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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : I'm in a bind
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I'm in a bind

Posted: 01 March 2014 - 02:54 PM

You have a very challenging and difficult situation. You may not be able to create much change, short of some type of legal intervention if you and your family believe that is called for.

While you are waiting for some other responses, you can look at this thread.

How to help a horder
Took her in and now its here.

It is a slightly different situation-re who the homeowner is, but based on other things I've read on the site, I think it presents a realistic description of what you are in for when and if you move in.
Posted: 01 March 2014 - 02:39 PM
I've tried to help her multiple times. Sometimes my family would try too but she would react badly if she was pushed a little too far. My family thinks I am the only one close enough to the problem to help, and I will be moving back into her house in two months (really small time frame.) I'm lost as to what steps I should take first to resolve the's been a back and forth process in the past. Progress and regress, she also avoids certain areas and I probe multiple times but I can't figure out why. I am feeling overwhelmed because it has spread to every part of the house.

Willing to learn,

Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : I'm in a bind

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