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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : Need help in WV
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Need help in WV

Posted: 15 September 2011 - 04:51 AM
Boy, it is really hard to not scoop up items that are 1.00, .50 and even free when you see income potential in each item. But even FREE isn't free when you look at the real cost to your life. Pick a spot where the clothes will go and limit the amount you allow yourself to that spot. Go through the clothes you have (some stains may have re-appeared again....), wash the ones that will bring you a good price and donate the rest to a battered women's shelter (or day shelter). Sort by size and then pick two days a week that you will go to consignment to sell them. Don't permit yourself anything else if you don't go there those days. If you work, go on your lunch hour. No TV, no casual phone conversations, etc. If you cannot stick with that level of discipline, then you may have a serious hoarding disorder where the high of getting an item inexpensively that will bring you income becomes addictive... and the real income never comes... and you lose functionality of your house and time with your child/family in the meantime. Are you getting enough sleep? exercise? No? ... but you have time to acquire "cheap" items because you need the money they will bring you? Yes, the items may bring you money, but how much are you spending? If you are late on any of your other bills, you are spending too much? If you have ANY credit card balances, you are spending too much on these clothes. If you aren't selling them and spending $50.00 a month on credit card interest, then they are not bringing you income OR quality of life. Try to ask yourself why you need the high of the acquisition. As Cory Chalmers of Hoarders would say "Acquiring is always about replacing something..."
Posted: 13 August 2011 - 03:05 PM
Most people who hoard have an attachment to the things they hoard, for me it's the complete opposite. I hoard baby clothes, accessories, nursery items, and toys. It all started when my son was a month old and I hit a yard sale with tons of baby clothes. I bought $25 worth, and later when I knew the sale was ending, went back to ask how much they wanted for all the clothes that didn't sell. They just gave them to me... For free! I received 3 50 gallon trashbags of baby clothes. He's 2 and every time I see something that says free baby clothes, I'm all on it. Well, last month, I did my first consignment sale. I was only able to list maybe 1% of the clothes I have. After the 3 day sale, I picked up my check for $75. That added fuel to the fire. Since then, I have hit freecycle, craigslist, yard sales, you name it. I have 2 rules though. I will not buy anything stained and I will not spend over $0.50 for regular brand baby clothes, or $1 for designer baby clothes. My problem is every room in my house is stacked with clothes! Please help!
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : Need help in WV

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