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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : How do I clean trampled on clothes?
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How do I clean trampled on clothes?

Valerie H
Posted: 27 July 2014 - 08:17 AM
Long Metal Tongs!

The best tool for filthy clothes on the floor is those cheap metal tongs sold for cooking or grilling. I can sit and use the tongs to pick up clothes, shake off loose dirt, and stick it in a laundry bag.

This lets crumbs or coins fall off. It helps me because I don't like to touch the clothes and I don't like to bend over for long. Otherwise, if i just pick up with my hands, i quit right away and want to wash my hands. With tongs I can clear around my bed in one sitting and I'm talking about 6 loads of laundry just around my bed.

Try the tongs while sitting and watching tv. For me, this helps keep me on task longer. I tend to give up and get overwhelmed quickly.
Posted: 13 June 2014 - 05:40 PM
Hi Joan :)
Many laundromat/dry cleaners provide laundry service and usually charge by the pound.
Have you asked them how much it costs?
Another suggestion is to check work wanted ads and bullitin boards.
Possibly put up a notice that you are interested in hiring a laundress and then the two of you come to an agreement on the fees.
Call a maid service and ask them if they know of anybody who does laundry.
Good luck. :D
Joan McMorris
Posted: 13 June 2014 - 02:37 PM
My problem is I kept changing clothes sizes last few years( to bigger sizes) and thus I have loads of clothes that are on floor etc that I can't wear, yet I can't throw them away because I want to donate them, but not in a dirty condition. I haven't the time after work etc to do more than my usual day to day clothes laundry. I wish I could find someone to wash these clothes for me at a reasonable price. I can't hardly walk by my bed, in hallway to front bath or my bedroom bath because of the stacks of clothes. I am also bad about the seasonal change of clothes.It goes from hot to cold and visa/versa here in Louisiana so my winter clothes will be dirty and time to change to summer clothes so, the winter clothes just stay there...<<<sigh>>> I truly am handicapped and get little help, that is the main issue, I used to could keep up.
Posted: 19 January 2014 - 11:46 AM
Hi :D
Many people must be able to see their things at a glance, not shut in a drawer or behind a cupboard door.
Out of sight = out of mind.
So rather than the traditional methods of storage like dressers and chest of drawers they do much better with shelves or clear plastic bins.
The items are up off the floor and you can still see the things.

Any clothes that you do not regularly wear that are dirty can be thrown away. No need to have more than you use and no need to try to clean items you don't wear.
Posted: 19 January 2014 - 11:03 AM
Hi CC,

My clothes can also have a lot of dust, lint, cat hair, dog hair and my own long hair. What I do is just shake them out well (outside) and wash them. When drying check the lint filter several times if you can. It prevents overheating and gets out more fuzzies.

Of course once the clothes are cleaned you need to put them in a covered container, drawer or closet. Leaving them out gets them dirtier faster and then you have to spend more money and time cleaning again.

If you need to see things can you buy some clear plastic container drawers? The drawers are set in a tower like frame. Or put up hooks where you could drape your clothes to get them off the floor.

Posted: 18 January 2014 - 12:40 PM
I live my life visually and spatially instead of categorically so I have a hard time putting things away. When I clean and put things away I can't find them again. It has been this way for years. I have to clean every year spotlessly and then I can't find half my stuff. I need to be more organized but I really don't have a place "a home" for everything I own. I used to rent a house but then was forced to down size and currently live in a 1 bedroom apartment. Over the years I have gotten rid of a lot but it is that time of year again where I need to clean perfectly and put everything away.

Even though I have less stuff it seems I have become more of a slob. I have clothes all over the floor I walk on and they are so trampled on that they are not as easy to wash. Any advice on how to clean trampled on clothes without the crap (lint and cat hairs and my long hairs and dust) just getting left being still on the clothes in the wash? I do not have my own washing machine or dryer but pay to use the building's facilities.

Is it possible for the clothes to just need to be thrown out or can they still be cleaned? I have a lot of clothes so if I need to toss them out .. it is fine. But I am wondering if they can be salvaged as the ones I wear are the ones that don't get put away and are the ones that need to be cleaned.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : How do I clean trampled on clothes?

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