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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : the hard stuff
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the hard stuff

Posted: 01 July 2013 - 10:10 AM
Roxie, many times I have thought you were me. This confirms it!!

Hang in there sister, we'll figure it out. {{{HUGS}}}
Posted: 01 July 2013 - 09:51 AM
Okay, I woke up just blathering to myself, so here it comes:

Why is that blazer jacket I set on the end of my bed, and which later fell off, still laying on the floor three weeks later? Why are the two bags of donation books still beside the bed and not in the car to go to donation site? Why is the broom and the mop bucket still sitting in the same spot in the kitchen three days later, the mop bucket still with soapy water?

Why in two months cannot I force myself to sweep and mop the kitchen floor?

Why have I not run a load of laundry in weeks, even when my sheets need cleaning and I'm running out of clean clothes?

Why do I turn a blind eye, ignore, delete from awareness, neglect things so much?

Why did I envision myself making beef stew at home, buy the ingredients, then let the beef sit in the fridge so long it went bad?

I have a "one back" system for coffee and coffee supplies (keep one backup on hand). Why do I not do the same for cat food since it always becomes a problem? What is WRONG with me?

Why do I hate making phone calls and asking for service people to come and do anything?

How can I ignore an overflowing trash bag, instead of putting it in the garbage and putting a nice new bag in? It's right there. I see it every day. So why don't I take action?

Why do I have dirty clothes on the floor instead of a laundry basket? Why do I fail to wash the laundry basket so I can put dirty clothes in it?

Why, when I've cleaned and polished 3/4 of my china closet, haven't I finished it and put away the supplies? It's been weeks.

Why did I order live plants if I haven't even planted them yet?

Why have I not picked up used paper plates where I feed the feral cats? I know I'm supposed to pick them up once a day.

Why is it so hard for me to care for myself that I have to use a checklist and bribe myself to brush my teeth once a day?

For the first 50 years of my life, none of this was ever an issue. What happened to me? Why why why?
Posted: 30 June 2013 - 01:20 PM
Roxie did you get them planted? If not, I will hold my breath until you put them in the ground!! The snap dragon I planted took less than 2 minutes, and I thought about it for more than 2 minutes daily for over a week, Nike is right, Just Do It!!!! Not sure why we can't just do things when we see it needs to be done. Happy you got plants that will look good and sooner you get them planted, better chance of survival. Tough to hold my breath this long, go plant, please!!
Posted: 30 June 2013 - 11:52 AM
Diane, the shrubs are a hydrangea and a mountain laurel. The foundation plantings in front my house (North facing) are too little and too scraggly. I dislike things like barberry that are prickly (just as I dislike hair spray because of how hair feels when sprayed). And trying to find plants that suit the shade/light situation has been difficult. Hopefully these will survive and thrive.

Posted: 29 June 2013 - 11:44 PM
Roxie, so glad you keep writing about planting, finally planted a poor snap dragon today that has Hope you get some good sleep
Posted: 29 June 2013 - 04:07 PM
I did get the poor shrubs unboxed and watered, very late last night or early this morning. I was up all night again, slept most of the day.

Yesterday I watched on computer "Britain's Biggest Hoarders" and "Consumed." Very different hoarding programs but both informative and interesting. I've learned I can do dishes and such while watching... run hot water and fill the the video...pause the video and do a bunch of dishes, add more dirty dishes to the water...etc. until the dishes are done.

I can also do other chores in bits while watching video or tv or surfing the net. Just breaking it down into very small pieces.

Hugs to all.
Posted: 28 June 2013 - 04:55 PM
The rather large shrubs I ordered that are still in their box... I noted leaves peeping out of carry holes, so I opened the top of the box. I really must open the entire box and water those poor boogers. I recall one is a hydrangea but forget what the other is. They are meant for the front of the house which is fairly bare under the windows (this is a rancher).
Posted: 27 June 2013 - 10:05 PM
So happy you enjoyed the links. :D
Posted: 27 June 2013 - 12:40 PM
Roxie -- I just L-O-V-E reading your posts (to everyone, not just me)! You are a woman whose well of wisdom runs DEEP =)
Thank you for the time & thoughtfulness you put into each of your posts!
LoL - Your wordplay "Ta Da!" vs. "To Do" gave me both chuckle & grin ;) I definitely am going to think on that & play with your concept some more! }:D
I have much more to write, but I will save it for later, as I want to try to get in a load of laundry & my kitchen maintenance tasks while I can muster the focus for that ;)

How did you sleep last night, Roxie?
Are you & your cats having a decent day? (I hope so :)

Hi, Tillie -- Until your youtube links post the other day, I never even thought to look for hoarding help on YouTube!!! Thanks for sharing the links & the inspiration :) Hope your day is full of fresh blooms & colorful blossoms!

Congratulations, again, AnneL!!! -- I can't wait to hear more after you have a chance to catch your breath ;)

Hi, Diane, Dianne, Mariana, Karl, Billie, Green, MayMay, Kara, Sally, & EVERYBODY :) Keep at that clutter-clearing & posting!!! I look forward to reading each of your posts =D
Posted: 26 June 2013 - 09:51 AM
AnneW, I think they call the list that comes after you finish the day's work is the "ta da" list (as opposed to the "to do" list), which may be what works best for you. You can play with that a little and see.

It seems from your post that the ta da list you did helped ground you in the reality of what you actually accomplished, which is so important to helping you keep moving forward. When dealing with a hoard or squalor, small amounts of work may not show all that well, but the truth is that it is work and it is moving forward. You move a mountain one scoop at a time, right?

Yes, the battle is regrouping and taking another step or two or three forward. And their are setbacks, but hopefully reading and posting daily will help us all keep on making progress and maintaining what we have achieved.


Posted: 25 June 2013 - 07:17 PM

For all you have accomplished! :D

Posted: 25 June 2013 - 05:37 PM
So yesterday & today, I got another "dose" of reality re: some days I'm just not gonna feel that "great" about this process... and it is ok. I'm on the low-end of energy and didn't get much done yesterday (just my maintenance tasks & some June Challenge stuff out). Today still low energy, but forced myself to make-up yesterday's "de-hoard" time plus do today's time -- so 50 minutes total time-in, plus June Challenge stuff out. It hasn't been felt "fun" and I didn't really feel like I ever picked up any momentum today, but I am proud that I didn't give up. And, I'll tell you all -- Before turning on my computer to update you lovely people, I sat down to figure out what I'd accomplished today -- b/c internally, I didn't feel like I'd actually accomplished anything! -- and I was surprised to discover that I really did make a little more headway. If I hadn't of had you all & this message board, I would not have bothered to note what I did do & then I probably would have just continued to feel "yuck-o" -- so THANKS EVERYBODY! :)
Another thing I realized is that reading your posts about your own ups+downs & how you each keep "re-rallying" helped me to "dig" within myself a little deeper. I told myself that even if I didn't get much done, I needed to at least put in an honest effort because I see each of you do this time & time again -- despite health issues, physical &/or financial limitations, emotional struggles, &/or bouts with "re-crapping" -- the stories & support offered by each of you kept me going.
Here's what I did during my "time-in" today:
UPSTAIRS Bathroom:Emptied Trash & cleared upstairs bathroom floor under sink & next to bathtub plus Cleaned bathroom sink & mirror (Next step is to really scrub entire bathrm floor clean)
& Main Bedroom: Emptied Trash
Then, Cleared Hallway: Cleaned out 2 old moving boxes & put old vacuum away

Defended reclaimed spaces plus Cleaning Maintenance
& Attached Breakfast Nook: Emptied 1 old moving box of "stuff"

Roxie -- It's made me VERY happy to read about your many accomplishments over the past 10 days!!! :D
How has today been for you?

LoL -- And, if I could have the power get Dianne's "fanny" back here to update us, you know I would ! ;D
I have been thinking about you, Dianne :)
(Also, I need to read today's "doing today" post to check on Diane -- I love reading her posts for inspiration & Diane, I hope you're staying cool/not getting overheated today! In fact, I'm REALLY hoping you got to go to the Lake today for F-U-N :D)
Posted: 24 June 2013 - 09:35 AM
AnneW, glad to see you checking in at last! Looking forward to more postings.

Now, could you chase down Dianne and get her fanny in here? LOL Just kidding.
Posted: 23 June 2013 - 09:44 PM
Thanks for looking out, Roxie :)

I just did a quick post under June Challenge -- been having computer issues... Want to write more, but need sleep right now...

I'm looking forward to catching up on my Message Board reading over the next two days & then hope to catch up on writing reply posts (plus my own "processing ugh's & aha's") on Wednesday!

I've missed the keeping up/keeping in touch for the past 10+ days -- Missed you folks A LOT!!!

I look forward to reading your posts tomorrow :)
Posted: 22 June 2013 - 05:56 PM
AnneW and Dianne, where are you???
Posted: 11 June 2013 - 02:11 PM
AnneW, how about an update? Thinking of you.
Posted: 08 June 2013 - 11:08 AM
I found this whilst looking up assessment info. Coping with change
Cannot cope with any change to the extent that day to day life cannot be managed
This Support Group represents a severe restriction in the ability to cope with any form
of change. It does not represent change related to a specific area in life nor just a
simple dislike of change. Their inability to cope with any change would result in such
distress that they could not continue with their day to day life - even the most basic
activities could not be managed. Those with extremely severe anxiety, severe autism
or a learning disability/cognitive impairment may be
affected in this area.
I often find that I get very distress and anxious whilst de-hoarding. there is hope for me yet.
Posted: 06 June 2013 - 07:41 PM
Anne W I am so thrilled for you. It is such hard work we are doing. Must be done, and we are the ones that created it, so we have to clean it up, not a lot of fun is it? Seems like so much more to do, but is getting easier to get rid of stuf. I do feel I have more stuff than anyone, and no one could possibly understand how out of control my life has become, of course, no one is allowed to see how out of control I have been. I have a fear that the summer will come and go and I will still be buried in treasures.
it is hard to go enjoy the beautiful weather when there is so much to do still. Garbage pickup is tomorrow and I would like to go up to a high lake next week as my reward when I fill the garbage bin for next weeks pickup. I am so grateful that we are all doing this hard stuff together
Posted: 06 June 2013 - 06:35 AM
LynnS, I can hear your frustration in your last writing. You know by being here that we can't change a hoarder if the hoarder is not willing to undertake change work for themselves. The behavior just continues even if you empty their house. With any addiction (and I don't believe EVERY hoarder is an addict) the object of that addiction is more important than anyone or anything else, you know? In my opinion (for what it's worth), it's a mental illness in your mother, not a reasoned choice.

I'm concerned about your round-trip commute if you take a job so far away. Would you move closer?

AnneW: You have accomplished huge amounts of work! I'm impressed. I do agree that completing a room is a very good goal, but I'm not sure I agree that you need to only focus on that room. I think if you make that room the priority, being sure to work in it daily, then it's okay to do other things like outside work for awhile, especially if that motivates or inspires you to renew those kitchen efforts. In no way do I want to try to undermine the work you are doing with the book. It's just that in my reading on this board I've seen time and again how a goal can be accomplished in a variety of ways that take into account the individual needs or emotional issues of the person doing the cleaning.

Whatever keeps us working toward our goals is great!

Posted: 05 June 2013 - 11:50 PM

Such a wonderful post! :D
You did GREAT!
Love how your fast draining tub is now so squeeky clean! :)


So happy to read all this, Happy Dance :D
Anne W
Posted: 05 June 2013 - 09:41 PM
I challenged myself this afternoon & "pushed through" my resistance... I'm really tired, but I'm really proud of myself.

Here's what I accomplished between 5-8pm EST

#1. Weeded front yard 1 hr (which actually re-energized, motivated me to get back into kitchen work)

#2. Scrubbed 2 years' worth of caked-on soap+dirt scum from bathtub - using baking soda & white vinegar. The tub drain had been partially clogged that whole time - I had tried intermittently throughout that time to unclog it using the baking soda/vinegar combo, plunger, etc. - all to no avail. I finally got it unclogged using this stuff May 10th -- but the remaining layer of soap scum & grime was disgusting!

#3. Took the first quick-draining shower in a really clean tub -- felt so good, especially after today's weeding ;) Hard to believe: tub actually looks clean enough to take a bath in now!

#4. I worked in kitchen for 35 minutes tonight -- getting rid of outdated food/condiments, old empty jars, scrubbing things that needed de-gunking, and completely clearing & scrubbing down the counter to the right of the kitchen sink!!! Now I have 4 surfaces that are cleared & clean -- only 2 surfaces left to go in kitchen (1 counter & 1 storage shelf for mixer/pots)... plus the floor & scrubbing inside of fridge/freezer.

Tomorrow, I may only do 20 minutes, but I'll make sure I do the work in the kitchen.

Forgot to mention that yesterday I also spent a little time clearing entryway -- Still need to go through 3 rubber bins in that area, but it's easier getting in & out front door now.

Not up for the CBT exercises tonight -- too tired & have to be up early to (hopefully) add more to garbage pick-up in a.m.

This is really hard work, but I want to get it done & live a stronger, better life.
Anne W
Posted: 05 June 2013 - 03:41 PM
Feeling a bit "fragmented" today...

While away, I continued to read Buried in Treasures & work on the exercises.

#1. I'm struggling a bit with the fact that it suggests long-term success is achieved by picking (& sticking to) a set time of day & amount of time for daily de-hoarding work. For the moment -- I think I need to just focus on using my timer & achieving my daily time input goals -- thinking about the other is stressing me out.

#2. I am also struggling a bit with trying to organize myself (lol - sad but true ;) to best assess my goals/progress.

For example -- I find it extremely challenging to start in one room & continue working my way through that one room in regular daily timed chunks until that one room is cleared & cleaned with all items assigned their own place (with all items not belonging "dealt with" vs. avoiding decision-making by moving the stuff into a different room ;)

2 Sundays ago I picked the kitchen as my "priority room" & last week - I cleared off & scrubbed clean the stove top (inside oven already clear+clean), the butcher block prep station/counter top beside stove, & before leaving last Friday morning I threw out all the nasty outdated food inside my fridge & had that out to the curb & hauled off by the garbage truck. Now all of that felt REALLY good! (Although, I still need to scrub clean the inside of the fridge, it was wonderful to come home to a functional interior fridge.)

I got home late Monday, but still managed to haul my suitcase upstairs & immediately tranferred dirty clothes to hamper -- never used to do that! -- but have yet to DO the LAUNDRY...
Also, unpacked & put away in kitchen cabinets the remaining cracker packs & almonds I'd taken on trip for snacks.

I also immediately went through the mail that'd arrived & recycled all junk mail on the spot.

So, I can see definite positive shifts in my former less functional behaviour patterns -- guess I just wish it were faster-?- easier-?- smoother-?- I'm not sure.

#3. I'm still trying to work on balancing daily time input & consistent energy. I wanted to set my daily de-hoard goal this week to 20 min/day (up from 15min/day goal of last week). Since I was away Sunday & Monday -- I put in 60min yesterday (Tues, 6/4).

Yesterday, I continued my work in the kitchen -- FINALLY clearing the last 1/4 of the sink of a foul & stinky pile of used dishes. Got everything de-grimed, washed, dried, & put away. Scrubbed sink clean. Maintained the cleanliness of the stove top & butcher block countertop. Then continued to work on clearing the counter space to the right of the kitchen sink (only have 1/4 left to clear on it today -- Wed).

But, I didn't sleep well last night -- and a bit frustrated & down today. Wanted to get out in the beautiful weather to play in the dirt (aka: weeding :) but felt like I "shouldn't let myself" until AFTER working in kitchen 20min. However, I only did a little in the kitchen of emptying, rinsing, & recycling old glass jars & bottles -- & I did this without putting on timer... I have no idea how long I spent doing that.

I've probably spent an hour reading through & writing this post on the Message Boards -- which certainly doesn't count as time de-hoarding. But I do view as an important motivational & self-reflective re-patterning tool.

I guess I'm fearful of not "putting in" enough time each day because I don't want to become stagnant in this battle again; I also don't want to sabatoge my progress thus far &/or "cheat" myself.

I know I must be brain-tired when I'm having trouble with deciding whether or not to recycle 3 old empty food jars, ya know?!?

Anyway -- thanks to all you who read these posts.

I think I'm going to give myself a 10-minute brain-clearing break to weed outdoors. Then come back inside to do a 10-minute timed Kitchen Clear. (usually once I start, I don't mind continuing -- so maybe I can just knock out today's 20min. in 1 shot (I hope so!)

Then, I need to make myself review & write out 2 of the Cognitive Behavioral exercises from "BinT" book.

I hope I sleep better tonight, hop up & just get my 20 minutes out of the way first thing tomorrow!

I feel like I need to continue my work & progress in the kitchen, in part because I feel the inner resistance to keep going with it. I keep picking up little things from other rooms to recycle or throw out instead of doing my "goal." Although, I can tell myself any progress is helpful -- I think I need to "push" back on not-so-helpful thoughts --pushing" myself past the lethargy, resistance, frustration & emotional discomfort -- in order to do what I have trouble doing: sticking with one room until it is done. Once the kitchen is done, it will be much easier to maintain (like my bedroom) & then I can celebrate a sense of accomplishment -- having reclaimed open functional space of another room. I must. I need to do this to improve my daily functioning,my sense of self, & my life.

Thanks for reading -- this is my "Hard Stuff" for today.
Lynn S
Posted: 05 June 2013 - 02:52 PM
Hi All,
I'm glad that those who found this site and are not afraid of it.

My mother(hoarder) is terrified of this site.
She likes her stuff more than she loves me.

My mother will never be on this site.

I am really glad for those and all who come to this site to seek guidence and blurt out all your fears.
Goal setting is a wonderful thing! Making room for something better (space) is awesome!

I still have to take it easy on my ankle since I didn't get an x-ray when I first went to the doc. Tomorrow with the follow-up with the doc I'll ask for an x-ray to see if anything was broke in my ankle. My knee is doing much better though.
I'm worried now if I get that call for the interview for the cleaning company. The 1 1/2 hour drive really took a toll on my ankle since it's the ankle affected.

Hope all is doing great and keep up the great work!

Don't keep putting things off, do them today!
Posted: 05 June 2013 - 01:04 PM
I confess. I've been avoiding everything by playing a game on the pc, surfing the net. Hibernating. Procrastinating. Avoiding. All that *(&^^
Anne W
Posted: 04 June 2013 - 08:45 PM
Roxie -- Yes, I was & thanks for remembering & asking after me :) I just got back & will DEFINITELY catch up on reading board posts & write more tomorrow -- I really missed you all & was really EXCITED about tuning back in here. I can relate to having depression triggered when weather is dark & rainy for more than 2 days -- Hang in there. How did the rest of your day go today (Tues, June 4th)?
Posted: 04 June 2013 - 10:37 AM
I finally just now realized that all the days of dark and rainy had kicked up my SAD and THAT is why I'm so sluggish lately. Good realization for me. Now let me just kick my butt...

I still have shelves of books to look through before donating. I'm finding that I am rereading some before donating, which is okay by me. It also gives me a chance to dust or wipe down and do the sniff test for traces of cat, if ya know what I mean.

Dianne, how is the sorting going for you?

AnneW, I'm trying to remember if you were going out of town. I look forward to you here.
Posted: 30 May 2013 - 08:07 AM
Anne W, glad I could help even a little. It's a mutual give and take here, I think. I have CFS and learning when to quit is still extremely difficult for me. As is learning when to start.

Diane, how is the clothes elimination process going?
Anne W
Posted: 29 May 2013 - 05:52 PM
Roxie -- I really appreciate your post to me :) Thank you so much for your wisdom, your encouragement, & your support!!! It helped a lot b/c I read it midday here when I was feeling wiped out -- your words helped me connect with the importance of not "overdoing"/"underdoing" but moving towards incrementally steadier "doing" when it comes to conquering my chaotic clutter.
How did your day go?
I hope you are feeling a bit better --a little less foggy-- & that you also got some rest:D
Posted: 29 May 2013 - 11:40 AM
AnneW, that was a BIG push for you or for any of us. Remember Cory's advice not to work to exhaustion. Just keep stepping ahead with chores in whatever increments of time you can truly manage, and we'll all cheer you on. Congrats!
Anne W
Posted: 28 May 2013 - 09:36 PM
Thank you soooo much, Dianne!!! Coming home & receiving your positive message post gave me a HUGE GRIN! :D Thanks for the positive reinforcement -- it really makes a difference :)

Can't wait to read your next posts on YOUR progress!!!

Hope everyone else is doing well today/tonight:)
Posted: 28 May 2013 - 06:19 PM
Anne W you hit your goal 10 x more than you planned! 2 1/2 hours is a big block of time. Congrats on a great job!! :)
Anne W
Posted: 28 May 2013 - 06:08 PM
Hi Everyone -- I'm Not able to log-on for Support Group tonight (Tues) -- I have a meditation group...
However wanted to share my accomplishments:

Today I worked 2+1/2 Hours (vs. the 15 minutes I'd committed to do per Sun.'s Support Group)& BOY! am I tuckered out!!! (AND proud of myself ;)
I worked in Kitchen & cleared, then cleaned the butcher block "counter"/food prep statioin next to the stove (having cleaned stove ystrdy *big grin*), halfway cleared a 2nd counter, made progress on clearing the transition area btwn dining rm & kitchen. All in all, gathered 3 bags of cardboard/paper recyle, 1 bin of glass/plastic recycle, & 2 large black garbage bags worth of no-need items -- all to be set out & picked up at end of week!
It got tough for me at points today, but I played music I like throughout, continually reminded myself that I need to go through this process in order to improve my life & --like working out to get fit/healthier-- I need to regularly practice & "strengthen" my skills in this arena, & I knew when I finished for today that I'd be able to share my struggles & triumphs with you folks and I'd feel understood :)
Posted: 28 May 2013 - 01:22 PM
Ah Roxie the nest is exactly what Laura and I do.

We each have a side of the sofa and everything we need is there ~ paper plates, cups, a big trash bag (which does get filled and removed every couple of days), Kleenex, dry foods like cereal, bread, etc. The sofa is piled with blankets and the cats and dogs share space with us.

Really it's so convenient I sometimes wonder why would I even want to change things? It's a place for relaxation (not general living) and it's a pain to get up and go in the kitchen every time we need something. So that is pure laziness on our parts for sure.

That area and my bed, which also has all I need in arms' reach ~ books, water, crackers, cat toys for playtime ~ are my comfort places. As I stress thru the more important cleaning I know I can go back to those areas and distress.

Eventually those will get cleared and I will need to enjoy other ways of distressing, feeling safe, enjoying.
Posted: 28 May 2013 - 11:48 AM
I am counting on these boards every day, I find, so please, all, keep posting. It helps me.

Diane, are you struggling (as I do) with the concept that there actually is "a place where things are supposed to go?" I have tended in the past few years to keep things most used right around me, creating a sort of nest. Well, for me that's hoarding behavior. And I have to think my way into actually putting things away, like new groceries or tools I might use. Grrr.
Posted: 24 May 2013 - 08:46 PM
Thanks Anne for the nice comments. happy to see you are writing on message boards, it is such a help to hear how we all are doing
Posted: 23 May 2013 - 09:17 PM
HI, Diane -- I just posted a reply to your post under "What I'm doing today." LoL - I'm still learning my way around.

Bottom Line: I'm really impressed with the way you chose to stick with moving through things, in spite of the tough parts of today!

Keep in mind that even when you feel like you're going really slowly with things -- Slow is still a "Go!" (and that means forward movement:).

Don't give up on yourself -- your postings are helping others(like me:) and -- You Are Making Progress! Great Job!
Posted: 23 May 2013 - 08:03 PM
You are welcome Anne. Sounds like you are staying positive and making progress today, good to hear what your plans are.
Today I thought I would finish bathroom, which was possible but i was very slow, then found all kinds of stuff behind the door I had to deal with, after several hours, I just couldn't do it anymore. very difficult to complete tasks, the last things to be done are the most difficult for me. Did throw out more and put stuff back in cabinet. Will leave stuff off counter so can clean it easily in the future.
Posted: 23 May 2013 - 05:02 PM
Diane & Tillie ~
Thank you so much for your welcoming & encouraging replies! You both give me inspiration & hope to keep going:)

This morning I managed to get up early enough to gather together a bagfull of paper/cardboard recycling for today's a.m. pick-up & do a quick dump of 2 grossly overdue-for-the-garbage food bowls & skillet with no longer identifiable "fuzzy" contents into my weekly garbage bin & to the curb. I scrubbed the skillet & bowls clean -- so that feels much better!-- but, I still have to finish cleaning dirty dishes in the last quarter of the kitchen sink & throwing out a fridge full of out-of-date items.
(I think I'll tackle the dishes this evening & go for clearing out one refrigerator shelf tomorrow a.m. We'll see how that goes;)

Here's to "Reclaiming" Space! baby step at a time ;)
Posted: 22 May 2013 - 09:02 PM
HI Anne :)

Fantastic that you have a year of not excessive acquiring!
WAY TO GO! and congratulations! :D
Posted: 22 May 2013 - 08:05 PM
Anne, so happy you are feeling positive about what you are doing, and knowing you are making progress, and that you will find the support you need to keep going from other hoarders, who totally get what you are going through. Keep up the good work and posts.
Posted: 22 May 2013 - 07:13 PM
Hello Wonderful Women (per recent postings here :) -- I wanted to thank you all for your posts, which "hit home" for me, & it makes me feel better knowing this kind of online tool/ vehicle/community is available! I only discovered the site 2wks ago, was away on travel, now back learning my way around the site.

I've been struggling with this for about 20 years. The good news is that I overcame my battle re: excessive accumulation about a year ago. (I still have to remain vigilant, but it's sooo much easier than ever before!) The rest of the news is that I'm now trying to get active with releasing all of my chaotic past clutter to reclaim my space while simultaneously trying to organize my current day-to-day life. I find it pretty tricky. I feel like I can do either/or, but switching gears between the two within the same day takes more skill (or perserverance-?-) than I seem capable of at this time.

I've got a loooong ways to go, but it feels a little less overwhelming to put up here. Thanks!
Lynn S
Posted: 20 May 2013 - 08:02 PM
Way to go Roxie!

Every little bit helps. If you haven't worn something in a year or two, then pitch it. More than likely you won't wear it again and it will do good for someone else. :)

Step by step it will all get done. No one is racing but bragging rights will all be earned to who did what and the feeling of satisfactory and victory and the joy of accomplishment will all be worth it.

You will see that less is really more in time.
Posted: 20 May 2013 - 07:49 AM
I found that I had quite a few "go to church" dresses here, and I don't go to church. So they are off to my friend whose church has a "closet" so their members can go there to get "new" things dirt cheap to wear (or free). At least someone can get some use out of them. I wear a dress maybe once every few years. And I don't even like "church dresses," preferring funky things.

When he was here, my hoarding cleanup guy made a stab at my purses. I took the purse from his hand and said "never get between a woman and her purses (or shoes)." LOL Anyway, I have maybe 6 (no I don't use but one) vintage designer purses like Coach and Kate Spade. I maybe now have 12 pair of shoes, some of which I'm going to donate yet because I don't wear them. I live in Crocs. I need a few for occasional use (travel, "dressing up").

I had a collection of colorful tin boxes, but I only kept the one from my childhood in which I kept my precious things. It has The Three Little Kittens on it. The rest are history. Oh, no, wait, I kept a large tin from Germany that is gorgeously printed. So that's two.

I had a collection of baskets, and am now down to a few that are in good condition and unusual enough to merit retention.

Keep chucking!
Posted: 19 May 2013 - 11:43 PM
Thanks for the note, nice to be understood. Smiled when i read about clothes and shoes.
Posted: 19 May 2013 - 11:27 AM
Diane, the thing with clothes is that they do go out of style, no matter how good or expensive they once were. Wouldn't it be nice if someone could truly use those clothes right now to improve their life? Job interviews, holding down a job, making themselves feel new (the clothes would be new to them), and for party dresses, actually having something to wear.

I've had sizes 6-14 here. Now I'm either donating or tossing anything not my current size (6). I can replace what I need, IF I NEED it. But mostly I wear jeans and shirts, so I don't need all that much. I do love shoes, but I can only wear one pair at a time, ya know? :)
Posted: 18 May 2013 - 08:28 PM
Happy that it is getting easier to let go of some clothes. :)
Yes, it is difficult to let go of nice & expensive stuff.
Consider the amount of space it is taking up in your home and never pays any rent.
Rent would be you getting some regular good use out of it. ;)

About your friend,
maybe eventually she will notice your easier & happier lifestyle and want some of that for herself then you will be a shining example for her. :)
Posted: 18 May 2013 - 06:04 PM
Hard stuff: listening to my hoarder friend when she has purchased more stuff and having trouble finding places to put them.
Hard to get rid of clothes. Reality check, I wear casual clothes most of the time, used to dress up for work, still having trouble letting go of expensive nice clothes. Thought if I wrote this, maybe it would be easier. I know it is getting easier to throw out clothes that have something wrong with them, where before they would go in a "repurpose" pile. Life is getting better
Lynn S
Posted: 08 May 2013 - 04:10 PM
Way to go Dianne! Letting someone in your house is a big victory!
Keep up the good work!
Posted: 08 May 2013 - 03:47 PM
OH! Diane!

You have done a FANTASTIC job! REALLY!!!

Please don't avoid this message board, ever.
Up or down, decluttering or not I need to hear from you. :D

Posted: 08 May 2013 - 03:42 PM
Way to go, Dianne!

Getting the washer fixed is huge. Just letting someone in your house is a victory.

Three bags of trash is also doing great! Feelings might slow you down a little but are not the final determining factor in what you choose to do.

It's human to feel disgusted but when you are finished experiencing that, you can start feeling more positive about the courage you are showing in tackling such a difficult and complicated problem.

You can do it!
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