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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Hoarding Safety : Anyone know specifics on a foreclosed home auctioned off?
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Anyone know specifics on a foreclosed home auctioned off?

Posted: 24 March 2013 - 01:45 PM
A lot depends on the state, county or city this is in because they all have different laws/rules about such things.

And then there are things to consider like contracts that may have been signed in the past.
Lease/rental contracts/terms for vacating or terminating the agreements are still in effect in certain areas.

Sorry about this problem.
Good luck and best wishes.
Posted: 24 March 2013 - 10:18 AM
Hi, does anyone know the specifics on time and laws for a person that has lost thier home to foreclosure and the home was bought in auction?
Our family member who is a hoarder was told he has until tomorrow to vacate the premises. After a week of trying to assist him in packing and moving goods into storage, we have not accomplished anything, period!
We do not know what the laws are, if he has any rights, etc. The new owner orig. offered him a $1000.00 move out payment to be vacated within 1 week. Because that is not humanly possible, he has tried to contact the new owner everyday this week, getting no replies via telephone nor email.
Any info is greatly appreciated, I think we are out of time as of tomorrow, March 25th! Thanks
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Hoarding Safety : Anyone know specifics on a foreclosed home auctioned off?

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