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Posted: 13 January 2012 - 04:46 PM
If your mother's friend resists any suggestions for help, there is not much anyone can do.

Whoever has her trust might try nudging her . . . gently asking what she thinks might have if EMTs needed to come for whoever is using oxygen (I wasn't clear whether it was the friend or her mother), or if someone else needed to come in the house . . . and wouldn't she prefer cleaning out on her own time rather than having a clean-up forced on her.

I'm not stating it so gently, but hopefully you get the idea . . . bring up the possible consequences, nicely . . . offering help along the way.

Good luck!
Posted: 11 January 2012 - 07:14 AM
My mom has a friend that is a hoarder. Not only is her car over full but her house is full in every room from floor to ceiling with only a path through it. Her friends mom needs oxygen now since the hoarding has gone on like forever. I don't know if anyone can helop her since she will not let anyone in or near her house. I really would like to help her but don't know what to do. Oh yeah, she also has many cats (I think about 10 now) that she has taken care of and fixed and feeds some where within the house, that come and go. And I am sure that the cats go where ever they want as well. Yuck, although she says she does have kitty litter boxes. Any suggestions????
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