Hi Natasha,
Your post actually identified 3 different issues that you are attempting to deal with.
Understanding why people engage in hoarding behaviors.
a project for a class.
Dealing with your own clutter and hoarding behaviors.
I can't give you response for the first two, but I can tell you that study, understanding and empathy alone are not going to fix your own problem. It will be necessary for you to act upon it, regardless of how you feel or what you know or don't know.
One hoarding behavior or clutter creating behavior is actually to save assorted objects such as plastic razor blade covers, styrofoam meat trays, tin cans or plastic bottle caps (or plastic components from old disassembled printer ribbon cartridges) with the idea that someday they will be useful in an art or creative project. Unfortunatly, for most people engaging in those behaviors, "someday" never comes.
You can find a gentle presentation of the action point if you search out a blog called "Clutter Busting with Brooks Palmer"; and look for the March 13, 2014 post called "The Working Mind".
Brooks also suggests that saving old items because of their emotional attachments is a form of living in the past, stemming from confusing feelings about a past event with the event itself; and that these kind of attitudes prevent us from fully living in and enjoying the present. I don't have notes about some specific blog entries for that, so I can't point you to them.