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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : Does the hoarder have to agree to have the house cleaned
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Does the hoarder have to agree to have the house cleaned

Posted: 16 July 2013 - 05:34 PM
If you seek legal emancipation, find a guardian ad litem, an adult to speak on your behalf in court with you. Be sure to print out the pictures large enough to be seen well and give them to the judge at the hearing.
Posted: 16 July 2013 - 05:31 PM
You could alternatively explain to mom that you've had it. Go through the house taking lots of pictures. If you truly feel it's worth it, and you mean it, tell her unless a cleaning crew is brought in to restore a normal house you will be seeking alternative living arrangements. You have a right to live in a sanitary and orderly home.
Posted: 16 July 2013 - 05:27 PM
The owner of the house calls the shots.

If you're old enough, seek legal emancipation from her and move into an apt with a friend or into the home of a kind relative.

If not old enough, you could go live with a relative. Seeing the mess of your original dwelling, many officers would not force you to go back there and live.

You could also report the problem as a health and safety hazard. That would bring the law down on her and things would get very pressured. She wouldn't be a happy camper, and other family members might be upset too.
Posted: 18 June 2012 - 10:21 AM
My mom always fussed at me that I didn't clean her hoard(yeahthe hoarder )but it's outrageos and impossible there's no normal way to clean this house

Can this service help me clean parts of the house?? So I can keep from offing myself? If the upstairs were clean I think I could cope....? I'm basically A germophobe afraid of flesh eating diseases and things like that. I've lived in my room all my life. my fears growing with time. I can't get out because I have a job that pays little and no car. I could have so much going for me if I could get out of this dump..until them...... I don't know why I have so much shAme I'm a nice girl have a lot to be grateful for. I just Can't ive like this.. Fortunately I have funding .... Please someone help. She won't get a shrink for herself but I have oneD:<. Thanks in advance
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : Does the hoarder have to agree to have the house cleaned

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