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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : Need Help In MS
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Need Help In MS

Posted: 11 January 2012 - 03:28 AM
Living like this is making my Mom and I literally want to die. We were survivors of Katrina and our home that's paid for has been sitting finished for over a year and a half because we can't escape all of this stuff. All we have wanted is to get back into our home but we don't know what to do anymore and nobody cares if we live or die. All our family is in heaven and we don't have any friends that actually live near us.

All the money we had at one time went to pay for our home and that is all we have pretty much and can't even live in it.

Please if anyone reading this can help I am begging and pleading. It is so bad here that we are basically stuck living in one room going from there to the bathroom and can't even cook in the kitchen.

We order pizza almost every other night with a side order of chicken fingers each and usually eat those with rice and soup we make in a hotpot. It's a miserable way to live and we just can't take it anymore.

I was stupid enough to think posting here may in some way get us help but instead I got informed that since we are poor it would be almost impossible for us to get help. Reading the testimonials on the right side that scroll made me so hopeful when I first posted.
Posted: 20 December 2011 - 11:17 PM
I'll try to call after the holidays. Since we're limited on funds it sounds like not much can be done. We don't want to live this way anymore. Do most hoarders have a lot of money?!?

Maybe we really are destined to live like this until we can't live anymore....
Cory Chalmers
Posted: 25 November 2011 - 02:13 AM
Hi Desperate,
I would be happy to help you, but I am in California. I do have resources on this page, but it sounds like you have limited funds which makes it almost impossible. It is very hard to answer all your questions and give guidance through typing but I would be happy to help you in any way possible. Call me at 1-800-HOARDERS ext. 111 if you ever want to talk further.
Posted: 09 November 2011 - 10:42 AM
My Mom and I live in South Mississippi and need help desperately. I don't even know who to try and contact to attempt to get things started around here.

We live in a mobile home area and both of us have had trouble getting the trash to the dumpster here and when we have it's usually been full. We both have health issues and the guy who ran the park used to have his kids pick up the trash we'd put outside by the steps because he knew we had trouble. Then we realized he was having his daughter pick up our trash too and we started to feel guilty, and then she started getting picky about when we could put it out, what times and etc. So that's how our hoarding situation started and it's gotten to the point where we can barely get around in here.

Late last year we had a kitchen fire that I almost killed myself staying in here to put out, at least I saved our home. We can't cook anymore because the fire started and was contained to the stove and the hood, but the stuff that was on top of the stove made things worse so the stove isn't usable now. Our kitchen/living area is filled with trash/crap as is most of this place. We order pizza every other day and order non perishable food online a couple times a month and live that way for the most part.

The fireman in charge with the team that got here after I put everything out just yelled at me about the trash as I cried and begged him for help and asked if he could refer us to anyone that could help. He just told me he could get a trash can and that I would need to get out and put it near some mailboxes across the street from where this mobile home park/area is each week. If I could do that I wouldn't be writing this here.

We have no friends or family here to help. We can get the trash in bags little by little for the most part but the trouble we have it getting them where they need to go. We have filled trash bags just about everywhere, of course they've been there so long they are starting to get holes in them.

If anyone can help or suggest who to contact for help we'd be eternally grateful. I was thinking of calling the United Way or Salvation Army but didn't think they'd help with this kind of stuff. I don't know if we could afford one of those companies and am not even sure if there are any here.


Desperate In MS
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