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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : Storage without climate control
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Storage without climate control

Posted: 09 August 2012 - 01:47 PM
In this whole sweep of cleaning, I have decided to move everything useful out of the sunroom. It is not insulated and has no heat vents. I would like to close this room off in winter and even during the summer to keep the rest of the house cooler. I would like to move the bulk of my storage/ less used items in there.

In the northern winter, it does get below freezing in there and in the summer (with all the east facing windows) it gets over 100 degrees easily.

Clothing should be ok (sweaters in the summer and shorts and sandals in the winter), but what about wood and paper items? I have a lot of craft paint and glue and clay.

Also, would it be ok to store the blender, iron, box fan, crockpot, electric skillet out there? We hardly use these items.

What do I have to worry about as seasons change and the temperature changes in that room? Condensation?

Any advice would be appreciated
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : Storage without climate control

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