thanks for your encouragement. It means a lot to me to know I am 'virtually" responsible to you and the Sunday group.
trying to give your business a boost with a funny typo. Guess I go to the stronger lenses on these no-line trifocals.
there is no food in the refrigerator left that is expired. I have not washed it out, it will need some attention. I need to wash the dishes (and PUT THEM AWAY) before I have room to actually wash out the fridge. Have a clean washrag, now have the dish soap and plans for the two to tackle the dirty dishes tomorrow.
I have over 12 cans of unmarked food left from the food pantry. I can't put more than six into my kitchen waste bags and expect the bag to remain whole to the end of the driveway on trash day. I'm not sure which would be worse, having six 1-800-got-junk trucks show up, or chasing these stupid cans down the driveway and into the street. OOOOHHH - I have a positive spin on it. Exercise. Exercise helps to diminish the symptoms of major depression. NOT the walk in the park I had hoped for, but I'll take it. Not sure I'll have the fridge done by tomorrow's meeting, but the dishes will be done. Goal Set. Sara, hope you are listening .... I'm gonna do this!
gratefully yours, Catherine