Most people who hoard have an attachment to the things they hoard, for me it's the complete opposite. I hoard baby clothes, accessories, nursery items, and toys. It all started when my son was a month old and I hit a yard sale with tons of baby clothes. I bought $25 worth, and later when I knew the sale was ending, went back to ask how much they wanted for all the clothes that didn't sell. They just gave them to me... For free! I received 3 50 gallon trashbags of baby clothes. He's 2 and every time I see something that says free baby clothes, I'm all on it. Well, last month, I did my first consignment sale. I was only able to list maybe 1% of the clothes I have. After the 3 day sale, I picked up my check for $75. That added fuel to the fire. Since then, I have hit freecycle, craigslist, yard sales, you name it. I have 2 rules though. I will not buy anything stained and I will not spend over $0.50 for regular brand baby clothes, or $1 for designer baby clothes. My problem is every room in my house is stacked with clothes! Please help!