Hi, Amanda. You are under a time crunch as well as dealing with a hoarder. I do understand your concern about enabling the hoarding. Is your dad also a hoarder or does he want to stop it?
You can all go quickly through the designated rooms with garbage bags and discard anything obviously trashed or trash.
Then make a second sweep with a box or a bag and group like items into the boxes or bags and mark them.
If there are any important (in your interpretation) items like paperwork, box them and put that box in another room, marked. That can be the first box to go through with her when able. Or if she is willing to let someone else do it.
If you have a room in your house that is clear enough to store all the bags and boxes, fine. Otherwise, due to the time constraint, you might have to do as suggested and rent a storage unit temporarily. But do so with a plan (with dates) on emptying it back out with her involved. Hopefully this way she won't freak totally out because you can tell her nothing is GONE, just stored for now.
Hope this helps.