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What Are You Doing Today?

Posted: 30 June 2018 - 08:25 PM
Hi Fellow human bean Subclinical :)
WOOHOO!!! WAY TO GO!!! for clear floor space and sit-able seats! :D
I so want you to get that doll shelf up and your dolls properly displayed so you can enjoy them!
Very important that the items we treasure are not kept hidden away in boxes. (((HUGS)))

Hi Tatoulia :)
The fact that you now pick up dropped things shows that you are now showing yourself self love.
You are in a much better mental place now (((HUGS)))

I learned cleaning from my Granma.
She would do what needed doing as it needed it daily, weekly, monthly.
But there are times like Spring cleaning when you do everything in a room.
Granma grew up out in the country in a large house with no electricity or indoor plumbing and with a wood burning kitchen stove.
They were wealthy and had large, wall to wall rugs that every Spring had to be taken out and beaten clean since there was no vacuum.
But as needed they were swept with a sprinkling of wood shavings sprinkled down to help get up the dirt & dust.
So since a whole room of furnishings was sitting out on the lawn it was a great time to also wash everything down when brought back inside.
Also, with the room empty it was a good time to wash down the walls.
When Granma was old I did her Spring cleaning for her since I was in my twenties.
Now I wish I had younger me to help old me clean house. ;P
Posted: 30 June 2018 - 07:19 PM
<smiles> for everyone's posts! Drawers and being dry and keeping things clean.

When I say I am struggling with being human, I mean things like eating, and answering the phone, and sometimes posting is hard. Last night dh took me out to dinner - he picked my clothes and chose and ordered my food and I didn't have to make decisions or talk to anyone.

Today has been pretty good. I feel proud of myself right now because I can report that in three of the main rooms of my house, the small guest room, and my downstairs hall and all stairs, there is nothing on the floor that doesn't belong there.

On my dining porch floor there is a flat of plants that should have been planted out a month ago, but that is all (the dining table, however, is completely buried) in my bedroom there is a mending basket and some of dh laundry. I don't care about the laundry - he will clean it up by Monday.

One of the first areas I conquered was the seats of chairs, and I am happy to report than no chairs were sacrificed in the floor project, however I still can't get out if the habit of leaving my book and my purse on the couch.

I am ready to move on to drawers and shelves. Dh helped me put pieces of drywall up today, so my big shelf goal for July is to tape, mud, and paint the wall, and put my doll shelf back up.

I will try to do some cleaning out and organizing also.
Posted: 30 June 2018 - 06:23 PM
I've noticed that too, Tillie. I take care of things as I see them. Naturally my house still needs a deep clean but I'm sweeping and wiping down as I go. It will be even easier once I have a cleaning lady. Can you believe that I used to have someone come in to clean once a week? I'm thinking every other week although even once a month would be nice.

But for now, when I drop something I pick it up. Yes I let things get that bad that I didn't pick up what I dropped.

My friend really did me a giant favor. Rearranging my furniture and hanging my art work has made a huge difference. I have been enjoying some things she hung in the kitchen and I've been focused on a few of them to the exclusion of a very sweet piece she hung near the lamp she put in there.

I just ate my dinner and I am full. I ate too quickly. Salmon filet and some vegetable slaw with raisins. Completely delicious. I only ate half. The rest will be tomorrow's lunch.

I stopped by mom's with dinner as well as a shirt and sweater I picked up for her at Macy's. She looked really cute in the sweater. It's a very light, open, short- sleeved cardigan. She usually makes all of her sweaters so I rarely buy them for her. But this was very light, almost gauze.

Kitty hasn't eaten but she's taking a bath next to me. It has gotten quite warm in here. I'll go out AC on in bedroom and see if she'd like a cat nap. I know I would.
Posted: 30 June 2018 - 04:21 PM

YEA!!! for room for kitty litter!
It's so important to always have some of that on hand, LOL
How wonderful to have tons more room in the linen closet.

When areas of the home are not overloaded and crammed full
it is easy to do tiny tidy-ups.
Takes only a few minutes to clean and straighten an area, shelf or drawer.
By doing this as I go through the day, here or there as I see they could use some attention
it only takes a few minutes now & then to keep drawers and shelves nice.
This way it never gets to the point where it would take forever to get them done.
I will admit that I am lazy and don't want to have to do a huge cleaning project.
Little bit by little bit keeps me from having to do a major clean. ;)
Posted: 30 June 2018 - 02:26 PM
Tillie I now understand what it is like to clean things. Honestly I had forgotten how to do anything of any import in my house. Hearing you clean your shelf makes perfect sense to me now. I truly appreciate being here and having the support to get my act together.

I have a home for kitty litter. I've cleared the linen closet partially and there is tons more room. Now if I just had some kitty litter! I am waiting for BF to call so we can head to my office.
Posted: 30 June 2018 - 01:43 PM
Hi Tatoulia :)

YEA!!! WTG!!!
Wonderful that now the sheets and pillow cases can now fit in the drawer.
Don't be discouraged on the sock/tight/nylon drawer.
The first time going through stuff like that we get rid of some and then later we sort out that drawer again and see more things to go and better ways to store them.
Plus when we get something new we are then able to let go of things past their prime.

Since it has been a cool morning I had doors and windows open.
Now that it's warming up outside I have closed the doors and some windows to maintain the lovely coolness.
The cats have all disappeared into their special nap hidey holes.

On a shelf in my room I keep all my toiletries sorted into small baskets as to what they are for.
One for daily wash up, one for showers, one for shampooing, one for manicures/pedicures.
Today I cleared the shelf and wiped it down, washed the baskets and put it all back nice & tidy.
This method also helps keep me from over buying toiletries or keeping unwanted/ignored/abandoned stuff around.
Posted: 30 June 2018 - 01:17 PM
Ok it worked. My sheets and pillow cases fit in the drawer. The other drawer is filled to the brim with socks, nylons and tights so I didn't achieve my plan to only have it 2/3ds full. But I did it. I'm now working on the linen closet. I'm going to shower soon and get ready to go get my computer. Kitty's found a cool spot to sleep. I've grown in the last decade or so. Now I just let her enjoy her hiding spot instead of looking for her. I have all the windows closed and the ceiling fans on. I'll use ac when I need it but for now it is perfectly pleasant in here.

I got two loads of laundry done today. I'll do the rest tomorrow or Monday. Need towels and clothes washed. That's two separate loads.
Posted: 30 June 2018 - 11:36 AM
Tillie that is so cute human bean!

I actually started on two drawers in my closet. I do not need socks, tights and nylons to be eating up the two deepest drawers in my closet. I'm matching socks and putting in a donation bin. So far I have cleaned out one drawer, and I've saved about a third. Now I'm doing second drawer, with the idea that it will be completely empty and I'll save one third of the items to put in the other drawer. They are both overflowing and unusable right now.

Then I'll have space. It will be a miracle. I wonder if my sheets would fit in it. Then I could reconfigure my linen closet and perhaps store my kitty litter there.

So there it is, I'm starting on an easier drawer. I am thinking like Tillie!
Posted: 30 June 2018 - 10:42 AM
Good Morning Everybody :)

Hi Anonymoniker :)
Nothing is more wonderful than when the monsoons come! :D
Happy you are able to enjoy it and stay dry (((hug)))
WAY TO GO! for being prepared to add more plastic sheeting as needed!

Hi Tatoulia, fellow human bean ;D
YEA! for getting more sleep.
So wonderful that you need to sweep floors. Now you are in maintenance. (((HUG)))
Tomorrow is the 1st. of July and we will begin that drawer/shelf challenge.
Maybe you have a less spooky drawer to start on first and work up your nerve to tackle the bottom drawer?

The weather was cooler yesterday and should be again today too but then get hot again.
Kitchen needs some attention and as always there are cat related chores to do.
Other than that I will just hang out here and do whatever strikes my fancy. ;)
Posted: 30 June 2018 - 10:02 AM
That is great news, Anony!

I am doing laundry. I just used WD40 on the squeaky door to the laundry room and then I did my front door. Can you believe it? I'm back to being human!!!!!
Posted: 30 June 2018 - 09:43 AM
~Good morning & coffee clinks!~
Tillie, im so sorry the bird didnt make it. They are so difficult to save. It was cozy & felt loved before its departure~♡~
The storm here was wild & fantastic! Everything stayed in tact & im prepared once i need to add more plastic sheeting as the storm season progresses. I cant imagine having been in a mud hut on the ground during that storm?!?
I hope you all enjoy all of the great changes youve each made!
Posted: 30 June 2018 - 09:33 AM
Good morning! I was up very early today and then chose to go back to sleep. I'm washing car blankets and just changed my sheets. Going to be oppressively hot and humid today. I'm going to stay in except to go to office to get my computer.

I hope to do some reading and cleaning. I so would like to clean out that bottom drawer in my kitchen. I'm afraid to open it.

Now that my floors are so much better, I notice that I need to sweep. Isn't that amazing? When they were filthy, sweeping was so far from my mind.

What are you doing today?
Posted: 30 June 2018 - 05:11 AM
I am so sorry about the bird. I'm glad you were able to give the little one food and love.
Posted: 29 June 2018 - 11:35 PM
This afternoon the baby bird succumbed to the injuries he sustained when he fell two stories from the nest to the ground.

First lesson I was taught is that you can do everything right but they still die.
Had I not done anything he would have died.
But I gave him a chance to live, if he had been able to.
Posted: 29 June 2018 - 08:09 PM
Anony! Your hard work and foresight are paying off! I am so pleased!
Posted: 29 June 2018 - 07:36 PM
~☆~Greetings from a wild, unexpected monsoon storm!~☆~YEA!!! Its fun cuz i was totally prepared from the big storm that was a bit of a dud a few weeks ago. Everything is all nice & covered or in bins, so i can love the storm instead of freaking out! My place is everything it needs to be in the backdrop of days like this! Only a few leaks here & there, awnings, porches, plastic bins, nice & dry, and so is everything that needs to be...(overflowing with gratitude!) ~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~
Posted: 29 June 2018 - 05:22 PM
Hello, hello!

Great to read all your posts! Anony you have an exciting weekend coming up! I'm very happy for you! Great purchases, SubC. Yes, working on being human is important! Tillie that's a good idea to keep your towel and other things to yourself. I'm glad the kitchen is your domain.

My hamper is working out terrifically! I'm very happy with it and I use it.

Very humid here today but I did manage to walk home from work. Thank you for all of the encouragement on getting healthy. It is exceedingly important that I take care of myself. I take care of my house now too. This is all so wonderful. I'm able to leave work by 4:30 each day as I come in so early. What a gift to have the time and energy to pull things together.

I will talk with you all soon. Going to enjoy a little seltzer water and watch tv.
Posted: 29 June 2018 - 03:41 PM
Quick stop for accountability.

I got out of the house again today.

Stopped at the thrift store and bought a shelf and a small lined basket. Big sale at the grocery store and stocked up on tp and enough laundry soap for the rest of 2018. Saved $7.00 on the soap, which was half the cost of the shelf and basket. The math is too hard on the tp.

Also bought a new pastry cutter on clearance. My old one broke and i'm sick of making pie crust with a whisk and a knife.

Still working on the floors. And being human.
Posted: 29 June 2018 - 11:36 AM
.......oh, and im watching season 9 of The Big Bang Theory, from the library, and since i dont have tv i was a little taken aback when the main character Sheldon let his girlfriend Amy in on his 'horrid secret' of having a storage unit with mostly sentimental things. It was supposed to show how she still loved him even though he was so 'distrurbed' to have such a shocking secret. I am 'disturbed' how society has created that ridiculous & inaccurate portrayal!!!
Posted: 29 June 2018 - 11:22 AM
~Coffee clinks to all!~
Tatoulia, thats great that youre getting healthier & i totally agree about not weighing yourself, just focus on getting healthier, instead! Plus, if you gain fat, but lose muscle, you would weigh less?!?
Tillie, congrats on the bird doing so well! Ive never been able to get the cat scratcher post rope to stay back on the post once they pull it off?
Im ready for the event this weekend. I hope it works out. It could be fun & make enough money to make a difference, too!
The skunk trashed the kitchen again. Its cuz im not over feeding the cats, so there isnt food left after dark, so now the critters are looking inside for food.
Next week i plan to do runs to the dump in my new truck for the first time! Im gonna make it an empowering adventure, cuz it is in many ways!
Hello to CM, SubC, Joan & Porter!
Posted: 29 June 2018 - 10:08 AM
Good Morning Everybody :)
Iced tea "Clink!"

Hi Tatoulia :)
How's the old kitchen trash can working out as a clothes hamper?
Since Steven makes such a nasty mess in and around the bathroom sink every morning, I keep my toiletries and clean hand towel in a small plastic basket on a shelf in my room.
I bring it out when I wash up and put it back when I'm done to keep those things uncontaminated.
I finally got him to quit using the kitchen sink for anything so it doesn't get nasty any more and now it's mine, all mine!
And I keep it clean and useable. ;)

Little Peeper has had 1st. breakfast and I am having tea.
Think today there is nothing pressing that I need to do.
Might even have the time to hot glue the sisal back onto the cat's scratch post.
They tend to scratch hard in one spot until they break the sisal rope and it comes undone.
Hope today I have the chance to finally cut into that watermelon.
The car is a mess. The trees have dropped all sorts of pollinating things on it and now it looks fuzzy.
But I won't worry about that because a lot of other people's cars are fuzzy looking now too.
Posted: 28 June 2018 - 10:18 PM
Oh I can picture the little bird, Tillie! You are doing a great job!

I've thoroughly cleaned the cat box and the cabinet where it is now kept. I scrubbed my kitchen sink and wiped down the counters. I'm running the dishwasher.

Now that litter is in the bathroom, I've moved my toothbrush to the kitchen. The toothpaste in the kitchen is a bit awkward. Perhaps at some point I'll find a better place for it. The toothbrush is ok because I keep it in a pretty milk glass cup. I'll figure it out.

Thank you for the encouragement on my weight, Tillie. Greatly appreciated.
Posted: 28 June 2018 - 08:36 PM
Hi Tatoulia :)

That's the correct way to do it!
Concentrating on the health aspects rather than the pounds.
I don't have a scale so I just go by the way my clothing fits and don't buy larger sizes.
My math was a lot better when I was working in medicine so now I have to regularly practice to keep sharp.
WTG! for gathering up garbage and keeping up with the dailies!

Tiny Chicklet has a huge appetite today and now peeps at me when he wants me to feed him.
I have a tall cat scratch post/perch on my back porch and put him in the cat carrier on the top shelf when the temperature is good.
Posted: 28 June 2018 - 08:07 PM
Hello everyone! Good to read your comings and goings!

You are doing a great job with the baby bird, Tillie. Congratulations CM on your bunny club! I agree with Tillie, there's nothing like going into a library and going through the books in a particular section. Anony! I do hope you'll be able to find a way to boost your income. Believe it or not, I use math all the time for work. Daily. For hours. And as my mother was a biochemist, she was always a bit disappointed that I didn't go into math or the sciences. And when I made a career shift about ten years ago, I know work with numbers. I used to consider myself The Monet of Numbers, strictly impressionistic. Now I need accuracy.

I was wiped out after nutritionist yesterday. Two more appointments. I still don't know how many pounds I've shed because I don't want to focus on the numbers, I just want to improve my health. My clothes are fitting better. I will ask her at some point but I didn't want to look at my weight. I just want to concentrate on the important stuff.

I am gathering up my garbage. It is terribly sticky and humid here. Not too hot (yet) and it rained most of the day. Still, I met a friend for lunch and I walked 1/2-way home and BF took me the rest of the way.

That's it. I was happy to read each of your posts. Cm I do pray for a reliable vehicle for you. Special shout-out to SubC and very special love to Joan.
Posted: 28 June 2018 - 02:57 PM
Good Afternoon :)

Hi CriticalMass :)
WAY TO GO!!! for your bunny club!!! :D

Here I just turn over cottontail bunnies, quail and raptors to the fish & game/wildlife people to handle.
I'm not certified to treat raptors and the others have different special needs, not like other bird species.
Our library has very few actual books any more. They can order a few books from other libraries.
How are people supposed to peruse the titles and find interesting books. :(
YEA! for keeping up with things and especially for OHIO!
My fingers are still crossed that you get a reliable vehicle soon. (((hugs)))

Hi Anonymoniker :)
WAY TO GO!!! for clearing off the counter area!
Happy the evil varmint didn't mess with your sprouts.
I have found with mathematics we have to constantly use it or we lose it.
Fortunately, we CAN get it back. ;D

I have been running since I got up.
Tiny Chicklet is hanging in there.
Eating well and pooping a lot.
Finished cleaning/dusting the pantry this morning.
Washed the pantry floor and vacuumed the carpet.
Watered the flower beds & laurels.
Food & water for the cats.
Almost 1:00pm and I just ate and taking a rest.
Scooter has finally quit begging for the baby bird.
But he is being very watchful to see if I forget to shut the bathroom door.
Next few days are supposed to be under 100 degrees.
Posted: 28 June 2018 - 12:05 PM
~Good morning!~
CM, i think your enthusiasm for the dolls, and sci-fi is fantastic & fun & wonderful!!! With limited transportation, you could likely focus more deeply on stories & ideas!
Yesterday i cleared off my kitchen counter area, and it was nice, then last night a skunk got up there & knocked everything left down, but didnt break into my sprouting seeds, so i am grateful.
I havent worked in over a year now & its crazy, but i cant remember how to do the math calculations needed....i remember being in school when teachers would say, 'If you dont learn this, youre gonna feel mighty stupid as an adult having to ask someone', was that the truth...ha ha
Posted: 27 June 2018 - 06:55 PM
Hi, I'm liking getting back here more and catching up with you all. Tillie, how's the little bird? That's great that you have the wildlife rehabbing know how.

I don't know if I mentioned awhile back that our bunny club is now officially 501(c)(3)? Which means we can start raising the big money for a rabbit shelter. Our focus will be domestic rabbits but we get calls already from people who find baby cottontails. However, there's a very bad rabbit disease that was only overseas and now it has turned up in North America so we probably won't take in wild rabbits. But we can work with those who are able to do that.

Anony, I know that feeling of having the sentimentality and/or desire to keep things increase. I think that's normal and we just have to do our best to recognize it and work around it. One of the things that has happened since I've been out of the loop without a vehicle is that a brand new main library had its grand opening. The focus is on tech a lot, which is good in that the wait for a computer will be nonexistent, but bad in that they thinned out the selection of traditional books.

I'd gone to a sale in March and found some that were very specialized that I'd checked out for my sci-fi novel research. If those weren't going to be available at the library anymore, darn right they were coming home with me! And I checked availability for some others online, found they'd been eliminated, and bought copies from Amazon. They are older, not in great demand books, but very pertinent to my projects. What's a geeky girl to do?

But I'm doing some good in other areas, anyway. Keeping up pretty well with laundry, catching up on shredding, clearing away some of the 26,185,904 little notes scribbled on bits of paper. Working on making the OHIO principle a habit.

And planning, when I get a vehicle, to tackle the storage unit. It's close to home now, so I can do short sessions, stop when I'm hungry or tired or it's too hot, yet still accomplish what I want. The only bad thing is that stuff had to be shoved in from my old van to prepare for it being hauled to the auto graveyard. But the car items will go in a new vehicle (not too many!), or be integrated into the storage where they were originally destined.

It will be slow going at first, but hopefully pick up as more stuff gets sorted and more used up, given away, tossed, whatever.
Posted: 27 June 2018 - 02:56 PM
Tillie, thank you so much!!! For now, im too scared to call. You are doing wonderful things to enhance the reality portion of your 'fantasy' home! Wink! HUG! ~♡~
Posted: 27 June 2018 - 02:07 PM
HI Anonymoniker :D

Good luck with that job prospect!
So happy to hear that your improvements are cheering for you (((HUGS)))
Posted: 27 June 2018 - 02:05 PM
Temperature is staying just at or below 100 degrees today.
I actually found the time to make up the fixins for been burritos and I actually had time to sit down and eat one!
Got all cat chores accomplished, swept the floor and washed all the dishes & wiped down the kitchen.
Have a wash load of rags soaking in hot water.
Just now 12:00noon and I am ready to go back to bed. ;P
Posted: 27 June 2018 - 02:03 PM
~Coffee clinks!~
CM, your quilt sounds wonderful! Im really tending towards wanting to keep all memories right now. All my crazy attempts at letting go have me feeling even more insecure & nostalgic.
Tillie, saving baby birds is a huge challenge! WOW! Even without cats around! I am regularly faced with little critters that are likely maimed by one of my cats, and not wanting them to just suffer then die, but not knowing if theyll be ok.
Today im seeing about a possible new income. It could be really good....except my ex is far, the only thing that has made me miss him is dating anyone else....
I must say that the few improvements ive made have really been uplifting for me!
Tatoulia & Tillie, im so glad letting the jewelry items go has been a positive thing. I keep trying to imagine that! ~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~
Posted: 27 June 2018 - 10:09 AM
Good Morning Everybody :)

Hi CriticalMass :)
WTG! for the quilt!
Once I salvaged some lovely orphaned and abandoned quilt blocks and made them into a small quilt.
I really do understand not wanting them to forever languish in a box somewhere forgotten.

Hi Tatoulia :)
Hope you get some milk. ;)
WAY TO GO!!! for all you are doing!.
Keeping things clean and filling donation bags.

I'm tired.
Been too busy the last few days, no time to rest or eat.
I have to do all the yard work myself and all the cat things myself and all the house cleaning myself.
At the store I have to buy and tote home all the cat food & litter myself.
Wouldn't be so frustrating if I lived all alone.

Yesterday afternoon I found a baby Sparrow had fallen from the nest.
The nest is too high up to put him back.
He has just begun to open his eyes and get tiny feathers on the wings and tail.
He survived the night and had his 1st breakfast already.
Soon as I post this I will feed him his 2nd. breakfast.
I was professionally trained as a baby/injured bird rescuer and have successfully done this many times before.
But never with so many cats in the house.
I can train and keep an eye on one cat but with four cats it's real hard.
Posted: 27 June 2018 - 09:28 AM
Iced tea clinks! I would've loved a cup of coffee but I forgot to buy milk last night.

I am puttering away and making space and putting things into my donation bag. I'm keeping up with all cleaned and cleared spaces. I'd like to get a little something extra done before I leave for nutritionist.

So, what are you doing today?
Posted: 26 June 2018 - 06:52 PM
Cm! You are having an amazing day. I love that you rescued those blocks and that you are working on a quilt! I like getting hearing about your quilting bees and other church activities. AND I'm really glad you are finding the time to post more.

Yikes on the weather, Tillie and CM!

Good for you, Tillie, for the donations and for selling your jewelry! I recently consigned jewelry that was given to me and must of it I never even wore. Some of it I wore but I wouldn't wear it today. I even polished up a pair of sterling silver earrings that I likely wore every day while in my 20s and they sold for $38! Oh how I loved those earrings. I paid $5 for them and literally wore them all the time.

Tillie you did a good, hard job.

Well guess who found herself sweeping up before she went to the office today? It was ME! Just sweeping up a little.

I just got back from a board meeting. I started on the board (volunteer) in January. It's not terribly interesting to me and I don't always understand what's going on but I was nominated to be a co-chair today. Why not?

Shout out to SubC and Anony! I'm a little wound up. Have nutritionist tomorrow. I can tell I've lost weight by how my clothes fit. Well I am going to work on house a bit more. Terrible heat and humidity on the way. Tonight is gorgeous so I'll try to get a few more chores done. I have an outdoor baby shower on Saturday. I saw the expectant mother today and she told me not today go if it's hot and miserable. I thought that was really sweet.
Posted: 26 June 2018 - 06:03 PM
Hi all

Tillie - 105?! This is the first week we're predicted to hit 100-101. You have my sympathy!

Tatoulia, sounds like you're getting lots accomplished.

I'm at the church awaiting my roommate and ride home. On Tuesdays I come early, attend the morning Mass, quilt for 3 hours, then after the others leave I eat my brown bag lunch and piddle around. I have a holy hour from 3:00-4:00. Sometimes I can get a ride from someone after that, but not always.

But though I have had the longer wait today, I made good use of the time. I'm designing a quilt around 4 orphaned embroidered blocks someone made. They will be the four corners, and I'll make a big central panel incorporating the same colors and motifs. I matched the floss colors, plus I'm going to add a few extra. Then I do the math to make the smaller and bigger blocks come together into a quilt of the size desired.

I made progress even though math isn't my favorite thing - but I don't mind it as much when I'm wearing my Crafting Rockstar Designer hat, LOL!

I know you all will get a kick out of the fact that I am designing this quilt because my hoarder self couldn't stand not to rescue those 4 blocks from languishing in a drawer forever! But I do think it's going to be a pretty cool quilt.

Sport water bottle clink!
Posted: 26 June 2018 - 04:37 PM
Hello Everybody :D
Iced tea "Clink!"

Another very busy day today.
Only 2:30pm and I have done a LOT already.
Got up early to try to beat the heat.
It's a lovely two degrees cooler today. ;P
Went into town first thing.
Sold all the silver charm bracelets and some chains at the pawn shop.
Then went to the thrift shop and donated half the back seat full of stuff.
Realized that everything I offloaded today was not anything I personally bought for myself.
Either it was inherited or gifts.
For way too long I felt obliged to be the keeper of these things.
Well, I did my time and have now freed myself of the obligation. ;D
Got home and had a lot of chores to do, mostly cat related.
Started to slow water the trees.
I turn the hose on to flow very slowly and set my timer to return and put the hose into a different tree well every one or two hours.
I need to eat something.
Yesterday I didn't eat cause being busy takes away my appetite and I should not fast two days in a row, no matter how busy I am today.
Still have tasks to accomplish inside here where it's nice and cool (76 degrees) with the cooler and ceiling fan both on. ;)
Posted: 26 June 2018 - 09:44 AM
Posted: 26 June 2018 - 05:44 AM
Hi Newlywoke. Another book I found really helpful was "Stuff : compulsive hoarding and the meaning of things"

Don't be afraid to be honest and list your weak areas. There is a lot of great support here and this is a kind group.

Hi CM! It is good to see you. Do you have a plan for how you will list your "flipped" dolls? Don't get too far ahead on the inventory - you run the risk of getting attached.

Anony, do you have any way to bring income in using the internet? I am just trying to think of a way you could reach outside of your community and pull resources in - it's really hard when everyone is struggling.

I was supposed to gave a friend over today, but she had to cancel. I will try to use the time to work on more cleaning/organizing.
Posted: 26 June 2018 - 05:25 AM
Good morning! Coffee clinks!

Tillie that is just so hot. I hope your evaporative cooler is working. I'm sure you and the kitties are positively wilted.

I'm up and having a cup of coffee. I only have enough milk for this cup so I'll go enjoy it now. It's beautiful and cool here.

Ive gotten a lot closer now that my gloves and winter things have a home. My cat litter is looking for a home, as are my shopping bags. But we are edging closer. And my life is easier.
Posted: 25 June 2018 - 11:04 PM
Hello Everybody :)

Sorry that this is just a drive by.
Been busy ALL day long and it was 105 degrees in the shade!
Have to finish up watering outside right now at 9:02pm because it was just too hot to be out.
Right now I'm watering the Laurels then I need to water the lilac hedge.
Will finish up by watering the trees tomorrow.
I'm too old for this. ;P
Posted: 25 June 2018 - 07:31 PM
Welcome, NewlyWoke! I am glad you are here. What types of things are you hoarding and how can we help you? We post here often to share tips, advice, emotions, successes, etc. I am working to make my house more livable for me. I find posting is a big help.

CM! So very happy to hear from you! I do hope there's a car solution in the future for you. That is bizarre with all the changes going on! Things really do change with the blink of an eye.

Okay I've made space for my purses and they have been put away. I've wrapped up some glasses to go to goodwill. Very pretty but impractical and they are taking up too much room.

I am going to get my garbage gathered and clean kitty's box. Get that all out so I can just breathe a bit.

My dinner with a friend was lovely. I dropped off some table cloths and napkins to be drycleaned and I picked up my clothes.

I will go shred today's mail and get the garbage done.
Posted: 25 June 2018 - 05:54 PM
Hi everyone, been thinking of posting yet slow getting to it. My mood is better with summer and longer days. I'm still antsy without a vehicle, though. There may soon be news on that front, but I don't want to count any chickens so that's all I'll say for now.

My antsiness can go either way. Sometimes I accomplish a decluttering or other task. Other times I shop for Barbie dolls on Ebay. I am wanting to build a little business and sell crafts and, as part of that, flip dolls the way some flip houses or cars, so it's partly legit. I have also found a few I want for my own collection. Mostly inexpensive ones, fixer uppers that I can clean and make clothes for, thank goodness. But I won't lie and say I haven't been a little addictive about it too.

I think I mentioned before how in these six months when I've been dependent upon others for rides, I haven't gotten to see various places in my own hometown as often, and how weird it feels. I startled one friend the other day when I went "On my gosh!" because we were at the grocery store and I saw that a whole row of buildings in the shopping center had been demolished. It's maybe a mile from where I live and I had no clue.

So I guess I've been a bit silly with my little "community" of Barbie dolls and photographing them to post on Facebook. It's like they're company. But I'm not losing my grip on reality or anything, I promise! I suspect that once I have wheels, the hobby will be just that, in perspective, fun but dialed down on the level of obsession. Let's hope!

Hi newlywoke, ee haven't met. Welcome! I think Buried In Treasures was one of the better books, and I've read a slew of them! I also like Don Aslett's books, which are like classics in the genre by now. Cut the Clutter and Stow the Stuff provides a good structure. Hmmm, maybe we should have a favorite clutter books thread.

I'll post more...
Posted: 25 June 2018 - 04:26 PM
Hi. I just realized 2 or 3 days ago that I am a hoarder. It's like duh, i cant move in my room to get to the door, but i have been making excuses as in i only live in 1 room and have no other place to put anything but once i heard on a tv show something about it 3 days ago it kinda clicked that i am a hoarder. i dont understand why i can help other ppl so much but i cant help myself clean. I guess bc of the fear and the emotions attached to letting go? anyhow, i need to get healthy and am hoping this is a step in the right direction. i think i hide from the world in my 5 foot tall room of crap but i hate it and feel better when i am not here. it is weird. any books on the feelings i have i can read that has helped others? the Declutter book my dr suggested was too simplistic. it was a famous book by a Japanese author. Is buried in treasure good?
Posted: 25 June 2018 - 04:10 PM
Every day I tell the kitty, you are the only one I love. Whether that is true or not, well. we are not saying.
Posted: 25 June 2018 - 03:24 PM
~Wine clinks!~
Tatoulia, thank you so much for your words. Im sure you do know what this is like, cuz youre clearly a kind, giver. Im also terrified about money cuz i know what is out there. I do have what remains from my out of state land sale, but im spending too fast. The only difference now is that i have glasses to see to drive at night, so i could try for a night shift job. When i went through this before, i had hope of getting something, figuring i could always work at McDonalds, if nothing else...until even they wouldnt hire me cuz i was too old. This is the poorest county in the country, there is not much here, especially for someone like me with no job history in this century, computer illiterate, old & with no skills or experience that is not now obsolete. Ok, enough whining...ill just be creative & i want the gap that ive created from those that just take, in my life, to be filled with people that understand & respect me....but my cats are the real light beam in my life~♡~
Posted: 25 June 2018 - 02:02 PM
I truly know that feeling, Anony. I am not in that situation now but I do recall situations where I was the only one looking the other way, giving benefit of the doubt, apologizing even though I was the one who was owed the apology. I am well familiar and am so sorry that is your situation right now.

I wish I could say something so that people would be more reliable in your life. It can be terribly lonesome and isolating to be around takers, unreliable sorts and critics.

Our weather has broken and it is sunny and beautiful with a breeze enhanced by my ceiling fans. I have folded all my laundry and have implemented my new hamper. I've showered and I'm doing a little puttering. I am meeting a friend for dinner and I need to stop by my dry cleaners on the way there to pick up and to drop off. Then I'll stop at BF's office, drop off my clean dry cleaning then proceed to restaurant.

I need to get garbage out tonight. I'll gather up and take some out when I go for dinner.
Posted: 25 June 2018 - 01:00 PM
Tatoulia, its all of the above, plus...people in my life are dropping by the wayside left & right. I think your brother was a very clear situation. Mine are not all so obvious, but im tired of just letting stuff slide...i dont know what will become of any of tired of always being the giver...
Posted: 25 June 2018 - 11:20 AM
Anony if it is any consolation, I find it deeply painful letting go of my sibling. One day I was so gutted that I cried all day long at work. I told people I had allergies and to ignore my "symptoms". At times it is unimaginable pain but mainly I feel good and free. Human emotions are tricky. So we do our best.

I don't know if your post references your friends, your mechanic, or a love interest, but it is difficult work. Time changes our perspectives, so it's worth doing the hard work.

I feel so different now that I have a largely clean and clear home. And I truly cannot say that I regret getting rid of anything. I'm at the point where I'm proud and not in mourning (for the things).
Posted: 25 June 2018 - 10:33 AM
~♡~Love & coffee clinks to all!~♡~
Well, im just as bad at 'letting go' of people, as i am at letting go of stuff....(sigh)
Yall are all doing great with everything!
Posted: 25 June 2018 - 09:43 AM
I washed my old kitchen trash can, which is silver and blue, and I'm going to see if I can use it as a hamper in my bedroom. I have always just used my washer as my hamper but now I'm not using my washer and my kitchen redesign will be eliminating my washer/dryer (I've come so far!). So I'll see how it looks/fits behind my bedroom door and see if that is a solution to just putting it all in a bag on the floor.

I'm doing laundry right now. It's a funny cloudy slightly humid day here.
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