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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : Tipping point
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Tipping point

Posted: 03 June 2019 - 04:01 PM
Also, a very good book to read is
"Buried In Treasures".
Posted: 03 June 2019 - 04:35 AM
Hi Ingrid!

I started making real progress when my youngest was your son's age.i had an accumulation of way more than three years that I had actually moved three times. You can do this.

Keep reminding yourself that your family is more important than stuff. Start by identifying the reasons you keep stuff (valuable, might be useful...) and finding the areas where the stuff comes in.

Usually stopping the stuff from coming in is easier than clearing stuff out, but it helps, so try not to bring anything home unless it's absolutely necessary. You may have to avoid places or activities in your life that you are used to.

If you are an alcoholic, you don't go to bars.

You may have to ask people not to give you stuff. I started by telling people "I really can't take anything new right now, i'm Trying really hard to clean out my house." (Which normal people think soundsperfectly normal btw.) and now, I actually tell people close to me that i'm A hoarder.

there is hope. My house has gotten so much better that people who didn't see it before will argue with me and tell me i'm Not a hoarder.

You can come join us in daily chat too.
Posted: 31 May 2019 - 02:43 PM
I live in Northern California. I have a wonderful partner and 13 year son. I have live at my current residence for a little more than three years. I vowed not to let my habit of accumulating things ruin my new residence but I took one thing in and it basically snowballed. Without getting too much into my reasons or the cause of my hoarding I will tell you that I guess it most certainly stems from childhood trauma. I'm not sure what if anything I am expecting to come from this post, I basically googled free hoarding clean-up and this site came up in the results. My partner has tried on numerous occasions to support me clearing and cleaning out but to little or no avail. I know I am imposing my crap on my family.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Cleanup Help : Tipping point

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