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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : Want to start but so overwhelmed....
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Want to start but so overwhelmed....

Posted: 12 May 2014 - 06:36 PM
Pink was so great getting to know you last night, hope you can join us regularly. How did laundry turn out? Was fun doing laundry with you, those darn messy cats!!
Barb- great insightful response, thanks.
Posted: 08 May 2014 - 07:10 PM
Thank you Barb. I am going to try to grocery bag a day tactic. I didnt think about that. Also, doing that may help get plenty out without showing off to the neighbors. I appreciate your response and suggestions. :)
Posted: 07 May 2014 - 09:21 AM
Hi Pink,
It's so good to hear from you. Many of us have been where you are: wanting to start but overwhelmed.
I'm glad you are going to counseling. A good counselor can help you stay on a positive course and learn new strategies for dealing with emotions and behaviors that stand in our way.
Come on over to the Daily Chat, What are you doing today Message Board. This is where we post our goals for today and where we give and receive encouragement to keep going.

Here are my suggestions for you:
1. Start small. Set a timer for 10 minutes. Get a trash bag and fill it with the garbage you see. At the end of the 10 minutes, reward yourself for a job well done. Evaluate whether you want to do another 10 minutes or remove that bag from the house.
2. Remove garbage first that is most likely to attract bugs or other pests. Get in the habit of removing one grocery sized plastic bag a day into your apartment bin.
3. Check out the book "Buried in Treasures" by Tolin, Frost and Steketee. It will help you understand hoarding and where you are in the process.
The important thing to do is begin somewhere. Set the timer and start. Then check back in and let us know how you did.
Posted: 06 May 2014 - 08:31 PM

Up until a few months ago, I did not allow myself to realize the extent of my hoarding problem. I had went years with a messy room as a kid, holding on to useless papers and broken toys. This has now progressed to a much deeper issue as an adult. I sat up in bed one day and looked at my surroundings. My house is in complete disarray and I thought how am I living in such a disgusting pit? I have had people offer to help me, but like most hoarders, I am ashamed to let them in and I am determined to do this on my own. Unfortunatly, this is taking longer for me to do even with going to counseling (something I am proud I am doing because I took my own initiative to start!) The biggest two road blocks I am getting myself with are 1. I know under all this garbage and junk, I NEED to deep clean the carpets. This is worse because I rent and I am scared to be evicted as I can't afford to move. and 2. I know I have WAY more garbage in my house than what I can fit into a garbage can. That being said nothing is really going out yet because I don't want my neighbors to see and I am not sure how to get everything out or at least one room at a time out. Now, I dont have garbage up to the ceiling or even half way up, but it is going to get there if I can't get this figured out.

If anyone has any advice on how to get started on cleaning this out I know I will never be able to do this all in one sweep whether I would like to or not (trying to be realistic...) how does one with little money to spare, get all garbage out without tipping off neighbors and getting my carpets deep cleaned?

Thank you for any responses.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : Want to start but so overwhelmed....

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