sunday night in the chat room. I have missed you all!
Posted: 17 May 2014 - 08:45 AM
I'm grateful ~

for green grass, yellow buttercups, blue sky, white clouds, mild temperatures, low humidity and refreshing breezes

for the ability to scrub floors on my hands and knees

for a regular routine that allows for flexibility
Posted: 17 May 2014 - 06:44 AM
I am grateful for the kind expressions of concern I have received on this board,

--for waking up today

--for the sound of the birds in the morning.
Posted: 16 May 2014 - 09:13 AM
I'm grateful ~

that damage from rains was not as bad as predicted

that I woke up rested and clear-headed

that the weekend is going to be sunny and springlike
Posted: 16 May 2014 - 06:17 AM
I am grateful for every day I have in this world,

--for online friends who teach me so much

--for being able to get medical care as I need it.
Posted: 14 May 2014 - 07:10 PM
I am grateful for the sunshine today.
I am grateful for all that I have learned on this site.
I am grateful that I emailed the dentist that pulled my tooth.
I am grateful I have everything I need
grateful my addiction to acquire has quieted down
Grateful people are reading and reporting on BIT book, makes me know it is time to read it again.
Grateful I have friends that accept me with all of my defects.
Posted: 14 May 2014 - 06:08 AM
I am grateful for surprise packages in the mail,

--for more garbage bags to fill

--for reminders that I still have purpose in life.
Posted: 13 May 2014 - 12:00 AM
I'm grateful for ~

beautiful pictures and the ability to see them

little birds and flowers

friends with the same interests

nice people in charming little towns
Posted: 07 May 2014 - 07:29 AM
I am grateful to be able to take my cast off as needed,

--to those who take the time and make the effort to load videos onto youtube so I can learn a lot

--to those in this community who stick around and share along their own journeys.
Posted: 05 May 2014 - 07:13 AM
I am grateful to feel like someone cares,

--to hear from old friends

--to have a mowed front lawn.
Posted: 04 May 2014 - 11:28 AM
Today I'm very grateful ~

to have come thru a rough patch

to see so many new faces here

to catch up with old friends here

to read such encouraging progress!
Posted: 04 May 2014 - 09:39 AM
So grateful today for:
Beautiful, weather at last after a week of spotty rain showers.
Being able to get together yesterday with long time friends. Long lasting friendships with people who have known you throughout your life and have shared all the celebrations and tragedies are priceless.
Posted: 04 May 2014 - 06:10 AM
I am grateful to be excited about using my new tools and metal detector--

--to be sharing my life with my son through emails, regularly

--to be able to read posts here every day to keep me on track.
Posted: 03 May 2014 - 09:08 AM
Today I am grateful Roxie keeps me thinking of what is positive in my life.
I am grateful that the sun came out today..
I am grateful I have been keeping dishes done this week.
I am grateful I am willing to start taking steps to be more open to others.
Posted: 02 May 2014 - 08:17 AM
I am grateful to have some of my wishes fulfilled by my son,

--to have a less cumbersome cast,

--to the others on these boards who keep this site alive with progress, processing and sharing.
Posted: 01 May 2014 - 08:42 PM
Today I am grateful that I am learning to have a nicer environment.
I am grateful that I have this group of wonderful people and that we understand and care about what is going on with each other
I am grateful the sun was out all day today and I got some things done inside house and in yard.
Posted: 30 April 2014 - 04:58 AM
Grateful Barb posted to remind me,

I am grateful that terrible tornado missed me--

--that I get my hard cast off today

--that I have my cats to love me, and to be loved.
Posted: 29 April 2014 - 07:35 AM
Roxie: I have learned to practice Tillie's trick when I post. After i finish writing, I highlight the text and copy. Sometimes the code box is glitchy and won't accept the correct combination of letters and numbers. So I just paste what I wrote in a new text box. The coding on this site is still easier to decipher and more reliable than many others.
I'm glad you will get your hard cast off tomorrow. I hope the doctor will see that it is healing well.

I am grateful today:
1. that the brunt of yesterday's storms bypassed us.
2. that I am no longer in denial about the extent and repercussions of my hoarding
3. for my grape hyacinth and tulips blooming
Posted: 29 April 2014 - 05:55 AM
I am confused because I posted but it hasn't shown up even though I "refreshed" a couple of times.

I am grateful that today is a new day to start over again,

--that I have begun prepping for short-term emergencies such as power outages so I feel more secure,

--that my friends here have a weekly chat that helps us stay together and feel supported.
Posted: 28 April 2014 - 10:39 AM
Today I am grateful I slept enough last night and feel so much better today.
Grateful the sun is shining for now.
Grateful my living room is so clean and cute now, as well as my dining room.
Grateful I can do maintenance in kitchen and bathroom, and they will both be usable.
Grateful for this website and Tillie continuing to be our go to support person
Posted: 28 April 2014 - 10:05 AM
So grateful that even in my old age and in my condition (and house condition) I can get so excited about new (to me) things.

--that Cory emailed me back

--that I have a working dishwasher now to help keep dishes clean while I am one-handed.
Posted: 27 April 2014 - 08:16 AM
Today I am grateful to be willing to search for things to be grateful for.
I am grateful I have a reason to look for what I am grateful---this website and Roxies consistent posts of gratitude even after surgery.
I am grateful I have health insurance.
Grateful heel injury made me realize importance of making appt. with doctor for bone scan, osteoporosis treatment. Tried before but was on hold forever so just gave up.
Grateful I have everything I need.
Grateful I am learning a new way to live.
Posted: 27 April 2014 - 07:13 AM
I have gratitude for online boards from which I can learn so much

--for whatever years I have left

--for the wonders of nature.
Posted: 26 April 2014 - 07:05 PM
Today I am grateful my living room and dining room are clean and organized again.
I am grateful for all the bad weather that kept me in here working
I am grateful that I feel more peaceful in clean areas
I am grateful for the posts that make me feel connected with you and what you are going through
Posted: 26 April 2014 - 12:24 PM
Oops . . . I did it again. Posted that on the wrong thread. Well, since I'm on this thread (which I read daily) . . .

I, too, am thankful for all my friends on this site.

I'm glad I'm becoming able to laugh at myself when I make mistakes.

I'm grateful that there is more and more help out there for people like me with clutter/hoarding issues.
Posted: 26 April 2014 - 12:16 PM
Tillie: Sorry it's so cold there. Thanks for the reminder . . . I need to add chewing gum to my grocery list. : )

Diane: I'm probably not as good with tools as you are, but I'm trying to learn. I have some good outdoor yard tools that run on batteries, and I noticed yesterday that two of my battery packs are finally dying. I was happy to find a sale on replacement batteries (whew), so I will be ordering those today and will recycle the old ones. One is for that tool I spent so much time a couple of weeks ago trying to reassemble!

Roxie: Glad you are able to be in touch with your son!

Some of my thoughts: Sometimes, my old ways of doing things are what got me in trouble today (got me to the point of having too much stuff). Sometimes, though, I had old ways of doing things that were working well for me, and for one reason or another I stopped doing them. For example, oddly enough, there was a time in my life (ok, call me crazy) when I actually looked forward to getting bills in the mail. (I was very young then.) I handled them promptly, properly documented everything in my check register (back in those days when everyone wrote checks), kept up well with my bank statements (and balanced them down to the penny), and so forth. Let's just say that, ahem, that's not exactly been my MO the last few years. Well, today I got a glimpse of the "old me" (the more useful parts of "the old me"). I got some mail out of my PO box, chunked the junk mail, and used some of the extra time while I was sitting in the car waiting for an early morning meeting to actually open the bills, put some notes on the envelopes that help me organize them, and then actually sent two checks off in the mail before I got back home. That felt good. I also took steps to submit that maintenance request I didn't turn in yesterday.

Some goals for the rest of today: I plan to go to the Laundromat and to take an old printer to a shop near the Laundromat for recycling. (I've had the printer around for a long time with some vague fantasies that it will somehow revive, so this is a big step for me.) I also plan to shop for groceries, do some more unpacking/unloading from my little trip I made yesterday, work more on bills, get some things set up to get some business mail sent to me via email versus in paper form, add to my gratitude list, spend a little time working in my BIT book, and spend at least 15 more minutes working on my bedroom (cleaning, dejunking, etc.). I also plan to take allergy meds and stay hydrated.

Thinking about all of you and sending hugs to all. Happy day.
Posted: 26 April 2014 - 05:56 AM
I am grateful to have a place to write down gratitudes though I say them every night privately.

--to see Cory posting and to have others' posts to read

--to have emails from my son while he is deployed. he is great

Posted: 25 April 2014 - 09:05 AM
I am grateful for:
1. the gentle soaking rain I woke to----not the thunderstorms and wind that were predicted
2. the beautiful non-flowering trees newly resplendent with little green leaflets
3. my sister who took time yesterday to get in touch with me even while busily preparing to leave on vacation
4. my friends on these message boards
5. the insight provided by books like Buried Treasures and The Hoarder in You.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : The Gratitude List

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