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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : Shed in Back Yard
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Shed in Back Yard

Posted: 15 June 2014 - 07:55 PM
I was just trying to say that I didn't think you needed to hunt for a company that specialized in hoarding cleanup to address the issue for you.

I am glad you got it taken care of.

Now that you have it cleaned up and open, an exterminator might be able to help you with the rats.
Posted: 14 June 2014 - 04:59 PM
Actually I just finally got this dealt with today. I found a handyman who could cut the brush around the shed, repair the rotten shelves, move stuff out and repair a few places, and powerwash the outside. he said since the shed was in basically good condition he didn't think it needed to be's metal and 13 by 13 ft.There are still a number of containers of way outdated gasoline in there--proper plastic gas containers but what in the world do I do with that? Probably 9 years old. Household hazardous waste at the dump I guess. I hoarded the gas when prices were going up rapidly a few years ago. I hope it isn't dangerous. I suspect it would kill any chain saw or generator that you put it in. Maybe it's not hoarding cleanup, Dave, but I had a lot of rats breeding under the shed and in the brush pile next to it last year...
Posted: 27 May 2014 - 09:11 PM
In my area I have seen trucks with sign on the side indicating they haul off trash. This is not hoarding cleanup, just hauling stuff that needs hauled. If you are able to pay someone to help you, you could hire someone like that to put your shutters in the garage and tear the shed down and haul it to the dump. I am not sure how to advise finding someone reputable and evaluating the charge.
Posted: 24 May 2014 - 12:36 PM
When I moved into this house in 2001, a riding mower tractor was in this shed, plus some wooden shelves. Over the years I have kept things in it like gas for lawn mowers, baby equipment for visiting grandchildren, etc. The wooden shelves are rotten, causing me to fall a couple of times when I have gone in there. I know there are spiders, including black widows there, and roof rats are underneath. I'm a 69 year old widow, and my health is not that great. The only thing that is in there now that is any good (if it still is) are some pieces of plywood my son cut to fit the house windows in case of a hurricane (this is FL). It's an eyesore, needs to be pressure washed on the outside...I have no idea what to do with it.
There would probably be space for the plywood window shutters in the garage if necessary.
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