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Posted: 15 October 2014 - 08:59 AM
I am grateful for the people who have chosen to share their personal space with the posts in this thread.
I am grateful for being able to dig in the dirt and for gloves to protect my hands.
I am grateful to hear the bird sounds even though I don't know what kind of birds they are.
Posted: 14 October 2014 - 10:04 PM
Dave, I think this is a great idea!
Today I am grateful for:
- a good job that I generally enjoy, with a great boss and wonderful colleagues
- fall, my favorite season, with lovely cool evenings that enable me to sleep with the windows open
- online resources like this that enable me to connect with other people like me!
Posted: 14 October 2014 - 09:52 AM
How about an honor Roxie week?
Make a post in the Gratitude thread each day for the rest of the week.
Doesn't have to be long, complicated, fearsome or more than one thing.
Just a post about something that is bringing you pleasure or joy that day.
If you can't think of something to write, just scroll through a few older pages of the gratitude thread, looking for the reddish color posts and let the spirit behind them resonate within and draw something out.
Posted: 14 October 2014 - 09:22 AM
I am grateful for my hands. I am grateful for coffee. I am grateful for the rain that has soaked the ground.
Posted: 20 September 2014 - 04:10 PM
Today I am grateful that I feel grateful again.
That it is a beautiful fall day, and that I can stay home all day and enjoy it.
Grateful that I have an easier way to get to driveway now.
Nellie is so loving (puppy love))
Happy I worked all week and do not have to apologize for anything I said or did, positive attitude all week.
Thankful I work with wonderful women.
Posted: 20 September 2014 - 12:15 PM
Today I am grateful ~
for a mentor who is teaching me the importance of working on the inner hoard and how it allows me to release the outer hoard
for a glorious September day!
for the freedom to set my own goals and schedule and for the bodily health to accomplish those goals
Posted: 14 September 2014 - 10:51 AM
Hey Jeff, welcome!
Come over to What Are You Doing Today and Today is a New Day.
Just getting busy is a great way to start. Being overwhelmed and distracted is common to all of us. You'll hear lots of ways to get past those things. :)
Posted: 14 September 2014 - 07:45 AM
Jeff, we have all been there--please check National Resources (look at the tabs at the top of the home page) to see of any companies can help you. Also, many people recommend the book Buried in Treasures to get started. Also there is a chat room and if you click in that box (on the right on the home page, underneath the Message Boards box) you'll be able to see the times of the chat group. There is one tonight, Sunday. Lastly, reading through old posts on these message boards has been extremely helpful for me. Head on over and take a look at them!
Best of luck--you've taken an important first step and let's take that momentum to keep moving forward! Let us know how you are doing! A lot if people post on What Are You Doing Today -- you can expect support and tips and others who are in various stages of cleaning up and clearing out!
Jeff Peterson
Posted: 12 September 2014 - 07:43 PM
I need help! I don't where to start except to just get BUSY. My big problem is I get overwhelmed and distracted. I live in Racine and go to the VA in Milwaukee everyday. My email is codymc1953@gmail.com
Posted: 12 September 2014 - 10:33 AM
I am very grateful for HORMONE medication!!!!
Posted: 10 September 2014 - 09:17 PM
I am grateful:
-to be alive.
-the power is on.
-to have a roof over my head.
-there is food in my fridge.
- to still be awake as I MUST get one more major task completed tonight.
-for good friends.
-support group for this challenge I am yet having a tough time wrapping my mind around and those that have made me feel welcome.
Posted: 10 September 2014 - 08:32 AM
Today I am grateful for
(1) a roof over my head, (2) food in the pantry, (3) having everything I need for this day, and (4) having enough good health today to enjoy these things.
Posted: 09 September 2014 - 05:19 PM
Today I am grateful to see that Diane has posted. And I am grateful for hope. Hope that each of us can put the self-loathing out of our minds. And I am grateful for our new members, because it means none of us is alone any longer. And I am grateful for our longstanding members, because your support, insight, years, wisdom has gotten me to a much better place.
Posted: 09 September 2014 - 05:02 PM
Today I am willing to let go of self hate for having adhd and anxiety disorder
Willing to admit my part and make changes to prevent future outbursts, no return to chat
willing to humbly admit my defects and ask for forgiveness
Happy Sandy wrote things to remind us there are things to be grateful for even on difficult days
Posted: 09 September 2014 - 10:31 AM
Today I am grateful for sunshine that I can choose to focus on the wonderful things in my life grateful I can make progress in many areas of my life
Posted: 06 September 2014 - 06:49 PM
Today I am grateful for the women who post here, and feel like real friends, even though we may never meet in person.
Grateful that days are cooler, 83 today, 88 tomorrow, none hotter than that in 10 day forcast
Grateful roof over walkway has hope!!!!
Grateful that Roxie will post soon (I am hoping)
Happy I finally used the red paint, such fun.
Happy I am allowing myself to be a loner in between clinics. More accepting of who I am and how much alone time I need.
Big gratitude--- a nephew just finished a 90 day inpatient treatment for hard drugs, and he sounds hopeful.
Hope that my life will become more balanced now that I am not shopping all the time.
Happy others are honest about clutter and steps to improve.
Posted: 01 September 2014 - 01:50 PM
Today, I am grateful for every day I can stay at home and not back in the hospital;
--for friends who are here and some who have left the board (at least for now) whose stories and posts have helped me so much
--for improved walking in the past week
--for friends.
Posted: 18 August 2014 - 03:49 PM
I am so grateful Dianne posted and all is well
Happy I attached metal roof today and it looks good
Grateful I mowed lawn
Grateful I have hope today
Grateful this group supports me when I feel overwhelmed and want to give up, and I keep going
Grateful I have everything I really need and accept my "wants" as often, just passing dreams
Grateful Tillie freely supports all of us to have better lives and she does not give up
Posted: 16 August 2014 - 03:36 PM
Happy Birthday, Barb! (a few days late!) I hope you have a good year full of happy memories.
Today, I am very glad for this group. I know I keep saying it. It just means so much to come online and read the posts. It helps me keep going through this process, making decisions and moving forward in my acceptance of my life.
Posted: 05 August 2014 - 07:25 PM
I'm grateful today to celebrate my birthday and for all my friends who sent me good wishes. I'm grateful that even if I have a day where every thing seems to go wrong and nothing is as easy or gets done as quickly as I thought it would, I can get up again the next day and start over. I'm grateful that when I got to the store, the clock I had picked out for the kitchen was on clearance for half price and they still had one left. I'm grateful that my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew thought it would be cool to send me flowers for my birthday.
Posted: 03 August 2014 - 02:42 PM
Grateful I finished removing a section of roof and that I have all supplies to repair it.
Grateful thunderstorms will be gone after today, God bless firefighters
Grateful I have this board for support and suggestions. Happy it is Sunday chat today
Grateful for my health and strength.
Grateful for all the green in my yard, trees, bushes, vines, grass and that I own a yard!!
Grateful hard work is fun for me, ripping off the old crap wood, and asphalt roofing was fun and stress reducing.
I have help on here to make decisions if I ask for help.
I would be most grateful if Roxie would say hello and update us on her life and health
Posted: 01 August 2014 - 09:23 PM
I am grateful to read what others are going through, helps me feel connected.
Happy I worked in yard this morning, felt grounded.
grateful no one is critical of me doing so little this week
Posted: 31 July 2014 - 04:18 PM
I am extremely grateful that desert pack rats like peanut butter baited snap traps.
I am extremely grateful to have this place where I can tell what is going on here to beautiful and very understanding people.
I am extremely grateful for my neighbors who understand too and are fully on my side.
Posted: 31 July 2014 - 01:29 PM
Today I am grateful that I have everything I need.
I am happy I have this support group to prop me up when I go through difficult times.
Happy old air conditioner still works and is on cooling big bedroom so I can work in there today.
Happy I have no deadlines. \ Happy Max will be here on the 5th for 2 weeks, and Nellie will be here one of the weeks. They are neighbors in Bend and play together.
happy dishes are washed and put away
Happy I bought some different food to try
grateful for internet, and able to explore on it
Posted: 30 July 2014 - 02:14 PM
Today I am feeling grateful and wanted to read and post on the gratitude section of this site
Happy I have Roxie's posts to read almost daily on here, encourages me to look at what is good in my life!
I appreciate my freezer room and how cute it is turning out after all the effort I put in painting, cleaning, it felt so cozy and fun this morning.
My health and stamina far exceed what I visualized I would be like at 65, so happy good genes, mostly healthy lifestyle for the majority of my life, allows me to do so much more than most 65 year old women.
Posted: 28 July 2014 - 02:58 PM
I am grateful for various means of communication that don't involve a telephone or face-to-face;
--for having water on command;
--for you.
Posted: 27 July 2014 - 03:30 PM
I am grateful that I have enough to eat and a place to sleep;
--that I can still see enough to read and to work on the computer
--that I'm here and now.
Posted: 26 July 2014 - 01:21 PM
I am grateful to read others' gratitude lists each day;
--for the kindness of strangers and neighbors who step in when I need them most
--for air conditioning so I can breathe and sleep better
--for little stories about birds and other creatures that so inspire me. Thank you.
Posted: 24 July 2014 - 11:04 AM
grateful that today I finally feel a little better after a week of eating crackers. chicken, rice etc.due to frequent bad waves of abdominal pain... may have been flare up of diverticulitis.
grateful that I will get my little car back from the shop today.
grateful that the sweet little wrens visit my porch every day. they will perch on car mirror and use their scolding voice if I don't at least leave them a few crumbled crackers. Here's one now, an arms- length away checking to see what's in their dish.. a mocking bird flew down but when it saw me immediately flew away. Only the little wrens are not bothered by my close proximity.
Posted: 24 July 2014 - 10:48 AM
I am grateful for modern medicine to help with serious medical problems;
--for lists to keep me moving along as I need them;
--for my one or two local friends who step in as needed by me;
--for this space to come home to.
Trust God and Clean House
Posted: 24 July 2014 - 06:30 AM
Grateful for this group to know I'm not alone in my thoughts or problems.
Grateful for cool weather.
Grateful for my family & the progress we are making.
Posted: 20 July 2014 - 04:51 PM
Today I am grateful that we have support group tonight.
that dishes are almost all done
that stinky sink, no longer stinks
that I am making progress
Posted: 19 July 2014 - 09:55 PM
VERY grateful to LR and Karl for their midweek chat and support and terrific ideas.
Though I still feel a bit overwhelmed about this upcoming garage sale, I realize that "feelings aren't facts" and this will pass.
Posted: 19 July 2014 - 07:30 PM
Grateful for being able to keep my living room cleaned up and the kitchen. I have been working hard and was able to get the living room decluttered and the kitchen. I have been able to keep them like this for the last 3 weeks. So happy to be able to make this progress and grateful that I was able to find the online support group today and was motivated to keep on top of the progress I have made so far.
Posted: 19 July 2014 - 06:55 PM
Today I am grateful Tanner is here
that my air conditioner is keeping it comfy in here
that is ok to take a break
happy I had no hurries or worries while working in yard, just said it is ok to just take time to work on area and see what I like, redo, redo, oh--like it this way----ok to be child like and play in the dirt
Posted: 17 July 2014 - 07:19 PM
grateful for window air conditioner.
grateful tanner is here
grateful weather will be cooler this week starting tomorrow
I am taking my osteoporosis medicine even though I dislike it
Posted: 15 July 2014 - 09:46 AM
I am extremely grateful for
and Lemons
Posted: 14 July 2014 - 01:36 PM
Today I am grateful that I have lots of craft stuff to play with today and know I can clean up after done for the day.
Learning new behaviors
remembering to do positive affirmations to stop negative self talk
happy tillie got new beads and will be having fun along with me today
it is ok for me to have fun today
Posted: 13 July 2014 - 05:42 PM
Today I am extremely grateful for my window air conditioner.
Happy I have everything I need for my next creative adventure.
I believe if I stick with something, the answers will come right before I give up
Miracles come to our rescue, Sloopy is proof.
Posted: 12 July 2014 - 04:37 PM
I am grateful Sloopy was brought into my life so I can enjoy babyhood of a wonderful kitten, within my limitations.
--Grateful for the postings to read on these boards, which help me feel connected somewhere, and involved in some way.
--Grateful I have a couple of friends who can help when I most need it.
Posted: 11 July 2014 - 06:06 PM
Today I am grateful I am tired physically from working on things today that are making my living less shameful.
That I have this group in my life daily to reassure me, no matter how long it takes, I am on the right track.
that I get to go to the Summer Art Festival tomorrow
That I have everything I need
Posted: 11 July 2014 - 09:26 AM
Grateful for Diane's post
--grateful for baby creatures who come into my life
--grateful for not having a set schedule to dominate me
Posted: 10 July 2014 - 12:50 PM
Roxie, you are not alone, lots of us think about you daily and wish you the best. Sometimes I still feel so alone with so much to do and I am grateful you post daily (when not in hospital)
today I am grateful that I woke up too early yet still feel ok and that I got a lot done already
that I am able to take a huge gate off, carry it to yard, paint it and reattach, great health
that I finished insulating around ac so will be cooler
that I can fill my garbage can with useless stuff I have left scattered around, for pickup tomorrow, if it needs to be washed or fixed to donate, it is going to dump
Posted: 09 July 2014 - 06:12 PM
Grateful that Cory started this thread;
--that there are regular members who post regularly so I don't feel all alone out here;
--that I know you.
Posted: 09 July 2014 - 12:30 PM
writing what I am grateful for, makes me focus on more positive thoughts
happy I have turned on ac and it is cooling down in here
grateful I can sign on to chat support and get work done when I have no motivation
grateful it is too hot to have my sister visit
Posted: 09 July 2014 - 08:02 AM
Today I am grateful . . .
*** that I got some needed sleep last night
*** that my health is as good as it is
*** that I am reminded by all of you that I have everything I need.
Posted: 07 July 2014 - 07:23 PM
I am grateful for: Neighbors who brought me fresh picked sweet corn for dinner (1st of the season, yum) The plumber who is coming out to give an estimate next Monday. (It makes me feel very anxious knowing I have to push myself to get the areas clean that he will need access to, but little by little, day by day, I WILL get it done. I can do this.) Friends on the chat line and message boards who keep me moving forward in the right direction.
Posted: 07 July 2014 - 10:25 AM
I am grateful to have enough cat food to last for awhile.
--Grateful I could cancel a few monthly bills (services) I don't really need, like ancestry.com.
--Grateful that wearing the cast for so long (off now) let my fingernails grow because I couldn't chew on them. lol
Posted: 06 July 2014 - 04:43 PM
Today I am grateful that my air conditioner is blowing cold air on me.
happy I have everything I need to keep cool, big tree, umbrellas, shade cloth, ac, cold water
that this group is helping me slowly make changes in my life and my shame is less
Posted: 06 July 2014 - 12:58 PM
Today I am grateful...
That Roxie posted :D That I finally got some sleep That my evaporitive cooler has been keeping my home cool.
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