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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : Family Tradition
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Family Tradition

Posted: 26 May 2014 - 05:19 AM
If you are free to do so, please join us Sunday nights and Tuesday nights in the online support group. (See button at the right.) The scheduled times are listed when you click on that button. A lot of people can give you helpful hints on how to make progress with your situation.
Posted: 24 May 2014 - 12:43 PM
Your post caught my eye because that's what my father called me when I was a child, 'Helpless Hannah." Needless to say, it did not have a positive effect.

About the farm--call a good realtor for suggestions how to get it ready for sale.

About the stuff you "inherited," I'm not expert on that but I understand your sense of overwhelm. I recently had a healing of an experience when I was a toddler and broke my mother's pearl necklace and that's where the intense sense of helplessness first came 11 months old. You need support, there is no way you can do this alone. You are not helpless or you could not have helped all those others clean up their places. It sounds like you might be grieving too. Coming here is a good start; you can only act one day at a time.
Helpless Hannah
Posted: 23 May 2014 - 08:47 PM
Forgot to add This is in Bellingham WA
Helpless Hannah
Posted: 23 May 2014 - 08:44 PM
For Decades I have helped others out of their messes and obsessions of too much stuff. The most recent was a sister who is mentally ill. I cleaned out her condo of Decades of Clutter moved hither and yon only to be lost in her last move.

Now I find that almost like a Virus I am the one who has CAUGHT This tragic Condition. Facing a job loss I look around my own place and find myself face to face with PILES of things I had always intended to pass to someone, but no one to pass them onto. To make things worse, I am facing needing to sell my farm but have so much to get rid of it is overwhelming and am paralyzed by what and how to get rid of it. I can't figure out what has value and what is just junk. It is Physically making me ill as I have no money to pay anyone, but would gladly let them have a percentage of what they sell things for just to have it go away.

My family is of no help.

Any suggestions anyone? This is my FIRST Time on this board
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : Family Tradition

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