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Posted: 12 June 2013 - 01:11 AM
WAY TO GO Anne W! :D
You're half way to 300. :)
Posted: 11 June 2013 - 08:22 PM
Tuesday, 6/11 1 jar with stuck lid 1 unopened gel kam mouthrinse exp 2007 1 roll wall paper trim 1 full tube pregnancy back ache cream 1 bag trash 12 vhs 4 books 3 yarn 3 cactus garden 4 sweaters 5 pants 3 coats 3 shirts 1 vest 2 skirts 1 calendar 1 cassette 3 books 1 decorated box 1 ribbon 1 package with paper with envelopes 1 lipstick 1 thread 13 kids clothes 1 bunch silk flowers 2 telephones 1 dog kennel door 1 metal coffee cup with 2 lids 1 package straws 2 Revere tea pots 1 squeegie 1 brass egret yard dec. 2 tiles 6 pie tins Total: 43
Posted: 11 June 2013 - 07:36 PM
Yes, Maymay, I am queen of hoarders, or I couldn't find that much junk to toss, and still have enough stuff to fill several homes.
Posted: 11 June 2013 - 11:59 AM
YaY, MayMay -- Thanks for keeping the Total Tally!!!
Keep up the great work, Everybody!
Here's my Tues. Toss... 1 Book :) 1 old hairbrush 1 bottle old hairspray 1 sample sized face serum 1 body lotion 1 depilatory kit 1 bottle baby oil mist 1 plastic toiletry bag 1 small bin of bottle/can recycle out 4 old magazines/catalogs 10 old jars & contents(12/2012) out of kitchen
This Total: 23 To-Date Total: 254
Posted: 11 June 2013 - 12:51 AM
WOW diane! :D
Are you sure you're a hoarder? ;)
Posted: 11 June 2013 - 12:48 AM
Thanks Anne W. :D
Your grand total is now 231. :)
Posted: 11 June 2013 - 12:45 AM
Hi Kara, I'm so sorry to hear about your gerbil. :(
Posted: 11 June 2013 - 12:43 AM
GREAT JOB Dianne! :D
Your total is 85. :)
Posted: 10 June 2013 - 09:33 PM
1006 + 86 = 1092 although anyone looking at what is left would not believe it!!!! and that isn't including the carloads I took in before June challenge have to just keep looking ahead each day at what is in front of me to do, not allowing my mind to think it is too much to ever finish----
Posted: 10 June 2013 - 09:26 PM
hello everyone, I forgot to post yesterday so todays list includes yesterdays too. put in garbage 1 water pitcher 2 planters 2 massage foot rollers 2 washing machine hoses 11 cups 2 glasses 1 plate 1candle holder 8 magazines 4 frogs 14 books 2 refrigerator magnets 1 pipe with 2 faucets 1 water bottle To Donate: 34 books Total: 86 34 + 52 = 86
Posted: 10 June 2013 - 04:46 PM
Dianne -- Reading your list knocked my socks off!!! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G }:~D p.s. -- Loved your idea re: babysit+de-clutter "trade" with Buffy ~ Brilliant!
Awwwe, Kara -- totally "feeling" for you today... Hope you are taking good & gentle care of yourself.
Hi, MayMay -- SO GLAD your room's still SMOKIN' HOT! ]=D
Here's June Challenge Update for Monday:
2 empty honey jars 1 empty Alleve bottle 1 dried out old plunger 1 broken compact wet/dry vac 1 book 1 cat harness 1 cat "leash" (both great condition & given to friend who told me she needed for her cat:) 1 (too small for me ;) DayMinder organizer 2 t-shirts 2 tank tops 1 pair pants 1 pair socks 2 boxes 1 batch of today's junk mail ;)
Today's Total: 18
Posted: 10 June 2013 - 03:42 PM
Probably one of the weirdest items yet in June Challenge:
1 lovable Gerbil (put to rest)
Total 1
Posted: 10 June 2013 - 02:34 PM
Dianne, WAY TO GO!!!! :D I knew you could find one lipstick to let go of but you really went all out! Fantastic! :D
We know it is a lot more complicated in choosing what one item to let go. All the mental processing and self exploration is very hard work. Happy dancing here for all this hard work you did! :D
One thing to keep in mind when sorting out cosmetics and toiletries is that bacteria grows in them really rather quickly. We know how the items can separate and the scent can get funky but that bacteria can do a lot of harm. Especially with make up. ;)
Keep up the GREAT work! (((hugs)))
Posted: 10 June 2013 - 12:20 PM
Tillie you're *just one* suggestion was perfect for me! :)
I started with a shelf in the linen closet and tossed just one mousse. Then just one facial lotion. Then just one shampoo.
Ended up tossing ~
14 mousses, styling gels (from 80's) 39 facial and body lotions and makeup removers 32 shampoos, conditioners and hair sprays
They were beautifully organized which always gave me a sense of pleasure and satisfaction. I adored organizing certain closets or drawers because nobody in the family ever touched them which meant I had something that never got messed up. Even if it was from over 25 years ago.
Next will be the lipsticks in the dressingroom. They're organized by true reds, brick reds, browns, neutrals/naturals, bright pinks, medium pinks, light pinks, oranges, frosted, mattes, glosses, little pots. Just one from each group will be a good start and it will probably lead to more.
It wasn't too bad. I thought about all the money I was wasting by tossing but they never would have been used anyway. Some of the shampoos and conditioners were for horses that I used on myself. But I wouldn't even trust donating them to be put on a horse's skin at this point.
Those are the easy things because they are organized in one place. There are other linen closets and bathrooms with all the girly stuff too. I should tell Buffy in exchange for all the babysitting she has to come over and clear out all her products.
What I'm trying to deal with too is all the people I have been. I liked the option of being everything. From Kennedy Center formal to pooping in the woods camper. Narrowing the scale sort of feels like winding down in life. All the trappings gave me a sense of who I was in that moment.
Most basic is the hermit. Then I don't have to be anything for anybody but me. :)
Posted: 10 June 2013 - 02:06 AM
AWESOME JOB Tillie and Anne W! :D
Posted: 09 June 2013 - 05:31 PM
WOOHOO!!! I am so impressed! :D Ya'll are making such GREAT progress!!! :D
Since I last posted here I've tossed 3 bags of kitchen trash. 7 assorted bags & boxes food came in from the store. 1 bra that was trying to kill me with it's under wire. 1 pair of slippers the cat vomited into.
Todays total = 12 previous total = 29 Grand total = 41
Posted: 09 June 2013 - 05:04 PM
Thanks, MayMay!!! :D
Sunday's Items Out: 1 old Skin Cleanser bottle (w/ only a little left) 1 exp. Bottle Rescue Remedy Spray 1 scallop shell 1 small bin of can/bottle recycling 1 bag of paper/cardboard recycling 12 pairs of grandmother's gloves 2 children's shirt collars 2 bottles of my father's old cologne (I asked him 1st, he ok'd, & I got 'em out of house -- so I'm countin''em-lol ;) 1 Pillow 2 empty shoe boxes 1 dried out rubber plunger 1 broken small wet/dry vac 4 books Sun. Total: 30 (Prev. Total: 183)
Current Total: 213
See y'all online in a couple hours :)
Posted: 09 June 2013 - 01:34 AM
Your grand total is now over 1,000! :D
It's 1,006 to be exact. :D
Posted: 09 June 2013 - 12:50 AM
June Challenge for Saturday: Large coffee table books: 2 Monet 1 Impressionism 1 Painting Methods of the Impressionists 1 Renoir 1 Manual of Nursing Practice (1500 pages) 1 Dart board 3 framed nature photos 2 turn tables for cabinet 1 bathroom faucet 1 cute old tin can 1 hand held stretch exerciser, new in box 1 white board 6 yarns in a kit with pattern 3 candles 1 bag trash 3 wooden hangers. Total: 31
Posted: 08 June 2013 - 11:32 PM
GREAT JOB Billie! :D
Your grand total is now 152. :)
Posted: 08 June 2013 - 11:28 PM
GREAT JOB today Anne W! :D
Posted: 08 June 2013 - 10:03 PM
WAY TO GO!!!!! Billie :D
Posted: 08 June 2013 - 06:10 PM
Threw some to trash..some to recycle
3 old shoe polish containers 3 small plastic containers 5 plastic gal. milk jugs 1 plastic spray bottle 1 plastic orange juice bottle 1 old dirty dish drainer(been in cabinet under sink collecting assorted items) 1 plastic coffee can
Total 15
Posted: 08 June 2013 - 01:28 PM
Dianne, WAY TO GO!!! on all you have done and are doing! We are all so very proud of you! :D
Posted: 08 June 2013 - 01:27 PM
Dianne :) I challenge you to toss just one of those old lip sticks.
You CAN do this! ;D
Just one of them. Then come tell us about it. We are all here for you, cheering you on. (((HUGS)))
Posted: 08 June 2013 - 01:23 PM
so I guess I'm a little OCD? kidding; I know I am :D
Posted: 08 June 2013 - 01:20 PM
p.s. I currently have 48 of the 86 areas done to some level. 20 of the areas are at 3rd dejunk. I am desperate to keep them that way.
Posted: 08 June 2013 - 01:09 PM
A quick break here.....
I'm trying to keep up with maintenance and add a little extra cleaning each day. But I think what I'm doing is what someone mentioned (there are so many posts now I can't keep up with who said what but it's great!)... just organizing the hoard.
I have been blown away by seeing so much that is actually being thrown out here!!! I just could not do that at this point unless it was really unusable.
But here's my hoarder mentality kicking in ~ I have well over 100 lipsticks (a guess), eye shadow from high school (back in the 60's), hair gels, mousses, shampoos from the 80's and the space to keep them. Clearly they're not usable but I just can't toss them.
I REALLY couldn't toss some of the good stuff you guys have listed. It was a major deal for me to trash some cat pee stained laundry awhile back because I kept thinking, I can wash it several times, it's still good. :(
I'm so happy that you all have gotten to that point! But I feel bad that I can't.
Here's my system ~
a list of every area, room, car or grouping (like my clothes or flowers in front yard) inside and out to care for; there are 86 ~ they are sorted by Daily, Bi-Weekly, Weekly, Bi-Monthly, Monthly, Every 2 Months (that's just cleaning, does not count animal care, errands, self-care etc.)
the levels of care ~
straight ~ means I'm no embarrassed for someone to see it; clean
1st dejunk ~ very easy to throw out what doesn't actually belong
2nd dejunk ~ a little tougher purge, leaving the hardest decisions for later
3rd dejunk ~ absolutely nothing that doesn't belong; perfection :)
deep clean ~ floor to ceiling
redecorate ~ probably not gonna happen in my lifetime; one area done
I've had this system for decades, using notebooks, index cards and it generally served me well. But as life got more complicated, depression deepened, with whatever was going on my system broke down.
Anyway even with the *amnesty* idea I still can't just trash stuff. Writing that pisses me off because in reality I am trashing my stuff every minute by not taking good care of it.
Well I don't want to keep focusing on the difficulties; so I'll get back to my turtle forward movement.
But you guys keep on trashing!!! You inspire me so much! At some point I'll get there too. :)
Posted: 08 June 2013 - 11:10 AM
I just love reading all your lists! So motivating!!! Everybody is doing FANTASTIC!!!! :D
Posted: 08 June 2013 - 10:28 AM
Hi, MayMay -- I think my earlier list from today = 14 items so that my then Total = 167
And, now I've got more to add -- YaY :> That's my "happy bird" emoticon (lol)
Saturday Discard List #2:
2 more contact lens cases -- sheesh! how many can a gal have!?! 2 old shampoo's 2 old bottles of hair mousse 2 toothbrush travel caps 2 eye cups 1 load of recycle out 5 items to friend:CatItems,Liquid Soap,BodyLotion Note: I didn't want to "dump" them on her. She doesn't have a hoarding issue, but she knows about mine. I asked her 1st, if she wanted/could use any of them & she said she'd use some & toss what she didn't want -- no prob! So I am very happy to have a helpful honest friend & neighbor =)
I think that brings my new total to: 183
...stay tuned -- more items to go out today ;)
THANK YOU ONE & ALL for being so encouraging!!!
Posted: 08 June 2013 - 08:52 AM
Nice Job, SusanL! :)
Holy Guacomole, Diane -- Awesome Work!!!
Thanks, MayMay!
Karl -- I'm jealous (but, only in the best possible way ;) of all the papers you got rid of with a lil help from your friends! How close is your Living Room in terms of ready to show Landlords? Sounds like you've been working really hard & made a ton o' progress since last weekend!!!
I've got more to do today, but here's what I've dumped so far today:
1 old box of chocolates (from 2004!) 1 canister exp. cocoa 1 cup full of Chinese Restaurant condiment packets (there were 28, but only counting them as 1) 1 Orange cup 2 more contact lens cases 2 old pie crusts 3 old tins 2 Jars of exp. spices 1 burned down soy wax candle
Keep up the good work everyone!
Posted: 08 June 2013 - 12:00 AM
WAY TO GO diane! :D
You beat me to the punch. ;)
I was just about to add up your grand total. :)
Posted: 07 June 2013 - 11:55 PM
YAY Susan L! :D
Your grand total is now 23. :)
Posted: 07 June 2013 - 11:55 PM
Total today 242 + 723 = 965 Thanks maymay
Posted: 07 June 2013 - 11:53 PM
Your grand total is now 153. :)
Posted: 07 June 2013 - 11:50 PM
Todays June challenge got rid of lots of stuff, mostly small so sounds tremendous, but in fact size does matter, cause it doesn't look like I accomplished much. I really would like to toss things faster, looking back some of the stuff I sorted for give away, could have been tossed, waste time deciding on some things. Ok, hold on to your seat belt Todays: 1 purple telephone and base 3 pieces of fabric 1 dead bird (neighbors cat delivered) 1 owl plaque 1 red bowl with lid, with inlaid shell, pretty 2 platters 1 belt 1 old lady decoration 1 old man decoration 1 massage foot roller 1 angel 1 metal coffee cup with lid 1 golf club rain coat 2 bottles of craft glitter 1 music box 1 apron 1 string lights 196 unopened packages of craft minatures!!!! 1 roll magnetic tape 3 frogs 2 metal belt buckles 5 balls yarn 2 metal leaf candle holders 3 cloth angels 3 bells on stand with gonger 3 candle holders 1 signed glass blue bird 1 small oriental cup and saucer 3 pottery bowls 1 hand painted spoon 1porcelin boy (very old and cute) 1 porcelin girl (old and cute) 1 set nesting dolls 1 big ball red wool yarn 1 baby simba 3 dinasaurs 1 ugly wood santa 5 stuffed animals 1 large bag purple feathers 1 wood bunny 3 rolls wall paper 2 rolls shelf liner 1 30 foot string of fake pearls 2 purple coats 1 bowl and lid 1 silk shirt 2 vests 1 long sleeve shirt 1 slip 1 shirt 1 pot holder 1 pair pants 2 "ruebens Originals" baby bowls some things got deleted, maybe I listed too much Total for the day: 242
Posted: 07 June 2013 - 11:50 PM
Thanks Lynn S! :D
Posted: 07 June 2013 - 11:49 PM
GREAT JOB Tillie! :D
Posted: 07 June 2013 - 09:34 PM
1 really old shampoo 1 really old conditioner
I change brands from time to time. These were for backup in case the kids came and needed some. But I realized not only did I already have some for them upstairs but I had spare for them as well. No one was ever going to use these.
Anne W
Posted: 07 June 2013 - 07:01 PM
Friday's Discards:
1 set plastic tongs 3 empty coffee bags 1 small DD bag of coffee (Exp. 4/4/08!) 1 old soap 2 empty bath salts tins 1 empty candy tin 1 torn plastic food bag 2 sponges -- falling apart (I scrubbed da heck outta 'em ;~) 2 kid's boo-boo gel freezer packs 2 old lipsticks 1 old tube of concealer 2 bottles of nail polish 2 bottles of Exp. Vitamin Supplements 1 Hawaiin Lei - dried flowers frm 2012 Xmas Party 1 Broken Laptop Cooling Fan+Box 1 Newspaper 1 Book
Lynn S
Posted: 07 June 2013 - 04:39 PM
WOW Great job May May and everyone Really scoring great high scores! Keep it up!
Posted: 07 June 2013 - 12:06 PM
1 bag of kitchen trash 1 pair of perfectly good socks that keep slipping down into my shoes. 1 paper grocery bag filled with papers and other burnable stuff out to the burn barrel.
last total = 26 today's total = 3 grand total = 29
Posted: 06 June 2013 - 07:58 PM
Thanks diane. :)
Your grand total is now 723. :)
Posted: 06 June 2013 - 07:21 PM
Thank you Maymay, you are terrific at this. Today I made a trip to drop off load at thrift store, things listed past few days plus todays:
1 Pet Porter dog cage 17 vhs 5 books 1 bag garbage, (pickup tomorrow of 95 gallons trash) total today: 24
Posted: 06 June 2013 - 06:32 PM
GREAT JOB Tillie! :D
Posted: 06 June 2013 - 06:29 PM
Your grand total is now 128. :)
Anne W
Posted: 06 June 2013 - 06:25 PM
YaaaaaY, Tillie!!! =D
And, thank you ALL for your ongoing "cheerleading" -- it REALLY KEEPS ME WORKIN' ALONG -- Helps me soo sooo soooo much!
Posted: 06 June 2013 - 05:06 PM
Tossed this morning... 1 bag kitchen trash 1 pair of worn out slippers 2 old night lights that started to malfunction 1 plastic gallon white vinegar jug 1 old jar from the fridge door 2 gallon size zip-lock baggies that I had washed & reused several times.
Todays total = 8 previous total = 18 grand total = 26 :D
Anne W
Posted: 06 June 2013 - 08:17 AM
So appreciate your Totally Awesome "Totalling," MayMay =D Thank You!!!
Happy to report I kept "nudging" myself this morning prior to trash pick-up.
Here's the list of additional stuff I got out of the house this morning:
1 Book 1 Mildewed Comforter 1 Old Dusty Paisley Fabric Small Suitcase 1 Old Toiletry Bag 1 Exp. Toothpaste Tube 3 old Contact Lens' Cases (recycled) 1 Empty Aveeno Body Scrub Bottle 1 Jar of Mask Frisket (old art supply) 1 jar of sesame seeds (from freezer) 1 jar of pine nuts (from freezer) 3 items of old freezer-burned food 1 Can of Exp. Peaches 1 Bottle of Exp. Vitamins 1 Bottle of Exp. Mustard (from fridge) 1 Jar of old Capers (from fridge) 3 Jars of old Jelly (from fridge) 20 additional bottles, empty cans, etc. 1 Grocery Bag filled with Paper/ Cardboard
Posted: 05 June 2013 - 09:36 PM
That's FANTASTIC Anne W! :D
Your grand total is now 85. :)
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