Sherri, bless your kind heart. That is a tough situation. It does seem you have established some rapport with your tenant, which is essential. Continue to work on establishing trust by visiting. Talk to her about what she likes to do, what she used to like to do before that she cannot do now due to the state of her place. See if you can figure out what might motivate change in her so you could convince her to get help to declutter and clean.
As a landlord, you have the right to establish boundaries and requirements and to protect your property. Talk to her gently about what you need to do as landlord (debugging, for instance) and what that requires from her. Ask her if she wouldn't like a cleaner, neater, less cluttered home. Ask her what help she will accept to accomplish enough cleanout so you can care for the apartment. Be firm but nonjudgmental, be caring and kind. Once you get that far, you can set deadlines.
If necessary, and if you are willing to be patient enough, you can set deadlines for smaller tasks that she may be able to accomplish or might accomplish with physical help. Examples might be:
Completely clean the stove top and inside.
Get all food related garbage out of the entire place.
Empty out the refrigerator of any out of date items then clean the refrigerator.
Let us know if we can give you encouragement or further info or contacts.