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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : What to do with a room full of craft supplies?
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What to do with a room full of craft supplies?

To Lori from Sarah
Posted: 04 June 2014 - 10:58 AM
donate your supplies to the local high school art department. If they will not then donate to the local charities from women's shelters to ARC. If all else fails, tie all in a clear large zip lock or oraganizing storage bag and sell to highest bidder at a yard sale. Put a sign up advertising that a big bag of art supplies are there. Any serious or beginning art person will notice. Good luck.
Posted: 28 March 2014 - 04:38 PM
I would absolutely LOVE to have them. I am moving from trying to sell things I pick up like furniture items and am moving to smaller things like crafting.

I sold stuff on ebay for a couple years ago to help raise two children and now, I'm move these bigger items and misc stuff out to one final yard sale, and want to stick to one smaller item to have as a hobby.

I would donate ANY of it I could not use and would be blessed to receive it as I'm on unemployment and no, I'm not keeping stuff I could use in a year but things I expect to use within 2-4 months. Whatever I donate, I could give you the tax slip so you could write it off on your taxes.

And I forgot to check out old this posting was, so just ignore if 2 years ago.
Posted: 27 January 2014 - 01:33 PM
Well, ya'll can guess my answer. Donate them to a church or temple that has Vacation Bible School (or Vacation Torah (sp??) school). Consult with your own tax professional, but you may have some tax benefits by donating them. As far as selling craft supplies, the best you can hope for is $.10 to the dollar paid... probably less. You could advertise the whole lot on Craigslist for about $300 FIRM... no piecing out, no negotiations. But make sure you have others with you when showing. Personally, I think that selling on CL is too risky, online auctions take too long and have too many fees. From experience, even without seeing what she has, you can only hope for about $300.
Posted: 26 January 2014 - 06:12 PM
You have to ask yourself if you have the time to sit all day in a consignment booth, for which you will have to pay a fee up front, to sell these items. Or if you believe, as I do, that if you are able to share these things freely with those who will cherish and use them as they were meant to be used, you will be blessed in some way. What goes around will come around. If you find it in your heart to bless others, you will be blessed. I have lived this way all my life and found it to be absolutely true.
Posted: 26 January 2014 - 06:05 PM
Hi Robin,
I volunteer twice a week with two organizations that would love to get craft supplies.
One is The Salvation Army after school program. We do a Bible study, light supper, and an activity. The kids love to do crafts, i have been buying supplies out of my own pocket. We serve about 30 kids and that gets expensive.
The other organization is the United Way run day care program for kids whose parents are going back to school for their high school equivalency or job training education. They love to do crafts, too.
Please do not send me your stuff.
Contact your local Salvation Army--they should have a website and your local United Way or Head Start agency to find out where to drop off your craft supplies. If the Salvation Army has a truck, they may come and pick it up at the house.
Posted: 25 January 2014 - 03:37 PM
Hi Robin,

My problem with things that I think are valuable is that I am unable to find others that share the same view. That said,

The two things that come to mind quickly would be a school teacher or an old folks home. I would think an activities director for an old folks home might like the kinds of things you are talking about.

Or if there is a seniors newspaper or magazine for your area that would list some craft clubs of some kind, you might be able to talk to a member of one of those clubs and get the supplies to people that would use them.
Posted: 25 January 2014 - 12:29 PM
My elderly, hoarding mother is faced wtih cleaning out her home so that she can move into a senior apartment. She has an entire room and walking closet full of craft supplies - fabrics, yarn, random stuff. It's too valuable to give away. Does anyone know of any places that would buy such things?

Basically, my issue is that mom didn't hoard newspapers and things that could be tossed in a dumpster. Noooo, she hoarded stuff that's worth something - although not nearly what she paid for it! What does one do in that situation?
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : What to do with a room full of craft supplies?

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