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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : how do i escape from the hoarders prison
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how do i escape from the hoarders prison

Posted: 12 November 2018 - 06:43 AM
Hi Grace.

Dehoarding takes money and time - more of one, less of the other.

Possible resources - church groups or friends who can be bribed with food, charities that pick up for items that are still usable, 1800got junk...

How bad is the situation and what is the nature of your trash service?

I'd say focus first on the area where you sleep, because you can't overvalue being well rested. Then kitchen - food, and bathroom.

In some ways you gave a big advantage being the hoardee. You have no attachment to the stuff and no trouble deciding what to get rid of. And once it's gone, it's gone.
Posted: 11 November 2018 - 06:57 PM

Can you afford to get a dumpster?
Filling up a big dumpster would make the work go faster.

I live with a man who hoards, really, really hoards.
If he dies before I do my plan is to get a dumpster, fill it, have the company empty it and then I would fill it again and again until I'm done.
Posted: 11 November 2018 - 01:50 PM
I was married when I was 18 years old. I never knew anything about hoarding.. the ironic thing is.. my parent threw EVERYTHING away.. . I didnt know at first that he was a hoarder, but then I found out big time.. If I touched anything he became Irate. Then , five years ago , he just walked out and left it all. Now I am still imprisoned in it.. What do I do to get it all out.. Ive tried to do a little at a time but it doesn't seem to go down. Then I just get discouraged and cry. I cannot find a physical support group to attend or any one to talk to. I tried google but it is just help for the hoarder, not the victim of one.. Any ideas ???
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : how do i escape from the hoarders prison

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