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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Television Shows Looking for Hoarders : Multimedia Piece
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Amy McDonald
Posted: 27 March 2012 - 09:41 PM
Read the article online tomorrow or Thursday He doesn't live in Michigan but he has an awesome story. Thanks
Kirsten Kearse
Posted: 22 February 2012 - 12:37 PM
Hello, my name is Kirsten Kearse and I am a photojournalism student at Central Michigan University. I am in an online visual journalism class and I was extremely interested in telling the story of the life of a hoarder. If anyone in Michigan is interested in me telling your story, please feel free to email me at I feel this can be a really great story. Thank you so much.

~Kirsten Kearse
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Television Shows Looking for Hoarders : Multimedia Piece

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