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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : No help in Buffalo NY
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No help in Buffalo NY
Posted: 16 September 2013 - 07:17 AM
A new support group was started Aug 6 at Mental Health Association and is on 1st Tues of month thereafter between 1-3 pm.

Strict Confidentiality. Book used is called Buried in Treasures and can be purchased at Barnes and Noble, library has it, and also Amazon on computer has it.

Encourage people who has a problem to join this group.

Mental Health Association is located at 999 Delaware Rd and Utica St. Buffalo NY.

Many people are hoarders and is usually caused from Trauma. This book is a very practical book from all that is out there. This is a structured group and there will be homework of working on home and verbal reports given. Please bring notebook to journal in group and at home of progress. Call 716-602-5795 for more information.
Hoarders Support Group in Buffalo starting June 17, 2013 at Denny's Restaurant at 2 pm private room
Posted: 29 May 2013 - 05:56 PM
I will be starting a support group for Hoarders/Clutterer's at DENNY's Restaurant on Genesee near Buffalo Airport.

We will use private room on June 17, 2013 at 2 pm to begin. We will discuss issues of hoarding and what hoarding is, what to do about it, and what steps to take.

Scheduling cleanup, accountability partners, stop acquiring, getting rid of things, etc.

We are here to help each other and find solutions. CONFIDENTIALITY ENFORCED. We are not here to Judge one another.

write to for more information.
Cory Chalmers
Posted: 01 June 2012 - 02:03 AM
There is a company in or near Buffalo called Kleen Scene. They are a for profit company but if you need help, look them up and give them a call. The owners name is Matt Ferro. Here is a link to their hoarding information. Hope this helps!
Posted: 29 May 2012 - 05:42 AM
I was recently evicted when a landlord had to come into my apartment to fix a leak and he stated I had 30 days to move. If I left anything there, they stated I would be charged a full months rent each month till removed. I was homeless for 3 months while my stuff was in storage. I lost my security even though there was no damage. The homeless shelters would not let me stay after 2 weeks because I had a car. We had to scrub walls there and do chores and random mandatory drug tests while they watched. It was horrific! This happened during the holidays so landlords were not calling back and other apartments had a waiting list to get in. I took the only apartment I could get in.

This new apartment is much smaller. I am sorting through my things and giving most away to thrift stores. Most of my things are all usefull. The things I want to keep, I have no where to put. My new apartment is now cluttered and is smaller than the last one. I do not know what to do with the things I am keeping. I already gave alot away. I am having a difficult time sleeping at night and fear another eviction if new landlord enters my apartment.

I have sought counseling, sought hoarders support groups, sought help from anyone. I am on social security so cannot hire professional organizers. I am going to counseling but it is not for hoarders. I need and want help but do not know where to get it.

When I went into Hoarding Help Resources, there is no one in or around Buffalo NY. There is also no support groups for hoarders in our area. When I went into the Online Support Group, I was not able to download Java or get the plug in to enter the support group on line. Please Help to know where there was a support group in Buffalo and a professional in Buffalo.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : No help in Buffalo NY

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