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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Television Shows Looking for Hoarders : Casting Opportunity
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Casting Opportunity

Casting Director
Posted: 19 August 2011 - 03:34 PM

The Style Network's HIT SHOW ?Clean House' is NOW CASTING IN THE NY TRI-STATE AREA families with CLUTTER that NEEDS TO GO!!

Do you need help ridding your home of clutter? Are you having a hard time letting go of stuff you don't need? Do you love collecting things? Is your house in dire need of a makeover? If AT LEAST 3 ROOMS IN YOUR HOUSE ARE MESSY, then you need CLEAN HOUSE!!

If you OWN or RENT an APARTMENT or HOME with at least 2 adults that live in your home, then please e-mail the following information to us!

1. Names & relationships of EVERYONE living in the house.

2. Address, phone number(s), e-mail

3. Photos or video of all your cluttered rooms.

4. Tell us about yourself and why you and your family need CLEAN HOUSE!!!

5. Do you own or rent your house?

For prompt attention, please answer ALL of the above questions!!

Email us at:
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Television Shows Looking for Hoarders : Casting Opportunity

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