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Posted: 20 January 2014 - 11:46 AM
chat was great last night, hope more will join , it helps to join in when it starts and learn what is going on with others, not just join in at the end to take your turn, unless you really can't join in earlier. We are a selfish lot, so, it is good to try to help others, not just talk about ourselves. Also helps to use your time on chat to talk about your decluttering goals for week, not just use chat to talk I think the 15 minute time limit, makes us focus on what we are working on, and stay focused on, just like working for 15 minutes at a time, on one area, keeps us focused. Never related the two before, but makes sense. When we had unlimited time to ramble on, that is what happened. When I had unlimited time, I jumped from room to room, never finished anything. Having company recently, made me really focus on completing living area. I see the benefit of staying focused, just not easy for me. I have started making lists of "to do" daily, helps me do what is best to complete. I have never liked lists, since I rarely completed them, so felt disappointed, now do it to help me, not punish myself. I would not be sitting in a clean living room this morning without chat, and message boards, and tillie. So grateful we finally have the help we need, if willing to get off our , and off computer, and turn tv off!!
Posted: 20 January 2014 - 10:25 AM
Thanks, Dave! That works. Looking forward to the next chat.
Posted: 20 January 2014 - 09:25 AM
Hi Barb,
I think that's a test of some kind. I had a lot of trouble with that one too.
Lower left corner of the screen, rightmost icon, an almost complete circle with a vertical line in it, try that and see if that gets you out.
(And GLAD you can get into chat now.)
Posted: 20 January 2014 - 08:47 AM
Help. I logged on to the chat room this morning as a test. I have previously been unable to join because my Mac wouldn't connect. Now I can log on---Hooray! but can't figure out how to log back out. What am I doing wrong?
Posted: 20 January 2014 - 01:14 AM
Cory, when we use the chat room, each of our messages has a silhouette at the left edge (perhaps because we're signing on as "guest" users). Is there an option to upload an image that will appear there?
Also -- I don't know if this is within your power to fix, but we've had occasions where two people have signed on using the same name, and the system accepts both. There's no way to tell which of the two is speaking. Maybe the system should reject the second signon, with a message saying that someone else is already using that name.
Posted: 25 November 2013 - 09:43 PM
Thanks so much Cory, you are helping us so much. Hope you have a wonderful week with your family.
Posted: 25 November 2013 - 08:44 PM
Thank you Cory :) I went and tested the chatroom and the white works so much better. Have a wonderful day with your family. :D
Cory Chalmers
Posted: 25 November 2013 - 05:38 PM
Hi Diane, Thanks for the reminder. I changed that text field back to white, well grey like the rest of the chat room. Let me know if there are any other issues or concerns. The good thing about this new chat program is I can control all the settings where the old one I could not. Hope it continues to be beneficial for everyone.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!!!!!!!!!
Cory Chalmers
Posted: 24 November 2013 - 11:41 PM
Thanks Cory, new chat room is great. The box we write in is still blue and we would like it white. Most of us can not read what we are typing until it is posted in white area. just us oldsters need need it white----
Cory Chalmers
Posted: 14 November 2013 - 12:27 PM
Hi All, I just wanted to let you know that I just tested the new chat room (Support Group) on my iPhone and it works! Apparently, this new platform works with tablets as well. If you own an Android or non Apple product, will you try it and see if it works for you as well? You will have to press the little green icon to install the mobile version, but then it should pull up the chat room in a separate page. We can chat on the go now :)
Have a terrific day!!!
Posted: 12 November 2013 - 09:46 AM
Wow, yeah, when I saw $3,000,000 I was guilted a bit into using it!
Then I thought, gosh if Cory wants to spend that much maybe he could spread the cash around. Even though I don't chat I'd be there with my hand out. :)
It sounds cool though so I'll stop in one evening and see if my low tech self can play with it.
Posted: 12 November 2013 - 08:25 AM
OK, I lied a little about the price, but it was for a good cause. ;) Just trying to lure all the people back into chat. The new chatroom works GREAT and we have been getting a lot of use out of it. Thank you Cory for giving it to us. :D
Cory Chalmers
Posted: 11 November 2013 - 03:21 PM
I love you all, but would not be able to spend 3 million on a chat room! I would maybe spend it on a house in Tahiti perhaps???
Glad the room is fixed and able to be enjoyed again by many. It was great chatting with you all last night too. See you again soon!
Posted: 11 November 2013 - 05:15 AM
$3 million? He said $300, in the message at the bottom of the page (probably on the next page after I submit this message).
But that's fine; what's four orders of magnitude between friends?
Posted: 11 November 2013 - 01:11 AM
HOLY CRAP!!!!! WOW!!!!! That's a LOT of money!
LOL Ali. :)
Posted: 10 November 2013 - 09:44 PM
Cory, I like the new chat room & it was nice to meet you tonight. Now will you please work on getting the ObamaCare, HealthCare.gov Marketplace website fixed. Pretty, pretty please.
Posted: 10 November 2013 - 06:29 PM
Cory paid 3 million dollars to buy us this whole new chatroom. Looks like it is working fine. Hope to see everybody in there tonight! :D
So, chat was "fixed":)
Posted: 10 November 2013 - 05:06 PM
Tillie... I did not see anything like that. I logged in to test Java and that was thankfully gone; however, I found myself logged into a voice chat room & thought I'd ask "what happened" to chat:-)
If I'm awake I'll be there.
Posted: 10 November 2013 - 08:38 AM
Hi Sheryl :)
It is typed chat. After signing on, see that blue bar down at the bottom of the page? That is where you type in your message, then hit "enter" and it will show up on the screen.
Hope to see you and everybody else tonight in the new chatroom! :D
Posted: 09 November 2013 - 08:19 PM
Submitted to soon... sorry.
I was checking to see if the java issues were fixed, so is it voice-chat during the week and typing on Sunday? Or??
Posted: 09 November 2013 - 08:17 PM
What happened to chat? I logged in and no one is there and it's voice, not typing?
Posted: 06 November 2013 - 08:21 PM
Thank you Cory :D Seems like a great new chatroom.
Cory Chalmers
Posted: 06 November 2013 - 05:32 PM
Ok, the webhosting company and I have worked out the small issues and I think the new chat room is up and running. Please check it out and let me know if you see anything that doesn't work correctly. I will again try to stay logged in for about the next 90 minutes until I leave the office at 5:00pm (California time). The support group can be found by clicking the red box to the right that says Online Support Group or by clicking here... Chat Room Click Here
Cory Chalmers
Posted: 06 November 2013 - 02:30 PM
Can you guys please help me test the new chat room? I just purchased it for $300 so I am hoping it works. I will try to stay in the chat room for a little while, it is 12:30 PST now. Here is the link.... Chat Roomhttp://hoardingcleanup.com/testIf it works, I will move it over to the actual support group chat room. Thank you! Cory Chalmers 1-800-462-7337 ext. 111
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